7 research outputs found

    Implementasi Nilai Karakter Kerja Keras Pada Masyarakat Nelayan Miskin (Studi Kasus di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Kecamatan Juwana Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2017)

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    This study aims to describe the implementation of hard work character values in poor fishing communities, to describe the constraints, and to describe the solution of the obstacles of the implementation of hard work character values to poor fishermen community at the Auction Place of Kali Juwana Subdistrict, Pati Regency in 2017. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this research are the poor fisherman community, the head of the poor fisherman community (ship owner), and the head of the board at the fish auction place of Juwana sub-district, Pati regency. The object of this research is the implementation of karajter value of hard work for poor fishermen community at the fish auction place of Juwana subdistrict, Pati regency 2017. Data collection techniques used in this research are interview, observation, and documentation. This study uses two kinds of triangulation, ie triangulation of data sources and triangulation techniques or data collection methods. Data analysis techniques in this study using an interactive model. The result of this research can be concluded that: 1) Implementation of hard work character value in poor fisherman society, that is: a) create work ethos, never give up and endurance learn, b) create healthy competition, c) have slogan or motto about work hard , and d) create an atmosphere that refers to durability. 2) Obstacles from implementation of hard work character values to poor fishing communities, ie a) poor fishermen having no dreams, no priority in work, and poor time management, b) poor fishermen choosing to stay in comfort zones, c) poor fishermen have a quick surrender, and d) a perfectionist attitude that poor fishermen have. 3) Solution from obstacles implementation of hard work characteristic value to poor fisherman community at Fishing Spot Area Juwana Sub-district Pati regency 2017, that is a) TPI managing party trying to create a positive working environment, b) the manager of TPI Juwana Unit II will take firm action against fisherman hand caught unfair competition, c) the managers of TPI Juwana Unit II provide a reasonable price for each fish caught so that the fishermen are satisfied with their work, and d) create harmonious communication between the interconnections

    Desain Fungsi Kejaksaan pada Restorative Justice

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    The Legume–Rhizobia Symbiosis

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    The symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) with legumes is the primary source of biologically fixed nitrogen for agricultural system. It is performed by a group of bacteria commonly called rhizobia. It is characterized by a host preference, and the differences among symbioses between rhizobial strains and legume genotypes are related to infection, nodule development and effectiveness in N2 fixation. The interaction between a rhizobia and the legume is mediated by a lipochitin oligosaccharide secreted by the rhizobia, and called “Nod factor”. It is recognized by transmembrane receptors on the root-hair cells of the legume. It can regulate the nodule organogenesis by inducing changes in the cytokinin balance of the root, during nodule initiation. N2 fixation in legume nodules is catalyzed by the nitrogenase enzyme depending upon the photosynthate supply, the O2 concentration, and the fixed-N export. Among environmental factors that influence the SNF, the temperature is essential for nodule formation; the salinity and drought decrease the nodule permeability to O2 and the photosynthate supply to the nodule, the phosphorus deficiency inhibits the nodule development and the total N2 fixation. Rhizobia strains differ in their efficiency in N2 fixation with host legume. There is evidence of genotypic variability for SNF at different levels of available P which show a possibility of selecting cultivars able to support biological N2 fixation under low P soils