94 research outputs found

    Intrauterine fetal abnormalities therapy

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    RESUMO Aproximadamente 1% das gestações apresenta anomalias estruturais. Durante as últimas três décadas, vários estudos experimentais em animais de grande porte associados ao avanço tecnológico dos equipamentos de imagem diagnóstica e de fetoscopia permitiram grande evolução no conhecimento da fisiopatologia de vários defeitos congênitos. Tais conhecimentos aplicados na correção intraútero das anomalias transformaram a história natural de muitas doenças que passaram do óbito para um considerável número de sobreviventes. Intervenção fetal, como a cirurgia fetal aberta, pode ser indicada na meningomielocele ou na malformação adenomatoide cística congênita e no teratoma sacrococcígeo, que levam à hidropsia fetal secundária. Além disso, procedimentos minimamente invasivos utilizando fetoscópios podem ter aplicação na hérnia diafragmática congênita, nas transfusões feto-fetais, na gravidez gemelar com feto acárdico, na válvula de uretra posterior e na hipoplasia de câmaras cardíacas com bons resultados. Embora cirurgia fetal aberta e procedimentos minimamente invasivos ainda sejam experimentais e necessitem ser plenamente validados, o diagnóstico ecográfico correto e o encaminhamento da paciente para centros terciários com atendimento multidisciplinar de medicina fetal permitem oferecer aumento da sobrevivência de muitas doenças congênitas de evolução fatal.ABSTRACT About 1% of all pregnancies present structural anomalies. During the last three decades, various experimental studies in large animals, associated with the technological advance of diagnostic imaging and fetoscopy equipment, have led to great progress in the knowledge of the pathophysiology of various congenital defects. Such knowledge applied to intrauterine correction of abnormalities has transformed the natural history of several previously fatal diseases, leading to a considerable number of survivors. Fetal intervention, such as open fetal surgery, may be indicated in meningomyelocele or in congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation, and in sacrococcygeal teratoma, which lead to secondary fetal hydropsy. Besides, minimally invasive procedures using fetoscopy may have application in congenital diaphragmatic hernia, in feto-fetal transfusion, in twin pregnancies with an acardiac fetus, in the posterior urethral valve, and in hypoplasia of the cardiac chambers, with good results. Even though open fetal surgery and minimally invasive procedures are still experimental and still need to be fully validated, a correct echographic diagnosis and the patient's referral to tertiary centers providing multidisciplinary fetal care contribute to the survival of fetuses with congenital diseases of usually fatal evolution

    Experimental rat model for fetal growth restriction: effects on liver glycogen and intestinal and renal morphometry

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar a eficácia do modelo de RCIU por ligadura da artéria uterina simulando insuficiência placentária em ratos. MÉTODOS: fetos de ratas prenhes Sprague-Dawley foram divididos em três grupos: RCIU (restrição de crescimento intrauterino), com fetos submetidos à ligadura da artéria uterina com 18,5 dias de gestação (termo = 22 dias), C-RCIU (controle da restrição), com fetos do corno contralateral à ligadura, CE (Controle Externo), com fetos de ratas sem manipulação. Com 21,5 dias de gestação, foi realizada cesárea, os fetos foram pesados e dissecados para análise morfométrica e histológica do fígado, intestino e rins. RESULTADOS: os dados morfométricos avaliados mostraram o peso corpóreo (PC), hepático (PH) e intestinal (PI) dos fetos com RCIU menor que C-RCIU e CE (p<0,001). O peso placentário (PP), renal (PR) e as relações PH/PC, PI/PC e PR/PC não se alteraram. A espessura renal foi menor nos fetos com RCIU (p<0,001) e houve diminuição da camada mucosa e submucosa intestinal (p<0,05). A avaliação histológica mostrou diminuição do glicogênio hepático nos fetos com RCIU em relação aos grupos C-RCIU e CE. CONCLUSÕES: o modelo descrito foi eficiente e causou RCIU fetal simétrica com diminuição da maioria dos órgãos, especialmente do peso hepático, e alteração nos depósitos de glicogênio.PURPOSE: to evaluate the effectiveness of the IUGR model by uterine artery ligation mimicking placental insufficiency in rats. METHODS: sprague-Dawley rat fetuses were divided into three groups: IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction), with fetuses in the right horn of pregnant rats subjected to right uterine artery ligation at 18.5 days of gestation (term = 22 days); C-IUGR (control of restriction), with control fetuses in the left horn, and EC (external control), with fetuses of intact rats. Animals were harvested by cesarean section at day 21.5 days of gestation. Fetuses were weighed and then sacrificed. The intestine, liver, kidney and placenta were weighed and dissected for morphometric and histological analysis. RESULTS: the morphometric data showed decreased body weight (BW), liver weight (LW) and intestinal weight (IW) of fetuses with IUGR compared to C-IUGR and EC (p<0.001). The placental weight (PW), renal weight (RW) and LW/BW, IW/BW, and RW/BW ratios did not change. IUGR fetuses had decreased kidney thickness (p<0.001) and decreased thickness of the intestinal mucosa and submucosa (p<0.05). Histological evaluation showed reduction of liver glycogen storage in fetuses with IUGR compared to C-IUGR and CE. CONCLUSIONS: the model described was efficient and caused symmetric fetal IUGR with decreased size of most organs, especially the liver, and changes in glycogen stores

    Experimental rat model for fetal growth restriction : effects on liver glycogen and intestinal and renal morphometry

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    avaliar a eficácia do modelo de RCIU por ligadura da artéria uterina simulando insuficiência placentária em ratos. fetos de ratas prenhes Sprague-Dawley foram divididos em três grupos: RCIU (restrição de crescimento intrauterino), com fetos submetidos à ligadura da artéria uterina com 18,5 dias de gestação (termo = 22 dias), C-RCIU (controle da restrição), com fetos do corno contralateral à ligadura, CE (Controle Externo), com fetos de ratas sem manipulação. Com 21,5 dias de gestação, foi realizada cesárea, os fetos foram pesados e dissecados para análise morfométrica e histológica do fígado, intestino e rins. os dados morfométricos avaliados mostraram o peso corpóreo (PC), hepático (PH) e intestinal (PI) dos fetos com RCIU menor que C-RCIU e CE (p<0,001). O peso placentário (PP), renal (PR) e as relações PH/PC, PI/PC e PR/PC não se alteraram. A espessura renal foi menor nos fetos com RCIU (p<0,001) e houve diminuição da camada mucosa e submucosa intestinal (p<0,05). A avaliação histológica mostrou diminuição do glicogênio hepático nos fetos com RCIU em relação aos grupos C-RCIU e CE. o modelo descrito foi eficiente e causou RCIU fetal simétrica com diminuição da maioria dos órgãos, especialmente do peso hepático, e alteração nos depósitos de glicogênio324FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP08/51497-9to evaluate the effectiveness of the IUGR model by uterine artery ligation mimicking placental insufficiency in rats. sprague-Dawley rat fetuses were divided into three groups: IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction), with fetuses in the right horn of pregnant rats subjected to right uterine artery ligation at 18.5 days of gestation (term = 22 days); C-IUGR (control of restriction), with control fetuses in the left horn, and EC (external control), with fetuses of intact rats. Animals were harvested by cesarean section at day 21.5 days of gestation. Fetuses were weighed and then sacrificed. The intestine, liver, kidney and placenta were weighed and dissected for morphometric and histological analysis. the morphometric data showed decreased body weight (BW), liver weight (LW) and intestinal weight (IW) of fetuses with IUGR compared to C-IUGR and EC (p<0.001). The placental weight (PW), renal weight (RW) and LW/BW, IW/BW, and RW/BW ratios did not change. IUGR fetuses had decreased kidney thickness (p<0.001) and decreased thickness of the intestinal mucosa and submucosa (p<0.05). Histological evaluation showed reduction of liver glycogen storage in fetuses with IUGR compared to C-IUGR and CE. the model described was efficient and caused symmetric fetal IUGR with decreased size of most organs, especially the liver, and changes in glycogen store

    Enteral antioxidants in ischemia/reperfusion injuries in rats

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of pre-treatment with dietary antioxidants in an experimental model of intestinal injury of ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) in rats. METHODS: Ninety adult male Wistar rats were used. An intestinal segment was isolated based on its vascular pedicle. A control biopsy was performed and the pedicle was sectioned and sutured again, ensuring a time of 60 minutes of ischemia followed by reperfusion. Sequential biopsies were performed at the end of the ischemic period and every 15 minutes during reperfusion. The treatment consisted of saline, vitamin C, vitamin E or a combination of the latter two. Quantitative and qualitative assessments of the biopsies were performed. RESULTS: The groups treated with vitamin E alone or vitamin E combined with vitamin C showed a statistically significant attenuation of ischemia-reperfusion, with reduced loss of height of the villi and lower neutrophilic infiltration at the end of the study when compared to the control and vitamin C-exclusive groups. CONCLUSION: In this experimental model of ischemia-reperfusion, pre-treatment with vitamin E attenuated the I/R injury in the small intestine of Rats, demonstrated by reduced loss of height of the villi and the attenuation of neutrophil infiltration.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o papel do pré-tratamento com antioxidantes dietéticos em um modelo experimental de lesão intestinal de isquemia-reperfusão (I/R) em ratos. MÉTODOS: Noventa ratos Wistar adultos machos foram utilizados. Um segmento intestinal foi isolado baseado em seu pedículo vascular. Uma biópsia controle foi realizada e o pedículo foi seccionado e anastomosado novamente, garantindo um tempo de isquemia de 60 minutos, seguido por reperfusão. Biópsias sequenciais foram realizadas ao término do período isquêmico e a cada 15 minutos, durante a reperfusão. O tratamento consistiu de solução salina ou vitamina C ou vitamina E ou a associação destas. Avaliações quantitativa e qualitativa das biópsias foram realizadas. RESULTADOS: Os grupos tratados com vitamina E isolada ou associada com vitamina C apresentaram uma atenuação estatisticamente significativa da lesão de isquemia-reperfusão, com diminuição da perda de altura dos vilos e menor infiltração neutrofílica ao final do estudo quando comparados ao grupo controle e vitamina C exclusiva. CONCLUSÃO: Neste modelo experimental de isquemia-reperfusão, o pré-tratamento com vitamina E atenuou a lesão de I/R no intestino delgado, demonstrado pela diminuição da perda de altura dos vilos e pela atenuação da infiltração neutrofílica.42242

    Evaluation of histological changes after tracheal occlusion at different gestational ages in a fetal rat model

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the histological changes of tracheal cartilage and epithelium caused by tracheal occlusion at different gestational ages in a fetal rat model. METHODS: Rat fetuses were divided into two groups: a) External control, composed of non-operated rats, and b) Interventional group, composed of rats operated upon on gestational day 18.5 (term = 22 days), divided into triads: 1) Tracheal occlusion, 2) Internal control and 3) Sham (manipulated but not operated). Morphological data for body weight, total lung weight and total lung weight/body weight ratio were collected and measured on gestational days 19.5, 20.5 and 21.5. Tracheal samples were histologically processed, and epithelial, chondral and total tracheal thicknesses were measured on each gestational day. RESULTS: The tracheal occlusion group exhibited an increase in total lung weight/body weight ratio (

    Temporal profile of intestinal tissue expression of intestinal fatty acid-binding protein in a rat model of necrotizing enterocolitis

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    OBJECTIVES: Necrotizing enterocolitis is a severe multifactorial intestinal disorder that primarily affects preterm newborns, causing 20-40% mortality and morbidity. Intestinal fatty acid-binding protein has been reported to be a biomarker for the detection of intestinal injuries. Our aim was to assess intestinal tissue injury and the molecular expression of intestinal fatty acid-binding protein over time in a necrotizing enterocolitis model. METHODS: A total of 144 Newborn rats were divided into two groups: 1) Control, which received breastfeeding (n=72) and 2) Necrotizing Enterocolitis, which received formula feeding and underwent hypoxia and hypothermia (n=72). A total of six time points of ischemia (2 times a day for 3 days; 12 pups for each time point) were examined. Samples were collected for analysis of body weight, morphological and histological characteristics, intestinal weight, intestinal weight/body weight ratio, injury grade, and intestinal fatty acid-binding protein levels. RESULTS: Body and intestinal weights were lower in the Necrotizing Enterocolitis group than in the Control group (

    Maternal complications following endoscopic surgeries in fetal Medicine

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    OBJETIVO: descrever as complicações maternas decorrentes dos procedimentos endoscópicos terapêuticos em Medicina fetal, realizados em um centro universitário no Brasil. MÉTODOS: estudo observacional retrospectivo que incluiu gestantes atendidas no período de Abril de 2007 a Maio de 2010. Esses casos foram submetidos aos seguintes procedimentos: ablação vascular placentária com laser (AVPL) por síndrome de transfusão feto-fetal (STFF) grave; oclusão traqueal fetal (OTF) e retirada de balão traqueal por via endoscópica por hérnia diafragmática congênita (HDC) grave e AVPL, com ou sem cauterização bipolar do cordão umbilical, por síndrome da perfusão arterial reversa (SPAR) em gêmeo acárdico. As principais variáveis descritas para cada condição clínica/tipo de cirurgia foram as complicações maternas e a sobrevida (alta do berçário) do neonato/lactente. RESULTADOS: cinquenta e seis gestantes foram submetidas a 70 procedimentos: STFF grave (34 pacientes; 34 cirurgias); HDC grave (16 pacientes; 30 cirurgias) e SPAR (6 pacientes; 6 cirurgias). Entre as 34 gestantes tratadas com AVPL por STFF, duas (2/34=5,9%) apresentaram perda de líquido amniótico para a cavidade peritoneal e sete (7/34=20,6%) tiveram abortamento após os procedimentos. A sobrevida de pelo menos um gêmeo foi de 64,7% (22/34). Entre as 30 intervenções realizadas para HDC, houve perda de líquido amniótico para a cavidade peritoneal materna em um caso (1/30=3,3%) e rotura prematura pré-termo de membranas após três (3/30=30%) fetoscopias para retirada do balão traqueal. A sobrevida com alta do berçário foi de 43,8% (7/16). Entre os seis casos de SPAR, houve sangramento materno para a cavidade peritoneal após uma cirurgia (1/6=16,7%) e a sobrevida com alta do berçário foi de 50% (3/6). CONCLUSÕES: em concordância com os dados disponíveis na literatura, em nosso centro, os benefícios relacionados às intervenções endoscópicas terapêuticas em casos de STFF, HDC e SPAR parecem superar os riscos de complicações maternas que, raramente, foram consideradas graves.PURPOSE: to describe the maternal complications due to therapeutic endoscopic procedures in fetal Medicine performed at an university center in Brazil. METHODS: retrospective observational study including patients treated from April 2007 to May 2010 who underwent laser ablation of placental vessels (LAPV) for severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS); fetal tracheal occlusion (FETO) and endoscopic removal of tracheal balloon in cases of severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH); LAPV with or without bipolar coagulation of the umbilical cord in cases of twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence. The main variables described for each disease/type of surgery were maternal complications and neonatal survival (discharge from nursery). RESULTS: fifty-six patients underwent 70 procedures: Severe TTTS (34 patients; 34 surgeries); severe CDH (16 patients; 30 surgeries), and TRAP sequence (6 patients; 6 surgeries). Among 34 women who underwent LAPV for TTTS, two (2/34=5.9%) experienced amniotic fluid leakage to the peritoneal cavity and seven (7/34=20.6%) miscarried after the procedure. Survival of at least one twin was 64.7% (22/34). Among 30 interventions performed in cases of CDH, there was amniotic fluid leakage into the maternal peritoneal cavity in one patient (1/30=3.3%) and premature preterm rupture of membranes after three (3/30=30%) fetoscopies for removal of the tracheal balloon. Infant survival with discharge from nursery was 43.8% (7/16). Among six cases of TRAP sequence, there was bleeding into the peritoneal cavity after surgery in one patient (1/6=16.7%) and neonatal survival with discharge from nursery was 50% (3/6). CONCLUSIONS: in agreement with the available data in literature, at our center, the benefits related to therapeutic endoscopic interventions for TTTS, CDH and TRAP sequence seem to overcome the risks of maternal complications, which were rarely considered severe

    Corticosteroid effect upon intestinal and hepatic interleukin profile in a gastroschisis rat model

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of corticosteroids on intestinal and liver interleukin profile in an experimental model of gastroschisis in fetal rats. METHODS: Sprague-Dawley rats at 19.5 days of gestation had its fetuses operated for the creation of gastroschisis. Two groups of fetuses were studied with and without maternal administration of dexamethasone. Each group was composed of fetuses who underwent gastroschisis (G), control fetuses without manipulation (C) and sham fetuses (S). A dosage of the following interleukins was carried out in fetal intestinal and liver tissues: IL-1, IL-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-&#945;) and interferon-gamma (IFN-&#947;). The differences between the groups and subgroups were tested by ANOVA with Tukey post-test, with significant values of p<0.05. RESULTS: Dexamethasone led to an increase in intestinal and liver IL-6 (p<0.05) and a decrease in intestinal TNF-&#945; (p<0.001) in fetuses with gastroschisis. CONCLUSION: Corticosteroids had an effect on the intestinal interleukin profile and a small effect on the liver interleukin profile due to immunological immaturity of the fetus, and also of fetuses with gastroschisis. The steroid action may not be exclusively anti-inflammatory, but also pro-inflammatory, varying with time of pregnancy

    Tracheal occlusion for fetuses with severe isolated left-sided diaphragmatic hernia: a nonrandomized controlled experimental study

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    PURPOSE: To compare postnatal survival to hospital discharge of fetuses with severe isolated left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia, who underwent tracheal occlusion, with that of nonrandomized contemporaneous controls. METHODS: Experimental nonrandomized controlled study, performed from April 2007 to September 2011. Fetuses with severe isolated left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia with liver herniation into the chest and lung area-to-head circumference ratio <1.0, who underwent tracheal occlusion (study group) or expectant management (non-randomized contemporaneous controls), were compared in terms of lung area-to-head circumference ratio and observed/expected lung area-to-head circumference ratio (observed/expected lung area-to-head circumference ratio) at the time of diagnosis, gestational age at birth, and survival to hospital discharge. Modifications in lung area-to-head circumference ratio and o/e lung area-to-head circumference ratio after tracheal occlusion were also analyzed. Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney's or Wilcoxon's tests were used for the comparisons. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the Study Group (TO=28) and Controls (n=13) in terms of the lung area-to-head circumference ratio (p=0.709) and the observed/expected lung area-to-head circumference ratio (p=0.5) at the time of diagnosis and gestational age at birth (p=0.146). The survival to hospital discharge was higher (p=0.012) in the tracheal occlusion group (10/28=35.7%) than in controls (0/13=0.0%). There was a significant increase in lung area-to-head circumference ratio (p<0.001) and observed/expected lung area-to-head circumference ratio (p<0.001) between the diagnosis of the congenital diaphragmatic hernia [lung area-to-head circumference ratio: 0.80 (0.40-0.94); observed/expected lung area-to-head circumference ratio: 27.0 (15.3-45.0)], and the day before retrieval of the balloon [lung area-to-head circumference ratio: 1.2 (0.50-1.80); observed/expected lung area-to-head circumference ratio: 40.0 (17.5-60.0)]. CONCLUSIONS: There was a significant improvement in the survival rate to hospital discharge of fetuses with severe isolated left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia, who underwent tracheal occlusion in comparison to nonrandomized contemporaneous controls.OBJETIVO: Comparar a sobrevida pós-natal de fetos com hérnia diafragmática congênita esquerda grave isolada, os quais foram submetidos à oclusão traqueal, com a de controles não randomizados contemporâneos. MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental não randomizado e controlado, conduzido de abril de 2007 a setembro de 2011. Fetos portadores de hérnia diafragmática congênita esquerda isolada com herniação hepática e relação pulmão/cabeça <1,0, que foram submetidos à oclusão traqueal (grupo de estudo) ou conduta expectante (controles não randomizados contemporâneos), foram comparados quanto à relação pulmão/cabeça e ao observado/esperado da relação pulmão/cabeça no diagnóstico, à idade gestacional por ocasião do parto e sobrevida neonatal com alta do berçário. A evolução da relação pulmão/cabeça e do observado/esperado da relação pulmão/cabeça depois da oclusão traqueal foi descrita. Testes de Fisher, Mann-Whitney e Wilcoxon foram usados na análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas entre o grupo de estudo (n=28) e o Controle (n=13) quanto à relação pulmão/cabeça (p=0,7) e ao observado/esperado da relação pulmão/cabeça (p=0,5), no momento do diagnóstico, nem à idade gestacional no parto (p=0,146). A sobrevida com alta do berçário foi maior (p=0,012) no grupo da oclusão traqueal (10/28=35,7%) do que no Grupo Controle (0/13=0,0%). Houve aumento da relação pulmão/cabeça (p<0,001) e do observado/esperado da relação pulmão/cabeça (p<0,001) entre o momento do diagnóstico da hérnia diafragmática congênita [relação pulmão/cabeça: 0,8 (0,4-0,9); observado/esperado da relação pulmão/cabeça: 27,0 (15,3-45,0)] e um dia antes da retirada do balão traqueal [relação pulmão/cabeça: 1,2 (0,5-1,8); observado/esperado da relação pulmão/cabeça: 40,0 (17,5-60,0)]. CONCLUSÕES: Houve melhora significativa na sobrevida pós-natal com alta do berçário de fetos com hérnia diafragmática congênita esquerda isolada grave, que foram submetidos à oclusão traqueal em relação a controles não randomizados contemporâneos.38138

    [fetal Myelomeningocele And The Potential In-utero Repair: Follow-up Of 58 Fetuses].

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    Prenatal diagnosis of myelomeningocele (MM) allows planning its management and, recently, a possible in utero repair. To describe the perinatal outcome of fetuses with MM, in a Fetal Medicine Unit, identifying possible candidates for the in utero surgical repair. Retrospective and descriptive study of 58 cases of prenatally diagnosed MM, at CAISM-UNICAMP, from January 1997 to December 2001, identifying possible fetal candidates for in utero repair. the diagnosis mean gestational age was 29 weeks (17-39); level of lesions was above sacral region in 85%, association with hydrocephaly in 86%. Surgical complications were present in 39% of the neonates. During follow-up, 98% presented neurogenic bladder and 60% neurological/mental handicap. Twenty eight fetuses (42%) could have indication of in utero repair. MM is associated with severe and frequent poor results. Almost one third of our cases could had fetal repair as a treatment choice.62487-9