145 research outputs found

    Cost-Benefit Analysis in a Framework of Stakeholder Involvement and Integrated Coastal Zone Modeling

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    Active involvement of local stakeholders is currently an increasingly important requirement in European environmental regulations such as the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The same is true for economic analyses such as cost-benefit analysis (CBA). For example, the Swedish WFD implementation requires i) quantification of cost and benefits of proposed measures and ii) stakeholder involvement. How can these two requirements be integrated in practice? And can such requirements facilitate implementation of projects with a potential net benefit? This paper presents a stepwise CBA procedure with participatory elements and applies it for evaluating nutrient management options for reducing eutrophication effects in the coastal area of HimmerfjÀrden SW of Stockholm, Sweden. The CBA indicates a positive net benefit for a combination of options involving increased nitrogen removal at a major sewage treatment plant, creation of new wetlands and connecting a proportion of private sewers to sewage treatment plants. The procedure also illustrates how the interdisciplinary development of a coupled ecological-economic simulation model can be used as a tool for facilitating the involvement of stakeholders in a CBA.cost-benefit analysis; stakeholder involvement; integrated modeling; eutrophication

    Output-Based Refunding of Emission Payments: Theory, Distribution of Costs, and International Experience

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    In this paper, we discuss the effect of refunding environmental charges. Taxes often are resisted by polluters because they imply both abatement and tax costs. We show that when charges are refunded, the incentives for abatement are essentially the same as for a tax, but the output reduction that often accompanies a tax scheme is forgone. We describe and examine the refund emissions payment (REP) scheme as a policy instrument for emissions abatement and compare it with taxes and permits with regard to allocative properties, distribution of costs, property rights, and, consequently, the politics of implementation. As an empirical example, the Swedish charge on nitrogen oxides is analyzed.

    Enhancing anaerobic digestion in urban wastewater management

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    The thesis investigates how anaerobic digestion could be utilized to improve wastewater management,specifically in regards to future expected regulation on sludge management in Sweden.Two possible paths of applying anaerobic digestion are investigated. First, the usage of thermophilic anaerobicdigestion of sludge in order to achieve pathogen hygienization. Second, the usage of anaerobic digestion totreat wastewaters at decreased temperature. The evaluation of each path was made through practical labscale experiments. Additionally, the benefits of each path was compared through desk top environmentalimpact studies and economic analysis.The results for the first path showed that thermophilic anaerobic digestion renders high pathogen hygienizationeven at relative short exposure times. However no additional beneficial impact on biogas production or thereduction of organic micropollutants was found. The results for the second path showed that the difficulty ofoperating the sensitive anaerobic digestion process at low temperatures can be partly overcome by simpleengineering batch tests. Furthermore, the dissolved methane in the effluent wastewaters can be extractedusing membrane contactors. Finally, the environmental impact assessment showed that increased resourcerecovery from wastewater, as well as decreased climate impact, can be achieved by applying anaerobicdigestion on source separated domestic wastewaster.The economic evaluation of the two paths showed that the implementation of source separation systems isexpensive compared to implementing the needed thermophilic hygienization. However, source separationsystems would greatly boost nutrient recovery from cities to agriculture which complies well with the goals ofthe Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

    The Largest Environmental Movement: Recycling and Consumption Work in Sweden

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    By sorting their waste for recycling, Swedes are told that they are part of 'Sweden's largest environmental movement' (Avfall Sverige, 2008). Recycling in Sweden is understood as an environmental action by all parties within society (including consumers, municipalities, and producers) and the country is proud of its identity as a world-leader on environmental issues. The system for recycling in Sweden asks a lot of the consumer who must not only sort their waste into different fractions but transport it to the appropriate bring station. Yet the country achieves high rates of materials (33 per cent) and biological recycling (15 per cent) and they proudly proclaim to recycle 99 per cent of their waste, with their belief that incineration with energy recovery is a form of recycling (Avfall Sverige, 2012). This paper explores how recycling has developed as an everyday ethical practice, considering the role of different institutions in the promotion of recycling and responsible waste management. This paper has been developed as part of an ERC-funded project, 'Consumption Work and Societal Divisions of Labour', whose key aim is to demonstrate the role that consumers play in the labour process, using comparative methods. In the case of recycling, by sorting their waste, consumers play an integral role in the division of labour within waste management in Sweden and their role differs substantially to the role of consumers in England (the other country in which recycling consumption work has been explored, see Wheeler, 2013). This paper illustrates how the consumer is encouraged to perform this work, drawing attention to what the work actually comprises. It also uncovers the organisations that shape this distinctive system of provision and moral economy of recycling

    Measurement of catestatin and vasostatin in wild boar Sus scrofa captured in a corral trap

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    Objective Our aim was to analyse the chromogranin A-derived peptides vasostatin and catestatin in serum from wild boar (Sus scrofa) captured in a corral trap. Acute capture-related stress quickly leads to a release of adrenalin and noradrenalin, but these hormones have a short half-life in blood and are difficult to measure. Chromogranin A (CgA), a glycoprotein which is co-released with noradrenalin and adrenalin, is relatively stable in circulation and the CgA-derived peptides catestatin and vasostatin have been measured in domestic species, but not yet in wildlife. Results Vasostatin and catestatin could be measured and the median (range) serum concentrations were 0.91 (0.54–2.86) and 0.65 (0.35–2.62) nmol/L, respectively. We conclude that the CgA-derived peptides vasostatin and catestatin can be measured in wild boar serum and may thus be useful as biomarkers of psychophysical stress

    Camera traps as seen by wildlife managers

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    Sweden strives for adaptive wildlife management. With the introduction of new technologies and methodologies, adaptive management must be resilient and efficient in implementing and trying these, to truly stay adaptive. One of the most widely used technologies within Swedish wildlife management is camera traps, as they are a relatively cheap and unintrusive means of monitoring wildlife. In this report, I focus on the practical and theoretical development and implementation of camera traps. By conducting qualitative, key informant interviews with Swedish wildlife managers, I provide insight into managers’ thoughts on and experiences with implementation of camera traps specifically and new technologies and methodologies more generally, and into their views on the challenges that Swedish wildlife management may face today, and in the future. The analysis revealed concerns in communication of information, knowledge, experiences, and technology uses between involved stakeholders, as well as issues in the coordination of methodological and technological development and implementation. Efficient communication and coordination are vital in maintaining a functional approach to adaptive wildlife management with fundamental knowledge amongst all stakeholders. The adaptive management framework and practical implementation needs careful work to obtain these functions. The analysis also revealed frustration amongst wildlife managers concerning the legislation around the use of new technologies. As adaptive management is reliant on a trial-and-error approach, legislation must be adapted to allow for new tools and methods to be tried in order to meet current and future management demands

    Ecology and conservation of bryophytes and lichens on Fagus sylvatica

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    Environmental factors related to the occurrence of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens were examined in beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests in the Province of Halland, Sweden. Patterns in species composition and species number at different temporal and spatial scales were analyzed with emphasis on species of conservation concern (i.e. red-listed and indicator species). (I) At stand level, the availability of substrate, a high stand age and forest continuity were the most important factors explaining high species number of epiphytes of conservation concern. The difference in species number between stands with and without forest continuity was probably related to the presence of old trees and the time available for species colonization. (II) Within stands, plots containing old trees, at the base of slopes and with low recent forestry impact had the highest species number. At tree level, age, size and moss cover were primary factors in explaining both species number and species composition of all species. Red-listed lichens were associated with damaged beech trees older than 180 years, whereas the few red-listed bryophytes were also recorded on younger stems in dense stands. (III) The vertical distribution of epiphytes, recorded on newly fallen beech stems, could also be related to tree age. Some red-listed lichens were recorded only from above 2 m in height on trees older than 250 years. The presence of any species of conservation concern at 2-5 m height on standing living beech trees correlated positively to moss cover and bark structure, which in turn was dependent on tree age. (IV) The effect of bark and tree characteristics on species occurrence was studied. It was found that the combination of high bark pH, high tree age and damaged stem best explained the number of species of conservation concern. The link between old beech trees and high bark pH was partly explained by a positive effect of tree age on stemflow pH. (V) At microhabitat level, the type of stem damage rot hole was found to positively influence bark pH and the occurrence of species of conservation concern. Old and slow-growing trees with rot holes are, however, often removed from managed beech forests. A spatial separation between managed and retention areas is therefore recommended in shelterwood forestry

    UtvÀrdering av lövtrÀdsabundans i produktionsskog lÀngs med smÄ bÀckar : kan Sverige nÄ rÄdande skogsbrukspolitiska mÄl utan ett intensifierat skogsbruk?

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    Riparian zones are important for many ecological functions such as for providing shade to streams and leaf litter to instream organisms, as well as acting as filters for sediments and excess nutrients that are released during forestry operations. Riparian areas are also important for preservation of biodiversity. Over time, forestry policies in Sweden have changed and this has had effects on the management of forests. For example, in 2013 the Strategic Management Objectives (SMO) were introduced, aiming to act as a guideline for an expected level of environmental consideration. Within the SMOs, there is a goal to preserve and manage functional riparian buffer zones adjacent to streams. One way of reaching this goal is to encourage deciduous tree species in the riparian zones at all stages of forestry operations. The aim with this thesis was to investigate how forestry policy actions have changed management of riparian zones and if historic forest management has impacted how we can meet the SMOs today. The main focus was to understand if deciduous tree species already exist within the riparian zones of small streams or if there is a need for changed or intensified management to encourage deciduous trees. My study was performed in Vindeln, VÀsterbotten County, northern Sweden. I measured stand characteristics of 16 riparian buffer zones of four different age classes, i.e., <1975, <1993, <2013 and <2019. Each of the age classes has been subject to different forest policies and thus different management within buffers. I found that the 1993 Forestry Act has had a positive effect on deciduous cover in riparian buffers of small streams. On the contrary, the introduction of SMOs in 2013 has not yet improved the buffer management, at least with regard to deciduous tree species and some riparian functions, i.e. dead wood provision and shading. A reoccurring pattern in my results was that there is a time lag from the time the buffer is created until the riparian buffer is functioning as intended. It seems that the most recently created buffers have not yet had time to recover from historical management. If the goal of the SMOs is to have ecologically functioning buffers and stable conditions, e.g. canopy cover adjacent to streams, there is likely a need to change the forestry practices in riparian zones. For example, leaving wider buffers and potentially selectively logging coniferous trees within those buffer strips can encourage deciduous tree species and compensate for economic losses.Strandzoner kring bÀckar och vattendrag Àr viktiga för mÄnga ekologiska funktioner sÄ som beskuggning och tillförsel av lövförna till organismer i vattendrag. De kan ocksÄ fungera som filter för sediment och lÀckage av nÀringsÀmnen som frigörs vid skogsskötselÄtgÀrder. Strandzoner Àr ocksÄ viktiga för bevarande av biologisk mÄngfald. Den svenska skogsbrukspolitiken har förÀndrats över tid och detta har pÄverkat skogsskötseln. Ett exempel pÄ detta Àr de branschgemensamma mÄlbilderna som introducerades 2013 med syfte att fungera som riktlinjer för hur skogsbruket ska agera för att frÀmja god miljöhÀnsyn. I mÄlbilderna finns det ett mÄl att bevara och sköta funktionella kantzoner mot vattendrag. Ett sÀtt att nÄ detta mÄl Àr att frÀmja andelen lövtrÀd i kantzoner vid alla skogsskötselÄtgÀrder under rotationsperioden. Syftet med den hÀr studien var att undersöka hur skogsbrukspolitiken har förÀndrat skötseln av strandzoner och om historiskt brukande har pÄverkat uppfyllandet av mÄlbilderna idag. Fokus lÄg frÀmst pÄ att förstÄ om det redan finns lövtrÀd i strandzonen intill smÄ bÀckar eller om skötseln mÄste förÀndras eller intensifieras för att frÀmja lövtrÀd. Min studie genomfördes i Vindeln, VÀsterbottens lÀn, norra Sverige. Jag mÀtte bestÄndsvariabler pÄ 16 kantzoner fördelat pÄ fyra olika Äldersklasser: <1975, <1993, <2013 och <2019. Varje Äldersklass har avverkats under olika rÄdande skogspolitik och dÀrmed ocksÄ haft olika skötsel inom kantzonerna. Jag fann att skogsvÄrdslagen frÄn 1993 har haft en positiv effekt pÄ lövtrÀdsandelen i kantzoner kring smÄ bÀckar. I motsats till detta visade det sig att introduktionen av mÄlbilderna 2013 inte Ànnu har förbÀttrat skötseln av kantzoner, Ätminstone med avseende pÄ andelen lövtrÀd och vissa ekologiska funktioner som t.ex. tillförsel av död ved och beskuggning. Ett Äterkommande mönster i mina resultat var att det Àr en tidsförskjutning frÄn skapandet av kantzonen tills att den uppnÄr avsedd funktion enligt mÄlbilderna. Det verkar som att de nyligast lÀmnade kantzonerna inte Ànnu haft tid att ÄterhÀmta sig frÄn historisk skötsel. Om syftet med mÄlbilderna Àr att ha funktionella kantzoner och stabila förhÄllanden t.ex. kronslutenhet intill bÀckar, finns det troligen ett behov av förÀndrad skogsskötsel i strandzoner. Till exempel att lÀmna bredare kantzoner och potentiellt plockhugga barrtrÀd ur dessa kantzoner kan frÀmja andelen lövtrÀd samt kompensera för ekonomiska förluster
