3,009 research outputs found

    Reversed Hofmeister series - the rule rather than the exception

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    Over recent years, the supposedly universal Hofmeister series has been replaced by a diverse spectrum of direct, partially altered and reversed series. This review aims to provide a detailed understanding of the full spectrum by combining results from molecular dynamics simulations, Poisson–Boltzmann theory and AFM experiments. Primary insight into the origin of the Hofmeister series and its reversal is gained from simulation-derived ion–surface interaction potentials at surfaces containing non-polar, polar and charged functional groups for halide anions and alkali cations. In a second step, the detailed microscopic interactions of ions, water and functional surface groups are incorporated into Poisson–Boltzmann theory. This allows us to quantify ion-specific binding affinities to surface groups of varying polarity and charge, and to provide a connection to the experimentally measured long-ranged electrostatic forces that stabilize colloids, proteins and other particles against precipitation. Based on the stabilizing efficiency, the direct Hofmeister series is obtained for negatively charged hydrophobic surfaces. Hofmeister series reversal is induced by changing the sign of the surface charge from negative to positive, by changing the nature of the functional surface groups from hydrophobic to hydrophilic, by increasing the salt concentration, or by changing the pH. The resulting diverse spectrum reflects that alterations of Hofmeister series are the rule rather than the exception and originate from the variation of ion-surface interactions upon changing surface properties

    The effect of temperature on single-polypeptide adsorption

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    The hydrophobic attraction (HA) is believed to be one of the main driving forces for protein folding. Understanding its temperature dependence promises a deeper understanding of protein folding. Herein, we present an approach to investigate the HA with a combined experimental and simulation approach, which is complementary to previous studies on the temperature dependence of the solvation of small hydrophobic spherical particles. We determine the temperature dependence of the free-energy change and detachment length upon desorption of single polypeptides from hydrophobic substrates in aqueous environment. Both the atomic force microscopy (AFM) based experiments and the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations show only a weak dependence of the free energy change on temperature. In fact, depending on the substrate, we find a maximum or a minimum in the temperature-dependent free energy change, meaning that the entropy increases or decreases with temperature for different substrates. These observations are in contrast to the solvation of small hydrophobic particles and can be rationalized by a compensation mechanism between the various contributions to the desorption force. On the one hand this is reminiscent of the protein folding process, where large entropic and enthalpic contributions compensate each other to result in a small free energy difference between the folded and unfolded state. On the other hand, the protein folding process shows much stronger temperature dependence, pointing to a fundamental difference between protein folding and adsorption. Nevertheless such temperature dependent single molecule desorption studies open large possibilities to study equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes dominated by the hydrophobic attraction

    Spintronic properties of one-dimensional electron gas in graphene armchair ribbons

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    We have investigated, using effective mass approach (EMA), magnetic properties of a one-dimensional electron gas in graphene armchair ribbons when the electrons of occupy only the lowest conduction subband. We find that magnetic properties of the one-dimensional electron gas may depend sensitively on the width of the ribbon. For ribbon widths Lx=3Ma0L_x=3Ma_0, a critical point separates ferromagnetic and paramagnetic states while for Lx=(3M+1)a0L_x=(3M+1)a_0 paramagnetic state is stable (MM is an integer and a0a_{0} is the length of the unit cell). These width-dependent properties are a consequence of eigenstates that have a subtle width-dependent mixture of K\mathbf{K} and K\mathbf{K'} states, and can be understood by examining the wavefunction overlap that appears in the expression for the many-body exchange self-energy. Ferromagnetic and paramagnetic states may be used for spintronic purposes.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Attractive double-layer forces between neutral hydrophobic and neutral hydrophilic surfaces

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    The interaction between surface patches of proteins with different surface properties has a vital role to play driving conformational changes of proteins in different salt solutions. We demonstrate the existence of ion-specific attractive double-layer forces between neutral hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces in the presence of certain salt solutions. This is done by solving a generalized Poisson-Boltzmann equation for two unequal surfaces. In the calculations we utilize parameterized ion-surface-potentials and dielectric-constant-profiles deduced from recent non-primitive-model molecular dynamics (MD) simulations that account partially for molecular structure and hydration effects.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    On the relationship between peptide adsorption resistance and surface contact angle: a combined experimental and simulation single-molecule study

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    The force-induced desorption of single peptide chains from mixed OH/CH3-terminated self-assembled monolayers is studied in closely matched molecular dynamics simulations and atomic force microscopy experiments with the goal to gain microscopic understanding of the transition between peptide adsorption and adsorption resistance as the surface contact angle is varied. In both simulations and experiments, the surfaces become adsorption resistant against hydrophilic as well as hydrophobic peptides when their contact angle decreases below θ ≈ 50°-60°, thus confirming the so-called Berg limit established in the context of protein and cell adsorption. Entropy/enthalpy decomposition of the simulation results reveals that the key discriminator between the adsorption of different residues on a hydrophobic monolayer is of entropic nature and thus is suggested to be linked to the hydrophobic effect. By pushing a polyalanine peptide onto a polar surface, simulations reveal that the peptide adsorption resistance is caused by the strongly bound water hydration layer and characterized by the simultaneous gain of both total entropy in the system and total number of hydrogen bonds between water, peptide, and surface. This mechanistic insight into peptide adsorption resistance might help to refine design principles for anti-fouling surfaces

    Determination of the Michel Parameters rho, xi, and delta in tau-Lepton Decays with tau --> rho nu Tags

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    Using the ARGUS detector at the e+ee^+ e^- storage ring DORIS II, we have measured the Michel parameters ρ\rho, ξ\xi, and ξδ\xi\delta for τ±l±ννˉ\tau^{\pm}\to l^{\pm} \nu\bar\nu decays in τ\tau-pair events produced at center of mass energies in the region of the Υ\Upsilon resonances. Using τρν\tau^\mp \to \rho^\mp \nu as spin analyzing tags, we find ρe=0.68±0.04±0.08\rho_{e}=0.68\pm 0.04 \pm 0.08, ξe=1.12±0.20±0.09\xi_{e}= 1.12 \pm 0.20 \pm 0.09, ξδe=0.57±0.14±0.07\xi\delta_{e}= 0.57 \pm 0.14 \pm 0.07, ρμ=0.69±0.06±0.08\rho_{\mu}= 0.69 \pm 0.06 \pm 0.08, ξμ=1.25±0.27±0.14\xi_{\mu}= 1.25 \pm 0.27 \pm 0.14 and ξδμ=0.72±0.18±0.10\xi\delta_{\mu}= 0.72 \pm 0.18 \pm 0.10. In addition, we report the combined ARGUS results on ρ\rho, ξ\xi, and ξδ\xi\delta using this work und previous measurements.Comment: 10 pages, well formatted postscript can be found at http://pktw06.phy.tu-dresden.de/iktp/pub/desy97-194.p

    Quasiparticle bandgap engineering of graphene and graphone on hexagonal boron nitride substrate

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    Graphene holds great promise for post-silicon electronics, however, it faces two main challenges: opening up a bandgap and finding a suitable substrate material. In principle, graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) substrate provides potential system to overcome these challenges. Recent theoretical and experimental studies have provided conflicting results: while theoretical studies suggested a possibility of a finite bandgap of graphene on hBN, recent experimental studies find no bandgap. Using the first-principles density functional method and the many-body perturbation theory, we have studied graphene on hBN substrate. A Bernal stacked graphene on hBN has a bandgap on the order of 0.1 eV, which disappears when graphene is misaligned with respect to hBN. The latter is the likely scenario in realistic devices. In contrast, if graphene supported on hBN is hydrogenated, the resulting system (graphone) exhibits bandgaps larger than 2.5 eV. While the bandgap opening in graphene/hBN is due to symmetry breaking and is vulnerable to slight perturbation such as misalignment, the graphone bandgap is due to chemical functionalization and is robust in the presence of misalignment. The bandgap of graphone reduces by about 1 eV when it is supported on hBN due to the polarization effects at the graphone/hBN interface. The band offsets at graphone/hBN interface indicate that hBN can be used not only as a substrate but also as a dielectric in the field effect devices employing graphone as a channel material. Our study could open up new way of bandgap engineering in graphene based nanostructures.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; Nano Letters, Publication Date (Web): Oct. 25 2011, http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nl202725

    Band gap opening by two-dimensional manifestation of Peierls instability in graphene

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    Using first-principles calculations of graphene having high-symmetry distortion or defects, we investigate band gap opening by chiral symmetry breaking, or intervalley mixing, in graphene and show an intuitive picture of understanding the gap opening in terms of local bonding and antibonding hybridizations. We identify that the gap opening by chiral symmetry breaking in honeycomb lattices is an ideal two-dimensional (2D) extension of the Peierls metal-insulator transition in 1D linear lattices. We show that the spontaneous Kekule distortion, a 2D version of the Peierls distortion, takes place in biaxially strained graphene, leading to structural failure. We also show that the gap opening in graphene antidots and armchair nanoribbons, which has been attributed usually to quantum confinement effects, can be understood with the chiral symmetry breaking

    Технологические решения для строительства эксплуатационной наклонно-направленной скважины глубиной 3673 метров на Арчинском нефтегазоконденсатном месторождении (Томская область)

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    Цель работы – технологические решения для строительства наклонно-направленной скважины глубиной 3673 метров на Арчинском нефтегазоконденсатном месторождении. В процессе исследования в специальной части теоретически рассмотрели возможность качественного вскрытия продуктивных пластов на депрессии. В результате исследования Разработаны мероприятия по организации строительства, охране труда и окружающей среды. Степень внедрения: на аналитическом уровне.Purpose – technological solutions for the construction of directional well with a depth of 3673 meters Archinskoye oil and gas condensate field. In the process of research in special parts theoretically considered the possibility of qualitative opening of productive layers on depression. The study Developed measures for the organization of construction, occupational safety and the environment. Level of implementation: at the analytical level

    The Impact of Private Versus Social Health Insurance on Offered Waiting Times in German Acute Care Hospitals

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    This paper shows that patients with private health insurance (PHI) are being offered significantly shorter waiting times than patients with statutory health insurance (SHI) in German acute hospital care. This behavior may be driven by the higher expected profitability of PHI relative to SHI holders. Further,we find that hospitals offering private insurees shorter waiting times as compared to SHI holders have a significantly better financial performance than those abstaining from or with less discrimination