904 research outputs found

    Aerodynamic and Thermal Characteristics of a Hot Jet in Parallel Flow

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    This paper presents an experimental investigation of the aerodynamic and thermal characteristics of a round jet of hot air, injected through a nozzle into a parallel air flow, simulating a hot streak. Experiments were performed by imposing the same total pressure, established by means of a five-hole probe, for the mainstream and the jet at nozzle exit. Time-averaged temperatures at different points over planes downstream of the nozzle exit section were measured by thermocouple rakes. Experimental data, presented in a non-dimensional form, provide a representation not correlated to individual maximum jet temperature and Reynolds number, in the respective fields of variation. The attenuation of the hot jet strength is reported as a function of the normalized axial coordinate for the various operating conditions considered. Results obtained for the hot jet discharged into a parallel flow are compared with data obtained for the hot jet spreading into stagnant air

    Evidence-based approach to medical equipment maintenance monitoring

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    Maintenance is a crucial part of the life cycle of medical equipment. We applied a specific set of codes to classify the corrective and scheduled maintenance work orders at the University Hospital of Careggi (Florence, Italy). A set of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) (financial, technological and organizational) helps in evaluating the performance of the medical equipment maintenance. The analysis of KPIs (related to costs, age and SM completion rate) revealed some problems in maintenance strategy. The results show, starting from the evidences (i.e. the failures), that the combination of these two methods can give a periodical cross-analysis of the maintenance performance and indicate the most appropriate procedure

    Medical devices nomenclature systems: a scoping review

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    Inventory is a fundamental process throughout the life cycle of medical devices. The maintenance program for each piece of equipment must comply with current regulations that are constantly evolving. The need to set up an evidence based management of the inventory of thousands of medical devices hosted in the Careggi University Hospital (AOUC), in Florence (Italy), has suggested to conceive a method to group medical devices in sub-classes, in order to monitor their performances and maintenance. The starting point to reach this goal is to establish a suitable nomenclature, a complex system of rules, codes, and definitions employed by healthcare systems and organizations to identify sets of medical devices. This paper describes the literature search performed on both Ovid and Scopus databases, that made it possible to identify several classifications and nomenclatures for medical devices. On the basis of this search, only a few works fulfil the requirement of classifying medical devices for management purposes (e.g., inventories, database, and supply chains). The analysis has shown that it is possible to reduce the number of classes into macro groups when applying the Italian National Classification of Medical Devices (CND). Although the CND nomenclature shows inconsistencies for complex groups it is an effective and successful choice, in terms of efficiency and optimization, also considering that it is the basis for the European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN)

    Development of a Raltegravir-based Photoaffinity-Labeled Probe for Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Integrase Capture

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    Photoaffinity labeling (PAL) is one of the upcoming and powerful tools in the field of molecular recognition. It includes the determination of dynamic parameters, such as the identification and localization of the target protein and the site of drug binding. In this study, a photoaffinity-labeled probe for full-length human immunodeficiency virus-1 integrase (HIV-1 IN) capture was designed and synthesized, following the structure of the FDA-approved drug Raltegravir. This photoprobe was found to retain the HIV IN inhibitory potential in comparison with its parent molecule and demonstrates the ability to label the HIV-1 IN protein. Putative photoprobe/inhibitor binding sites near the catalytic site were then identified after protein digestion coupled to mass and molecular modeling analyses

    Protective Effects of Home T2DM Treatment with Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists and Sodium-Glucose Co-transporter-2 Inhibitors Against Intensive Care Unit Admission and Mortality in the Acute Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Retrospective Observational Study in Italy

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    Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a relevant risk factor for severe forms of COVID-19 (SARS coronavrus 2 [SARS-CoV-2] disease 2019), and calls for caution because of the high prevalence of T2DM worldwide and the high mortality rates observed in patients with T2DM who are infected with SARS-CoV-2. People with T2DM often take dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP-4is), glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1ras), or sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT-2is), all of which have clear anti-inflammatory effects. The study aimed to compare (i) the severity and duration of hospital stay between patients with T2DM categorized by pre-hospitalization drug class utilization and (ii) the COVID-19-related death rates of those three groups.Methods: We designed an observational, retrospective, multi-center, population-based study and extracted the hospital admission data from the health care records of 1916 T2DM patients over 18 years old who were previously on GLP-1ra, SGLT-2i, or DPP-4i monotherapy and were hospitalized for COVID-19 (diagnosis based on ICD.9/10 codes) between January 2020 and December 2021 in 14 hospitals throughout Italy. We analyzed general data, pre-admission treatment schedules, date of admission or transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU) (i.e., the index date; taken as a marker of increased COVID-19 disease severity), and death (if it had occurred). Statistics analyzed the impact of drug classes on in-hospital mortality using propensity score logistic regressions for (i) those admitted to intensive care and (ii) those not admitted to intensive care, with a random match procedure used to generate a 1:1 comparison without diabetes cohort replacement for each drug therapy group by applying the nearest neighbor method. After propensity score matching, we checked the balance achieved across selected variables if a balance was ever achieved. We then used propensity score matching between the three drug classes to assemble a sample in which each patient receiving an SGLT-2i was matched to one on a GLP-1ra, and each patient on a DPP-4i was matched to one on a GLP-1ra, adjusting for covariates. We finally used GLP-1ras as references in the logistic regression.Results: The overall mortality rate (MR) of the patients was 14.29%. The MR in patients with COVID was 53.62%, and it was as high as 42.42% in the case of associated T2DM, regardless of any glucose-lowering therapy. In those on DPP-4is, there was excess mortality; in those treated with GLP-1ras and SGLT-2is, the death rate was significantly lower, i.e., almost a quarter of the overall mortality observed in COVID-19 patients with T2DM. Indeed, the odds ratio (OR) in the logistic regression resulted in an extremely high risk of in-hospital death in individuals previously treated with DPP-4is [incidence rate (IR) 4.02, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.2-5.7) and only a slight, nonsignificantly higher risk in those previously treated with SGLT-2is (IR 1.42, 95% CI 0.6-2.1) compared to those on GLP-1ras. Moreover, the longer the stay, the higher the death rate, which ranged from 22.3% for <= 3-day stays to 40.3% for 4- to 14-day stays (p < 0.01 vs. the former) and 77.4% for over-14-day stays (p < 0.001 vs. both the others).Discussion: Our data do not support a protective role of DPP-4is; indeed, this role has already been questioned due to previous observations. However, the data do show a strong protective effect of SGLT-2is and GLP-1ras.Beyond lowering circulating glucose levels, those two drug classes were found to exert marked anti-phlogistic effects: SGLT-2is increased adiponectin and reduced urate, leptin, and insulin concentrations, thus positively affecting overall low-grade inflammation, and GLP-1ras may also greatly help at the lung tissue level, meaning that their extra-glycemic effects extend well beyond those acknowledged in the cardiovascular and renal fields.Conclusions: The aforedescribed observational clinical data relating to a population of Italian inpatients with T2DM suggest that GLP-1ras and SGLT-2is can be considered antidiabetic drugs of choice against COVID-19, and might even prove beneficial in the event of any upcoming pandemic that has life-threatening effects on the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems

    Environmental factors influence the rate of human herpesvirus type 8 infection in a population with high incidence of classic Kaposi sarcoma

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    High prevalence of human herpesvirus type 8 (HHV-8) infection has been reported on the island of Sardinia. Among emigrants from Sardinia, rates of HHV-8 infection are lower than they are in Sardinia and are similar to those observed in the local population. Thus, environmental factors seem to play a relevant role in affecting the prevalence of HHV-8 infection

    The LiberAction Project: Implementation of a Pediatric Liberation Bundle to Screen Delirium, Reduce Benzodiazepine Sedation, and Provide Early Mobilization in a Human Resource-Limited Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

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    Background: Delirium, bed immobilization, and heavy sedation are among the major contributors of pediatric post-intensive care syndrome. Recently, the Society of Critical Care Medicine has proposed the implementation of daily interventions to minimize the incidence of these morbidities and optimize children functional outcomes and quality of life. Unfortunately, these interventions require important clinical and economical efforts which prevent their use in many pediatric intensive care units (PICU). Aim: First, to evaluate the feasibility and safety of a PICU bundle implementation prioritizing delirium screening and treatment, early mobilization (<72 h from PICU admission) and benzodiazepine-limited sedation in a human resource-limited PICU. Second, to evaluate the incidence of delirium and describe the early mobilization practices and sedative drugs used during the pre- and post-implementation periods. Third, to describe the barriers and adverse events encountered during early mobilization. Methods: This observational study was structured in a pre- (15th November 2019-30th June 2020) and post-implementation period (1st July 2020-31st December 2020). All patients admitted in PICU for more than 72 h during the pre and post-implementation period were included in the study. Patients were excluded if early mobilization was contraindicated. During the pre-implementation period, a rehabilitation program including delirium screening and treatment, early mobilization and benzodiazepine-sparing sedation guidelines was developed and all PICU staff trained. During the post-implementation period, delirium screening with the Connell Assessment of Pediatric Delirium scale was implemented at bedside. Early mobilization was performed using a structured tiered protocol and a new sedation protocol, limiting the use of benzodiazepine, was adopted. Results: Two hundred and twenty-five children were enrolled in the study, 137 in the pre-implementation period and 88 in the post-implementation period. Adherence to delirium screening, benzodiazepine-limited sedation and early mobilization was 90.9, 81.1, and 70.4%, respectively. Incidence of delirium was 23% in the post-implementation period. The median cumulative dose of benzodiazepines corrected for the total number of sedation days (mg/kg/sedation days) was significantly lower in the post-implementation period compared with the pre-implementation period: [0.83 (IQR: 0.53-1.31) vs. 0.74 (IQR: 0.55-1.16), p = 0.0001]. The median cumulative doses of fentanyl, remifentanil, and morphine corrected for the total number of sedation days were lower in the post-implementation period, but these differences were not significant. The median number of mobilizations per patient and the duration of each mobilization significantly increased in the post-implementation period [3.00 (IQR: 2.0-4.0) vs. 7.00 (IQR: 3.0-12.0); p = 0.004 and 4 min (IQR: 3.50-4.50) vs. 5.50 min (IQR: 5.25-6.5); p < 0.0001, respectively]. Barriers to early mobilization were: disease severity and bed rest orders (55%), lack of physicians' order (20%), lack of human resources (20%), and lack of adequate devices for patient mobilization (5%). No adverse events related to early mobilization were reported in both periods. Duration of mechanical ventilation and PICU length of stay was significantly lower in the post-implementation period as well as the occurrence of iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome. Conclusion: This study showed that the implementation of a PICU liberation bundle prioritizing delirium screening and treatment, benzodiazepine-limited sedation and early mobilization was feasible and safe even in a human resource-limited PICU. Further pediatric studies are needed to evaluate the clinical impact of delirium, benzodiazepine-limited sedation and early mobilization protocols on patients' long-term functional outcomes and on hospital finances

    Mutational and large deletion study of genes implicated in hereditary forms of primary hyperparathyroidism and correlation with clinical features

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    The aim of this study was to carry out genetic screening of the MEN1, CDKN1B and AIP genes, both by direct sequencing of the coding region and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) assay in the largest monocentric series of Italian patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 syndrome (MEN1) and Familial Isolated Hyperparathyroidism (FIHP). The study also aimed to describe and compare the clinical features of MEN1 mutation-negative and mutation-positive patients during long-term follow-up and to correlate the specific types and locations of MEN1 gene mutations with onset and aggressiveness of the main MEN1 manifestations. A total of 69 index cases followed at the Endocrinology Unit in Pisa over a period of 19 years, including 54 MEN1 and 15 FIHP kindreds were enrolled. Seven index cases with MEN1 but MEN1 mutation-negative, followed at the University Hospital of Cagliari, were also investigated. FIHP were also tested for CDC73 and CaSR gene alterations. MEN1 germline mutations were identified in 90% of the index cases of familial MEN1 (F-MEN1) and in 23% of sporadic cases (S-MEN1). MEN1 and CDC73 mutations accounted for 13% and 7% of the FIHP cohort, respectively. A CDKN1B mutation was identified in one F-MEN1. Two AIP variants of unknown significance were detected in two MEN1-negative S-MEN1. A MEN1 positive test best predicted the onset of all three major MEN1-related manifestations or parathyroid and gastro-entero-pancreatic tumors during follow-up. A comparison between the clinical characteristics of F and S-MEN1 showed a higher prevalence of a single parathyroid disease and pituitary tumors in sporadic compared to familial MEN1 patients. No significant correlation was found between the type and location of MEN1 mutations and the clinical phenotype. Since all MEN1 mutation-positive sporadic patients had a phenotype resembling that of familial MEN1 (multiglandular parathyroid hyperplasia, a prevalence of gastro-entero-pancreatic tumors and/or the classic triad) we might hypothesize that a subset of the sporadic MEN1 mutation-negative patients could represent an incidental coexistence of sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism and pituitary tumors or a MEN1 phenocopy, in our cohort, as in most cases described in the literature

    Mediterranean Sea Literacy: When Ocean Literacy becomes region-specific

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    Ocean Literacy (OL) has been defined as an understanding of the ocean’s influence on people and their influence on the ocean. The OL movement was born in the US and its framework consisted of seven essential principles and 45 fundamental concepts; it is now largely accepted worldwide for use in both formal (schools and universities) and non-formal (research institutes, aquaria, museums, etc.) education settings. Based on this framework, marine scientists and educators developed the “Mediterranean Sea Literacy” (MSL) guide adapted to the specificities of the Mediterranean region, presented here. The MSL principles (7) and concepts (43), serving as guidance for research, education, informed decision-making, and improved citizens’ lifestyles, aim to contribute to environmental protection, conservation, and restoration of the Mediterranean Sea as well as to help to achieve a blue innovative and sustainable economy

    Underground radiobiology: a perspective at Gran Sasso National Laboratory

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    Scientific community and institutions (e. g., ICRP) consider that the Linear No-Threshold (LNT) model, which extrapolates stochastic risk at low dose/low dose rate from the risk at moderate/high doses, provides a prudent basis for practical purposes of radiological protection. However, biological low dose/dose rate responses that challenge the LNT model have been highlighted and important dowels came from radiobiology studies conducted in Deep Underground Laboratories (DULs). These extreme ultra-low radiation environments are ideal locations to conduct below-background radiobiology experiments, interesting from basic and applied science. The INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) (Italy) is the site where most of the underground radiobiological data has been collected so far and where the first in vivo underground experiment was carried out using Drosophila melanogaster as model organism. Presently, many DULs around the world have implemented dedicated programs, meetings and proposals. The general message coming from studies conducted in DULs using protozoan, bacteria, mammalian cells and organisms (flies, worms, fishes) is that environmental radiation may trigger biological mechanisms that can increase the capability to cope against stress. However, several issues are still open, among them: the role of the quality of the radiation spectrum in modulating the biological response, the dependence on the biological endpoint and on the model system considered, the overall effect at organism level (detrimental or beneficial). At LNGS, we recently launched the RENOIR experiment aimed at improving knowledge on the environmental radiation spectrum and to investigate the specific role of the gamma component on the biological response of Drosophila melanogaster
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