16,607 research outputs found

    Decomposition of the efficiency of the Chinese state-owned commercial banks at the provincial level

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    This study adopts a bank production function approach to the measurement of banking efficiency at the provincial level in the Chinese state-owned commercial banking sector from 1998 to 2003. Applying Data Envelopment Analysis and efficiency decomposition analysis, this paper has revealed a significant level of pure technical input inefficiency and, to a lesser extent, scale inefficiency across the provincial branches of all the banking groups. The study has also uncovered the extent of inefficiency in individual banking inputs and provincial branches. Finally, the provincial-level efficiency is further decomposed into within-banking-group and between-banking-group effects

    On Lorentz violation in Horava-Lifshitz type theories

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    We show that coupling the Standard Model to a Lorentz symmetry violating sector may co-exist with viable phenomenology, provided that the interaction between the two is mediated by higher-dimensional operators. In particular, if the new sector acquires anisotropic scaling behavior above a "Horava-Lifshitz" energy scale L_HL and couples to the Standard Model through interactions suppressed by M_P, the transmission of the Lorentz violation into the Standard Model is protected by the ratio L_HL^2/M_P^2. A wide scale separation, L_HL<<M_P, can then make Lorentz-violating terms in the Standard Model sector within experimental bounds without fine-tuning. We first illustrate our point with a toy example of Lifshitz-type neutral fermion coupled to photon via the magnetic moment operator, and then implement similar proposal for the Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity coupled to conventional Lorentz-symmetric matter fields. We find that most radiatively induced Lorentz violation can be controlled by a large scale separation, but the existence of instantaneously propagating non-Lifshitz modes in gravity can cause a certain class of diagrams to remain quadratically divergent above L_HL. Such problematic quadratic divergence, however, can be removed by extending the action with terms of higher Lifshitz dimension, resulting in a completely consistent setup that can cope with the stringent tests of Lorentz invariance.Comment: 24 pages, Main results are very much strengthened in this new version, where the gauge-choice independence of the main conclusion has been proven. Furthermore a new extension that could improve the original model, which completely eliminates the need of fine-tuning, is propose

    Phenological response of vegetation to upstream river flow in the Heihe Rive basin by time series analysis of MODIS data

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    Liquid and solid precipitation is abundant in the high elevation, upper reach of the Heihe River basin in northwestern China. The development of modern irrigation schemes in the middle reach of the basin is taking up an increasing share of fresh water resources, endangering the oasis and traditional irrigation systems in the lower reach. In this study, the response of vegetation in the Ejina Oasis in the lower reach of the Heihe River to the water yield of the upper catchment was analyzed by time series analysis of monthly observations of precipitation in the upper and lower catchment, river streamflow downstream of the modern irrigation schemes and satellite observations of vegetation index. Firstly, remotely sensed NDVI data acquired by Terra-MODIS are used to monitor the vegetation dynamic for a seven years period between 2000 and 2006. Due to cloud-contamination, atmospheric influence and different solar and viewing angles, however, the quality and consistence of time series of remotely sensed NDVI data are degraded. A Fourier Transform method – the Harmonic Analysis of Time Series (HANTS) algorithm – is used to reconstruct cloud- and noise-free NDVI time series data from the Terra-MODIS NDVI dataset. Modification is made on HANTS by adding additional parameters to deal with large data gaps in yearly time series in combination with a Temporal-Similarity-Statistics (TSS) method developed in this study to seek for initial values for the large gap periods. Secondly, the same Fourier Transform method is used to model time series of the vegetation phenology. The reconstructed cloud-free NDVI time series data are used to study the relationship between the water availability (i.e. the local precipitation and upstream water yield) and the evolution of vegetation conditions in Ejina Oasis from 2000 to 2006. Anomalies in precipitation, streamflow, and vegetation index are detected by comparing each year with the average year. The results showed that: the previous year total runoff had a significant relationship with the vegetation growth in Ejina Oasis and that anomalies in the spring monthly runoff of the Heihe River influenced the phenology of vegetation in the entire oasis. Warmer climate expressed by the degree-days showed positive influence on the vegetation phenology in particular during drier years. The time of maximum green-up is uniform throughout the oasis during wetter years, but showed a clear S-N gradient (downstream) during drier years

    The reinforcing influence of recommendations on global diversification

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    Recommender systems are promising ways to filter the overabundant information in modern society. Their algorithms help individuals to explore decent items, but it is unclear how they allocate popularity among items. In this paper, we simulate successive recommendations and measure their influence on the dispersion of item popularity by Gini coefficient. Our result indicates that local diffusion and collaborative filtering reinforce the popularity of hot items, widening the popularity dispersion. On the other hand, the heat conduction algorithm increases the popularity of the niche items and generates smaller dispersion of item popularity. Simulations are compared to mean-field predictions. Our results suggest that recommender systems have reinforcing influence on global diversification.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Navier-Stokes cascade analysis with a stiff Kappa-Epsilon turbulence solver

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    The two dimensional, compressible, thin layer Navier-Stokes equations with the Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model and the kinetic energy-energy dissipation (k-epsilon) model are solved numerically to simulate the flow through a cascade. The governing equations are solved for the entire flow domain, without the boundary layer assumptions. The stiffness of the k-epsilon equations is discussed. A semi-implicit, Runge-Kutta, time-marching scheme is developed to solve the k-epsilon equations. The impact of the k-epsilon solver on the explicit Runge-Kutta Navier-Stokes solver is discussed. Numerical solutions are presented for two dimensional turbulent flow over a flat plate and a double circular arc cascade and compared with experimental data

    On 1-loop diagrams in AdS space and the random disorder problem

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    We study the complex scalar loop corrections to the boundary-boundary gauge two point function in pure AdS space in Poincare coordinates, in the presence of a boundary quadratic perturbation to the scalar. These perturbations correspond to double trace perturbations in the dual CFT and modify the boundary conditions of the bulk scalars in AdS. We find that, in addition to the usual UV divergences, the 1-loop calculation suffers from a divergence originating in the limit as the loop vertices approach the AdS horizon. We show that this type of divergence is independent of the boundary coupling, and making use of which we extract the finite relative variation of the imaginary part of the loop via Cutkosky rules as the boundary perturbation varies. Applying our methods to compute the effects of a time-dependent impurity to the conductivities using the replica trick in AdS/CFT, we find that generally an IR-relevant disorder reduces the conductivity and that in the extreme low frequency limit the correction due to the impurities overwhelms the planar CFT result even though it is supposedly 1/N21/N^2 suppressed. Comments on the effect of time-independent impurity in such a system are presented.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, Boundary conditions clarified, some typos fixed, presentations improved and references adde
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