1,458 research outputs found

    Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Secretome: Influencing Therapeutic Potential by Cellular Pre-conditioning

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    Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are self-renewing, culture-expandable adult stem cells that have been isolated from a variety of tissues, and possess multipotent differentiation capacity, immunomodulatory properties, and are relatively non-immunogenic. Due to this unique set of characteristics, these cells have attracted great interest in the field of regenerative medicine and have been shown to possess pronounced therapeutic potential in many different pathologies. MSCs' mode of action involves a strong paracrine component resulting from the high levels of bioactive molecules they secrete in response to the local microenvironment. For this reason, MSCs' secretome is currently being explored in several clinical contexts, either using MSC-conditioned media (CM) or purified MSC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) to modulate tissue response to a wide array of injuries. Rather than being a constant mixture of molecular factors, MSCs' secretome is known to be dependent on the diverse stimuli present in the microenvironment that MSCs encounter. As such, the composition of the MSCs' secretome can be modulated by preconditioning the MSCs during in vitro culture. This manuscript reviews the existent literature on how preconditioning of MSCs affects the therapeutic potential of their secretome, focusing on MSCs' immunomodulatory and regenerative features, thereby providing new insights for the therapeutic use of MSCs' secretome.We would like to acknowledge Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020) in the framework of the project “Bioengineered Therapies for Infectious Diseases and Tissue Regeneration” (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000012). We also acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) funds through the COMPETE 2020-Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI), Portugal 2020-in the framework of the project “Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274). We also acknowledge EUROSPINE TRF for the funded project “Disc Regeneration, Immuno, and Neuro Modulation” , ref. 2017_05 . In addition, JF and RG also acknowledge FCT for funding the BiotechHealth Ph.D. fellowship (PD/BD/135486/2018) and the FCT Investigator Grant (IF/00638/2014), respectively

    Therapeutic strategies for IVD regeneration through hyaluronan/SDF-1-based hydrogel and intravenous administration of MSCs

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    Intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration involves a complex cascade of events, including degradation of the native extracellular matrix, loss of water content, and decreased cell numbers. Cell recruitment strategies for the IVD have been increasingly explored, aiming to recruit either endogenous or transplanted cells. This study evaluates the IVD therapeutic potential of a chemoattractant delivery system (HAPSDF5) that combines a hyaluronan-based thermoreversible hydrogel (HAP) and the chemokine stromal cell derived factor-1 (SDF-1). HAPSDF5 was injected into the IVD and was combined with an intravenous injection of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) in a pre-clinical in vivo IVD lesion model. The local and systemic effects were evaluated two weeks after treatment. The hydrogel by itself (HAP) did not elicit any adverse effect, showing potential to be administrated by intradiscal injection. HAPSDF5 induced higher cell numbers, but no evidence of IVD regeneration was observed. MSCs systemic injection seemed to exert a role in IVD regeneration to some extent through a paracrine effect, but no synergies were observed when HAPSDF5 was combined with MSCs. Overall, this study shows that although the injection of chemoattractant hydrogels and MSC recruitment are feasible approaches for IVD, IVD regeneration using this strategy needs to be further explored before successful clinical translation.Funding: This research was funded by Portuguese funds through FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (IUD/BIM/04293/2019) and by EUROSPINE TRF (2017_05)

    Immunomodulatory properties of Musa paradisiaca L. inflorescence in Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (CARAS) model towards NFκB pathway inhibition

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    Musa paradisiaca L. (Musaceae), a tropical plant named banana is used as food and as medicine in Brazil. Banana inflorescence, popularly known as mangará, presents several biological activities including anti-inflammatory effects. Here, we demonstrated the immunomodulatory activity of banana inflorescence extract (HEM) on a mice model of combined allergic rhinitis and asthma syndrome (CARAS) and in human macrophages. The HEM inhibited the eosinophil migration, production of cytokines as IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, and IL-17A dependent on IFN-¿ production in the airway. The mechanism of the extract was, in part, by the NF-¿B signaling pathway inhibition. Besides, the HEM decreased expression of the CD86 and HLA-DR receptors on human M1 macrophages independently of M2 modulation. Therefore, we infer that the inflorescence, a disposable material from the banana crops, has anti-allergic property in the CARAS model and modulates the human macrophages, characterizing it as biologically important material for the production of phytomedicine.This work was supported by Brazilian agencies National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (I3S) and National Institute of Biomedical Engineering (INEB). The authors would like to thank Serviço de Imunohemoterapia of Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João (CHUSJ), Porto, Portugal, for kindly donating Buffy Coats. The authors are also grateful for the valuable assistance provided by agencies, institutes and collaborators. This work was supported by Brazilian agencies National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (I3S) and National Institute of Biomedical Engineering (INEB). The authors would like to thank Serviço de Imunohemoterapia of Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João (CHUSJ), Porto, Portugal, for kindly donating Buffy Coats. The authors are also grateful for the valuable assistance provided by agencies, institutes and collaborators

    Macrophages down-regulate gene expression of intervertebral disc degenerative markers under a pro-inflammatory microenvironment

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    Low back pain is a highly prevalent clinical problem and intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration is now accepted as the major pathophysiological mechanism responsible for this condition. Accumulating evidence suggests that inflammation plays a crucial role in the progression of human IVD degeneration, with macrophages being pointed as the key immune cell players in this process since their infiltration in degenerated IVD samples has been extensively demonstrated. Since they are highly plastic, macrophages can play different roles depending on the microenvironmental cues. The study of inflammation associated with IVD degeneration has been somehow neglected and one of the reasons is related with lack of adequate models. To overcome this, we established and characterized a new model of IVD organ culture under proinflammatory conditions to further dissect the role of macrophages in IVD associated immune response. For that, human monocyte-derived macrophages were co-cultured either with bovine caudal IVD punches in the presence of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1ß, or IVD-conditioned medium (CM), to investigate how IVD-produced factors influence macrophage phenotype. After 72 h, metabolic activity, gene expression and cytokine profile of macrophages and IVD cells were measured. Our results show that macrophages and IVDs remain metabolically active in the presence of IL-1ß, significantly upregulate CCR7 gene expression and increase production of IL-6 on macrophages. When treating macrophages with IL-1ß-IVD-CM, CCR7 upregulation follows the same trend, while for IL-6 an opposite effect was observed. On the other hand, macrophages interfere with IVD ECM remodeling, decreasing MMP3 expression and downregulating aggrecan and collagen II gene expression in the presence of IL-1ß. Overall, the co-culture model established in this study can be considered a suitable approach to address the cellular and molecular pathways that regulate macrophage-IVD crosstalk, suggesting that degenerated IVD tissue tends to polarize human macrophages toward a more proinflammatory profile, which seems to aggravate IVD degeneration. This model could be used to improve the knowledge of the mechanisms that link IVD degeneration and the immune response.This work was financed by European Union funds through Bioengineered Therapies for infectious diseases and tissue regeneration (Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000012), Projetos Estruturados de I& D& I - Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000012, Portugal 2020 - FEDER, and through EUROSPINE TRF (2017_05) by the project Disc degeneration-, immune-, and neuro-modulation. The authors also acknowledge FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, in the framework of the FCT Investigator Grant of RMG (IF/00638/2014), CC Junior Research contract (DL 57/2016/CP1360/CT0004) and the Ph.D. grant of JF (PD/BI/128357/2017). The authors would like to thank Serviço de Imunohemoterapia of Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João (CHUSJ), for kindly donating Buffy Coats

    First and second fundamental solutions of the time-fractional telegraph equation with Laplace or Dirac operators

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    In this work, we obtain the first and second fundamental solutions (FS) of the multidimensional time-fractional equation with Laplace or Dirac operators, where the two time-fractional derivatives of orders α ∈]0, 1] and β ∈]1, 2] are in the Caputo sense. We obtain representations of the FS in terms of Hankel transform, double Mellin- Barnes integrals, and H-functions of two variables. As an application, the FS are used to solve Cauchy problems of Laplace and Dirac type

    A time-fractional Borel-Pompeiu formula and a related hypercomplex operator calculus

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    In this paper we develop a time-fractional operator calculus in fractional Clifford analysis. Initially we study the LpL_p-integrability of the fundamental solutions of the multi-dimensional time-fractional diffusion operator and the associated time-fractional parabolic Dirac operator. Then we introduce the time-fractional analogues of the Teodorescu and Cauchy-Bitsadze operators in a cylindrical domain, and we investigate their main mapping properties. As a main result, we prove a time-fractional version of the Borel-Pompeiu formula based on a time-fractional Stokes' formula. This tool in hand allows us to present a Hodge-type decomposition for the forward time-fractional parabolic Dirac operator with left Caputo fractional derivative in the time coordinate. The obtained results exhibit an interesting duality relation between forward and backward parabolic Dirac operators and Caputo and Riemann-Liouville time-fractional derivatives. We round off this paper by giving a direct application of the obtained results for solving time-fractional boundary value problems.The work of M. Ferreira, M.M. Rodrigues and N. Vieira was supported by Portuguese funds through CIDMA-Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications, and FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project UID/MAT/04106/2019. The work of the authors was supported by the project New Function Theoretical Methods in Computational Electrodynamics / Neue funktionentheoretische Methoden für instationäre PDE, funded by Programme for Cooperation in Science between Portugal and Germany (“Programa de Ações Integradas Luso-Alemãs 2017” - DAAD-CRUP - Acção No. A-15/17 / DAAD-PPP Deutschland-Portugal, Ref: 57340281). N. Vieira was also supported by FCT via the FCT Researcher Program 2014 (Ref: IF/00271/2014).publishe

    Universality in Systems with Power-Law Memory and Fractional Dynamics

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    There are a few different ways to extend regular nonlinear dynamical systems by introducing power-law memory or considering fractional differential/difference equations instead of integer ones. This extension allows the introduction of families of nonlinear dynamical systems converging to regular systems in the case of an integer power-law memory or an integer order of derivatives/differences. The examples considered in this review include the logistic family of maps (converging in the case of the first order difference to the regular logistic map), the universal family of maps, and the standard family of maps (the latter two converging, in the case of the second difference, to the regular universal and standard maps). Correspondingly, the phenomenon of transition to chaos through a period doubling cascade of bifurcations in regular nonlinear systems, known as "universality", can be extended to fractional maps, which are maps with power-/asymptotically power-law memory. The new features of universality, including cascades of bifurcations on single trajectories, which appear in fractional (with memory) nonlinear dynamical systems are the main subject of this review.Comment: 23 pages 7 Figures, to appear Oct 28 201

    Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with hard and light intensity physical activity but not time spent sedentary in 10–14 year old schoolchildren: the HAPPY study

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    Sedentary behaviour is a major risk factor for developing chronic diseases and is associated with low cardiorespiratory fitness in adults. It remains unclear how sedentary behaviour and different physical activity subcomponents are related to cardiorespiratory fitness in children. The purpose of this study was to assess how sedentary behaviour and different physical activity subcomponents are associated with 10–14 year-old schoolchildren's cardiorespiratory fitness