231 research outputs found

    Mechanical Response of PbSSe, PbSTe Ternary and PbSnSTe Quaternary Alloys at High Pressure

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    Property of the semiconductors under high pressure is investigated by the density functional theory and paralleled to the foretelling of the linear elasticity theory. In addition, ternary alloys of  PbSxSe1-x and  PbSxTe1-x lattice matching PbS substrate for x = 0.5 compositions are studied. Furthermore, quaternary alloys PbxSn1-xSyTe1-y lattice matching PbS substrate for x  and y = 0.5 compositions are studied. The six independent elastic parameters (Cij) are also calculated. Meanwhile, the results data are analyzed in high pressure. The mechanical response of all alloys to pressures 0, 50, and 100 kbar increases progress to decrease in (Cij) in separate rates. The rapprochement between the calculated results and the available published data for these alloys demonstrate that they had worthy accordance at zero pressure and the results at high pressure may be required as an acceptable reference

    Remote Sensing Based Analysis of Interactions between Tectonics and Landscapes in Rawanduz River, Northeastern Iraq

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    تعد منطقة الدراسة والتي تقع على طول الحدود الشمالية الشرقية للعراق موقعًا مثاليًا لاختبار فكرة وجود مؤشر للتنبؤ بالنشاط التكتوني النسبي. تُعتبر منطقة الدراسة هذه منطقة مميزة للغاية حيث تشمل ثلاثة أنطقة تكتونية رئيسية (نطاق الطيات العالية , نطاق التراكب ونطاق التصادم زاكروس) ، اضافة الى كونها تمتاز بمعدلات متغيرة من النشاط التكتوني الناتج عن تصادم الصفيحة العربية مع الإيرانية. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء على إمكانية استخدام برامج أنظمة المعلومات في بناء قاعدة بيانات جغرافية مورفومترية لحوض نهر راوندوز، والذي يعد احد الأحواض الرئيسية لنهر الزاب الأكبر باستخدام نموذج الارتفاع الرقمي لبعثة المكوك الراداري (SRTM) ) , بيانات لتقييم حالة تصريف هذا النهر بمساعدة نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) والاستشعار عن بعد. تم إجراء التحليل المورفومتري لحوض الصرف راوندوز أثناء قياس الجوانب الخطية والمساحية والتضاريس ، كما نقدم عملية جديدة لتقدير النشاط التكتوني النسبي وفقًا لمؤشرات الجيومورفيك المفيدة في تقييم التشكل والطبوغرافيا. تم تحديد 26 حوضًا فرعيًا في حوض نهر رواندوز. تشمل المؤشرات  الجيومورفية المستخدمة ما يلي: عدم تناسق حوض الصرف (Af) ، ونسبة عرض أرض الوادي إلى ارتفاع الوادي (Vf) ، ومؤشر شكل حوض الصرف (Bs) ، ومؤشر تعرج الجبهة الأمامية الجبلية (Smf). يتم تجميع النتائج من التحليل والتعبير عنها كمؤشر للتكتونيات النشطة النسبية (Iat) ، والتي نقسمها إلى أربع فئات من النشاط التكتوني المنخفض نسبيا إلى العالي.             The study area along the northeast border of Iraq is a perfect location to test the notion of an index to predict relative tectonic activity, as well as being considered a very characteristic area as include three main tectonic zones (High Folded Zone, Imbricate Zone and Zagros Suture Zone). This study area has variable rates of active tectonics resulting from the collision of Arabian and Iranian plates. This study aims at highlighting the possibility of information systems programs in building a morphometric geographic database of the Rawanduz River Basin, which is one of the main basins of the Greater Zab River using Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM), Digital Elevation Model (DEM 90 m) data to evaluate the drainage condition of this river with the help of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing. The morphometric analysis of the Rawanduz drainage basin has been executed during measurement of linear, areal and relief aspects as well as we offer a new process for estimate relative active tectonics according on geomorphic indices useful in evaluating morphology and topography. A total of 26 sub-basins were delineated in the Rawanduz River Basin. Geomorphic indices used include: drainage basin asymmetry (Af), ratio of valley-floor width to valley height (Vf), index of drainage basin shape (Bs), and index of mountain front sinuosity (Smf). Results from the analysis are accumulated and expressed as an index of relative active tectonics (Iat), which we divide into four classes from relatively low to higher tectonic activity

    Does Service Recovery Affect Customer Satisfaction? A Study on Co-Created Retail Industry

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    AbstractIn today's hyper-competitive business environment, customer satisfaction is vital for success. However, in many businesses, service failure may surface despite consistent avoidance efforts. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between service recovery and customer satisfaction in co-created retail industry. Co-created retail industry which reflects the engagement of customers in business value creation is a win-win approach to customers and retailers particularly in context of service recovery. Although predominant attention on service recovery has been assessed in hospitality context especially in hotel and restaurant setting, there are very limited explorations in co-created retail context to lend sufficient understanding for retail recovery management. A conceptual framework and three prepositions were developed indicating that customer satisfaction is influenced by three justice dimensions of service recovery which is outcome justice, procedural justice and interactional justice. Managerial implication of this study is discussed to exhibit the importance of service recovery in winning back the upset customers

    Simulation model for a nomadic animal production system in Southern Iran.

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    The first motive for the determination and evaluation of an energy production system is the need to change. Such system is dynamic in nature and is influenced by many factors such as age and physiological status of individual sheep or goat, quantity and quality of available feed and environment including the management systems. Traditional pastoral resource assessments do not always account for the complex, interrelated nature of land, forage and livestock. Modeling may overcome the limitations of traditional methods by improving the understanding of complex pastoral systems, and makes fast repetitive analyses, spanning time, incorporating variability and representing more realistically complex interactions possible within the system. The estimated values of metabolisable energy for maintenance and production in this study are based on the results of two feeding systems linked together by grazing the energy intake in the Nomadic Production System (NPS) and the dynamic system modeling used to study the assessment of these complex systems. In this study, validation of model relied on the observations of Torki Ghashghaii (TG) sheep (like those in Bakkan) under pen-fed and integrated rangeland-cropland feeding systems, and was carried out mainly by studying the body weight gain of growing animals and also body weight changes of ewes due to pregnancy and lactation. After validation, the study indicated that the mean value of actual data of male and female lambs (weaners) and ewes were in close agreement with the simulated data. These results validate the generalized structure of energy utilization models of grazing sheep under production sub- systems of NPS. These results will enable the prediction of carrying capacities in any given situation under conditions similar to those in Bakkan

    Design and Development of Low Cost Certified Green Building for Non Residential Existing Building (NREB)

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    The Green Building Index (GBI) is one of rating tool which are provides a prospect for building developers and owners for designing and constructing a green and sustainable buildings. The proposed low cost GBI buildings provide many advantages such as energy savings, water savings, a healthier indoor environment, and better connectivity to public transport. Besides, adoption of recycling and greenery for the projects and can reduce the impact on the environment. However, the implementation to certify as Green Building Index has a lot of concerns such as cost constraint, know how constraints and etc. Therefore, in this paper, the design and development of low cost certified green building by fulfilling the Green Building Index (GBI) is proposed in order to ease the development of green building to have better life for human and environment in this world in term of energy efficiency performances

    Pemerkasaan pendakwah mualaf dengan ilmu kecerdasan spiritual di MUIP

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    Kajian ini bertujuan mengenalpasti pengetahuan, pengalaman pembelajaran dan keperluan modul ilmu kecerdasan spiritual (kerohanian) dalam kalangan pendakwah mualaf lantikan Majlis Ugama Islam dan Adat Resam Melayu Pahang (MUIP). Kaedah kajian kualitatif menggunakan instrumen temubual digunakan untuk mengumpul data daripada peserta kajian. Instrumen temubual telah dibina berdasarkan objektif kajian dan telah melalui proses pengesahan oleh pakar sebelum digunakan dalam kajian sebenar. Peserta kajian dipilih secara rawak daripada senarai pendakwah mualaf yang mendaftar dan dilantik oleh MUIP. Mereka terdiri daripada pelbagai bangsa iaitu Orang Asli, Cina dan India. Temubual dilaksanakan secara bersemuka dan dalam talian bergantung faktor lokasi dan masa responden. Semua rakaman temubual diterjemahkan ke bentuk teks berbantukan aplikasi Inscribe. Jawapan responden dianalisa dan dikategorikan mengikut tema. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan 60% responden mempunyai tahap pengetahuan ilmu kecerdasan spiritual samaada pada tahap rendah dan sederhana. Sebahagian responden (50%) menyatakan mereka mendapat pendedahan kepada ilmu kecerdasan spiritual secara formal dan sebahagian lagi secara tidak formal. Majoriti responden (80%) menyatakan mereka memerlukan ilmu kecerdasan spiritual untuk memberi kekuatan dalaman dan memantapkan usaha dakwah mereka. Oleh itu, terdapat keperluan untuk membina Modul Ilmu Kecerdasan Spiritual dan menyampaikan ilmu tersebut secara lebih formal dan terancang kepada pendakwah mualaf dan seterusnya membantu memperkasakan lagi usaha dakwah di Malaysia


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    This paper describes the performance of a simplified dynamic controller with fuzzy logic controllers. The six degree-of-freedom simulation study focuses on the results with and without fuzzy logic controller. One area of interest is the performance of a simulated the cross coupling effect. The controller uses explicit models to produce the desired commands. In this paper the effect of the cross-coupling between channels on the overall performance of the flight system has been considered. Two fuzzy controllers have been added to the system to improve its performance. This paper presents the development and simulation of a modified system is presented using MatLab Simulink. Also it focuses on the use of fuzzy logic controller in model-based control of multiple-input, multiple-output systems. Here, we address the question of how the overall performance of the system is affected when both fuzzy logic controllers are applied at the same time. Simulation and experimental results of a flight system , as an illustrative example, are presented

    In-Vitro Apatite Growth on Porous β-Tricalcium Phosphate Scaffolds Coated with PHBV

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    The bioactive properties of polyhydroxybutyrate-co-valerate (PHBV) coated beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) have been studied in- vitro. Porous β-TCP scaffolds have been prepared using a template method and sintered at 1450 °C. The bio ceramics were then coated with PHBV solution before being immersed for 6 weeks in a simulated body fluid (SBF) at 37°C. At the end of the immersion time, insignificant changes in the SBF pH value was observed, suggesting good stability against hydrolytic degradation. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses revealed the presence of apatite. Morphological analysis by SEM showed the formation of apatite crystals in the form of flakes and globular deposits on the scaffold surface. This bone- like apatite indicates good biological activity of the bio ceramics scaffold with PHVB coating suggesting that the composite has potential for bone tissue engineering applications

    Microalgae production in fresh market wastewater and its utilization as a protein substitute in formulated fish feed for oreochromis spp.

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    Rapid growing of human population has led to increasing demand of aquaculture production. Oreochromis niloticus or known as tilapia is one of the most globally cultured freshwater fish due to its great adaptation towards extreme environment. Besides, farming of tilapia not only involves small scales farming for local consumption but also larger scales for international market which contributes to a foreign currency earning. Extensive use of fishmeal as feed for fish and for other animals indirectly caused an increasing depletion of the natural resource and may consequently cause economic and environmental unstable. Microalgae biomass seems to be a promising feedstock in aquaculture industry. It can be used for many purposes such as live food for fish larvae and dried microalgae to substitute protein material in fish feed. The microalgae replacement in fish feed formulation as protein alternative seem potentially beneficial for long term aqua-business sustainability. The present chapter discussed the potential of microalgae as an alternative nutrition in fish feed formulations, specifically Tilapia

    Lack of association between the eNOS rs1800779 (A/G) polymorphism and the myocardial infarction incidence among the Iraqi Kurdish population

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    Objectives The genetic polymorphisms of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene are strongly associated with several cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in various populations. The current study aimed to investigate the association of the eNOS rs1800779 (A/G) polymorphism with the progress of myocardial infarction (MI). Methods Eighty-five healthy subjects and 80 patients with MI admitted to the Erbil Cardiac Centre in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq were enrolled in the study. All participants were Kurdish from the same ethnic group. The amplification refractory mutation system polymerase chain reaction (ARMS-PCR) was used to determine the rs1800779 (A/G) polymorphism of eNOS, and the nitric oxide (NO) serum level was detected by spectrophotometer. Results The genotypic frequencies of the eNOS rs1800779 AA (wild type), AG, and GG were 58.75%, 33.75%, and 7.50%, respectively, in the MI patients, and 49.41%, 43.53%, and 7.06%, respectively, for the control group. The frequencies of the A and the G alleles were 75.6% and 24.4%, respectively, in the MI group, and 71.2% and 28.8%, respectively, in the control subjects. The results revealed a lack of association of the rs1800779 genotype distribution with the level of NO serum and increased risk of MI. Conclusion The study concluded that there is a lack of association between the genotypes and alleles of the rs1800779 eNOS and susceptibility to MI in the studied population