28 research outputs found

    Automated functional classification of experimental and predicted protein structures

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    BACKGROUND: Proteins that are similar in sequence or structure may perform different functions in nature. In such cases, function cannot be inferred from sequence or structural similarity. RESULTS: We analyzed experimental structures belonging to the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database and showed that about half of them belong to multi-functional fold families for which protein similarity alone is not adequate to assign function. We also analyzed predicted structures from the LiveBench and the PDB-CAFASP experiments and showed that accurate homology-based functional assignments cannot be achieved approximately one third of the time, when the protein is a member of a multi-functional fold family. We then conducted extended performance evaluation and comparisons on both experimental and predicted structures using our Functional Signatures from Structural Alignments (FSSA) algorithm that we previously developed to handle the problem of classifying proteins belonging to multi-functional fold families. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that the FSSA algorithm has better accuracy when compared to homology-based approaches for functional classification of both experimental and predicted protein structures, in part due to its use of local, as opposed to global, information for classifying function. The FSSA algorithm has also been implemented as a webserver and is available at

    Genome analysis and physiological comparison of Alicycliphilus denitrificans strains BC and K601T

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    The genomes of the Betaproteobacteria Alicycliphilus denitrificans strains BC and K601T have been sequenced to get insight into the physiology of the two strains. Strain BC degrades benzene with chlorate as electron acceptor. The cyclohexanol-degrading denitrifying strain K601T is not able to use chlorate as electron acceptor, while strain BC cannot degrade cyclohexanol. The 16S rRNA sequences of strains BC and K601T are identical and the fatty acid methyl ester patterns of the strains are similar. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) analysis of predicted open reading frames of both strains showed most hits with Acidovorax sp. JS42, a bacterium that degrades nitro-aromatics. The genomes include strain-specific plasmids (pAlide201 in strain K601T and pAlide01 and pAlide02 in strain BC). Key genes of chlorate reduction in strain BC were located on a 120 kb megaplasmid (pAlide01), which was absent in strain K601T. Genes involved in cyclohexanol degradation were only found in strain K601T. Benzene and toluene are degraded via oxygenase-mediated pathways in both strains. Genes involved in the meta-cleavage pathway of catechol are present in the genomes of both strains. Strain BC also contains all genes of the ortho-cleavage pathway. The large number of mono- and dioxygenase genes in the genomes suggests that the two strains have a broader substrate range than known thus far.This research was supported by the Technology Foundation, the Applied Science Division (STW) of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), project number 08053, the graduate school WIMEK (Wageningen Institute for Environment and Climate Research, which is part of SENSE Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment, www.wimek-new.wur.nl and www.sense.nl), SKB (Dutch Centre for Soil Quality Management and Knowledge Transfer, www.skbodem.nl) and the Consolider project CSD-2007-00055. The research was incorporated in the TRIAS (TRIpartite Approaches 469 toward Soil systems processes) program (http://www.nwo.nl/en/research-and-results/programmes/alw/trias-tripartite-approach-to-soil-system-processes/index. html). Flávia Talarico Saia was supported by a FAPESP (the State of São Paulo Research Foundation) scholarship (2006-01997/5). The work conducted by the DOE JGI is supported by the Office of Science of the United States Department of Energy under contract number DE-AC02-05CH11231. Alfons Stams acknowledges support by an ERC (European Research Counsil) advanced grant (project 323009). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Protocol for the Definition of a Multi-Spectral Sensor for Specific Foliar Disease Detection: Case of “Flavescence Dorée”

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    International audienceFlavescence Dorée (FD) is a contagious and incurable grapevine disease that can be perceived on leaves. In order to contain its spread, the regulations obligate winegrowers to control each plant and to remove the suspected ones. Nevertheless, this monitoring is performed during the harvest and mobilizes many people during a strategic period for viticulture. To solve this problem, we aim to develop a Multi-Spectral (MS) imaging device ensuring an automated grapevine disease detection solution. If embedded on a UAV, the tool can provide disease outbreaks locations in a geographical information system allowing localized and direct treatment of infected vines. The high-resolution MS camera aims to allow the identification of potential FD occurrence, but the procedure can, more generally, be used to detect any type of foliar diseases on any type of vegetation