3 research outputs found


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    The Central and South Atlantic represents a vast ocean area and is home to a diverse range of ecosystems and species. Nevertheless, and similar to the rest of the global south, the area is comparatively understudied yet exposed to increasing levels of multisectoral pressures. To counteract this, the level of scientific exploration in the Central and South Atlantic has increased in recent years and will likely continue to do so within the context of the United Nations (UN) Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Here, we compile the literature to investigate the distribution of previous scientific exploration of offshore (30 m+) ecosystems in the Central and South Atlantic, both within and beyond national jurisdiction, allowing us to synthesise overall patterns of biodiversity. Furthermore, through the lens of sustainable management, we have reviewed the existing anthropogenic activities and associated management measures relevant to the region. Through this exercise, we have identified key knowledge gaps and undersampled regions that represent priority areas for future research and commented on how these may be best incorporated into, or enhanced through, future management measures such as those in discussion at the UN Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction negotiations. This review represents a comprehensive summary for scientists and managers alike looking to understand the key topographical, biological, and legislative features of the Central and South Atlantic.This paper is an output of the UN Ocean Decade endorsed Challenger 150 Programme (#57). Challenger 150 is supported by the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI) and the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research’s (SCOR) working group 159 (NSF Grant OCE-1840868) for which KLH is co-chair. AEHB, KLH, KAM, SBu, and KS are supported by the UKRI funded One Ocean Hub NE/S008950/1. TA is supported by the BiodivRestore ERA-NET Cofund (GA N°101003777) with the EU and the following funding organisations: FCT, RFCT, AEI, DFG, and ANR. TA also acknowledges financial support to CESAM by FCT/MCTES (UIDP/50017/2 020+UIDB/50017/2020+ LA/P/0094/2020) through national funds. NB is supported by the John Ellerman Foundation. AB is supported by the German Research Foundation. DH, CO, AFB, LA, SBr, and KS received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 818123 (iAtlantic); this output reflects only the author’s view and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. DH, AF, JT, and CW were additionally supported through the Cluster of Excellence “The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface” (EXC-2077 – 390741603 by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). CO also extends thanks to the HWK – Institute for Advanced Study, and PM to Dr. Alberto Martín, retired professor of Universidad Simón Bolívar in Caracas, Venezuela for facilitating references used in the Venezuela section.Peer reviewe

    Review of the Central and South Atlantic Shelf and Deep-Sea Benthos: Science, Policy, and Management

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    The Central and South Atlantic represents a vast ocean area and is home to a diverse range of ecosystems and species. Nevertheless, and similar to the rest of the global south, the area is comparatively understudied yet exposed to increasing levels of multisectoral pressures. To counteract this, the level of scientific exploration in the Central and South Atlantic has increased in recent years and will likely continue to do so within the context of the United Nations (UN) Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Here, we compile the literature to investigate the distribution of previous scientific exploration of offshore (30 m+) ecosystems in the Central and South Atlantic, both within and beyond national jurisdiction, allowing us to synthesise overall patterns of biodiversity. Furthermore, through the lens of sustainable management, we have reviewed the existing anthropogenic activities and associated management measures relevant to the region. Through this exercise, we have identified key knowledge gaps and undersampled regions that represent priority areas for future research and commented on how these may be best incorporated into, or enhanced through, future management measures such as those in discussion at the UN Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction negotiations. This review represents a comprehensive summary for scientists and managers alike looking to understand the key topographical, biological, and legislative features of the Central and South Atlantic