8,990 research outputs found

    Amyloid Structures: Much More Than Just A Cross-β Fold

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    In recent years our understanding of amyloid structure has been revolutionised by innovations in cryo-electron microscopy, electron diffraction and solid-state NMR. These techniques have yielded high-resolution structures of fibrils isolated from patients with neurodegenerative disease, as well as those formed from amyloidogenic proteins in vitro. The results not only show the expected cross-β amyloid structure, but also reveal that the amyloid fold is unexpectedly diverse and complex. Here, we discuss this diversity, highlighting dynamic regions, ligand binding motifs, cavities, non-protein components, and structural polymorphism. Collectively, these variations combine to allow the generic amyloid fold to be realised in three dimensions in different ways, and this diversity may be related to the roles of fibrils in disease

    Perceived barriers and attitudes of health care providers towards Provider-Initiated HIV Testing and Counseling in Mbeya region, southern highland zone of Tanzania

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    Background: Provider-initiated testing and counseling (PITC) is a routine HIV testing and counseling, it encompases two strategies including; diagnostic HIV testing and HIV screening. In Tanzania PITC started in 2007, to date it is almost through out the country. This study aimed at assessing the perceived barriers and attitudes of health care providers towards PITC services. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted for one month between April and May, 2010 in the goverment health care facilities of the Mbeya City Council. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select both health facilities and health care providers. Results: A total of 402 (95%) subjects were interviewed. Their mean (± SD) age was 41 ± 9.5 years, where majority (65%) were females. All the participants reported to be aware about PITC services. However, about 35% of them had negative attitude towards PITC services. Various perceived barriers to effective PITC provision were reported, including; too many patients (57.7%) and inadequate space (46%) for PITC provision. Conclusion: Although PITC is an effective strategy for identification of unrecognized HIV infections, there is still missed opportunity which occurs at the health facilities, as some of health care providers had negative attitude and others faces various barriers in offering the PITC service.Key words: Attitude, barriers, provider-initiated testing and counseling, HIV, Tanzani

    Common variants in the genes of triglyceride and HDL-C metabolism lack association with coronary artery disease in the Pakistani subjects.

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    BACKGROUND: Serum Triglyceride (TG) and High Density Lipoprotein (HDL-C) levels are modifiable coronary artery disease (CAD) risk factors. Polymorphisms in the genes regulating TG and HDL-C levels contribute to the development of CAD. The objective of the current study was to investigate the effect of four such single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) in the genes for Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) (rs328, rs1801177), Apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) (rs66279) and Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) (rs708272) on HDL-C and TG levels and to examine the association of these SNPs with CAD risk. METHODS: A total of 640 subjects (415 cases, 225 controls) were enrolled in the study. The SNPs were genotyped by KASPar allelic discrimination technique. Serum HDL-C and TG were determined by spectrophotometric methods. RESULTS: The population under study was in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium and minor allele of SNP rs1801177 was completely absent in the studied subjects. The SNPs were association with TG and HDL-C levels was checked through regression analysis. For rs328, the effect size of each risk allele on TG and HDL-C (mmol/l) was 0.16(0.08) and -0.11(0.05) respectively. Similarly, the effect size of rs662799 for TG and HDL-C was 0.12(0.06) and -0.13(0.0.3) and that of rs708272 was 0.08(0.04) and 0.1(0.03) respectively. The risk allele frequencies of the SNPs were higher in cases than controls, but the difference was not significant (p > 0.05) and SNPs were not associated with CAD risk (p > 0.05). The combined gene score of four SNPs significantly raised TG and lowered HDL-C but did not increase CAD risk. CONCLUSION: The studied SNPs were associated with TG and HDL-C levels, but not with CAD in Pakistani population under study

    Modelling and Simulation of the Batch Hydrolysis of Acetic Anhydride to Produce Acetic Acid

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    The kinetic modelling of the batch synthesis of acetic acid from acetic anhydride was investigated. The kinetic data of the reaction was obtained by conducting the hydrolysis reaction in a batch reactor. A dynamic model was formulated for this process and simulation was carried out using gPROMS® an advanced process modelling and simulation software. The developed model was validated against experimental data by estimating the kinetic parameter (reaction rate constant k=0.11302 min-1) and comparing simulation results with experimental data. Results obtained show that the formulated model was able to predict the experimental data to a high level of confidence. The dynamic behaviour of the reaction process was assessed by simulating the validated model at the initial state to obtain time trajectories of all the variables of interest. The model developed in this work will provide insight as to how the process responds under dynamic conditions and its amenability to control

    CARFMAP: A Curated Pathway Map of Cardiac Fibroblasts

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    The adult mammalian heart contains multiple cell types that work in unison under tightly regulated conditions to maintain homeostasis. Cardiac fibroblasts are a significant and unique population of non-muscle cells in the heart that have recently gained substantial interest in the cardiac biology community. To better understand this renaissance cell, it is essential to systematically survey what has been known in the literature about the cellular and molecular processes involved. We have built CARFMAP (http://visionet.erc.monash.edu.au/CARFMAP), an interactive cardiac fibroblast pathway map derived from the biomedical literature using a software-assisted manual data collection approach. CARFMAP is an information-rich interactive tool that enables cardiac biologists to explore the large body of literature in various creative ways. There is surprisingly little overlap between the cardiac fibroblast pathway map, a foreskin fibroblast pathway map, and a whole mouse organism signalling pathway map from the REACTOME database. Among the use cases of CARFMAP is a common task in our cardiac biology laboratory of identifying new genes that are (1) relevant to cardiac literature, and (2) differentially regulated in high-throughput assays. From the expression profiles of mouse cardiac and tail fibroblasts, we employed CARFMAP to characterise cardiac fibroblast pathways. Using CARFMAP in conjunction with transcriptomic data, we generated a stringent list of six genes that would not have been singled out using bioinformatics analyses alone. Experimental validation showed that five genes (Mmp3, Il6, Edn1, Pdgfc and Fgf10) are differentially regulated in the cardiac fibroblast. CARFMAP is a powerful tool for systems analyses of cardiac fibroblasts, facilitating systems-level cardiovascular research

    Immune cell targeting nanoparticles: a review

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    Abstract Immune cells are attractive targets for therapy as they are direct participants in a variety of diseases. Delivering a therapeutic agent only to cells that act on a disease by distinguishing them from other cells has the advantage of concentrating the therapeutic effect and lowering systemic side effects. Distinguishing each immune cell from other immune cells to deliver substances, including drugs and genes, can be achieved using nanotechnology. And alsonanoparticles can ensure in vivo stability and sustained drug release. In addition, there is an ease of surface modification, which is an important characteristic that can be utilized in targeted drug delivery systems. This characteristic allows us to utilize various properties that are specifically expressed in each immune cell. A number of studies have delivered various substances specifically to immune cells through surface engineering with active target ligands that can target each immune cell and enzyme-responsive coating, and demonstrated high therapeutic effects compared to conventional treatments. Progress in research on target delivery has been suggested to be a breakthrough for the treatments of various diseases, including cancer treatment

    Investigating The Life Cycle Of Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX)

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    Attempts to decipher the life cycle of Haplosporidium nelsoni began almost immediately after it was identified as the pathogen causing MSX disease in eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica. But transmission experiments failed and the spore stage, characteristic of haplosporidans, was extremely rare. Researchers concluded that another host was involved: an intermediate host in which part of the life cycle was produced, or-if the oyster was an accidental host-an alternate host that produces infective elements. A later finding that spores were found more often in spat (\u3c 1 y old) than in adults revived the idea of direct transmission between oysters. The new findings and the availability of molecular diagnostics led us to revive life cycle investigations. Over several years, oyster spat were examined for spores and searched for H. nelsoni in potential non-oyster hosts using both histological and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methodologies. Although spores occurred in a high proportion of spat with advanced infections, it was concluded that they were unlikely to be a principal source of infective elements because naive oysters used as sentinels to assess infection pressure became highly infected even after native oysters developed resistance, and infected spat could no longer be found. A histological survey of zooplankton and small bivalves in Delaware Bay found few recognizable parasites and nothing resembling a haplosporidan. A subsequent PCR study of water, sediment, and macro-invertebrates from Chesapeake, Delaware, and Oyster bays resulted in many positive samples, but in situ hybridization failed to identify any recognizable structures. PCR analysis of potential intermediate hosts for other molluscan pathogens has also resulted in many species yielding positive results but required in situ hybridization to verify infections. It is suggested that any future search for a nonoyster host of H. nelsoni be conducted in a relatively confined system and/or target specific phyla, strategies that have been successful in other life cycle studies. It is noted that candidate phyla could include those known to host haplosporidans and species whose abundance or distribution may have changed in concert with outbreaks of MSX disease in the northeastern United States in recent years

    Label-Noise Robust Diffusion Models

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    Conditional diffusion models have shown remarkable performance in various generative tasks, but training them requires large-scale datasets that often contain noise in conditional inputs, a.k.a. noisy labels. This noise leads to condition mismatch and quality degradation of generated data. This paper proposes Transition-aware weighted Denoising Score Matching (TDSM) for training conditional diffusion models with noisy labels, which is the first study in the line of diffusion models. The TDSM objective contains a weighted sum of score networks, incorporating instance-wise and time-dependent label transition probabilities. We introduce a transition-aware weight estimator, which leverages a time-dependent noisy-label classifier distinctively customized to the diffusion process. Through experiments across various datasets and noisy label settings, TDSM improves the quality of generated samples aligned with given conditions. Furthermore, our method improves generation performance even on prevalent benchmark datasets, which implies the potential noisy labels and their risk of generative model learning. Finally, we show the improved performance of TDSM on top of conventional noisy label corrections, which empirically proving its contribution as a part of label-noise robust generative models. Our code is available at: https://github.com/byeonghu-na/tdsm.Comment: Accepted at ICLR 202

    Unilateral Psoriasis in a Woman with Ipsilateral Post-Mastectomy Lymphedema

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    Psoriasis is a multi-factorial disease with various clinical manifestations. We present a case of unilateral psoriasis associated with ipsilateral lymphedema that developed after mastectomy for breast cancer. A 42-year-old Korean woman was referred to our clinic with a 1-month history of multiple erythematous scaly patches on the right arm, back, and breast and was diagnosed with psoriasis by a skin biopsy. Three years previously, she had been diagnosed with breast cancer (T1N2), underwent a right quadrantectomy and axillary lymph node dissection, and completed adjuvant chemotherapy followed by high-dose adjuvant radiotherapy. She had started rehabilitation therapy on the right arm for secondary lymphedema 30 months previously. Because of the long interval between radiation and psoriasis, we speculated that changes in the local milieu caused by the lymphedema might be a causative factor. We hereby report a rare case of unilateral psoriasis following post-mastectomy lymphedema