23 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Spesies Tumbuhan Araceae terhadap Efisiensi Penularan Banana Bunchy Top Virus oleh Pentalonia nigronervosa

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    Araceous plants can serve as alternative host to banana aphid Pentalonia nigronervosa. Research has been conducted to study the effects of Araceous plant species on the efficiency of Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) transmission by P. nigronervosa as the main vector of the virus. The research was an experiment conducted in Experimental Garden, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture Sriwijaya University from November 2021 to April 2022. The experiment was conducted using 7 species of Araceous plant and one genotype of banana. The results of the research showed that, when serving as alternataive host of P. nigronervosa, all Araceous plants had no effect on the efficiency of BBTV transmission by the aphid. Viruliverous P. nigronervosa    did not lose their virus particles in their body and still had ability to transmit the virus ehen they were transferred from Araceous plant to healthy banana.In cubation period ranged from 25-37,6 days after inoculation and the symptoms appeared mostly on  young leaves

    Biology of Pentalonia nigronervosa and Its Efficiency as a Vector of Banana Bunchy Top Virus After Being Bred in Rat Taro (Typhonium flagelliforme)

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    P. nigronervosa is an insect that acts as a vector of the Banana Bunchy Top Virus causing the affected banana  to become stunted and even fruitless. This study aimed to find out the biology of P. nigronervosa in rat taro as well as its  ability or efficiency in the transmission of BBTV disease in bananas after being treated. The study was experimenta, trying to find out the efficiency of BBTV transmission by P. nigronervosa after being transmitted to the plant of rat taro (T. flagelliforme) with  the variables of observation and  the taking of biological  data  of Pentalonia nigronervosa  in the rat taro plant, Observation of the development of BBTV disease in banana plants inoculated from the first symptoms until the typical phenomenon of bunchy top was formed. Biology of P.  nigronervosa in  rat taro. Each stage of the four color instars and The size of the nymph of P. nigronervosa changed. When entering the first brownish-white instar with a length of 0.61 to 0.69 mm, in the 2nd instar it was light brown with a length of 0.71 to 0.83 mm, then in the 3rd instar it was reddish brown with an average length of 0.87 mm, and in the 4th instar  it was blackish brown with an average body length of 1.31 mm. The imago color was still blackish brown, and in this phase it usually had wings, but in the treatment of the imago rat taro plant, it had no wings, and the average body length was 1.43 mm. In the field tests, the rat taro plants could not inhibit the spread of BBTV disease but could be an alternative host for P. nigronervosa ticks

    Potency of Bacillus thuringiensis in liquid formulation as a biological agent in controlling larvae of Oryctes rhinoceros (Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae)

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    Propagation of B. thuringiensis in agricultural liquid waste media can be done because the waste still contains nutritional components which contain carbon and nitrogen. The aim of research was to study B. thuringiensis in a liquid formulation with high toxicity against Oryctes larvae. Parameters of observation were spore density, larval mortality and symptoms of both infection or death larvae. Experimental was designed as a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 4 replications. Oryctes larvae used were 3rd-instar. The treatments were 1). Tofu liquid waste; 2) Tofu Liquid Waste + Bio-urine (1:2); 3) Tofu Liquid Waste + Bio-urine (1:1); 4) Tofu Liquid Waste + Bio-urine (2:1); 5) Bio-urine and 6) NB media (as control). The results showed the highest spore density was found in tofu liquid waste propagation media and biourine (1:2). The highest larval mortality was shown in treatment of Tofu Liquid Waste + Bio-urine (1:2), which was 91.67%. Observations on the symptoms of infection and death in tested larvae were indicated by changes in color of integument and fragility of the larva's body. Bio-insecticide with active ingredient of B. thuringiensis in liquid formulation has potency to be used as biological agent for controlling O. rhinoceros larvae

    The Evaluation of Implementation of Integrated Pest and Disease Control by Farmers of Food and Holticultural Corps in Banyuasin and Ogan Komering Ulu Timur

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    Reducing crop cultivation is providing ecological biota for plants through Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Farmers' problems regarding pests and diseases in Banyuasin and OKU Timur, especially for food crops and horticulture farmers. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the compliance of food crops and horticulture farmers in implementing safe and environmentally friendly IPM. Study on various fields of food and horticulture farmers in Banyuasin and Ogan Komering Ulu. The research method used is purposive sampling. Observation of Plant Pests and Diseases was completed directly in the field. Then determine the disease score in each sample plant. The parameters observed in this study are the behavior of farmers towards the decision-making process of using pesticides. Pest and disease intensity, and disease attack percentage were analyzed descriptively in the form of tables and graphs, as well as correlation analysis. The highest value of diversity of pests and diseases of food and horticultural crops based on the entire area of the observed land was found in a land area of 0.25 ha, which is the area that is often found in land for crop cultivation. The average age percentage of farmers in Banyuasin and OKU East is 40 to 50 years old. The average education of farmers in Banyuasin and OKU Timur is 24 farmers. The percentage and intensity of both horticultural and food crops in Banyuasin are good because only a few farmers get a score of 2 or 1. Cultivation techniques are land preparation, land sanitation, selection of resistant varieties, spacing, irrigation, crop rotation, intercropping, mulching, natural enemies of insects, and weeding

    Attack Level Of Coffee Fruit Borer Pest (Hypothenemus hampei) And Branch Borer Pest (Xylosandrus compactus) In Central Dempo District Pagaralam City

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    Pagaralam is a city in South Sumatra Province with five districts: North Dempo, Central Dempo, South Dempo, North Pagaralam and South Pagaralam. The main commodity is coffee. Coffee cultivation has a major problem, namely the attack of fruit and branch borer pests because it can reduce the quality and productivity of coffee. This study was to determine the level of attack by fruit borer and branch borer in the Dempo Tengah sub-district. Coffee farmers in Pagaralam use monoculture and polyculture cultivation systems. This field practice method is observation, observation in this study, and interviews with coffee farmers. The results showed that the attack of young coffee berry borer pests can cause the fruit to wither and fall off, while ripe fruit has holes in its seeds. Branch borer attacks cause branches to wither and dry. The highest percentage of fruit and branch borer attacks on coffee plants was found in young mixed-aged coffee plantations. In conclusion, fruit borer and coffee branch borer are more susceptible to attacking coffee at a young age, because young coffee plants have soft plant organs. Lush shade creates high humidity and low temperatures, which can make it easier for pests to breed

    Keanekaragaman Serangga di Tanaman Gambas (Luffa acutangula L.) pada Lahan Monokultur dan Tumpang Sari di Desa Tanjung Pering Kecamatan Indralaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir

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    Gambas (Luffa acutangula L.) atau oyong merupakan famili dari Cucurbitae, yang berasal dari India dan telah beradaptasi di Asia Tenggara salah satunya Indonesia. Gambas sangat digemari oleh masyarakat, sehingga kebutuhan gambas meningkat. Akan tetapi, di dalam budidaya gambas sering sekali mengalami gangguan oleh hama dan penyakit. Sehingga produksi gambas menurun akibat serangan tersebut. Serangga yang terdapat pada gambas memiliki beragam dan memiliki peranan masing-masing. Keberadaan serangga pada lahan pertanian dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor biotik dan faktor abiotik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman serangga pada tanaman gambas (Luffa acutangula  L.) dilahan dengan pola tanam monokultur dan dilahan tumpang sari. Metode pengamatan serangga ini dengan menggunakan metode Scan sampling dan Pantrap. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat 5 ordo serangga yang terdiri dari ordo Diptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera dan Hemiptera. Keanekaragaman serangga pada lahan monokultur dan polikultur tidak berbeda pada pengamatan langsung tergolong rendah, sedangkan menggunakan perangkap pada masing-masing lahan tergolong sedang

    Pengaruh Mulsa terhadap Serangan Hama pada Tanaman Terung (Solanum melongena L.) di Desa Timbangan Kecamatan Indralaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir

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    Arsi A, Gustiar F, Pratama R, SHK Suparman, Hamidson H, Umayah A, Gunawan B, Pujiastuti Y, Riansyah WH, Djulian D, Muhari M. 2022. The effect off mulch on pest attack on eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) in village  Timbangan,  Subdisctrict Indralaya North, Ogan Ilir City. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-10 Tahun 2022, Palembang 27 Oktober 2022. pp. 1023-1032. Palembang: Penerbit dan Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Eggplant is a type of vegetable that is favored by the community because besides having a good taste, it also contains lots of vitamins and nutrients. In eggplant cultivation, there are several obstacles that must be faced. This obstacle cannot be separated from the attack by plant pests. Plant damage caused by pests results in decreased production due to the growth and development phase of eggplant plants cannot grow and develop optimally. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of technical culture on the types of pests, population and intensity of pest attacks on purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) in Timbangan Village, Indralaya Utara District, Ogan Ilir Regency. The method used includes determining the land, determining sample plots and sample plants, as well as observing population numbers and intensity of pest attacks. The research was conducted in two eggplant fields with different plant ages. The population number and intensity of pest attacks were analyzed using the t test at the 5% confidence level. The pests found in eggplant are Spodoptera litura, Cheilomenes sexmaculata, and Atractomorpha crenulata. Statistical analysis shows that there are significant differences in the two fields due to different cultivation techniques

    Pengelolaan Hama dan Penyakit Terpadu pada Tanaman Sayuran di Desa Tanjung Baru Kecamatan Indralaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir dalam Masa Pandemi Covid19 untuk Ketahanan Pangan

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    Organisme penganggu tanaman (OPT) merupakan semua makhluk hidup yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian tanaman. OPT tersebut terdiri dari hama, penyakit dan gulma. Semua jenis organisme pengganggu tanaman yang dapat menimbulkan kerusakan fisik yang dianggap merugikan dan tidak diinginkan kehadirannya dalam kegiatan bercocok tanam. Hama yang menyerang tanaman terdiri dari serangga, tungau, vertebrata hama dan hewan lainnya. Serangga-serangga hama menyerang tanaman dapat menimbulkan kerusakan baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas. Hama, penyakit dan gulma merupakan organisme yang merusak tanaman pada lahan petani yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian secara ekonomis. Serangan OPT pada tanaman dari benih sampai pascpanen. Serangan serangga hama ini dapat mengakibatkan penurunan produksi tanaman dan gagal panen. Pengendalian yang sering dilakukan oleh petani dalam mengurangi serangan hama dan penyakit belum ramah lingkungan. Pengendalian di lapangan perlu dilakukan pemahaman terhadap pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan dan tidak menimbulkan residu pada produk pertani. Karena dalam kondisi masih pandemic petani harus berhati-hati dalam melakukan pengendalian terhadap OPT dilapangan. Tujuan pengabdian untuk memdapatkan metode pengelolaan hama dan penyakit terpadu pada tanaman sayuran dalam masa pandemi covid-19 untuk ketahanan pangan. Untuk memberikan informasi mengenai pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan. Metode dalam pengabdian ini dengan cara mendatangi lahan-lahan petani kemudian melakukan penyuluhan mengenai hama, penyakit dan gulma serta melakukan penyuluhan tentang pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil penyuluhan terhadap petani tanaman sayuran dalam melakukan pengendalian semuanya menggunakan pestisida sintetik. Petani tidak mengetahui tentang pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan mayoritas petani masih belum mengetahui tentang pengendalian tersebut. Kemudian dilakukan penjelasan pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan seperti, musuh alami dan pestisida botani. Kemudian dilakukan evaluasi setelah penyuluhan petani sudah bisa membedakan musuh alami yang tergolong predator dan parasitoid. Petani juga dapat membedakan serangga predator dan serangga hama. Petani juga mengetahui tanaman-tanaman dapat dijadikan sebagai pestisida nabati