353 research outputs found


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    Disadari atau tidak, kemampuan visual manusia (human visual system) mampu mengidentifikasikanseseorang dengan mengenali wajah dan memutuskan gender seseoranghanya dari data wajah. Computer Vision System memegang peranan sangat pentingdalam Human Computer Interaction Technology (HCI) yang meliputi deteksi wajah,penjejakan wajah / badan, deteksi aksi (gesture), estimasi umur, etnik dan gender. Beberapapenelitian telah dilakukan untuk mencari metode terbaik dengan objek data wajahutuh dan tunggal untuk mencari metode diskriminasi yang terbaik sehingga dapatmembedakan apakah seseorang tersebut pria atau wanita.Banyak penelitian-penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mendeteksi gender pada wajah tunggaldengan berbagai metode, diantaranya adalah metode eigenface atau Principal ComponentAnalysis (PCA) dan metode Fisherface atau Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA).Selain itu telah banyak pula penelitian tentang pendeteksian ekspresi wajah. Eigenfacedigunakan untuk mengekstraksi fitur, mereduksi dimensi, melakukan proyeksi ke dimensiyang lebih rendah dan metode Fisherface memperjauh jarak between matrik serta memperdekatjarak within matrik agar jarak antara kedua gender semakin jauh. Metode terakhiradalah klasifikasi dengan metode-metode linear classifier dengan jarak ketetanggaanterdekat, atau machine learning seperti RBF..Penelitian ini mencoba memberikan kontribusi tentang pengaruh ekspresi wajah terhadapkeberhasilan deteksi gender yang meliputi ekspresi normal, tersenyum dan sedih

    Studi Pemanfaatan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Interkoneksi Dengan Sumber Listrik Utama Pada Gedung Direktorat Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan Jakarta

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    Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) sangat berkembang pesat seiring dengan berkurangnya cadangan bahan bakar fosil yang diperlukan untuk pembangkit listrik. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik maka sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) menggunakan panel surya yang dapat dihubungkan ke jala-jala (grid). Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini digunakan metode pengumpulan dan analisis data yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai potensi penghematan yang diproduksi oleh PLTS. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya 80 kWp on-grid bertujuan untuk mendapat nilai potensi penghematan dengan target sebesar 3 % per tahun, dengan cara pengukuran kapasitas Inverter, mengumpulkan data tagihan listrik, dan menganalisis jumlah energi listrik yang diproduksi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) 80 kWp . Jumlah modul yang diteliti sebanyak 400 unit modul surya 200 Wp 45, 9 Volt dengan menggunakan 2 unit Inverter KACO New energy 36.000 W 1000 V DC/400/230 V AC dan 1 unit Inverter KACO New energy 30.000 W 1000 V DC/400/230 V AC. Berdasarkan penelitian dan pengukuran, energi listrik maksimum yang mampu diproduksi yaitu 69,04 kWh. Berdasarkan data pada tagihan listrik jumlah pemakaian energi listrik tahun 2015 (sebelum PLTS dipasang ) pada gedung Direktorat Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan sebesar 1.248.611 kWh dan tahun 2016 (setelah PLTS terpasang) sebesar 1.155.012 kWh. Sementara keuntungan energi listrik yang dihasilkan dari PLTS sebesar 93.533 (3,3 %) kWh/tahun

    Perilaku Berisiko Peternak Unggas dan Kejadian Flu Burung di Desa Mojotamping Kecamatan Bangsal Kabupaten Mojokerto Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Background: Avian influenza infection can occur when there is contact with birds dead/sick, poultry manure (dung) and a polluted environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk of farmers (owners) of poultry infected with avian influenza virus (H5N1) by the method of behavior approach and observation participatory in society Methods: The research method applied is participatory observation and in-depth interviews. The purpose of in-depth interview is to determine factors under/ying AI related behavior, such as social factors and cultural factors. Results: There are many risk behaviors such as not reporting any incidence of sudden deaths of poultry, handling dead birds incorrectly, eating a sick chicken, eating raw egg yolk, never used protection (gloves, masks, boots) when interacting with their poultry There has found the case of a resident who died with a positive indication of H5N1 virus infection at the sites. Conclusion: Breeders, sellers, and buyers who do not use personal protective equipment (PPE) and are reluctant to report any suddenly dead birds can accelerate the spread of bird flu virus

    Kota Sukabumi: dari Distrik Menjadi Gemeente (1815-1914)

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    Kota Sukabumi merupakan suatu wilayah di Jawa Barat yang mengalami perkembangan pesat dibanding daerah lainnya. Pada awalnya Sukabumi merupakan pemukiman penduduk bagian dari wilayah pemerintahan District Goenoeng Parang, Onderafdeeling Tjiheulang. bagian dari Afdeeling Tjiandjoer, Residentie Preanger. (Regeerings Almanaks tahun 1872). Andries Christoffel Johannes de Wilde, seorang berkebangsaan Belanda yang pertama kali mengenalkan nama Soekaboemi (Soeka Boemi) ke dunia luar. Awalnya ia menjelajah di Sukabumi untuk mencari lokasi tanah yang cocok bagi perkebunan. Dari sebuah pemukiman, selanjutnya Sukabumi mengalami perkembangan pesatmelampaui Cianjur yang sebelumnya berada di depan garis pacu. Perkembangan ini menarik perhatian penulis. Untuk menjabarkan dinamika Kota Sukabumi (1914-1942), dilakukan kajian historis dengan menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Penelitian ini memokuskan perhatian pada asal usul terbentuknya Kota Sukabumi, dinamika pemerintahan, sosial dan ekonomi Kota Sukabumi dan Faktor-faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan Kota Sukabumi berkembang pesat dari district menjadi gemeente

    Penegaruh Pemberian Pupuk Hayati Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Jagung Semi Pada Tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning

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    Research impact of gived biology feltilizer to growth and result of baby corn on podsolic red yellow soil was held at Surya Agro Tanjung Raya 2 St.Sungai Raya,Kubu Raya.during 69 days,from December 21,2011 until February 28,2012.This research was employed Complete Arrange Planned Methode that was 5 treatment and 5 repetitions,every repetitions fill 3 example of plant.Treatment that was gived into the plants is h0 (without tanotec) h1 (tanotec 1,1 ml/l) h2 (tanotec 3,3 ml/l) h3 (tanotec 5,0 ml/l) dan h4 (tanotec 6,6 ml/l).Parameter of this research is the high of the plant,length of corncob,diameter of corncob,and weight of corncob.The result of this research show that give biology feltilizer didnt real impact toward research of the high of the plant ,length of corncob,diameter of corncob,and weight of corncob,because the sour element in the soil is low.Based on this research biology feltilizer treatment 6,6 ml/l dossis was showed higher result than all of other treatment its : high of plant 132,70 cm,length corncob 15,37 cm,diameter corncob 1,74 mm,and weight of corncob 40,02 gr/plants


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keterlaksanaan pengelolaan pelatihan, aktivitas peserta pelatihan, keterampilan merias wajah sehari-hari dan penataan simple hijab for office ware setelah pelatihan, dan untuk mengetahui respon peserta pelatihan tata rias wajah sehari-hari dan penataan simple hijab for office ware. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu pre exsperimental design dengan rancangan penelitian pre-test and post test group design. Subyek penelitian yaitu 43 siswa kelas XII Administrasi Perkantoran SMK Pawyatan Daha I Kota Kediri. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, tes kinerja, dan angket. Metode analisis data yang digunakan berupa rata-rata untuk keterlaksanaan pengelolaan pelatihan, persentase untuk aktivitas peserta pelatihan, uji t untuk hasil pelatihan tata rias wajah sehari-hari dan penataan simple hijab for office ware, dan persentase untuk respon peserta pelatihan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa keterlaksanaan pengelolaan pelatihan memperoleh rata-rata dengan nilai 3,8 dengan kategori baik sekali. Aktivitas peserta pelatihan memperoleh persentase rata-rata 94,78 % kategori baik sekali. Kinerja pada pre test menunjukan rata-rata nilai 61,6 sedangkan hasil post test menunjukan rata-rata nilai 73,23 dari hasil pre test dan post test yang didapat menunjukan peningkatan 11,63. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa adanya peningkatan keterampilan merias wajah sehari-hari dan penataan simple hijab for office ware. Serta respon peserta pelatihan diperoleh persentase rata-rata 91,24 % dengan kategori baik sekali dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan tata rias wajah sehari-hari dan penataan simple hijab for office ware dapat meningkatkan keterampilan merias wajah sehari-hari dan penataan simple hijab for office ware siswa kelas XII Administrasi Perkantoran SMK Pawyatan Daha I Kota Kediri. Kata kunci : Pelatihan, Tata rias wajah sehari-hari, Simple hijab for office ware     Abstract : The purpose of this research to find out are: 1) the implementation of training management, 2) activity of the trainee 3) daily make up skills and setting of simple hijab for office ware after  4) to find out the response of trainee  of daily make up training and  setting of simple hijab for office ware. This type of research is pre experimental design with pre-test and post test group design. The subjects of the research are 43 students of XII grade of Office Administration at Vocational High School Pawyatan Daha I in Kota Kediri. Data collection method used were observation method, performance test, and questionnaires. Data analysis method used were implementation of training management, percentage for training participants activity, t test for daily makeup training and setting of simple hijab for office ware, and percentage for trainee responses. The results showed that the implementation of training management obtained an average of 3.8 with very good category. Trainee activities earn an average   percentage of 94,78 % with very good category.  Performance on pre test showed average value 61,6 whereas post test result showed average score 73,23 from result of pre test and post test that got show increase 11,63. This is show that there is improvement of daily makeup skills and setting of simple hijab for office ware.  Serta respon peserta pelatihan diperoleh persentase rata-rata As well as the trainee responses obtained an average percentage of 91, 24% with a very good category so it can be concluded that the daily makeup training and setting of simple hijab for office ware can improve the skills of daily makeup and arrangement of simple hijab for office ware students of XII grade of Office Administration at SMK Pawyatan Daha I Kediri. Key Word : Training, Daily makeup, Simple hijab for office war

    Premature Coronary Artery Disease and Familial Hypercholesterolemia: Need for Early Diagnosis and Cascade Screening in the Indian Population

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in India, accounting for 28% of mortality. The average age of onset of CVD is younger (below 55 years) among Indians than in other populations. This may be due to bad lifestyle, genetic factors, or both. Hypertension, smoking, diabetes, and physical inactivity have been identified as modifiable risk factors for heart disease. Hypercholesterolemia is the most common and treatable cause of heart disease. Genetic factors that lead to hypercholesterolemia have not been fully studied in India. Familial Hypercholesterolemia results from mutations in the LDL receptor, ApoB, PCSK9, and ApoE genes. There is an urgent need to screen subjects with premature CAD and their relatives in India for the presence of FH, identify the mutations that lead to high cholesterol, and carry out cascade screening in the at-risk relatives. Those harbouring mutations in the above genes can be treated to lower the cholesterol levels, prevent early CVD, and avoid death. A programme based on these lines has been initiated in Delhi

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Bidang Kesehatan, Gambaran Peran Kader Posyandu dalam Upaya Penurunan Angka Kematian Ibu dan Bayi di Kota Manado dan Palangkaraya

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    Background: Determinant factor of maternal and infant mortality are the medical, health services management and social culture. It is assumed that the aspec of medical and health services management easily overcome, because of that, what need to be studied is the social culture aspect. Methods: Designed as a qualitative research this study aims to analyze the principles of impowerment, empowerment activities, enabling and inhibiting factor which do posyandu cadres in efforts to reduce maternal and infant mortality at Manado and Palangkaraya District. Results: Study result showed that no posyandu cadres who used the full principles of empowerment. Empowerment activities are undertaken to increase the community knowledge, not to give ability for decisions making and fasilitate access to health services. Assosiated with community resources, the potencial was there, just has not been widely utilized. For the next time, needs to be done are fasilitated by the health distric officers to do empowerment principles gradually, giving responsibility to the community leader to conduct social marketing about making pregnancy safer and safe delivery. For posyandu cadres, needs to be given of advocacy and negotiating skill to make them more confident

    Phytotoxicity of volatile oil from Eucalyptus citriodora against some weedy species

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    A study was undertaken to explore the phytotoxicity of volatile essential oil from Eucalyptus citriodora Hook. against some weeds viz. Bidens pilosa, Amaranthus viridis, Rumex nepalensis, and Leucaena leucocephala in order to assess its herbicidal activity. Dose-response studies conducted under laboratory conditions revealed that eucalypt oils (in concentration ranging from 0.0012 to 0.06 %) greatly suppress the germination and seedling height of test weeds. At 0.06 % eucalypt oil concentration, none of the seed of test weeds germinated. Among the weed species tested, A. viridis was found to be the most sensitive and its germination was completed inhibited even at 0.03%. Not only the germination and seedling growth, even the chlorophyll content and respiratory activity in leaves of emerged seedlings were severely affected. In A. viridis chlorophyll content and respiratory activity were reduced by over 51% and 71%, respectively, even at a very low concentration of 0.06%. These results indicated an adverse effect of eucalypt oils on the photosynthetic and energy metabolism of the test weeds. A strong negative correlation was observed between the observed effect and the concentration of eucalypt oil. Based on the study, it can be concluded that oil from E. citriodora possess strong inhibitory potential against weeds that could be exploited for weed management