58 research outputs found

    Bilim Ağı (Web of Science): Atıfta Bulunulan Referans Kaynaklarının Aranması için Benzersiz Bir Yöntem

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    Bir yayının başka yayınlar tarafından referans kaynak olarak kaç kez gösterilmiş olduğu, söz konusu yayının bilimsel ağırlığının ne kadar olduğunu yansıtır. Atıf analizleri, bilimsel, teknolojik ve sosyal bilim dergilerinde yayınlanmış olan araştırmanın kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi için kullanılan parametrelerden biri­dir. Bilim Ağı (Web of Science), kullanıcılarına, multidisipliner bilginin güncel halini ve geçmişe dönük olarak araştırılması olanağını sağlar. Dergiye ve maka­leye atıf konularındaki özelliklerin değerlendirilmesi için Bilim Atıf indeksi’ nde (Science Citation lndex) yer alan parametreler ve pratik uygulamalar özetlen­miştir

    Predictive and Prognostic Factors in Ovarian and Uterine Carcinosarcomas

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    Background: Prognostic factors and the standard treatment approach for gynaecological carcinosarco-mas have not yet been clearly defined. Although car-cinosarcomas are more aggressive than pure epithelial tumours, they are treated similarly. Serous/clear cell and endometrioid components may be predictive fac-tors for the efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy (CT) or radiotherapy (RT) or RT in patients with uterine and ovarian carcinosarcomas. Heterologous carcino-sarcomas may benefit more from adjuvant CT.Aims: We aimed to define the prognostic and predic-tive factors associated with treatment options in ovar-ian (OCS) and uterine carcinosarcoma (UCS).Study Design: Retrospective cross-sectional studyMethods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical re-cords of patients with ovarian and uterine carcinosar-coma from 2000 to 2013, and 127 women were includ-ed in this study (24 ovarian and 103 uterine). Patients admitted to seventeen oncology centres in Turkey be-tween 2000 and December 2013 with a histologically proven diagnosis of uterine carcinosarcoma with FIGO 2009 stage I-III and patients with sufficient data ob-tained from well-kept medical records were included in this study. Stage IV tumours were excluded. The pa-tient records were retrospectively reviewed. Data from 104 patients were evaluated for this study.Results: Age (>=70 years) was a poor prognostic factor for UCS (p=0.036). Pelvic±para aortic lymph node dis-section did not affect overall survival (OS) (p=0.35). Macroscopic residual disease was related with OS (p<0.01). The median OS was significantly longer in stage I-II patients than stage III patients (p=0.03). Adjuvant treatment improved OS (p=0.013). Adju-vant radiotherapy tended to increase the median O

    Acute prostatitis after prostate biopsy under ciprofloxacin prophylaxis with or without ornidazole and pre-biopsy enema: analysis of 3.479 prostate biopsy cases

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    Objectives: To investigate the characteristics of cases of NIH category I acute prostatitis developed after transrectal prostate biopsy and clarifiy the risk factors and preventive factors. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 3.479 cases of transrectal ultrasound-guided needle biopsies performed with different prophylactic antibiotherapy regimens at two different institutions between January 2011 and February 2016. The patients of Group I have received ciprofloxacin (n=1.523, 500mg twice daily) and the patients of Group II have received ciprofloxacin plus ornidazole (n=1.956, 500mg twice daily) and cleansing enema combination as prophylactic antibiotherapy. The incidence, clinical features and other related microbiological and clinical data, were evaluated. Results: Mean age was 62.38 +/- 7.30 (47-75), and the mean prostate volume was 43.17 +/- 15.20 (21-100) mL. Of the 3.479 patients, 39 (1.1%) developed acute prostatitis after the prostate biopsy procedure. Of the 39 cases of acute prostatitis, 28/3.042 occurred after the first biopsy and 11/437 occurred after repeat biopsy (p=0.038). In Group I, 22 of 1.523 (1.4%) patients developed acute prostatitis. In Group II, 17 of 1.959 (0.8%) patients developed acute prostatitis. There was no statistical difference between the two groups according to acute prostatitis rates (X2=2.56, P=0.11). Further, hypertension or DM were not related to the development of acute prostatitis (P=0.76, X2=0.096 and P=0.83, X2=0.046, respectively). Conclusions: Repeat biopsy seems to increase the risk of acute prostatitis, while the use of antibiotics effective for anaerobic pathogens seems not to be essential yet

    Robust, Long-Term Culture of Endoderm-Derived Hepatic Organoids for Disease Modeling

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    Organoid technologies have become a powerful emerging tool to model liver diseases, for drug screening, and for personalized treatments. These applications are, however, limited in their capacity to generate functional hepatocytes in a reproducible and efficient manner. Here, we generated and characterized the hepatic organoid (eHEPO) culture system using human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived EpCAM-positive endodermal cells as an intermediate. eHEPOs can be produced within 2 weeks and expanded long term (>16 months) without any loss of differentiation capacity to mature hepatocytes. Starting from patient-specific iPSCs, we modeled citrullinemia type 1, a urea cycle disorder caused by mutations in the argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS1) enzyme. The disease-related ammonia accumulation phenotype in eHEPOs could be reversed by the overexpression of the wild-type ASS1 gene, which also indicated that this model is amenable to genetic manipulation. Thus, eHEPOs are excellent unlimited cell sources to generate functional hepatic organoids in a fast and efficient manner

    Azot içeren maddelerin tam oksidayonu için katalizör taraması.

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    High temperature catalytic oxidation (HTCO) of nitrogen containing compounds has great importance with regard to determination of the nitrogen in the environmental and industrial samples. The complete oxidation of bound nitrogen in different functional groups, ammonia, nitrates and organic nitrogen to nitric oxide is a crucial step for the determination of nitrogen in samples. The main goal of this work is catalyst screening for the complete oxidation of total bound nitrogen in the nitrogen containing compounds to nitric oxide. Four different catalyst samples, 10 % wt Cu/Al2O3, 3% wt Cu- 7 % wt Ce/Al2O3, 5 % wt Fe/Al2O3 and 1 % wt Pt/Al2O3, were synthesized by impregnation method. Characterization of the catalyst samples was performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and BET. High temperature catalytic oxidation (HTCO) experiments were conducted with compounds containing different nitrogen functional groups to observe the catalytic activities of the catalyst samples. Temperature vi programmed oxidation (TPO) studies were carried out to observe reaction mechanism of bound nitrogen at different temperatures. HTCO experiments showed that, water is as important oxidizing agent as oxygen for the oxidation of organic nitrogen to NO. According to conversion results of HTCO experiments, 5 % wt Fe/Al2O3 catalyst showed the best catalytic activity for conversion of bound nitrogen in tested model compounds to NO. 1 % wt Pt/Al2O3 catalyst also showed good catalytic activity for the model compounds oxidation except pyridine. 10 % wt Cu/ Al2O3 catalyst performed bad catalytic activity for conversions of bound nitrogen to NO for EDTA, glutamic acid and ammonium sulfate. 3% wt Cu- 7 % wt Ce /Al2O3 catalyst showed poor conversions of bound nitrogen to NO for compounds, EDTA, pyridine, ammonium nitrate and glutamic acid. TPO studies showed that complete conversion of bound nitrogen of acetonitrile to NO occurs at temperatures between 700-800 oC for the 5 % wt Fe/ Al2O3 and 1 % wt Pt/ Al2O3 catalysts. The results of TPO experiment over 10 % wt Cu/Al2O3 catalyst showed that N2 formation is seen up at temperatures to 900 oC. According to TPO experiment results over 3% wt Cu- 7 % wt Ce /Al2O3, it can be stated that N2 and N2O are the main nitrogen containing products at temperatures up to 900 oC. In this study, 5 % wt Fe/Al2O3 catalyst showed the best catalytic activity for high temperature oxidation of bound nitrogen to NO in the selected model compounds. Therefore; it can be stated for the future works that, alumina supported iron catalysts will be one of the first alternative to platinum containing catalysts in the nitrogen determination by using HTCO technique.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Bilim Ağı (Web of Science): Atıfta Bulunulan Referans Kaynaklarının Aranması için Benzersiz Bir Yöntem

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    Bir yayının başka yayınlar tarafından referans kaynak olarak kaç kez gösterilmiş olduğu, söz konusu yayının bilimsel ağırlığının ne kadar olduğunu yansıtır. Atıf analizleri, bilimsel, teknolojik ve sosyal bilim dergilerinde yayınlanmış olan araştırmanın kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi için kullanılan parametrelerden biridir. Bilim Ağı (Web of Science), kullanıcılarına, multidisipliner bilginin güncel halini ve geçmişe dönük olarak araştırılması olanağını sağlar. Dergiye ve makaleye atıf konularındaki özelliklerin değerlendirilmesi için Bilim Atıf İndeksi'nde (Science Citation Index) yer alan parametreler ve pratik uygulamalar özetlenmiştir

    Catalytic oxidation of nitrogen containing compounds for nitrogen determination

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    The high temperature catalytic oxidation (HTCO) performance of Al2O3 supported Pt, Cu, Cu-Ce and Fe catalysts were systematically studied with a perspective of selective oxidation of nitrogenous compounds to nitric oxide for quantitative determination of bound nitrogen. The catalyst samples were prepared via impregnation and characterized by XRD and BET. In addition, temperature programmed reaction experiments with acetonitrile and oxygen were conducted to evaluate the catalytic activity and selectivity toward N-2, N2O and NO. The catalyst samples were also tested for model components; urea, EDTA, pyridine, glutamic acid and ammonium sulfate representing different functional groups

    Catalyst For Complete Oxidation of Nitrogen Containing Samples

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    High temperature catalytic oxidation of nitrogen containing compounds has great importance for the analysis of environmental and industrial samples and the control of emissions of waste incineration facilities.The complete oxidation of nitrogen in different functional groups to NO and NO2is a crucial step for the determination of nitrogen in samples and NOxabatement[1,2]. Altough platinum group metals have excellent oxidation activity, they are expensive and easily poisoned by the presence of S, Cl and P containing organic substances. Therefore, there is a great interest to develop new active, selective and resistant catalyst to treat waste oxidation gases. In this study, the activities of CuO/ Al2O3, CuO-CeO2/ Al2O3and Pt/ Al2O3catalysts for total oxidation of nitrogen containing compounds were analyzed. The catalyst samples were prepared to obtain a loading of 10% Cu, 3%Cu-7%Ce, 1% Pt over the Al2O3as a suppport by impregnation method. Characterization of the catalyst samples was performed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and BET. EDTA, urea, potassium nitrate, ammonium chloride, thiourea, pyridine, glycine, yeast extract, metylaminewere selected as model components representing various nitrogen containing functional groups. The experiments were performed in a quartz tubular reactor in two zone furnace and the sample first oxidized at 700-850 oC under air flow of 200 ml/min and the cataytic oxidation was performed at 500oC in second zone, gas stream passed over catalytic bed. The catalytic activities of the samples were investigated with mass spectrometry by analyzing combustion products. In table 1, BET surface area values of the catalysts samples are given. It is seen that the surface area changes significantly when impregnating cerium and copper on Al2O3

    Eosinofilik gastointestinal hastalıklar: Eosinofilik gastro intestinal hastalıkların görülme yaşı küçülüyor mu?

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    Eozinofilik gastrointestinal hastalıklar gastrointestinal kanalın eozinofilik infiltrasyonu ile karakterizedir. Hastalığın belirtileri etkilenen sindirim segmentine ve sindirim kanalının farklı tabakalarının tutulumuna bağlı olarak değişiklik g&ouml;sterir. Eozinofilik gastrointestinal hastalıklar, eozinofilik &ouml;zofajit, eozinofilik gastroenterit ve eozinofilik kolit gibi alt gruplara ayrılır. Eozinofilinin yerleşimine bağlı olarak mukozal, serozal ya da m&uuml;sk&uuml;ler hastalık olarak gruplamak m&uuml;mk&uuml;nd&uuml;r. Mukozal hastalıklar bunların arasında en yaygın olanıdır. Eozinofilik &ouml;zofajitli hastalar hazımsızlık, kusma, disfaji şikayetleri g&ouml;sterirken, eozinofilik gastroenterit hastaları karın ağrısı, ishal ve kanlı dışkılama şikayetlerine sahiptir. Eozinofilik kolitli hastalarda ise tipik olarak ishal ve alt kadran ağrısı şikayetlerine rastlanır. Hastalık tipik olarak 3. ve 5. dekatlarda g&ouml;r&uuml;lmekle birlikte diğer yaş gruplarında da g&ouml;r&uuml;lebilir. Ana tedavi se&ccedil;enekleri arasında steroid ve diyet değişikliği vardır. 2011 ile 2012 yılları arasında &ccedil;ocuk gastroenteroloji b&ouml;l&uuml;m&uuml;m&uuml;zde 4 hastaya eozinofilik gastrointestinal hastalık tanısı konuldu. Bunlardan 2 tanesi eozinofilik &ouml;zofajit, 1 tanesi eozinofilik kolit, diğeri ise eozinofilik proktokolit tanısı aldı. Bu makalede eozinofilik gastrointestinal hastalık tanısı almış &ccedil;ocuk hastalarımız g&uuml;ncel &ccedil;alışmalar ışığında g&ouml;zden ge&ccedil;irildi. Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders constitute a pathology characterized by eosinophilic infiltration of the gastrointestinal tract, the symptoms of which vary depending on the affected digestive segments and the involvement of the different layers of the digestive wall. Eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases include subcategories such as eosinophilic esophagitis, eosinophilic gastroenteritis and eosinophilic colitis, and depending on the localization of the eosinophilia, it is possible to group them as mucosal, serosal or muscular disease. Mucosal involvement is the most common. Patients with eosinophilic esophagitis suffer from nutrition intolerance, vomiting, and dysphagia; for patients with eosinophilic gastroenteritis, complaints are abdominal pain, diarrhea and blood in stool; and for patients with eosinophilic colitis, they are typically diarrhea and lower quadrant pain. The disease is typically observed in but not limited to the 3rd to 5th decades. The main therapeutic options include steroids and dietary modification. Between 2011 and 2012, 4 patients were diagnosed in our pediatric gastroenterology department. Two were diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis, one with eosinophilic colitis and one with eosinophilic proctocolitis. This study aimed to review eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases in light of the recent studies, referring to children diagnosed with eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseas</p