1,367 research outputs found

    Measurement-induced quantum synchronization and multiplexing

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    Measurements are able to fundamentally affect quantum dynamics. We here show that a continuously measured quantum many-body system can undergo a spontaneous transition from asynchronous stochastic dynamics to noise-free stable synchronization at the level of single trajectories. We formulate general criteria for this quantum phenomenon to occur, and demonstrate that the number of synchronized realizations can be controlled from none to all. We additionally find that ergodicity is typically broken, since time and ensemble averages may exhibit radically different synchronization behavior. We further introduce a quantum type of multiplexing that involves individual trajectories with distinct synchronization frequencies. Measurement-induced synchronization appears as a genuine nonclassical form of synchrony that exploits quantum superpositions

    A single amino acid substitution in the novel H7N9 influenza A virus NS1 protein increases CPSF30 binding and virulence

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    Although an effective interferon antagonist in human and avian cells, the novel H7N9 influenza virus NS1 protein is defective at inhibiting CPSF30. An I106M substitution in H7N9 NS1 can restore CPSF30 binding together with the ability to block host gene expression. Furthermore, a recombinant virus expressing H7N9 NS1-I106M replicates to higher titers in vivo, and is subtly more virulent, than parental. Natural polymorphisms in H7N9 NS1 that enhance CPSF30 binding may be cause for concern

    Design Principles for Digital Community Currencies

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    Community currencies are alternative currencies, which enable the mobilization of local resources for local needs and building resilient communities. They allow community members to perform economic transactions like buying products and paying for services using an alternative currency as a medium of exchange. For decades, regional, paper-based community currencies have been in use across the world. With the advent of the digital age, community currencies are increasingly moving into the digital space. Digital Community Currencies (DCCs) create opportunities for addressing challenges that traditional community currencies are facing, such as the inconvenience of handling two currencies in one wallet and the geographic limitation to a limited user population. This research builds upon characteristics and challenges of community currencies and derives six design principles from a literature review, an analysis of 16 community currency projects and an interview with a community currency project manager at the end of the project’s life. The design principles serve as a basis for establishing resilient and scalable DCCs. They contribute to the limited IS research on phenomena of social sustainability and have major practical implications when implemented in existing community currency systems

    Plant guttation water as a potential route for pesticide exposure in honey bees: a review of recent literature

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    International audienceAbstractBecause honey bees periodically collect water, guttation water from treated crops has been suggested as a potential exposure route to systemic pesticides. We reviewed studies that were published in the scientific literature since a previous review of the topic. We identified several studies that reported residue levels of pesticides in guttation water. However, few studies addressed guttation water as a potential exposure route to honey bees. In these studies, no significant effects on honey bee colony health or overwintering survival were observed when colonies were located within fields of treated crops during guttation periods. The previous and current review suggests that exposure to pesticides via guttation water alone is unlikely to negatively affect honey bee colonies. A better understanding of water foraging by honey bees would be needed to address whether guttation water could represent a relevant exposure route of honey bees to systemic pesticides

    Ein Kölner Ereignis

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    Ende Oktober 2006 erfuhr Manfred P. Becker-Huberti, Mediensprecher und Leiter der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Erzdiözese Köln, von seinem Arbeitgeber, dass er sich in kurzer Frist von diesen Funktionen verabschieden mĂŒsse. Die einen schreiben, er erfuhr es im Urlaub, die anderen, er habe es von Journalistenkollegen gesteckt bekommen. Wie auch immer, es scheint nicht auf die feine englische Art gelaufen zu sein. Schon am 1. November trat Beckers Nachfolger Stephan Georg Schmidt, zuvor bei der "Wirtschaftswoche", seine Arbeit an. Selten hat eine Personalle aus der kirchlichen Publizistik so viel Staub aufgewirbelt. (...

    Franz-Josef Eilers wurde 75. Eine Collage als Hommage fĂŒr den GrĂŒnder von "Communicatio Socialis"

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    Die philippinische Hauptstadt Manila ist seine Heimat. Dort leitet der Steyler Missionar P. Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Eilers seit vielen Jahren das "Office of Social Communication" der Asiatischen Bischofskonferenz und ist seitdem in allen asiatischen LĂ€ndern unterwegs. Aber nicht nur das. An der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule seines Ordens in Tagaytay lehrt er Publizistik und Missionswissenschaften, an mehreren UniversitĂ€ten der Philippinen ist er stĂ€ndiger Dozent, und an der altehrwĂŒrdigen Santo Tomcis-UniversitĂ€t (1611) in Manila hat er einen Lehrauftrag fĂŒr christliche Kommunikation. (...

    Kirchliche Kommunikation in der entwickelten Kommunikationsgesellschaft

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    Gute SprĂŒche haben ein langes Leben, wenn sie erst einmal eingeschlagen haben. So ist uns allen noch Marshall McLuhan in der Erinnerung und sein "globales Dorf". Das war und ist seit 1962 ein Schlagwort so recht nach dem Herzen aller halbwegs gebildeten Menschen. Aber prophetisch war es nicht oder jedenfalls nicht in dem Sinne, den jeder zu verstehen glaubte. Die Erfindung des Buchdrucks habe zu einer Explosion der menschlichen RationalitĂ€t gefĂŒhrt, meinte McLuhan. "Die Produktion von BĂŒchern und Flugschriften beseitigte seiner Ansicht nach endgĂŒltig den totalen Dialog des Analphabeten mit seiner geschlossenen, nahen Umwelt der primitiven Dorf-gemeinschaft und damit die soziale Harmonie." (...) EnglishEcclesiastical communication in the developed communication society.At the end of the second millenium, modern communication networks are spread throughout the populated world. It is disputable whatever the omnipresence of communication technology and the permanent availability of the offers of the mass media are more useful or more damaging to the development of mankind. Yet, one cannot deny that people naturally turn towards these offers and make use of them. Whenever the church wants to communicate with mankind, it encounters this state of complete communicative equipment natured within the last 40 years. It does so in any case in industrial countdes and in countdes embarking on this state. Both the equipment and the technologically determined style and rite of communication are already there, where the church wants to catch on with its message. But just as the church reacted too late first to Gutenberg and then to the mass press coming into existence in the 19th century, its reaction to the present electronic revolution in  ommunication is not comprehensive nor competent enough. The modernisations of ecclesiastical speech and mass media are indeed remarkable. But they have little effect on a public which is no Ionger able to hear the one message weil, because it is used to hear many different "messages" every day. The church has to align all its efforts with upholding the representation of its content within the process which Ieads to a developed communication society. This can only succeed if it notes that the people Jiving in this communication society are the way they are and if it is prepared to translate this knowledge into pastoral practice
