6 research outputs found

    Estado da arte do conhecimento da avifauna da Caatinga

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    A Caatinga representa uma das regiões mais importante para espécies endêmicas do semiárido Nordestino e uma das áreas naturais mais ameaçadas do Brasil. Neste cenário, pouco se sabe sobre como está distribuído o conhecimento da avifauna da Caatinga, quais as áreas mais estudadas e as áreas emergentes. Diante disso, buscamos investigar como vem se desenvolvendo as pesquisas científicas a respeito da avifauna da Caatinga nos últimos 60 anos. Para a coleta de dados foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico nos principais banco de dados, entre os anos de 1961 e 2021. Foram encontrados um total de 254 artigos científicos publicados em revistas cientificas. Os artigos não seguiram uma crescente constante e o ano 2012 obteve o maior número de publicações 11,24% (N: 29) nas últimas seis décadas. As publicações por estados se mostraram desiguais, com o estado da Bahia com o maior número de artigos publicados 31,78% (N: 82). A área de concentração mais estudada foi a ecologia com 22,48% (N:58) juntamente com inventários de espécies em nível local 22,09% (N:57). Nossos resultados indicam que mesmo com um aumento considerável de publicações nos últimos anos, incluindo os temas abordados, ainda assim existem muitas lacunas importantes a serem respondidas sobre as aves da Caatinga.The Caatinga represents one of the most important regions for endemic species in the semi-arid Northeast and one of the most threatened natural areas in Brazil. In this scenario, little is known about how the knowledge of the Caatinga avifauna is distributed, which are the most studied areas and the emerging areas. The study aimed to investigate how scientific research on the Caatinga avifauna has been developing in the last 60 years. For data collection, a bibliographic survey was carried out in the main banks between the years 1961 and 2021. A total of 258 scientific articles published in scientific journals were found. The articles did not follow a constant increase and the year 2012 had the highest number of publications 11.24% (N: 29) in the last six decades. Publications by states were uneven, with the state of Bahia with the highest number of published works at 31.78% (N: 82). The most studied concentration area was ecology with 22.48% (N:58) together with local inventories at 22.09% (N:57). Our results indicate that even with a considerable increase in publications in recent years, including topics addressed, there are still many important gaps to be answered about Caatinga birds

    Orientamenti per ‘linee guida’ in materia di biobanche

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    Il testo propone orientamenti per 'linee guida' complessive inerenti alla gestione delle banche di materiali biologici umani e dei dati a essi riferibili, con specifico riguardo ai seguenti temi: 1. Quale definizione di biobanca? 2. Funzioni e struttura della biobanca 3. Il codice etico della biobanca 4. La donazione del campione biologico 5. Biobanche e consenso informato 6. La restituzione dei risultati al paziente/donatore 7. La comunicazione dei risultati ai familiari 8. La biobanca e il ruolo del Comitato etico. 9. I problemi inerenti alla costituzione di network tra biobanche 10. I trasferimenti di materiale biologico 11. Le altre collezioni di materiali biologici e le c.d. collezioni storiche. 12. La formazione del personale delle biobanch

    Biobanche. Aspetti scientifici ed etico-giuridici

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    La biobanca quale raccolta di materiali biologici umani offre alla ricerca medica un numero fino a pochi anni orsono inimmaginabile di reperti omogenei per certe caratteristiche e di informazioni da essi desumibili. Talora, si pensi alla banche di sangue cordonale, offre altres\uec elementi che possono essere utilizzati in ambito terapeutico. Si tratta, quindi, di una risorsa caratterizzata da una peculiare finalizzazione solidaristica. Ma quanto essa mette a disposizione \ue8 straordinariamente delicato: perch\ue9 se ne potrebbe far uso per gli scopi pi\uf9 diversi; perch\ue9 \ue8 in grado di fornire conoscenze sensibili sulla salute del donatore e dei suoi consanguinei; perch\ue9 potrebbe suscitare interesse da punti di vista del tutto differenti rispetto a quello sanitario. Gli elementi biologici umani sono espressione dell\u2019identit\ue0 di un individuo e ne portano i caratteri. Ciascuno, pertanto, ha il diritto e il dovere di sovrintendere al loro utilizzo, prestando il proprio consenso sulla base di un\u2019adeguata identificazione dell\u2019ambito di ricerca presente e futura (o di gestione per fini terapeutici) cui siano destinati o escludendo tipologie di utilizzo ritenute inaccettabili. Tale responsabilit\ue0 non viene meno solo perch\ue9 si renda irriconoscibile, mediante procedure di anonimizzazione, il rapporto tra un certo materiale biologico e l\u2019individuo da cui proviene. Quel rapporto, del resto, deve poter essere ricostruito ai fini della comunicazione di dati che abbiano interesse sanitario (da realizzarsi sempre attraverso un serio counseling medico e psicologico). La sensibilizzazione a donare materiali biologici s\u2019intreccia cos\uec con l\u2019esigenza che questi siano gestiti in modo trasparente e scientificamente qualificato, come pure con la necessit\ue0 di un costante dialogo tra i donatori e le loro famiglie, la comunit\ue0 dei ricercatori e tutti i potenziali beneficiari delle attivit\ue0 svolte in una biobanca. Il volume, dunque, raccoglie interventi che provengono da competenze diverse (biologia, medicina, filosofia, diritto, bioetica), miranti a evidenziare nodi problematici e a formulare proposte per fini di regolamentazione etica e giuridica

    Incidence, Risk Factors and Outcome of Pre-engraftment Gram-Negative Bacteremia after Allogeneic and Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: An Italian Prospective Multicenter Survey

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Gram-negative bacteremia (GNB) is a major cause of illness and death after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), and updated epidemiological investigation is advisable. METHODS: We prospectively evaluated the epidemiology of pre-engraftment GNB in 1118 allogeneic HSCTs (allo-HSCTs) and 1625 autologous HSCTs (auto-HSCTs) among 54 transplant centers during 2014 (SIGNB-GITMO-AMCLI study). Using logistic regression methods. we identified risk factors for GNB and evaluated the impact of GNB on the 4-month overall-survival after transplant. RESULTS: The cumulative incidence of pre-engraftment GNB was 17.3% in allo-HSCT and 9% in auto-HSCT. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were the most common isolates. By multivariate analysis, variables associated with GNB were a diagnosis of acute leukemia, a transplant from a HLA-mismatched donor and from cord blood, older age, and duration of severe neutropenia in allo-HSCT, and a diagnosis of lymphoma, older age, and no antibacterial prophylaxis in auto-HSCT. A pretransplant infection by a resistant pathogen was significantly associated with an increased risk of posttransplant infection by the same microorganism in allo-HSCT. Colonization by resistant gram-negative bacteria was significantly associated with an increased rate of infection by the same pathogen in both transplant procedures. GNB was independently associated with increased mortality at 4 months both in allo-HSCT (hazard ratio, 2.13; 95% confidence interval, 1.45-3.13; P <.001) and auto-HSCT (2.43; 1.22-4.84; P = .01). CONCLUSIONS: Pre-engraftment GNB is an independent factor associated with increased mortality rate at 4 months after auto-HSCT and allo-HSCT. Previous infectious history and colonization monitoring represent major indicators of GNB. CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRATION: NCT02088840

    Stress Echocardiography in Italian Echocardiographic Laboratories: A Survey of the Italian Society of Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Imaging

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    Background: The Italian Society of Echography and Cardiovascular Imaging (SIECVI) conducted a national survey to understand the volumes of activity, modalities and stressors used during stress echocardiography (SE) in Italy. Methods: We analyzed echocardiography laboratory activities over a month (November 2022). Data were retrieved through an electronic survey based on a structured questionnaire, uploaded on the SIECVI website. Results: Data were obtained from 228 echocardiographic laboratories, and SE examinations were performed in 179 centers (80.6%): 87 centers (47.5%) were in the northern regions of Italy, 33 centers (18.4%) were in the central regions, and 61 (34.1%) in the southern regions. We annotated a total of 4057 SE. We divided the SE centers into three groups, according to the numbers of SE performed: &lt;10 SE (low-volume activity, 40 centers), between 10 and 39 SE (moderate volume activity, 102 centers) and &gt;= 40 SE (high volume activity, 37 centers). Dipyridamole was used in 139 centers (77.6%); exercise in 120 centers (67.0%); dobutamine in 153 centers (85.4%); pacing in 37 centers (21.1%); and adenosine in 7 centers (4.0%). We found a significant difference between the stressors used and volume of activity of the centers, with a progressive increase in the prevalence of number of stressors from low to high volume activity (P = 0.033). The traditional evaluation of regional wall motion of the left ventricle was performed in all centers, with combined assessment of coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) in 90 centers (50.3%): there was a significant difference in the centers with different volume of SE activity: the incidence of analysis of CFVR was significantly higher in high volume centers compared to low - moderate - volume (32.5%, 41.0% and 73.0%, respectively, P &lt; 0.001). The lung ultrasound (LUS) was assessed in 67 centers (37.4%). Furthermore for LUS, we found a significant difference in the centers with different volume of SE activity: significantly higher in high volume centers compared to low - moderate - volume (25.0%, 35.3% and 56.8%, respectively, P &lt; 0.001). Conclusions: This nationwide survey demonstrated that SE was significantly widespread and practiced throughout Italy. In addition to the traditional indication to coronary artery disease based on regional wall motion analysis, other indications are emerging with an increase in the use of LUS and CFVR, especially in high-volume centers

    The management of acute venous thromboembolism in clinical practice - study rationale and protocol of the European PREFER in VTE Registry

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    Background: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a major health problem, with over one million events every year in Europe. However, there is a paucity of data on the current management in real life, including factors influencing treatment pathways, patient satisfaction, quality of life (QoL), and utilization of health care resources and the corresponding costs. The PREFER in VTE registry has been designed to address this and to understand medical care and needs as well as potential gaps for improvement. Methods/design: The PREFER in VTE registry was a prospective, observational, multicenter study conducted in seven European countries including Austria, France Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK to assess the characteristics and the management of patients with VTE, the use of health care resources, and to provide data to estimate the costs for 12 months treatment following a first-time and/or recurrent VTE diagnosed in hospitals or specialized or primary care centers. In addition, existing anticoagulant treatment patterns, patient pathways, clinical outcomes, treatment satisfaction, and health related QoL were documented. The centers were chosen to reflect the care environment in which patients with VTE are managed in each of the participating countries. Patients were eligible to be enrolled into the registry if they were at least 18 years old, had a symptomatic, objectively confirmed first time or recurrent acute VTE defined as either distal or proximal deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism or both. After the baseline visit at the time of the acute VTE event, further follow-up documentations occurred at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. Follow-up data was collected by either routinely scheduled visits or by telephone calls. Results: Overall, 381 centers participated, which enrolled 3,545 patients during an observational period of 1 year. Conclusion: The PREFER in VTE registry will provide valuable insights into the characteristics of patients with VTE and their acute and mid-term management, as well as into drug utilization and the use of health care resources in acute first-time and/or recurrent VTE across Europe in clinical practice. Trial registration: Registered in DRKS register, ID number: DRKS0000479