4,362 research outputs found

    Optimized 4 pi spherical shell depleted uranium-water shield weights for 200 to 550-megawatt reactors

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    Optimization calculations to determine minimum 4 pi spherical-shell weights were performed at 200-, 375-, and 550-megawatt-thermal reactor power levels. Monte Carlo analyses were performed for a reactor power level corresponding to 375 megawatts. Power densities for the spherical reactor model used varied from 64.2 to 256 watts per cubic centimeter. The dose rate constraint in the optimization calculations was 0.25 mrem per hour at 9.14 meters from the reactor center. The resulting shield weights were correlated with the reactor power levels and power densities by a regression analysis. The optimum shield weight for a 375-megawatt, 160-watt-per-cubic-centimeter reactor was 202,000 kilograms

    Noncompaction cardiomyopathy and heterotaxy syndrome

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    Left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy (LVNC) is characterized by compact and trabecular layers of the left ventricular myocardium. This cardiomyopathy may occur with congenital heart disease (CHD). Single cases document co-occurrence of LVNC and heterotaxy, but no data exist regarding the prevalence of this association. This study sought to determine whether a non-random association of LVNC and heterotaxy exists by evaluating the prevalence of LVNC in patients with heterotaxy. In a retrospective review of the Indiana Network for Patient Care, we identified 172 patients with heterotaxy (69 male, 103 female). Echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging results were independently reviewed by two cardiologists to ensure reproducibility of LVNC. A total of 13/172 (7.5%) patients met imaging criteria for LVNC. The CHD identified in this subgroup included atrioventricular septal defects [11], dextrocardia [10], systemic and pulmonary venous return abnormalities [7], and transposition of the great arteries [5]. From this subgroup, 61% (n = 8) of the patients developed arrhythmias; and 61% (n = 8) required medical management for chronic heart failure. This study indicates that LVNC has increased prevalence among patients with heterotaxy when compared to the general population (0.014–1.3%) suggesting possible common genetic mechanisms. Interestingly, mice with a loss of function of Scrib or Vangl2 genes showed abnormal compaction of the ventricles, anomalies in cardiac looping, and septation defects in previous studies. Recognition of the association between LVNC and heterotaxy is important for various reasons. First, the increased risk of arrhythmias demonstrated in our population. Secondly, theoretical risk of thromboembolic events remains in any LVNC population. Finally, many patients with heterotaxy undergo cardiac surgery (corrective and palliative) and when this is associated with LVNC, patients should be presumed to incur a higher peri-operative morbidity based on previous studies. Further research will continue to determine long-term and to corroborate genetic pathways

    Factorization and Scaling in Hadronic Diffraction

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    In standard Regge theory with a pomeron intercept a(0)=1+\epsilon, the contribution of the tripe-pomeron amplitude to the t=0 differential cross section for single diffraction dissociation has the form d\sigma/dM^2(t=0) \sim s^{2\epsilon}/(M^2)^{1+\epsilon}. For \epsilon>0, this form, which is based on factorization, does not scale with energy. From an analysis of p-p and p-pbar data from fixed target to collider energies, we find that such scaling actually holds, signaling a breakdown of factorization. Phenomenologically, this result can be obtained from a scaling law in diffraction, which is embedded in the hypothesis of pomeron flux renormalization introduced to unitarize the triple pomeron amplitude.Comment: 39 pages, Latex, 16 figure

    Colour-Octet Effects in Radiative ÎĄ\Upsilon Decays

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    We investigate the effects of colour-octet contributions to the radiative Υ\Upsilon decay within the Bodwin, Braaten and Lepage NRQCD factorization framework. Photons coming both from the coupling to hard processes (`direct') and by collinear emission from light quarks (`fragmentation') are consistently included at next-to-leading order (NLO) in αs\alpha_s. An estimate for the non-perturbative matrix elements which enter in the final result is then obtained. By comparing the NRQCD prediction at NLO for total decay rates with the experimental data, it is found that the non-perturbative parameters must be smaller than expected from the na\"\i ve scaling rules of NRQCD. Nevertheless, colour-octet contributions to the shape of the photon spectrum turn out to be significant.Comment: 25 pages, Latex, 8 figure

    Diffractive Dissociation and Eikonalization in High Energy pp and p pˉ {\bar p} Collisions

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    We show that eikonal corrections imposed on diffraction dissociation processes calculated in the triple Regge limit, produce a radical change in the energy dependence of the predicted cross section. The induced correction is shown to be in general agreement with the new experimental data measured at the Tevatron.Comment: 11 pages LATEX, ( two figures not included obtainable from authors) (TAUP 2066-93 and FERMILAB PUB 93/ T

    Diffractive Dissociation In The Interacting Gluon Model

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    We have extended the Interacting Gluon Model (IGM) to calculate diffractive mass spectra generated in hadronic collisions. We show that it is possible to treat both diffractive and non-diffractive events on the same footing, in terms of gluon-gluon collisions. A systematic analysis of available data is performed. The energy dependence of diffractive mass spectra is addressed. They show a moderate narrowing at increasing energies. Predictions for LHC energies are presented.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 14 figures (PostScript Files included); accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D (Feb.97

    Kinematic Effects in Radiative Quarkonia Decays

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    Non-relativistic QCD (NRQCD) predicts colour octet contributions to be significant not only in many production processes of heavy quarkonia but also in their radiative decays. We investigate the photon energy distributions in these processes in the endpoint region. There the velocity expansion of NRQCD breaks down which requires a resummation of an infinite class of colour octet operators to so-called shape functions. We model these non-perturbative functions by the emission of a soft gluon cluster in the initial state. We found that the spectrum in the endpoint region is poorly understood if the values for the colour octet matrix elements are taken as large as indicated from NRQCD scaling rules. Therefore the endpoint region should not be taken into account for a fit of the strong coupling constant at the scale of the heavy quark mass.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 5 figures. The complete paper is also available via the www at http://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/Preprints

    The practical Pomeron for high energy proton collimation

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    We present a model which describes proton scattering data from ISR to Tevatron energies, and which can be applied to collimation in high energy accelerators, such as the LHC and FCC. Collimators remove beam halo particles, so that they do not impinge on vulnerable regions of the machine, such as the superconducting magnets and the experimental areas. In simulating the effect of the collimator jaws it is crucial to model the scattering of protons at small momentum transfer t, as these protons can subsequently survive several turns of the ring before being lost. At high energies these soft processes are well described by Pomeron exchange models. We study the behaviour of elastic and single-diffractive dissociation cross sections over a wide range of energy, and show that the model can be used as a global description of the wide variety of high energy elastic and diffractive data presently available. In particular it models low mass diffraction dissociation, where a rich resonance structure is present, and thus predicts the differential and integrated cross sections in the kinematical range appropriate to the LHC. We incorporate the physics of this model into the beam tracking code MERLIN and use it to simulate the resulting loss maps of the beam halo lost in the collimators in the LHC

    A measurement of the W boson mass using large rapidity electrons

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    We present a measurement of the W boson mass using data collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron during 1994--1995. We identify W bosons by their decays to e-nu final states where the electron is detected in a forward calorimeter. We extract the W boson mass, Mw, by fitting the transverse mass and transverse electron and neutrino momentum spectra from a sample of 11,089 W -> e nu decay candidates. We use a sample of 1,687 dielectron events, mostly due to Z -> ee decays, to constrain our model of the detector response. Using the forward calorimeter data, we measure Mw = 80.691 +- 0.227 GeV. Combining the forward calorimeter measurements with our previously published central calorimeter results, we obtain Mw = 80.482 +- 0.091 GeV
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