13,670 research outputs found

    Is it possible to quantify the functions of the dress? A Question for Functional Analysis Methods in Design

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    When we face the study of dress from its artifactual identity, we observe that its so-called functional dimension cannot be understood in the same terms proposed by the ergonomics of the product, that is, from the ergonomic concepts of usability, efficiency, effectiveness and psychological comfort in relation to a specific activity or work.This article, presents the results of a review of the functional analysis methods commonly used by design for the study of clothing, and explains why they are insufficient or limited to address the multiple functions of this particular artifact. At the same time, it proposes some considerations for its functional analysis that contribute in a decisive way to the design process of the clothing design.

    Nível sérico de interleucina 10 e fator de necrose tumoral em pacientes com trauma craniano: um estudo piloto

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Medicina. Departamento de Clinica Medica

    The employer branding practices in the attraction and retention of employees: the case of the Portuguese hotel industry

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    Employer branding is a concept that has become progressively a vital factor for the success of organisations and has captured significant attention in recent years, it is used to appeal to potential employees and at the same while engaging an organisation's current employees. It is a current and relevant tool for organisations that want to position themselves and gain name and prominence in the market. Employer Branding benefits organisations by making them attractive, reliable, and trustworthy and, subsequently, it contributes to talent attraction and retention. Therefore, this study aims to understand how the hotel sector uses Employer Branding practices in their working style, in order to provide greater attraction and retention of employees. With the lockdown, associated with the pandemic period, the hotel industry is facing unprecedented obstacles. As one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic crisis, the survival of hotel units depends on their ability to adapt to new challenges, namely in the human resources field. This study used a qualitative methodology, where semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven human resources managers from hotel units, two were males and eight were females, with an average age of thirty-eight years, from eleven hotel units or hotel groups. Data were analysed according to thematic analysis procedures. The main results suggest that hotel units are increasingly beginning to give more importance to employees and human resource management has been making progress regarding the existing concern for employees. Furthermore, it was possible to conclude that, in the hotels under study, and in order to face the problems and challenges in their daily management, these organisations are increasingly investing in attraction and retention practices. Finally, it was also possible to understand the changes that have occurred in the hotel units, both arising from the day-to-day management and those related to the changes required by the pandemic. Therefore, we can conclude that hotels need to reposition themselves in order to redefine strategies/practices to support their employees in becoming more attractive to work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effects of prenatal malnutrition on the brain of adult rats: a study of anatomical, functional and molecular changes

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    Studies using a rat model of prenatal protein malnutrition (PPM) followed by nutritional rehabilitation show that PPM produces changes in the brain and behavior that endure throughout adulthood. Early studies investigated the vulnerability of the hippocampus, a structure involved in learning and memory, and reported permanent anatomical, physiological, and functional alterations. However, PPM also produces deficits in attentional processes, suggesting vulnerability across a broader cortical network including the parahippocampal region (PHR) and the prefrontal cortex (PFC). This thesis investigates the anatomical, functional, and molecular alterations in these regions resulting from PPM. This was accomplished through 4 studies: 1) A quantitative assessment of the number of neurons in the PHR and in the PFC using design-based stereology; 2) An evaluation of the impact of the PPM on metabolic activity in the PFC using the metabolic marker 2-[14C]deoxyglucose (2DG); 3) The identification of specific neuronal subtypes differentially activated during restraint stress in the PPM network using double-labelling immunohistochemistry; 4) The quantification of mRNA and protein expression of KCNJ3 (GIRK1), a potassium channel involved in regulating neural excitability, using quantitative polymerase chain reaction and Western blot analysis. Results showed that: 1) Neuron number in the PFC is unchanged by PPM, but two subfields of the PHR, the presubiculum and medial entorhinal cortex, exhibit significantly lower numbers in PPM rats; 2) Metabolic activity in specific PFC regions associated with attention including the prelimbic, infralimbic, anterior cingulate, and orbitofrontal cortices was reduced relative to controls while other regions, such as the hippocampus, were unaffected; 3) Exposure to stress evokes a significant increase in the number of inhibitory interneurons that are activated in the PFC of PPM rats which could likely contribute to the observed overall reduction in PFC activity; 4) For the KCNJ3 channel, PPM induces lower levels of mRNA and protein expression in the PFC while levels in the hippocampus and brain stem/basal ganglia are unchanged. Together, these data show that PPM creates permanent anatomical, functional, and molecular alterations selective to specific subfields, cell types, and molecules leading to an imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory processes in the PHR-PFC network of adult rats

    New Mexico In Depth interviews Vinay Harpalani: Complexity of colorism

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    “Our discourse on race in this country has largely been framed around black or white,” said University of New Mexico civil rights law professor Vinay Harpalani. But assumptions about varying shades of skin color can, for example, lead someone who is Indian, like himself, to be mistaken as Hispanic, he said. Academics who’ve studied racial discrimination say discrimination based on a person’s skin-tone exists across many racial and ethnic groups and generally manifests as a systematic preference for lighter skin over darker skin. Harpalani explains it can be the other way around in some instances, such as the bullying Clark experienced as a child. Colorism “gives us a broader understanding of race and racism,” Harpalani explained. “It kind of shows how the same ideology of race and racism can be played out within groups and in different ways. As far as skin color goes there’s a hierarchy dating way back… to the days of slavery where lighter-skinned black slaves were treated better.

    Multiple Otherness in Development: Transcending Ethnic Interculturality

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    Los proyectos de desarrollo afectan las condiciones materiales y simbólicas de existencia, no solamente de los grupos étnicos sino de diversos colectivos sociales. El artículo identifica el desconocimiento normativo de las múltiples alteridades en el desarrollo, algunas de ellas en las márgenes de la “mismidad” occidental. Aunque se ha avanzado en la regulación de los derechos diferenciados étnicos, estos esencializan la etnicidad y no permiten que reivindicaciones de Otros sujetos encuentren trámite posible mediante los derechos a la participación y a la autonomía. Entendiendo los proyectos de desarrollo como espacios relacionales, en ellos la interculturalidad podría operar como régimen de alteridad —de modos de vida, identificaciones, espacios vitales, relaciones socioambientales, visiones del desarrollo—. Sin embargo, en su configuración actual, la interculturalidad se manifiesta como conflicto socioambiental y político y no como la posibilidad de reconocer al Otro y su alteridad. El artículo busca trascender la etnicidad en la conceptualización de la Otredad y la interculturalidad en el desarrollo.Development projects impact material and symbolic conditions of existence, not only those of ethnic groups but those of diverse social groups. The article identifies that regulations no dot recognize multiple Otherness in development, even that Otherness within margins of Western selfhood. Even if regulation of ethnic rights has shown progress, it essentializes ethnicity and does not allow that Other subjects claims find resolution through participation and autonomy rights. Understanding development projects as relational spaces, these projects could operate as regimes of Otherness —of lifestyles, identifications, vital spaces, socioenvironmental relationships, development vision—. However, in its current configuration, interculturalism manifests itself as social, environmental and political conflicts, and not, as the possibility of recognizing the Other and Otherness. The article seeks to transcend ethnicity in the conceptualization of Otherness and interculturality in the context of development

    Efeito da conversão de campos nativos do Bioma Pampa em plantações de Eucalipto sobre a funcionalidade do solo

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    O florestamento de campos nativos com espécies exóticas de rápido crescimento (silvicultura) é a categoria de mudanças do uso da terra que mais cresceu nos últimos anos no bioma Pampa. Estudos ao redor do mundo têm demonstrado efeitos negativos deste tipo de cultivo sobre a biodiversidade. Entretanto, informações sobre os efeitos nas comunidades do solo ainda são escassas. Os organismos que vivem no solo são extremamente diversos e participam de uma vasta gama de processos ecossistêmicos que dão origem a serviços ecossistêmicos essenciais, tais como estoque de carbono, regulação do ciclo da água e produção de alimentos. Portanto, solos diversos são saudáveis e apresentam elevada funcionalidade, promovendo o funcionamento dos ecossistemas e o bem-estar humano. Diante desse contexto, nesta dissertação objetivamos investigar os efeitos da conversão de campos nativos do bioma Pampa em plantações de Eucalipto sobre a microbiota e a fauna do solo (grupo modelo: Collembola) considerados indicadores da funcionalidade do solo. O estudo foi desenvolvido em 20 unidades amostrais pareadas no bioma Pampa (10 campos nativos e 10 plantações de Eucalipto) distribuídos em quatro municípios no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Em cada unidade amostral foi estabelecida uma transecção de 250 m onde foi coletado solo na camada de 0-5 cm. Metade das amostras foram utilizadas para determinação do pH e umidade gravimétrica do solo e do tamanho e atividade da comunidade microbiana (respiração basal do solo e atividade enzimática). A temperatura do solo e a riqueza de plantas foram mensuradas in situ. A outra metade foi utilizado para extração (14 dias) de colêmbolos pelo método de funis de Berlese- Tüllgren, que foram identificados e descritos quanto á seus atributos funcionais. Os efeitos da mudança no uso da terra foram testados através de modelos lineares mistos generalizados. Nossos resultados demonstram que a conversão levou à redução da riqueza da comunidade de plantas, o que tende a diminuir a diversidade e qualidade da serapilheira que entra nas cadeias tróficas do solo. Este efeito, associado ao solo mais ácido e seco das plantações, pode explicar a drástica redução observada do tamanho e atividade da comunidade microbiana, o que pode comprometer as funções relacionadas a ciclagem do carbono e nitrogênio, como a decomposição, fertilidade do solo e estoque de carbono. A comunidade de colêmbolos apresentou menor riqueza total e sua composição taxonômica e funcional foram alteradas com a conversão, o que pode resultar em mudanças nas teias alimentares. Além disso, apesar de um aumento na diversidade funcional de colêmbolos nas plantações com o incremento de atributos adaptativos para o sombreamento, houve diminuição da redundância funcional, o que tende a moldar as plantações de Eucalipto a um estado menos estável perante mudanças ambientais, o que pode comprometer a funcionalidade do solo. Entretanto, os indicadores de funcionalidade do solo foram inferiores nas plantações de eucalipto. Os resultados obtidos neste este estudo são um passo adiante para ajudar a preencher essa lacuna no conhecimento ecológico, apoiando a elaboração de políticas de conservação dos campos do Pampa a partir de informações de base científica.Grassland afforestation with fast-growing exotic species (forestry) is the category of land use change that has grown the most in recent years in the Pampa biome. Studies around the world have shown negative effects of this type of land-use change on biodiversity. However, information about the effects on soil communities is still scarce. The organisms that live in the soil are extremely diverse and contribute to a wide range of ecosystem processes that underlies essential ecosystem services, such as carbon stock, regulation of the water cycle and food production. Therefore, soils with high diversity are healthy and present major functionality, promoting ecosystem functioning of and human welfare. At this context, in this dissertation we aim to investigate the effects of converting native grasslands of Pampa biome into Eucalyptus plantations on soil microbiota and fauna (model group: Collembola) which are considered indicators of soil functionality. The study was carried out in 20-paired sampling units in Pampa biome (10 grasslands and 10 Eucalyptus plantations) distributed in four municipalities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. In each sampling unit, a 250 m transect was established where 10 points were sampled to collect soil in the 0-5 cm layer. The soil from five samples was used to determine soil pH and gravimetric moisture and the size and activity of the microbial community (soil basal respiration of and enzyme activity). Soil temperature and plant richness were measured in situ. The soil from the other five points was used for extraction (14 days) of collembolans by the Berlese-Tüllgren funnel method, which were identified and described by their functional attributes. The effects of land use change were tested using generalized mixed linear models. Our results demonstrate that grassland conversion led to a reduction in plant richness, which tends to decrease litter quality and diversity that enters the. This effect on soil trophic chains, associated with the a more acidic and drier soil may explain the drastic reduction observed in the size and activity of the microbial community that further can impair the functions related to carbon and nitrogen cycling, such as decomposition, soil fertility and carbon stock. The community of collembolans presented reduction of richness and had their taxonomic and functional composition altered, which can result in changes in the food webs and, consequently, in their functions. Our most unexpected result was the increase of functional diversity at the plantations by the increase on collembolans with forestry-adaptive traits. In addition, there was a decrease in functional redundancy, which tends to shape Eucalyptus plantations in a less stable state what may harm soil functionality towards environmental changes. However, the indicators of soil functionality were lower in Eucalyptus plantations. The results obtained in this study are a step forward to help fill this gap in ecological knowledge, supporting the elaboration of conservation policies in the Pampa grasslands with scientific- based information

    Breve Reflexão Sobre a Vinculação entre Criatividade, Improvisação musical como Elementos Importantes na Formação do Musicoterapeuta

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    O presente trabalho é uma breve reflexão sobre a vinculação entre criatividade e improvisação musical como elementos importantes na formação do musicoterapeuta. Indicando, portanto, nessa direção, o objetivo central deste trabalho. Para responder as questões levantadas iniciou-se o desenvolvimento deste estudo que adotou o seguinte procedimento metodológico: trata-se de um ensaio teórico com abordagem qualitativa que foi realizado através de uma revisão bibliográfica a partir de consultas em livros, artigos publicados em periódicos, e impressos diversos; foram adotadas fontes bibliográficas que constassem os seguintes descritores: Música. Criatividade. Improvisação. Musicoterapia Ao final deste ensaio teórico pretende-se, a partir de uma breve reflexão, compreender diferentes conceitos e pontos-de-vista em relação à improvisação, criatividade como elementos importantes na formação do musicoterapeuta e sua relação com outros temas afins

    The relation of the American and European systems of protection of human rights and their influence in the latin-american's judicial decisions: Argentina

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    El objeto de este artículo es analizar la relación de los sistemas americanos y europeos de protección de los derechos humanos y su influencia en la jurisprudencia latinoamericana sobre derechos humanos, especialmente en la jurisprudencia argentina. De esta manera determinamos que los sistemas de protección de los derechos humanos pasaron de ser sistemas regionales a convertirse en sistemas globales

    Objeto virtual de aprendizaje para la concientización frente a los fenómenos naturales o antrópicos que se suscitan en el departamento de Nariño

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    La prevención y atención de desastres es una temática de interés general. En el caso particular del departamento de Nariño son diversas las amenazas a las cuales se encuentra expuesto cada uno de los municipios que lo conforman; por ello, es de gran importancia la implementación de nuevos elementos que contribuyan al conocimiento de los fenómenos que causan estas amenazas, para así contribuir en la gestión del riesgo en toda la comunidad, principalmente en la que se encuentra más vulnerable