222 research outputs found

    Introduction of mechanisms of the effective use of financial resources on the example of TDV "Zhidachivskiy sirzavod"

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    The mechanisms of the effective use of financial resources of enterprise are inculcatedВпроваджено механізми ефективного використання фінансових ресурсів підприємств

    Programe realization of the rarefied numeral systems linear algebraic equations in the MatLab medium solution method

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    Запропоновано новий підхід до розв’язування розріджених систем лінійних алгебричних рівнянь із блочними елементами. Проведено підрахунок кількостей записів та операцій при чисельній реалізації алгоритму множення матриць. Охарактеризовано складність алгоритму з точки зору комп’ютерної алгебри. Проведено порівняння запропонованого алгоритму та блочного методу прогонки. Обчислено кількість записів для методу прогонки. Протестовано алгоритми розв’язання деяких типів розріджених числових систем лінійних алгебричних рівнянь. Показано ефективність запропонованого алгоритму.New approach to the linear algebraic equations rarefied systems with block elements solution and the method of rarefied systems with the specific ways of filling solution is suggested in the article. The variables of the xi rarefied system of the linear algebraic equations into the finite matrix chain fractions are decomposed. Calculation of the records number and operations under the numerical realization of the matrix multiplication algorithm is conducted. The algorithm complication from the computer algebra point of view is characterized. Comparison of the suggested algorithm and the block method of “prohonka” is carried out. The number of records for the method of “prohonka” is calculated. The described algorithm is used in the case of systems with the rarefied three-diagonal matrix. Algorithms of some types rarefied numerical systems of the linear algebraic equations are tested. Three- diagonal systems of the linear algebraic equations solution by the method of chain fractions. The high accuracy of the suggested solution is shown. Function ESSELS is written and tested for the linear algebraic equations with numerical elements solution systems in the MatLab medium. This function implements the algorithm of the linear algebraic equations solution using the method of cut-off systems. This algorithm allows to solve equation systems in two ways: – in the case of symmetrical filling (the quantity of under-diagonals equals the quantity of above-diagonals), and when the quantity of matrix under-diagonals and the quantity of above-diagonals are different. For the comparison of the MatLab packsge with regular programmes a small programme MatLab Band was written. It realizes the procedure of the linear algebraic equations tape systems by means of MatLab. The results of both systems comparison are carried out in the chart. Algorithms for the given test system of the average dimension have a considerable advantages in comparison with the standard functions of the MatLab package. Efficiency of the suggested algorithm is shown in the article. Theoretical and methodological basis of investigation comprise methods of optimization and mathematic modeling

    Modeling precision and stressed-strained state of the clamping chuck hydraulic copy Machine tools

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    Анотація до дипломної роботи магістра Семчишина І.І. на тему: Моделювання точності та дослідження напружено-деформованого стану затискного патрону гідрокопірувального верстатуДосліджено напружено-деформований стан та точність затискного патрону гідрокопірувального верстат

    Introductory Chapter

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    Pdr12p-dependent and -independent fluorescein extrusion from baker's yeast cells

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    Fluorescein efflux from S. cerevisiae cells was measured to study the peculiarities of fluorescein transport system, which is important for yeast resistance to certain drugs and weak organic acid preservatives. Glucose-independent and glucose-stimulated fluorescein effluxes were characterized using iodoacetate, cyanide and orthovanadate, inhibitors of glycolysis, electron transport chain, and ATPases, respectively. It is supposed that in glucose-free medium fluorescein extrusion is ATP-dependent and the energy for this efflux is mainly provided by respiration. In glucose-containing medium, glycolysis plays a critical role for extrusion of fluorescein. The results indicate that acetic acid inhibits the fluorescein efflux from yeast cells. The inhibition constant of glucose-stimulated fluorescein efflux is significantly lower in parental strain than in two mutants defective in PDR12 (ABC-transporter Pdr12p) or WAR1 (transcription factor of Pdr12p). It can be suggested that the membrane protein Pdr12 is involved in fluorescein extrusion from the yeast cells, but component(s) other than Pdr12p is (are) also important