9 research outputs found

    Development and evaluation of an emulsion containing lycopene for combating acceleration of skin aging

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    Licopeno é um carotenóide com potente atividade antioxidante encontrado em grande quantidade no tomate e usado no combate a diversas doenças como doenças cardiovasculares e diferentes tipos de cânceres, incluindo o câncer de próstata. O objetivo desse trabalho foi desenvolver uma emulsão contendo extrato de licopeno obtido do tomate salada e avaliar a citotoxicidade do extrato, a estabilidade, o comportamento reológico, atividade antioxidante e permeação do fitocosmético. O cosmético foi desenvolvido utilizando fase oleosa contendo derivados de Karité e submetido à avaliação da estabilidade físico-química, espalhabilidade, análise térmica, comportamento reológico, qualidade microbiológica, citotoxicidade, atividade antioxidante e testes de permeação e retenção cutânea. Os resultados demonstraram que o fitocosmético é estável, apresenta comportamento reológico desejável para uma formulação tópica e é um produto promissor para ser utilizado no combate à aceleração do envelhecimento cutâneo.Lycopene, a carotenoid and potent antioxidant is found in large quantities in tomatoes. Lycopene combats diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and different types of cancer, including prostate cancer. However, its topical use in emulsion form for the combat of skin aging is under-explored. The aim of the present study was to develop an emulsion containing lycopene extracted from salad tomatoes and evaluate its cytotoxicity, stability, rheological behavior, antioxidant activity and phytocosmetic permeation. The developed cosmetic comprised an oil phase made up of shea derivatives and was evaluated in terms of its physiochemical stability, spreadability, thermal analysis, rheological behavior, microbiological quality, cytotoxicity, antioxidant activity, cutaneous permeation and retention. The results demonstrate that this phytocosmetic is stable, exhibits satisfactory rheological behavior for a topical formula and is a promising product for combating skin aging

    Absolutely Sound Testing of Lifted Codes

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    In this work we present a strong analysis of the testability of a broad, and to date the most interesting known, class of “affine-invariant ” codes. Affine-invariant codes are codes whose coordinates are associated with a vector space and are invariant under affine transformations of the coordinate space. Affine-invariant linear codes form a natural abstraction of algebraic properties such as linearity and low-degree, which have been of significant interest in theoretical computer science in the past. The study of affine-invariance is motivated in part by its relationship to property testing: Affine-invariant linear codes tend to be locally testable under fairly minimal and almost necessary conditions. Recent works by Ben-Sasson et al. (CCC 2011) and Guo et al. (ITCS 2013) have introduced a new class of affine-invariant linear codes based on an operation called “lifting”. Given a base code over a t-dimensional space, its m-dimensional lift consists of all words whose restriction to every t-dimensional affine subspace is a codeword of the base code. Lifting not only captures the most familiar codes, which can be expressed as lifts of low-degree polynomials, it also yields new codes when lifting “medium-degree ” polynomials whose rate is better than that of corresponding polynomial codes, and all other combinatorial qualities are no worse. In this work we show that codes derived from lifting are also testable in an “absolutely sound” way. Specifically, we consider the natural test: Pick a random affine subspace of base dimension and verify that a given word is a codeword of the base code when restricted to the chosen subspace. We show that this test accepts codewords with probability one, while rejecting words at constant distance from the code with constant probability (depending only on the alphabet size). This work thus extends the results of Bhattacharyya et al. (FOCS 2010) and Haramaty et al. (FOCS 2011), while giving concrete new codes of higher rate that have absolutely sound testers.

    An?lise do tempo e da flu?ncia da LLLT no processo de reparo de feridas em dorso de ratos

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    Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:29:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 425869.pdf: 4399384 bytes, checksum: 3e433ccca5e1acd4bbb191c1f4293ca1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-25O presente estudo teve como prop?sito comparar, em diferentes tempos, diferentes flu?ncias do laser vermelho de fosfeto de ?ndio-g?lio-alum?nio (λ=685 nm) sobre o processo de cicatriza??o de feridas cut?neas padronizadas em dorso de ratos. Foram realizadas duas feridas cir?rgicas em 36 ratos, sendo uma tratada com laser e a outra servindo como controle. Os ratos foram divididos em tr?s grupos. No grupo um, as irradia??es foram realizadas com dosimetria equivalente a m?dia das doses mais utilizadas nas pesquisas recentes, determinada como 8 J/cm2. O grupo dois foi irradiado com o dobro da dose de energia, ou seja, 16 J/cm2, e o grupo tr?s com metade da dose, ou 4 J/cm2. As irradia??es foram realizadas imediatamente ap?s o t?rmino da cirurgia, em 48 horas, em quatro e sete dias, e os animais foram mortos aos quatro, sete e nove dias. Portanto, cada animal recebeu, na depend?ncia de sua morte, duas, tr?s ou quatro irradia??es. As les?es foram excisadas e analisadas em microscopia ?ptica. Foram realizadas an?lises histomorfom?tricas, considerando as medidas entre as bordas epiteliais, e an?lises histomorfol?gicas. Verificou-se, utilizando-se o teste t pareado, que houve diferen?a significativa (p = 0,004) entre os valores referentes ?s m?dias das medidas entre as amostras teste e controle. Ao se analisar as doses de energia utilizadas (4, 8 e 16 J/cm2) e o tempo de observa??o dos animais (quatro, sete e nove dias), verifica-se que n?o houve diferen?a em rela??o ao fator flu?ncia, mas ocorreu quanto ao fator tempo, sendo as altera??es mais evidentes nos momentos iniciais (quatro dias) do processo de reparo. A partir das an?lises histomorfom?trica e histomorfol?gica, este estudo demonstrou que a terapia a laser em baixa intensidade (LLLT) aumenta a velocidade de cicatriza??o em ferimentos produzidos em dorso de ratos quando irradiados com o laser de fosfeto de ?ndiog?lio- aluminio (λ = 685 nm). N?o h? diferen?as entre as doses de energia utilizadas (4, 8 e 16 J/cm2), mas h? em rela??o ao fator tempo, sendo as altera??es evidenciadas nos momentos iniciais da cicatriza??o

    A year in the life of the EU-CardioRNA COST action: CA17129 catalysing transcriptomics research in cardiovascular disease

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    The EU-CardioRNA Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action is a European-wide consortium established in 2018 with 31 European country members and four associate member countries to build bridges between translational researchers from academia and industry who conduct research on non-coding RNAs, cardiovascular diseases and similar research areas. EU-CardioRNA comprises four core working groups (WG1-4). In the first year since its launch, EU-CardioRNA met biannually to exchange and discuss recent findings in related fields of scientific research, with scientific sessions broadly divided up according to WG. These meetings are also an opportunity to establish interdisciplinary discussion groups, brainstorm ideas and make plans to apply for joint research grants and conduct other scientific activities, including knowledge transfer. Following its launch in Brussels in 2018, three WG meetings have taken place. The first of these in Lisbon, Portugal, the second in Istanbul, Turkey, and the most recent in Maastricht, The Netherlands. Each meeting includes a scientific session from each WG. This meeting report briefly describes the highlights and key take-home messages from each WG session in this first successful year of the EU-CardioRNA COST Action

    Mechanisms of Protective Effects of SGLT2 Inhibitors in Cardiovascular Disease and Renal Dysfunction

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