56 research outputs found

    Primordial Non-Gaussianity and the Statistics of Weak Lensing and other Projected Density Fields

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    Estimators for weak lensing observables such as shear and convergence generally have non-linear corrections, which, in principle, make weak lensing power spectra sensitive to primordial non-Gaussianity. In this paper, we quantitatively evaluate these contributions for weak lensing auto- and cross-correlation power spectra, and show that they are strongly suppressed by projection effects. This is a consequence of the central limit theorem, which suppresses departures from Gaussianity when the projection reaches over several correlation lengths of the density field, L_P~55 [Mpc/h]. Furthermore, the typical scales that contribute to projected bispectra are generally smaller than those that contribute to projected power spectra. Both of these effects are not specific to lensing, and thus affect the statistics of non-linear tracers (e.g., peaks) of any projected density field. Thus, the clustering of biased tracers of the three-dimensional density field is generically more sensitive to non-Gaussianity than observables constructed from projected density fields.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Nonlinear effects of dark energy clustering beyond the acoustic scales

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    We extend the resummation method of Anselmi & Pietroni (2012) to compute the total density power spectrum in models of quintessence characterized by a vanishing speed of sound. For standard Λ\LambdaCDM cosmologies, this resummation scheme allows predictions with an accuracy at the few percent level beyond the range of scales where acoustic oscillations are present, therefore comparable to other, common numerical tools. In addition, our theoretical approach indicates an approximate but valuable and simple relation between the power spectra for standard quintessence models and models where scalar field perturbations appear at all scales. This, in turn, provides an educated guess for the prediction of nonlinear growth in models with generic speed of sound, particularly valuable since no numerical results are yet available.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    DEMNUni: Massive neutrinos and the bispectrum of large scale structures

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    The main effect of massive neutrinos on the large-scale structure consists in a few percent suppression of matter perturbations on all scales below their free-streaming scale. Such effect is of particular importance as it allows to constraint the value of the sum of neutrino masses from measurements of the galaxy power spectrum. In this work, we present the first measurements of the next higher-order correlation function, the bispectrum, from N-body simulations that include massive neutrinos as particles. This is the simplest statistics characterising the non-Gaussian properties of the matter and dark matter halos distributions. We investigate, in the first place, the suppression due to massive neutrinos on the matter bispectrum, comparing our measurements with the simplest perturbation theory predictions, finding the approximation of neutrinos contributing at quadratic order in perturbation theory to provide a good fit to the measurements in the simulations. On the other hand, as expected, a linear approximation for neutrino perturbations would lead to O(fνf_{\nu}) errors on the total matter bispectrum at large scales. We then attempt an extension of previous results on the universality of linear halo bias in neutrino cosmologies, to non-linear and non-local corrections finding consistent results with the power spectrum analysis.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Extragalactic gamma-ray signal from Dark Matter annihilation: a power spectrum based computation

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    We revisit the computation of the extragalactic gamma-ray signal from cosmological dark matter annihilations. The prediction of this signal is notoriously model dependent, due to different descriptions of the clumpiness of the dark matter distribution at small scales, responsible for an enhancement with respect to the smoothly distributed case. We show how a direct computation of this "flux multiplier" in terms of the nonlinear power spectrum offers a conceptually simpler approach and may ease some problems, such as the extrapolation issue. In fact very simple analytical recipes to construct the power spectrum yield results similar to the popular Halo Model expectations, with a straightforward alternative estimate of errors. For this specific application, one also obviates to the need of identifying (often literature-dependent) concepts entering the Halo Model, to compare different simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; minor changes, additional references, matches published version; Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Letters, Feb. 7 (2012

    The nonlinear power spectrum in clustering quintessence cosmologies

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    We study the nonlinear evolution of density perturbations in cosmologies where the late-time accelerated expansion is driven by a quintessence field with vanishing speed of sound. For these models matter and quintessence perturbations are comoving and it is possible to write a single continuity equation for the total density fluctuations given by a weighted sum of the two components. Including the Euler equation for the common velocity field we solve the evolution equations for the nonlinear, total density power spectrum in the Time-Renormalization Group approach. In fact any cosmological observable is directly related by gravity only to the total density perturbations, with the two components being individually unobservable. We show that the clustering of quintessence perturbations induces small corrections with respect to the nonlinear evolution of power spectrum in smooth quintessence models described by the same equation of state. Such small corrections, however, contrast with the large effect of a vanishing speed of sound on the linear growth function at low redshift. For this reason, models with the same normalization of the linear density power spectrum can present significantly different nonlinear corrections depending on the value of the sound speed. Although such differences vanish in the w \rightarrow -1, {\Lambda}CDM limit, we argue that the relation between linear and nonlinear growth of structures should be properly taken into account in constraining models with inhomogeneous dark energy.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Accurate fitting functions for peculiar velocity spectra in standard and massive-neutrino cosmologies

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    We estimate the velocity field in a large set of NN-body simulations including massive neutrino particles, and measure the auto-power spectrum of the velocity divergence field as well as the cross-power spectrum between the cold dark matter density and the velocity divergence. We perform these measurements at four different redshifts and within four different cosmological scenarios, covering a wide range in neutrino masses. We find that the nonlinear correction to the velocity power spectra largely depend on the degree of nonlinear evolution with no specific dependence on the value of neutrino mass. We provide a fitting formula, based on the value of the r.m.s. of the matter fluctuations in spheres of 8h−18h^{-1}Mpc, describing the nonlinear corrections with 3\% accuracy on scales below k=0.7  hk=0.7\; h Mpc−1^{-1}.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted by A&A, typos corrected in equation 1

    Extragalactic gamma-ray signal from dark matter annihilation: an appraisal

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    We re-evaluate the extragalactic gamma-ray flux prediction from dark matter annihilation in the approach of integrating over the nonlinear matter power spectrum, extrapolated to the free-streaming scale. We provide an estimate of the uncertainty based entirely on available N-body simulation results and minimal theoretical assumptions. We illustrate how an improvement in the simulation resolution, exemplified by the comparison between the Millennium and Millennium II simulations, affects our estimate of the flux uncertainty and we provide a "best guess" value for the flux multiplier, based on the assumption of stable clustering for the dark matter perturbations described as a collision-less fluid. We achieve results comparable to traditional Halo Model calculations, but with a much simpler procedure and a more general approach, as it relies only on one, directly measurable quantity. In addition we discuss the extension of our calculation to include baryonic effects as modeled in hydrodynamical cosmological simulations and other possible sources of uncertainty that would in turn affect indirect dark matter signals. Upper limit on the integrated power spectrum from supernovae lensing magnification are also derived and compared with theoretical expectations.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Updated to match the published version. New material and figures added, conclusions unchange
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