208 research outputs found

    La adhesión de las enfermeras al Método Canguro: subvención para la administración del cuidado de enfermería

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    ;;OBJETIVO:;; construir um modelo teórico explicativo acerca da adesão das enfermeiras ao Método Canguru na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal, a partir dos significados e interações para a gerência do cuidado.;;;;MÉTODO:;; pesquisa qualitativa, guiada pelo referencial da Grounded Theory. Foram entrevistadas oito enfermeiras de uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A análise comparativa dos dados percorreu as etapas de codificação aberta, axial e seletiva, sendo construído um modelo teórico do tipo condicional-causal.;;;;RESULTADOS:;; emergiram quatro categorias principais que compuseram o paradigma de análise: Vestindo a camisa do Método Canguru; Trabalhando com a complexidade do Método Canguru; Encontrando (des)motivação para aplicar o Método Canguru; e Deparando-se com os desafios para a adesão e aplicação do Método Canguru.;;;;CONCLUSÕES:;; o fenômeno central revelou que cada enfermeira e profissional da equipe possui um papel de multiplicador de valores e práticas que podem ou não ser construtivas, influenciando potencialmente na (des)continuidade do Método Canguru na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. Os achados podem ser utilizados para o delineamento de estratégias gerenciais que ultrapassem os cursos e treinamentos e garantam o fortalecimento do modelo assistencial.;;;;OBJECTIVE:;; construct an explanatory theoretical model about nurses' adherence to the Kangaroo Care Method at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, based on the meanings and interactions for care management.;;;;METHOD:;; qualitative research, based on the reference framework of the Grounded Theory. Eight nurses were interviewed at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The comparative analysis of the data comprised the phases of open, axial and selective coding. A theoretical conditional-causal model was constructed.;;;;RESULTS:;; four main categories emerged that composed the analytic paradigm: Giving one's best to the Kangaroo Method; Working with the complexity of the Kangaroo Method; Finding (de)motivation to apply the Kangaroo Method; and Facing the challenges for the adherence to and application of the Kangaroo Method.;;;;CONCLUSIONS:;; the central phenomenon revealed that each nurse and team professional has a role of multiplying values and practices that may or may not be constructive, potentially influencing the (dis)continuity of the Kangaroo Method at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The findings can be used to outline management strategies that go beyond the courses and training and guarantee the strengthening of the care model.;;;;OBJETIVO:;; construir un modelo teórico explicativo acerca de la adhesión de las enfermeras al Método Canguro en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal, a partir de los significados e interacciones para la administración del cuidado.;;;;MÉTODO:;; investigación cualitativa, guiada por el referencial de la Grounded Theory. Fueron entrevistadas ocho enfermeras de una Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal de la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro. El análisis comparativo de los datos recorrió las etapas de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva, siendo construido un modelo teórico del tipo condicional-causal.;;;;RESULTADOS:;; surgieron cuatro categorías principales que compusieron los paradigmas del análisis: Vistiendo la camisa del Método Canguro; Trabajando con la complejidad del Método Canguro; Encontrando (des)motivación para aplicar el Método Canguro; y Encontrando los desafíos para la adhesión y aplicación del Método Canguro.;;;;CONCLUSIONES:;; el fenómeno central reveló que cada enfermera y profesional del equipo posee un papel de multiplicador de valores y prácticas que pueden o no ser constructivas, influenciando potencialmente en la (des)continuidad del Método Canguro en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. Los hallazgos pueden ser utilizados para el delineamiento de estrategias de administración que sobrepasen los cursos y entrenamientos y garanticen el fortalecimiento del modelo asistencial.;

    Carbon emissions from oil palm induced forest and peatland conversion in sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The palm oil industry is one of the major producers of vegetable oil in the tropics. Palm oil is used extensively for the manufacture of a wide variety of products and its production is increasing by around 9% every year, prompted largely by the expanding biofuel markets. The rise in annual demand for biofuels and vegetable oil from importer countries has caused a dramatic increase in the conversion of forests and peatlands into oil palm plantations in Malaysia. This study assessed the area of forests and peatlands converted into oil palm plantations from 1990 to 2018 in the states of Sarawak and Sabah, Malaysia, and estimated the resulting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. To do so, we analyzed multitemporal 30-m resolution Landsat-5 and Landsat-8 images using a hybrid method that combined automatic image processing and manual analyses. We found that over the 28-year period, forest cover declined by 12.6% and 16.3%, and the peatland area declined by 20.5% and 19.1% in Sarawak and Sabah, respectively. In 2018, we found that these changes resulted in CO2 emissions of 0.01577 and 0.00086 Gt CO2-C yr−1, as compared to an annual forest CO2 uptake of 0.26464 and 0.15007 Gt CO2-C yr−1, in Sarawak and Sabah, respectively. Our assessment highlights that carbon impacts extend beyond lost standing stocks, and result in substantial direct emissions from the oil palm plantations themselves, with 2018 oil palm plantations in our study area emitting up to 4% of CO2 uptake by remaining forests. Limiting future climate change impacts requires enhanced economic incentives for land uses that neither convert standing forests nor result in substantial CO2 emissions

    The Influence of Sex and Fly Species on the Development of Trypanosomes in Tsetse Flies

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    Unlike other dipteran disease vectors, tsetse flies of both sexes feed on blood and transmit pathogenic African trypanosomes. During transmission, Trypanosoma brucei undergoes a complex cycle of proliferation and development inside the tsetse vector, culminating in production of infective forms in the saliva. The insect manifests robust immune defences throughout the alimentary tract, which eliminate many trypanosome infections. Previous work has shown that fly sex influences susceptibility to trypanosome infection as males show higher rates of salivary gland (SG) infection with T. brucei than females. To investigate sex-linked differences in the progression of infection, we compared midgut (MG), proventriculus, foregut and SG infections in male and female Glossina morsitans morsitans. Initially, infections developed in the same way in both sexes: no difference was observed in numbers of MG or proventriculus infections, or in the number and type of developmental forms produced. Female flies tended to produce foregut migratory forms later than males, but this had no detectable impact on the number of SG infections. The sex difference was not apparent until the final stage of SG invasion and colonisation, showing that the SG environment differs between male and female flies. Comparison of G. m. morsitans with G. pallidipes showed a similar, though less pronounced, sex difference in susceptibility, but additionally revealed very different levels of trypanosome resistance in the MG and SG. While G. pallidipes was more refractory to MG infection, a very high proportion of MG infections led to SG infection in both sexes. It appears that the two fly species use different strategies to block trypanosome infection: G. pallidipes heavily defends against initial establishment in the MG, while G. m. morsitans has additional measures to prevent trypanosomes colonising the SG, particularly in female flies. We conclude that the tsetse-trypanosome interface works differently in G. m. morsitans and G. pallidipes

    Edge-Related Loss of Tree Phylogenetic Diversity in the Severely Fragmented Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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    Deforestation and forest fragmentation are known major causes of nonrandom extinction, but there is no information about their impact on the phylogenetic diversity of the remaining species assemblages. Using a large vegetation dataset from an old hyper-fragmented landscape in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest we assess whether the local extirpation of tree species and functional impoverishment of tree assemblages reduce the phylogenetic diversity of the remaining tree assemblages. We detected a significant loss of tree phylogenetic diversity in forest edges, but not in core areas of small (<80 ha) forest fragments. This was attributed to a reduction of 11% in the average phylogenetic distance between any two randomly chosen individuals from forest edges; an increase of 17% in the average phylogenetic distance to closest non-conspecific relative for each individual in forest edges; and to the potential manifestation of late edge effects in the core areas of small forest remnants. We found no evidence supporting fragmentation-induced phylogenetic clustering or evenness. This could be explained by the low phylogenetic conservatism of key life-history traits corresponding to vulnerable species. Edge effects must be reduced to effectively protect tree phylogenetic diversity in the severely fragmented Brazilian Atlantic forest

    Nursing workload and occurrence of adverse events in intensive care: a systematic review

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE To identifyevidences of the influence of nursing workload on the occurrence of adverse events (AE) in adult patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). METHOD A systematic literature review was conducted in the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL, LILACS, SciELO, BDENF, and Cochrane from studies in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, published by 2015. The analyzed AE were infection, pressure ulcer (PU), patient falls, and medication errors. RESULTS Of 594 potential studies, eight comprised the final sample of the review. TheNursing Activities Score (NAS; 37.5%) and the Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System(TISS; 37.5%) were the instruments most frequently used for assessing nursing workload. Six studies (75.0%) identified the influence of work overload in events of infection, PU, and medicationerrors. An investigation found that the NAS was a protective factor for PU. CONCLUSION The nursing workload required by patients in the ICU influenced the occurrence of AE, and nurses must monitor this variable daily to ensure proper sizing of staff and safety of care
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