13 research outputs found

    Kesiapan Kerja Siswa Ditinjau Dari Keterampilan Komunikasi Dan Bimbingan Karir Pada Siswa Kelas XII Akuntansi Di SMK Negeri 6 Sukoharjo

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    The purpose of this research is to know: 1) the influence of communication skills on student work readiness; 2) the influence of career guidance on student work readiness; 3) the influence of communication skills and career guidance on student work readiness. This type of research is associative quantitative research. The population in this study were students of class XII Accounting as many as 106 students consisting of 3 classes. Samples were taken as many as 80 students with simple random sampling technique by lottery. Data collection techniques use documentation and questionnaires. The instrument trial was conducted on 20 students of XII Accounting class. Data analysis used was multiple linear regression analysis, F test, t test, R2 test, relative contribution and effective contribution. The results of multiple linear regression analysis obtained regression line equation Y = 5.026 + 0.608X1 + 0.134X2. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, it can be concluded that: (1) Communication skills have a significant effect on the work readiness of students of Class XII Accounting at SMK Negeri 6 Sukoharjo. This was proven based on multiple linear regression analysis which obtained the value of tcount>ttable which is 10.803 > 1.991. (2) Career Guidance have a significant effect on the work readiness of students of Class XII Accounting at SMK Negeri 6 Sukoharjo. This is proven based on multiple linear regression analysis which obtained the value of tcount>ttable which is 2,077 > 1.991. (3) Communication skills and career guidance simultaneously affect the work readiness of students of class XII Accounting at SMK Negeri 6 Sukoharjo. This was proven based on multiple linear analysis (F test) which obtained Fcount value>Ftable that is 72.884> 3.12. (4) Variables in communication skills provided a relative contribution of 92% and an effective contribution of 60.2%, while career guidance variable gave a relative contribution of 8% and an effective contribution of 5.2%. (5) The results of the calculation of the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.654 or 65.4%. This means that students' job readiness is influenced by communication skills and career guidance variables by 65.4%, while the remaining 34.6% is influenced by other variables outside of research

    Analisis Pengaruh Harga Minyak Dunia, Harga Emas Dan Bank Indonesia Rate Terhadap Dana Pihak Ketiga Pada Bank Syariah Di Indonesia Periode 2010–2014

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    This research aims to analyze the influence of the world oil price, the gold price and the Bank Indonesia rate on the third party fund in the Islamic bank in Indonesia in the period of 2010-20140. The data used in this research are secondary data in the form of monthly time series. The analysis model used in this research is multiple linear regression with the method of Error Correction Model (ECM). The results of the research revealed that the results of the normality test of the data using the model of Jarque Bera has a normal distribution. The results of the liniearity test using the model of Ramsey Reset of the regression model has a linier form. The results of the classical assumption test revealed that there is no problem of multicoliniearity, no problem of heterocedasticity and no problem of autocorrelation. From the t test, it can be known that the variables of the world oil price, the gold price and BI rate, in a short term, have no influence on the third party fund in the Islamic bank in Indonesia, meanwhile, in a long term, the variables of the world oil price and the gold price have influence on the third party fund in the bank Islamic in Indonesia. The results of f test revealed that the model which was used existed. The determination of R2 is as much as 0.301072 that means that 30.1% of the variation of score variable of the third party fund can be explained by the variables of the oil price, the gold price and BI rate, meanwhile, the rest 69.9% is explained by other independent variables excluded in the model


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    Kata Kunci : Tata Letak, Kantor, Efektivtias Pelayanan, Activity Relationship Char

    Home based exercise to improve turning and mobility performance among community dwelling older adults: protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Turning is a common activity for older people, and is one of the activities commonly associated with falls during walking. Falls that occur while walking and turning have also been associated with an increased risk of hip fracture in older people. Despite the importance of stability during turning, there has been little focus on identifying this impairment in at risk older people, or in evaluating interventions aiming to improve this outcome. This study will evaluate the effectiveness of a 16 week tailored home based exercise program in older adults aged (50 years and above) who were identified as having unsteadiness during turning.Methods/Design: A single blind randomized controlled trial will be conducted, with assessors blind to group allocation. Study participants will be aged 50 years and above, living in the community and have been identified as having impaired turning ability [outside of age and gender normal limits on the Step Quick Turn (180 degree turn) task on the Neurocom® Balance Master with long plate]. After a comprehensive baseline assessment, those classified as having balance impairment while turning will be randomized to intervention or control group. The intervention group will receive a 16 week individualized balance and strength home exercise program, based on the Otago Exercise Program with additional exercises focused on improving turning ability. Intervention group will attend four visit to the assessment centre over 16 weeks period, for provision, monitoring, modification of the exercise and encourage ongoing participation. Participants in the control group will continue with their usual activities. All participants will be re-assessed on completion of the 16 week program. Primary outcome measures will be the Step Quick Turn Test and Timed-Up and Go test. Secondary outcomes will include other clinical measures of balance, psychological aspects of falls, incidence of falls and falls risk factors. Discussion: Results of this study will provide useful information for clinicians on the types of exercises to improve turning ability in older people with increased falls risk and the effectiveness of these exercises in improving outcomes

    Desain Aplikasi Akuntasi Usaha Simpan Pinjam: Menggunakan Microsoft Access

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    xiii, 359 hal.; 23 c

    Analisis statistik dengan Microsoft Excel dan SPSS

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    x,282 hlm,; 23 c

    Development of a kojic monooleate-enriched oil-in-water nanoemulsion as a potential carrier for hyperpigmentation treatment

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    Sharifah Nurfadhlin Afifah Syed Azhar, Siti Efliza Ashari, Norazlinaliza Salim Integrated Chemical BioPhysics Research, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Introduction: Kojic monooleate (KMO) is an ester derived from a fungal metabolite of kojic acid with monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid, which contains tyrosinase inhibitor to treat skin disorders such as hyperpigmentation. In this study, KMO was formulated in an oil-in-water nanoemulsion as a carrier for better penetration into the skin.Methods: The nanoemulsion was prepared by using high and low energy emulsification technique. D-optimal mixture experimental design was generated as a tool for optimizing the composition of nanoemulsions suitable for topical delivery systems. Effects of formulation variables including KMO (2.0%–10.0% w/w), mixture of castor oil (CO):lemon essential oil (LO; 9:1) (1.0%–5.0% w/w), Tween 80 (1.0%–4.0% w/w), xanthan gum (0.5%–1.5% w/w), and deionized water (78.8%–94.8% w/w), on droplet size as a response were determined.Results: Analysis of variance showed that the fitness of the quadratic polynomial fits the experimental data with F-value (2,479.87), a low P-value (P<0.0001), and a nonsignificant lack of fit. The optimized formulation of KMO-enriched nanoemulsion with desirable criteria was KMO (10.0% w/w), Tween 80 (3.19% w/w), CO:LO (3.74% w/w), xanthan gum (0.70% w/w), and deionized water (81.68% w/w). This optimum formulation showed good agreement between the actual droplet size (110.01 nm) and the predicted droplet size (111.73 nm) with a residual standard error <2.0%. The optimized formulation with pH values (6.28) showed high conductivity (1,492.00 µScm-1) and remained stable under accelerated stability study during storage at 4°C, 25°C, and 45°C for 90 days, centrifugal force as well as freeze–thaw cycles. Rheology measurement justified that the optimized formulation was more elastic (shear thinning and pseudo-plastic properties) rather than demonstrating viscous characteristics. In vitro cytotoxicity of the optimized KMO formulation and KMO oil showed that IC50 (50% inhibition of cell viability) value was >100 µg/mL.Conclusion: The survival rate of 3T3 cell on KMO formulation (54.76%) was found to be higher compared to KMO oil (53.37%) without any toxicity sign. This proved that the KMO formulation was less toxic and can be applied for cosmeceutical applications. Keywords: kojic monooleate, anti-tyrosinase, hyperpigmentation, nano-cosmeceutical, D-optimal mixture experimental desig


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    Perum Pegadaian Yogyakarta Regional Office has implemented the use of IT applications to support its business-processes in recent time. While this application has supported a client server data transfer and every branches has been connected to the internet, but available computer network infrastructure does not integrated between branch offices. They have to make data transfer to the server by using email. This condition may lead to data redundancies and inconsistencies caused by human error or technical error. The purpose of this present study is developing topology design of computer network infrastructure between branch offices of Perum Pegadaian Yogyakarta Regional Office. The methodology consists of literature study, analyzing the existing computer network, developing a design of computer network topology based on VPN, configuring the design of computer network topology using mikrotik technology, and testing the configuration between two side

    What works in falls prevention in Asia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    BACKGROUND: There is strong research evidence for falls prevention among older people in the community setting, although most is from Western countries. Differences between countries (eg sunlight exposure, diet, environment, exercise preferences) may influence the success of implementing falls prevention approaches in Asian countries that have been shown to be effective elsewhere in the world. The aim of this review is to evaluate the scope and effectiveness of falls prevention randomized controlled trials (RCTs) from the Asian region. METHOD: RCTs investigating falls prevention interventions conducted in Asian countries from (i) the most recent (2012) Cochrane community setting falls prevention review, and (ii) subsequent published RCTs meeting the same criteria were identified, classified and grouped according to the ProFANE intervention classification. Characteristics of included trials were extracted from both the Cochrane review and original publications. Where =2 studies investigated an intervention type in the Asian region, a meta-analysis was performed. RESULTS: Fifteen of 159 RCTs in the Cochrane review were conducted in the Asian region (9%), and a further 11 recent RCTs conducted in Asia were identified (total 26 Asian studies: median 160 participants, mean age:75.1, female:71.9%). Exercise (15 RCTs) and home assessment/modification (n?=?2) were the only single interventions with =2 RCTs. Intervention types with =1 effective RCT in reducing fall outcomes were exercise (6 effective), home modification (1 effective), and medication (vitamin D) (1 effective). One multiple and one multifactorial intervention also had positive falls outcomes. Meta-analysis of exercise interventions identified significant benefit (number of fallers: Odds Ratio 0.43 [0.34,0.53]; number of falls: 0.35 [0.21,0.57]; and number of fallers injured: 0.50 [0.35,0.71]); but multifactorial interventions did not reach significance (number of fallers OR?=?0.57 [0.23,1.44]). CONCLUSION: There is a small but growing research base of falls prevention RCTs from Asian countries, with exercise approaches being most researched and effective. For other interventions shown to be effective elsewhere, consideration of local issues is required to ensure that research and programs implemented in these countries are effective, and relevant to the local context, people, and health system. There is also a need for further high quality, appropriately powered falls prevention trials in Asian countries