1,868 research outputs found

    Model of the best-of-N nest-site selection process in honeybees

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    The ability of a honeybee swarm to select the best nest site plays a fundamental role in determining the future colony’s fitness. To date, the nest-site selection process has mostly been modelled and theoretically analysed for the case of binary decisions. However, when the number of alternative nests is larger than two, the decision process dynamics qualitatively change. In this work, we extend previous analyses of a valuesensitive decision-making mechanism to a decision process among N nests. First, we present the decisionmaking dynamics in the symmetric case of N equal-quality nests. Then, we generalise our findings to a best-of-N decision scenario with one superior nest and N – 1 inferior nests, previously studied empirically in bees and ants. Whereas previous binary models highlighted the crucial role of inhibitory stop-signalling, the key parameter in our new analysis is the relative time invested by swarm members in individual discovery and in signalling behaviours. Our new analysis reveals conflicting pressures on this ratio in symmetric and best-of-N decisions, which could be solved through a time-dependent signalling strategy. Additionally, our analysis suggests how ecological factors determining the density of suitable nest sites may have led to selective pressures for an optimal stable signalling ratio

    Pole structure of the Hamiltonian ζ\zeta-function for a singular potential

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    We study the pole structure of the ζ\zeta-function associated to the Hamiltonian HH of a quantum mechanical particle living in the half-line R+\mathbf{R}^+, subject to the singular potential gx−2+x2g x^{-2}+x^2. We show that HH admits nontrivial self-adjoint extensions (SAE) in a given range of values of the parameter gg. The ζ\zeta-functions of these operators present poles which depend on gg and, in general, do not coincide with half an integer (they can even be irrational). The corresponding residues depend on the SAE considered.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX. References added. Version to appear in Jour. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Structural revelations of photosynthesis' membrane protein complexes

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    Photosynthetic organisms appeared early in evolution and their photosynthetic apparatus has evolved along. The first bacteria carried out only anoxygenic photosynthesis catalyzed by one type of reaction center, type I or II, which somehow came together in cyanobacteria, and evolved into photosystems I and II. This was an evolutionary step that enabled cyanobacteria to carry out oxygenic photosynthesis. The photosystems have the unique capacity to perform and fix energy in a process where water splitting and oxygen evolution takes place, providing planet Earth with an essential molecule for development of life, i.e. Oxygen. Throughout evolution, primordial organisms became more complex upon colonizing diverse environments resulting into the current day sophisticated systems. Nevertheless, the photosystems have preserved their vital mechanisms of sunlight conversion with PSI at almost 100% efficiency, and PSII’s unique water splitting property. Important about photosynthesis systems are the high-energy conversion efficiency and oxygen evolution besides hydrogen generation by some organisms like cyanobacteria. These features are precious global demands for efficient sun utilizing devices, environmental concerns and current economics of alternative energy source to fossil fuel depletion. The diversity of the photosynthesis proteins due to evolution upon adaptation and exploitability is intriguing for researchers from all fields of science to understand aspects of structural diversity, function and dynamics. This work is highly complementary and has been carried out in multidisciplinary collaborations to get more impact for understanding the photosynthesis systems that evolved early or later. The results of which can be integrated into applied technology.

    Honey bee foraging distance depends on month and forage type

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    To investigate the distances at which honey bee foragers collect nectar and pollen, we analysed 5,484 decoded waggle dances made to natural forage sites to determine monthly foraging distance for each forage type. Firstly, we found significantly fewer overall dances made for pollen (16.8 %) than for non-pollen, presumably nectar (83.2 %; P < 2.2 × 10−23). When we analysed distance against month and forage type, there was a significant interaction between the two factors, which demonstrates that in some months, one forage type is collected at farther distances, but this would reverse in other months. Overall, these data suggest that distance, as a proxy for forage availability, is not significantly and consistently driven by need for one type of forage over the other

    Heat kernel of non-minimal gauge field kinetic operators on Moyal plane

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    We generalize the Endo formula originally developed for the computation of the heat kernel asymptotic expansion for non-minimal operators in commutative gauge theories to the noncommutative case. In this way, the first three non-zero heat trace coefficients of the non-minimal U(N) gauge field kinetic operator on the Moyal plane taken in an arbitrary background are calculated. We show that the non-planar part of the heat trace asymptotics is determined by U(1) sector of the gauge model. The non-planar or mixed heat kernel coefficients are shown to be gauge-fixing dependent in any dimension of space-time. In the case of the degenerate deformation parameter the lowest mixed coefficients in the heat expansion produce non-local gauge-fixing dependent singularities of the one-loop effective action that destroy the renormalizability of the U(N) model at one-loop level. The twisted-gauge transformation approach is discussed.Comment: 21 pages, misprints correcte

    Discrete Symmetries in the Weyl Expansion for Quantum Billiards

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    We consider two and three-dimensional quantum billiards with discrete symmetries. We derive the first terms of the Weyl expansion for the level density projected onto the irreducible representations of the symmetry group. As an illustration the method is applied to the icosahedral billiard. The paper was published in J. Phys. A /27/ (1994) 4317-4323Comment: 8 printed pages Latex fil

    Strong ellipticity and spectral properties of chiral bag boundary conditions

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    We prove strong ellipticity of chiral bag boundary conditions on even dimensional manifolds. From a knowledge of the heat kernel in an infinite cylinder, some basic properties of the zeta function are analyzed on cylindrical product manifolds of arbitrary even dimension.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, References adde

    CTGF antagonism with mAb FG-3019 enhances chemotherapy response without increasing drug delivery in murine ductal pancreas cancer

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is characterized by abundant desmoplasia and poor tissue perfusion. These features are proposed to limit the access of therapies to neoplastic cells and blunt treatment efficacy. Indeed, several agents that target the PDA tumor microenvironment promote concomitant chemotherapy delivery and increased antineoplastic response in murine models of PDA. Prior studies could not determine whether chemotherapy delivery or microenvironment modulation per se were the dominant features in treatment response, and such information could guide the optimal translation of these preclinical findings to patients. To distinguish between these possibilities, we used a chemical inhibitor of cytidine deaminase to stabilize and thereby artificially elevate gemcitabine levels in murine PDA tumors without disrupting the tumor microenvironment. Additionally, we used the FG-3019 monoclonal antibody (mAb) that is directed against the pleiotropic matricellular signaling protein connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2). Inhibition of cytidine deaminase raised the levels of activated gemcitabine within PDA tumors without stimulating neoplastic cell killing or decreasing the growth of tumors, whereas FG-3019 increased PDA cell killing and led to a dramatic tumor response without altering gemcitabine delivery. The response to FG-3019 correlated with the decreased expression of a previously described promoter of PDA chemotherapy resistance, the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein. Therefore, alterations in survival cues following targeting of tumor microenvironmental factors may play an important role in treatment responses in animal models, and by extension in PDA patients
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