2,541 research outputs found

    Perfil sanitário apícola na zona controlada da Terra Quente Transmontana

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    O presente estudo teve como objectivo principal avaliar a prevalência de agentes patogénicos que acometem colónias de abelhas melíferas (Apis mellifera iberiensis) instaladas na Zona Controlada da Terra Quente (ZCTQ) do Nordeste Transmontano. A colheita de amostras foi efectuada no ano civil de 2011, em apiários instalados nos Concelhos de Vila Flor, Mirandela, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Alfândega de Fé e Torre de Moncorvo, seguindo as normas para rastreio epidemiológico de doenças das abelhas. No Laboratório de Patologia Apícola da ESAB/AAPNM, foram executadas um total de 162 análises anatomo-patológicas utilizando técnicas de diagnóstico baseadas no exame microscópico e macroscópico do material biológico. O material biológico analisado correspondeu a amostras de abelhas adultas (cerca de 60 abelhas/amostra) e criação (secções de favo com cerca de 12x12cm), seguindo os procedimentos laboratoriais utilizados pelo Laboratório Nacional de Investigação Veterinária (LN IV)

    Impurity-enhanced Aharonov-Bohm effect in neutral quantum-ring magnetoexcitons

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    We study the role of impurity scattering on the photoluminescence (PL) emission of polarized magnetoexcitons. We consider systems where both the electron and hole are confined on a ring structure (quantum rings) as well as on a type-II quantum dot. Despite their neutral character, excitons exhibit strong modulation of energy and oscillator strength in the presence of magnetic fields. Scattering impurities enhance the PL intensity on otherwise "dark" magnetic field windows and non-zero PL emission appears for a wide magnetic field range even at zero temperature. For higher temperatures, impurity-induced anticrossings on the excitonic spectrum lead to unexpected peaks and valleys on the PL intensity as function of magnetic field. Such behavior is absent on ideal systems and can account for prominent features in recent experimental results.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, RevTe

    E-shop – E Commerce and Management System

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    The main focus of the paper, “E-shop is an e-commerce web application designed for an online electronic store based on a client's requirement. E-commerce, a fast-growing business trend over the last decade, and many companies switching to this since it is a supporting tool in marketing and business strategy to grow their businesses by transforming traditional business transactions into online transactions and making a good reputation on their brand as well. This application is a combination of a website where customers can place their orders and an administration management system where the admin can manage; he/she tasks related to the store. The system is developed to make it easier for administrators as well to keep track of everyday activities including orders, deliveries, existing and new users, customer care services, products in the store, payments and reports, etc. This essay discusses the steps involved in user management and registrations, placing orders, arranging deliveries of the placed orders, and payments related to orders. After considering the stocks available, administrators are able to accept or reject the order that the customer placed, and the status of the order, delivery, and payment will be updated to users by sending notifications and emails

    Effect Of Virtual Therapy On Upper Limb Motor Rehabilitation Of Children With Hemiparesis [efeito Da Terapia Virtual Na Reabilitação Motora Do Membro Superior De Crianças Hemiparéticas]

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    Objective. This study aimed to investigate the effect of virtual therapy on the motor ability of hemiparetic children's upper limb. Method. The sample consisted of three hemiparetic children (8.66±2.30 years). The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability of Inventory (PEDI) and Motor Activity Inventory (MAL) were used for initial and final assessments and the number of hits in each game was counted as well. For the treatment, a hardware (video game) was used, Nintendo brand, model Wii Sports software, using the games (tennis, baseball, golf, boxing). During a period of two weeks, the therapy lasted for 1 hour and 10 minutes each day, consecutively. Results. There was statistical difference in two children in the PEDI (p=0,00) and in the MAL, related to the quality of the upper limb's use (p=0,00) where as relation to the frequency of use, there was statistical difference in all three children in all four games had a increase. Conclusion. It was concluded that the use of Virtual Reality can promote functional gain for hemiparetic children's upper limb.214556562Costa, M.C.F., Bezerra, P.P., Oliveira, A.P.R., Impacto da hemiparesia na simetria e na transferência de peso: Repercussões no desempenho funcional (2006) Rev Neurocienc, 14, pp. 10-13Ortega, D.S., O Paciente Neurológico/Neurocirúrgico Pediátrico (2007) Fisioterapia Respiratória Em Pediatria E Neonatologia, pp. 176-195. , Sarmento GJV., Barueri: ManoleGomes, F.L., Fraqueza Muscular (2007) Guias De Medicina, pp. 1857-1871. , Lopes AC, José FF, Lopes Rd., Barueri: ManoleMorais, G.F.S., Nascimento, L.R., Glória, A.E., Salmela, L.F.T., Paiva, C.M.R., Lopes, T.A.T., A influência do fortalecimento muscular no desempenho motor do membro superior parético de indivíduos acometidos por Acidente Vascular Encefálico (2008) Acta Fisiatr, 15, pp. 245-248Nascimento, L.R., Glória, A.E., Habib, E.S., Effects of constraint-induced movement therapy as a rehabilitation strategy for the affected upper limb of children with hemiparesis: Systematic review of the literature (2009) Rev Bras Fisioter, 13, pp. 97-102. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1413-35552009005000022Gianni, M.A.D.C., Paralisia Cerebral - Aspectos clínicos (2005) Fisioterapia: Aspectos Clínicos E Práticos Da Reabilitação, pp. 13-25. , Moura EW, Silva PAC., 3 ed. São Paulo: Artes MédicasMarinho, A.P.S., Souza, M.A.B., Pimentel, A.M., Desempenho funcional de crianças com paralisia cerebral diparéticas e hemiparéticas (2008) Rev Cien Med Biol, 7, pp. 57-66Carvalho, L.F.A., Affonseca, C.A., Guerra, S.D., Ferreira, A.R., Goulart, E.M.A., Traumatismo Cranioencefálico Grave em Crianças e Adolescentes (2007) Rev Bras Ter Int, 19, pp. 98-106. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0103-507X2007000100013Junior, A.L., Conduta frente à criança com trauma craniano (2002) J Ped, 78, pp. 40-47Jerônimo, R.A., Lima, S.M.P.F., Tecnologias Computacionais e ambientes virtuais no processo terapêutico de reabilitação (2006) Mundo Saúde, 30, pp. 96-106Kisner, C., Tori, R., Introdução à Realidade Virtual, Realidade misturada e hiperrealidade (2004) Realidade Virtual: Conceitos E Tendências, pp. 3-20. , Kisner C, Tori R, São Paulo: Mania de LivroBroeren, J., (2012) Virtual Rehabilitation: Implications For Persons With Stroke(endereço Na Internet), , http://gupea.ub.gu.se/bitstream/2077/7329/1/PhD_Thesis_Jurgen_Broeren.pdf, Gothenburg, Sweden: Gothenburg University Publications Electronic Archive (GUPEA).(atualizado em 2011assessado em). Disponível emDeuschle, V.P., Cechella, C., O déficit em consciência fonológica e sua relação com a dislexia: Diagnóstico e intervenção (2009) Rev CEFAC, 11, pp. 194-200. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1516-18462008005000001Silva, M.F.M.C., Kleinhans, A.C.S., Processos cognitivos e plasticidade Cerebral na Síndrome de Down (2006) Rev Bras Ed Esp, 12, pp. 123-138Vasconselos, R.L.D.M., Moura, T.L., Campos, T.F., Lindquist, A.R.R., Guerra, R.O., Avaliação do desempenho funcional de crianças com paralisia cerebral de acordo com os níveis de comprometimento motor (2009) Rev Bras Fisioter, 13, pp. 390-397. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1413-35552009005000051Fonseca, J.O., Cordani, L.K., Oliveira, M.C., Aplicação do inventário de avaliação pediátrica de incapacidade (PEDI) com crianças portadoras de paralisia cerebral tetraparesia espástica (2005) Rev Ter Ocup USP, 16, pp. 67-74Carlberg, E.B., Vollestad, N.K., Everyday functioning in Young children with cerebral palsy: Functional skills, caregiver assistance, and modifications of the environment (2003) Dev MedChild Neurol, 45, pp. 603-612Uswatte, G., Taub, E., Implications of the Learned Nonuse Formulation for Measuring Rehabilitation Outcomes: Lessons From Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (2005) Rehabil Psychol, 50, pp. 34-42. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0090-5550.50.1.34Wolf, S.L., Lecraw, D.E., Barton, L.A., Jann, B.B., Forced use of hemiplegic upper extremities to reverse the effect of learned nonuse among chronic stroke and head-injured patients (1989) Exp Neurol, 104, pp. 125-132. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0014-4886(89)80005-6Paz, L.P.D.S., (2007) Quantidade E Qualidade Do Uso Da Extremidade Superior Parética Após Acidente Cerebrovascular, , [dissertação]. Campinas: Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UnicampJang, S.H., You, S.H., Hallett, M., Cho, Y.W., Park, C.M., Cho, S.H., Cortical Reorganization and Associated Functional Motor Recovery After Virtual Reality in Patients With Chronic Stroke: An Experimenter-Blind Preliminary Study (2005) Arc Phys Med Rehabi, 86, pp. 2218-2223. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2005.04.015Flynn, S., Copar, S., Ghate, N., Harris, M., Palma, P., Bender, A., Effects of Virtual Reality Immersion In Individuals With Central Nervous System Injury, , http://www.temple.edu/ispr/prev_conferences/proceedings/2007/Flynn,%20et%20al.pdf, (endereço na internet). Philadelphia: Temple University. (atualizado em 2012acessado em 2012), Disponível emReid, D.T., The influence of virtual reality on playfulness in children with cerebral palsy: A pilot study (2004) Occup Ther Inte, 11, pp. 131-144. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/oti.202Deutsch, J.E., Borbely, M., Filler, J., Huhn, K., Bowlby, P.G., Use of a Low-Cost, Commercially Available Gaming Console (Wii) for Rehabilitation of an Adolescent With Cerebral Palsy Phys Ther2008, 88, pp. 1196-1207. , http://dx.doi.org/10.2522/ptj.20080062Weiss, P.L., Rand, D., Katz, N., Kizony, R., Video capture virtual reality as a flexible and effective rehabilitation tool (2004) J NeuroEngin Rehabil, 12, pp. 1-12Ferreira, L.R., Silva, A.T., Deamo, R.A.A., (2008) Utilização Da Realidade Virtual Como Recurso Terapêutico: Estudo De Caso, , [dissertação]. Itajubá: Centro Universitario de Itajubá: UniversitasGriffiths, M., The educational benefits of videogames Video games have great positive potential in addition to their entertainment value and there has been considerable success when games are designed to address a specific problem or to teach a certain skill (2002) Edu Health, 20, pp. 47-51You, S.H., Jang, S.H., Kim, Y.H., Cortical reorganization induced by virtual reality therapy in a child with hemiparetic cerebral palsy (2005) Dev Med Child Neurol, 47, pp. 628-635. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8749.2005.tb01216.

    De Branges spaces and Krein's theory of entire operators

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    This work presents a contemporary treatment of Krein's entire operators with deficiency indices (1,1)(1,1) and de Branges' Hilbert spaces of entire functions. Each of these theories played a central role in the research of both renown mathematicians. Remarkably, entire operators and de Branges spaces are intimately connected and the interplay between them has had an impact in both spectral theory and the theory of functions. This work exhibits the interrelation between Krein's and de Branges' theories by means of a functional model and discusses recent developments, giving illustrations of the main objects and applications to the spectral theory of difference and differential operators.Comment: 37 pages, no figures. The abstract was extended. Typographical errors were corrected. The bibliography style was change

    Salivary Amylase Induction by Tannin-Enriched Diets as a Possible Countermeasure Against Tannins

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    Tannins are characterized by protein-binding affinity. They have astringent/bitter properties that act as deterrents, affecting diet selection. Two groups of salivary proteins, proline-rich proteins and histatins, are effective precipitators of tannin, decreasing levels of available tannins. The possibility of other salivary proteins having a co-adjuvant role on host defense mechanisms against tannins is unknown. In this work, we characterized and compared the protein profile of mice whole saliva from animals fed on three experimental diets: tannin-free diet, diet with the incorporation of 5% hydrolyzable tannins (tannic acid), or diet with 5% condensed tannins (quebracho). Protein analysis was performed by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis combined with Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight mass spectrometry to allow the dynamic study of interactions between diet and saliva. Since abundant salivary proteins obscure the purification and identification of medium and low expressed salivary proteins, we used centrifugation to obtain saliva samples free from proteins that precipitate after tannin binding. Data from Peptide Mass Fingerprinting allowed us to identify ten different proteins, some of them showing more than one isoform. Tannin-enriched diets were observed to change the salivary protein profile. One isoform of α-amylase was overexpressed with both types of tannins. Aldehyde reductase was only identified in saliva of the quebracho group. Additionally, a hypertrophy of parotid salivary gland acini was observed by histology, along with a decrease in body mass in the first 4 days of the experimental period

    Comparison of Electrophoretic Protein Profiles from Sheep and Goat Parotid Saliva

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    Saliva provides a medium for short-term adaptation to changes in diet composition, namely, the presence of plant secondary metabolites. Salivary proteins have biological functions that have particular influence on oral homeostasis, taste, and digestive function. Some salivary proteins, such as proline-rich proteins, are present in browsers but absent in grazers. Despite the significance of salivary proteins, their expression patterns in many herbivores are unknown. We investigated the sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profile of parotid salivary proteins from two domesticated species, one a grazer, the sheep, Ovis aries, and the other a mixed feeder, the goat, Capra hircus, both fed on the same conventional diet. With 12.5% polyacrylamide linear gels, we observed uniform patterns of salivary proteins within the two species. In the goat profile, 21 major bands were observed, and 19 in the sheep profile. Each band was subjected to peptide mass fingerprinting for purposes of identification, allowing for 16 successful protein identifications. Marked differences were observed between the species in the region of 25–35 kDa molecular weights: one band was present in significantly different intensities; three bands were present only in goats; and one band was present only in sheep. This is the first report of a comparison of the protein salivary composition of sheep and goats and suggests that future research should be conducted to reveal a physiological function for salivary proteins related to the differences in feeding behavior of these species

    Tunneling Calculation in the Field Ion Microscope

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    In this work we describe calculations of tunneling rate constants for the Field Ion Microscope (FIM) using one-dimensional model potential that simulates the ionization process in a FIM. We obtain expressions for the ionization rate constant (ionization probability per unit of time) of inert gas atoms as a function of their position above the surface. In order to calculate the probability of barrier penetration we have used the semiclassical (JWKB) approximation. We have also calculated ionization zone widths as the distance between points where ionization rate is a maximum and half of this value. An application to helium as the imaging gas is presented to highlight the power of the method