18 research outputs found

    Baklagillerde Generatif Döküm Sorunu

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    Baklagillerde generatif organ (çiçek ve bakla) dökümü önemli bir problemdir. Bitki tarafından çok sayıda çiçek üretilse de bu çiçeklerin çoğu dökülmekte ve baklaya dönmemektedir. Aslında, aşırı sayıda bakla sayısı, kaliteyle ters orantılı olduğundan, orta derecede çiçek dökümü tarımsal açıdan istenen bir özelliktir. Fakat genellikle baklagiller normalden fazla sayıda generatif organı yüksek sıcaklık, yetersiz ışık, kuraklık, besin elementi yetersizliği, yüksek bitki yoğunluğu sonucunda dökmektedir. Bu çalışmada, öne çıkan iki hipotez olan besin eksikliği ve hormonal kontrol hipotezleri ışığında, baklagillerde generatif döküm sorunu incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, bu konuda yürütülmüş çalışmalardaki bazı eksikliklere ve bunların ortaya çıkardığı fırsatlara değinilmiştir

    Researches on Determination Yield and Yield Components of Some Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) Genotypes in Ecological Conditions of Diyarbakır

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    The research was conducted to determine yield and yield components of some common vetch genotypes in order to examine some of the traits, during 2011-2013 seasons in GAP International Agricultural Research and Training Center was carried out on the experimental field. In the study, a total of 20 different genotypes were used common vetch, field trials randomized block design with 3 replications was established. In the study, herbage yield, hay yield and seed yield in addition to days to %50 flowering duration, plant height, main stem length, main stem number, pod number per plant, grain number per pod as affecting yield some properties were also investigated. In both years of the study, days to %50 flowering duration and grain number per pod characteristics examined, except among genotypes for all other parameters are determined significant differences in statistical terms. According to the average of two years result; days to %50 flowering duration, plant height, main stem length, main stem number, pod number per plant, grain number per pod, herbage yield, hay yield, seed yield, 1000 seed weight were changed between 157.8-174.0 days, 33.9-62.6 cm, 52.0-83.3 cm, 1.6-2.6 number, 13.5-21.2 number, 4.7-5.6 number, 1522.0-3232.3 kg da-1, 308.0-919.5 kg da-1, 92.2-293.7 kg da-1, 46.5-84.5 g, respectively. According to these results, under the climate and soil conditions of Diyarbakır; for the grass production common vetch genotypes "D-135" was suggested and for the seed production common vetch genotypes "IFVS-715" and "GAP-59998" were suggested

    Hasat dönemi ile yoğunluğunun çalımsı yonca (Medicago arborea L.)'nın verim ve verime ilişkin özelliklerine etkisi üzerinde araştırmalar

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    Bu araştırma 2011-2012 yıllarında Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü'nün deneme tarlasında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, farklı hasat dönemi (Nisan, Mayıs, Haziran, Temmuz, Ağustos) ile biçim oranının (Yeşil sürgünlerin %50 veya %100 biçilmesi) çalımsı yonca (Medicago arborea L.)'da verim ve verime ilişkin bazı özellikler üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla Yeşil Ot Verimi,Yeşil Otta Yaprak Oranı, Havada Kuru Madde Oranı, Kuru Ot Verimi, Yaprakta Ham Protein Oranı, Sapta Ham Protein Oranı, Yaprakta Ham Protein Verimi, Sapta Ham Protein Verimi, Yaprakta Ham Kül Oranı, Sapta Ham Kül Oranı, Yaprakta Ham Kül Verimi, Sapta Ham Kül Verimi karakterleri incelemiştir. Bulgular, genel olarak erken ilkbahar döneminde ve nisan aylarında özellikle 5 yasındaki bitkilerin %50 oranında hasat edildiği koşullarda en yüksek yeşil ot (969g/bitki), yeşil otta yaprak oranı (%75,8) ve kuru ot verimleri (358,1g/bitki) elde edileceğini göstermiştir. Bu bulgularımız, ham protein ve ham kül içerik (%21,5 YHP, %19,5 SHP) ve verimleri (46,0g/bitki YHK, 17,8g/bitki SHK) açısından da benzer sonuçlar ortaya koymuştur

    Some Characters of Rangeland Vegetation In Batman Province of Beşiri District

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    Amaç: Batman ili Beşiri ilçesine bağlı 14 köyün mera vejetasyonlarının mera durumu, mera sağlığı, botanik kompozisyondaki baklagiller, buğdaygiller, diğer familya bitkileri, azalıcı, çoğalıcı ve istilacı bitki oranları rapor edilmiştir. Materyal ve Metot: Meraların vejetasyon ölçümleri modifiye edilmiş tekerlekli lup (halka) metodu kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Vejetasyon etüdü meradaki hakim bitkilerin çiçeklendiği dönemde, her durakta 4 hatta toplam 400 noktada; doğu, batı, kuzey ve güney yöneyleri esas alınarak, bitki okumak suretiyle yapılmıştır. Okuma neticesinde tespit edilen bitki türleri azalıcılar, çoğalıcılar ve istilacılar olmak üzere 3 sınıfa ayrılmışlardır. Bulgular: Yapılan vejetasyon etütlerinde 117 farklı tür tespit edilmiştir. Tespit edilen türlerin 17 tanesi (%30.87) buğdaygil, 32 tanesi (%34.65) baklagil ve 68 tanesi (%34.48) diğer familyalara ait türler olduğu belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen türlerin kalite derecelerine göre dağılımına göre bitkilerin 7 adedinin (%2.56) azalıcı, 8 adedinin (%6.83) çoğalıcı ve 102 adedinin (%90.61) istilacı türlerden oluştuğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Araştırma alanlarının mera durumu yönünden “zayıf mera”, mera sağlığı açısından ise “sağlıklı mera “ sınıfına dahil olmuştur. Ülkemiz koşullarındaki meralarda olduğu gibi, araştırma alanı meraları üzerinde de aşırı, erken ve düzensiz otlatma yapılmaktadır. Meralarımızın bozulmasında en önemli etkenlerden biri de meraların kapasitelerinin çok üzerinde hayvanla otlatılmasıdır. Bu meralarda sürdürülebilirliğin devam etmesi bakımından, en başta otlatma planının doğru bir şekilde yapılması, sonrasında başta gübreleme ve yabancı ot savaşımı olmak üzere bazı bakım ve ıslah işlemlerinin uygulamaya konulması ve ayrıca uygulamaların da sık sık güncellemeleri gerekliliği göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the status, health, rate of legumes, wheat and other family plants in botanical composition; proportions of decreasing, increasing and invasive plants in pasture vegetations of 14 villages of Batman province Beşiri district. Materials and Methods: The vegetation measurements of the rangelands were determined by modified wheel loop method. Vegetation surveys was conducted by readings at flowering stage of dominant plants in the rangeland, at a total of 400 points, including 4 lines at each stop through to the east, west, north and south directions. Identified plant species were divided into 3 classes as decreasers, increasers and invaders. Results: In the vegetation studies, 117 different species were determined. Of the identified species, 17 were gramineae (30.87%), 32 were leguminous (34.65%) and 68 were from other families (34.48%). It was determined that 7 of the plants (2.56%) were decreasers, 8 of them (6.83%) were replicator and 102 of them (90.61%) were invasive species. Conclusion: As a result, the studied rangelands were classified as “weak” in terms of condition and “healthy” in terms of rangeland health. As same in other rangelands in Turkey, the studied rangelands were found under extreme, early and irregular grazing pressure. This situation is the most important factor in the degradation of Turkish rangelands. In order to maintain sustainability of these rangelands, it is necessary to perform a grazing plan and then to implement some maintenance and rehabilitation processes, particularly fertilization and weed control, and also to update applications frequently

    Determination of the Botanical Composition of the Arid Pasture in District Eğil, Diyarbakır

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    This research was conducted to determine vegetation structures of the native pastures in the five villages of district Eğil, Diyarbakır. Vegetations of the pastures were studied by the Loop Method. In each pasture 400 loop measurements in 4 lines were made. Plant-covered area rate, botanical composition in the plant covered area was calculated from the loop measurements. In the research, 35 plant species from 27 different genera of 10 plant families were obtained. As depending on the pastures, plant cover percentages varied between 26.60% to 60.36% and botanical composition rate of grasses, legumes and other family plants in the total plant cover varied between 27.81%, and 37.45%, 8.67%, and 39.31%, 23.24%, and 59.16%, respectively. The investigation, it was concluded that vegetations of the pastures were all composed of invader plants

    Research on the Vegetation Structure of the Pastures in Silvan District, Diyarbakır

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    This research was conducted to determine the vegetation structures of the native pastures in the six villages of district Silvan, Diyarbakır, in the year of 2014 .Vegetations of the pastures were studied by the Loop Method. In each pasture 400 loop measurements in 4 lines were made. Plant-covered area rate, botanical composition in the plant covered area was calculated from the loop measurements. 43 plant species of 35 genus from 11 families were determined on the vegetation of the pastures. Plant cover percentages varied between 46.2% to 72.0% and botanical composition rate of grasses, legumes and other family plants in the total plant cover varied between 30.81%, and 72.92%, 16.89%, and 48.25%, 10.19%, and 39.74%, respectively, as depending on the pastures. From the results of the research, it was concluded that vegetations of the pastures were generally composed of invader plants. Therefore the pastures have poor condition. The research on the determination of proper improvement methods for the pastures must be conducted

    IV-International Rural Areas and Ecology Congress Within The Framework of Sustainable Development (RUDESU2023)

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    <p>IENSCI provides a perfect platform for scientists, engineers, students, researchers and professionals from all over the world to meet and to discuss Science innovations, trends of Engineering and the development of Natural Sciences. As the future of these subjects are going to change the world we all live in. The utmost goals of the scientific platform is to provide a transformative professional development experience  for young researchers, scientists through bringing together the world's scientific experts to catalyze and advance scientific knowledge. This will happen by producing new knowledge, publishing the original research papers and review papers, surveys, case studies, technical and management reports, viewpoints, conference publications, thesis, book reviews, notes, commentaries and news in various themes of natural scientific research and engineering. <br>The platform is created by the academic staff of various universities around the world and open to new members to be involved in research projects, and to present their ideas and research plans, as the platform is dedicated to create a hub to support the professional development of each of us in the fields of science, engineering and life sciences.</p&gt

    Forage nutritive value of soybean varieties

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    This study was carried out in Bingol Province of Turkey in the growing season of 2012 to determine the nutritive value of different soybean varieties. A total of 12 different soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] varieties supplied from Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute, Western Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute, Aegean Agricultural Research Institute and May-Agro Seed Company were used as the plant material of the field experiments. Experiments were carried out in randomized block design with 3 replications. Green herbage and hay yields, crude protein (CP), protein yield (PY), crude ash (CA), dry matter digestibility (DMD), dry matter intake (DMI), relative food value (RFV), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) characteristics were investigated. The results showed that the varieties Blaze, Ataem-7, Cinsoy, Nova, Erensoy and Türksoy were considered as primary varieties to be used in animal feed and agricultural activities of the region with regard to hay yield and quality

    Farklı yerfıstığı (Arachis hypogaea) çeşitlerinin kuru otlarına ait hayvan besleme değerlerinin belirlenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, farklı yerfıstığı (Arachis hypogaea) çeşitlerinin kuru otlarına ait besin madde kompozisyonlarının belirlenmesi amacıyla, 2012 yılı yetiştirme sezonunda Bingöl’de bir çiftçi tarlasında yürütülmüştür. Denemede, 10 adet yerfıstığı çeşidi materyal olarak kullanılmıştır. Deneme, tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 3 tekrarlamalı olarak kurulmuştur. Denemede; ham protein (HP), ham kül (HK), sindirilebilir kuru madde (SKM), kuru madde tüketimi (KMT), nispi yem değeri (NYD), asit deterjan lif (ADF) ve nötr deterjan lif (NDF) özellikleri incelenmiştir. Yapılan varyans analizi sonucunda, ham protein (HP) ve kuru madde tüketimi (KMT) değerleri arasındaki farklılıklar istatistikî olarak önemli bulunmuştur. HP oranı bakımından Florispan ve Arıoğlu-2003 (%10.11 ve %8.64) çeşitleri ön plana çıkarken, KMT değerleri bakımından ise yine Florispan (3.46) çeşidi ilk sırada yer almıştır