342 research outputs found

    Texture Analysis of a Color Image Using Traditional and Circular Gabor Filters

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    According to computer vision, segmentation is defined as the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple segments, where multiple segments are sets of pixels, in other words super pixels. Main objective of segmentation is to change and, or simplify the representation of a digital image into something that is much more significant and easier to analyze. Objects and boundaries like lines, curves, etc. in images can be normally located by using image segmentation. More accurately, the process of assigning a tag to every pixel in an image such that pixels with the same label share specific visual characteristics is known as image segmentation. The outcome of image segmentation is a set of surface ( especially of a curving form ) extracted from the image, a set of segments that as a group cover the entire image. In a segment every pixels are similar with regard to computed property or some characteristic, such as intensity, texture, or color. A Gabor filter is a linear filter used for edge detection in image processing which is named after Dennis Gabor. Gabor filter frequency and orientation representations are similar to those of human visual system, for texture representation and discrimination it has been found to be remarkably appropriate. Gabor filter is a powerful tool in texture analysis. Traditional Gabor function ( TGF ) represents a Gaussian function modulated with the help of an oriented complex sinusoidal signal

    FEDRESOURCE: Federated Learning Based Resource Allocation in Modern Wireless Networks

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    Deep reinforcement learning can effectively deal with resource allocation (RA) in wireless networks. However, more complex networks can have slower learning speeds, and a lack of network adaptability requires new policies to be learned for newly introduced systems. To address these issues, a novel federated learning-based resource allocation (FEDRESOURCE) has been proposed in this paper which efficiently performs RA in wireless networks. The proposed FEDRESOURCE technique uses federated learning (FL) which is a ML technique that shares the DRL-based RA model between distributed systems and a cloud server to describe a policy. The regularized local loss that occurs in the network will be reduced by using a butterfly optimization technique, which increases the convergence of the FL algorithm. The suggested FL framework speeds up policy learning and allows for adoption by employing deep learning and the optimization technique. Experiments were conducted using a Python-based simulator and detailed numerical results for the wireless RA sub-problems. The theoretical results of the novel FEDRESOURCE algorithm have been validated in terms of transmission power, convergence of algorithm, throughput, and cost. The proposed FEDRESOURCE technique achieves maximum transmit power up to 27%, 55%, and 68% energy efficiency compared to Scheduling policy, Asynchronous FL framework, and Heterogeneous computation schemes respectively. The proposed FEDRESOURCE technique can increase discrimination accuracy by 1.7%, 1.2%, and 0.78% compared to the scheduling policy framework, Asynchronous FL framework, and Heterogeneous computation schemes respectively

    Prototype Implementation of Real Time CAN Driver for Distributed Embedded Applications

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    The purpose of this proposed prototype is to make it useful in various distributed embedded applications. This system is implemented by using FreeRTOS, LPC1769, CAN (Controller Area Network), LwIP (Light Weight Internet Protocol) Protocol and Sensors. Now a day’s real time communication is one of the key features in distributed embedded systems. Using FreeRTOS, distributed embedded application performance will be improved as compared to general operating system. FreeRTOS comprises CAN & LwIP protocol stack which transfer real time data from one microcontroller node to another. The Sensor acts as input to this prototype and microcontroller node in compliance of FreeRTOS that comprises the Real Time CAN driver which is used for secured data transfer. Real Time LwIP protocol stack is implemented on top of FreeRTOS to feed the data to PC Host application. It consumes less RAM as compared to other communication protocols such as TCP, UDP, etc. for data transmission so that the memory bandwidth is reduced. In this system, based on LwIP stack the data will be transferred from microcontroller Node to the Host application. PC Host application is used for data monitoring and control. Data acquisition and control of distributed embedded applications will be improved with help of this designed prototype. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.160412

    The level of perceived family burden, coping strategies and psychological well-being among the primary caregivers of chronic schizophrenia patients in a selected hospital at Madurai,Tamilnadu.

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    A descriptive study to assess the level of perceived family burden, coping strategies and psychological well-being among the primary caregivers of chronic schizophrenia patients in a selected hospital at Madurai, Tamilnadu was conducted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of a degree of Master of Science in Nursing under the TamilNadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the level of perceived family burden among the primary caregivers of chronic schizophrenia patients. 2. To assess the level of coping strategies among the primary caregivers of chronic schizophrenia patients. 3. To assess the level of psychological well-being among the primary caregivers of chronic schizophrenia patients. 4. To find the interrelationship among the level of perceived family burden, coping strategy and the psychological well-being among the primary caregivers of chronic schizophrenia patients. 5. To find out the association between the perceived family burden and selected demographic variables (such as age, gender, religion, marital status, education, occupation, income, relationship with the patient, and duration of illness). 6. To find out the association between coping strategies and selected demographic variables (such as age, gender, religion, marital status, education, occupation, income, relationship with the patient, and duration of illness). 7. To find out the association between psychological well-being and selected demographic variables (such as age, gender, religion, marital status, education, occupation, income, relationship with the patient, and duration of illness of the care receiver). The study was based on the ‘Stress, Coping and Adaptation Model’ by Lazarus & Folkman, (1984). Four HYPOTHESES: 1. There will be a interrelationship among the level of perceived family burden, coping strategies and the psychological well-being among the primary caregivers of chronic schizophrenia patients. 2. There will be a significant association between the level of perceived family burden and selected demographic variables. 3. There will be a significant association between the level of coping strategies and selected demographic variables. 4. There will be a significant association between the level of psychological well-being and selected demographic variables. The aim of the research was to assess the level of perceived family burden, coping strategies and psychological well-being among the primary caregivers of chronic schizophrenia patients. A descriptive research design was used for the study. The study population consisted of 100 primary caregivers of chronic schizophrenia patients who were attending the outpatient department of M.S.Chellamuthu Trust & Research Foundation, Madurai. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the samples. In order to collect the data, the tool comprised of socio-demographic variables, Burden Assessment Schedule of SCARF (BASS,1995), Coping Checklist (CCL, Rao, Subbakrishna and Prabhu 1989) and Psychological Well-Being Questionnaire (Bhogle and Jaiprakash, 1995) – to assess the level of perceived family burden, coping strategies and psychological well-being. The pilot study was carried out on 10 primary caregivers of chronic schizophrenia patients who fulfilled the sampling criteria. The data collected during the data collection period were analyzed by means of descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study have been discussed in terms of objectives and hypotheses for the study. MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE STUDY: The result revealed that among the primary caregivers 48% are having mild burden, 36% of them are having moderate burden and 16% of them having severe burden. The report about the level of coping strategies among the primary caregivers 49% are having moderate level of coping strategies, 42% of them are having inadequate coping strategies and only 9% of them are falling under adequate level of coping strategies. The study about the level of psychological well being among the primary caregivers majority of them 48% are having inadequate psychological wellbeing, 46% them are having moderate level of wellbeing and only 6% of them are having adequate level of psychological wellbeing. The relationship among the level of perceived family burden, coping strategies and psychological well being among the primary caregivers reported that the correlation between family burden and coping strategies indicated the moderate, negative(0.43) and significant correlation and it shows that when the burden increases their coping level will decreases. The correlation between the family burden and well being (0.48) showed that the moderate, negative and significant correlation and it shows that when the burden increases their well being decreases. The correlation between the coping strategies and psychological well being (0.51) indicates the moderate, positive and significant correlation and it shows that when the coping strategies increases their well being also increases. The association between the level of perceived family burden and demographic variables shows that age (χ2=8.97), duration of illness (χ2=7.69), and relationship with the patients (χ2=7.44) are significantly associated with their level of burden. More aged, less income, duration of illness and wife group are having more burden than others. In the midst of the association between the level of coping strategies and demographic variables shows that age (χ2=8.45), marital status (χ2=6.45), and health status (χ2=5.95), are significantly associated with their level of coping. Less aged, married and healthy people are having adequate level of coping strategies. The association between the level of psychological well being and demographic variables shows that duration of illness (χ2=7.34), and health status(χ2=6.66), are significantly associated with their level of wellbeing. Less duration of illness and healthy status persons are having adequate level of psychological well being. RECOMMENDATIONS: A similar study can be conducted with large sample for generalization. A comparative study can be done at rural and urban areas. A comparative study can be done among caregivers of chronic schizophrenia and other psychiatric illnesses. A comparative study can be done among caregivers of chronic schizophrenia patients in different hospitals. A similar study can be done to see the effectiveness of structured teaching programme about family burden, coping strategies and psychological wellbeing. An experimental study using pre-test, post-test control group design can be planned to find strategies to provide adaptive coping methods for caregivers of mentally ill patients in Indian setting

    Perforated transverse vaginal septum: a rare case report

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    20 year old nulliparous woman married since 1 ½ years attended the gynaecology OPD with history of inability to conceive. She had regular menstrual cycles with normal menstrual flow. Local examination revealed blind vagina with a small opening in the centre. On per rectal examination, uterus was felt and normal in size. Based on history and clinical examination finding, a provisional diagnosis of perforated transverse vaginal septum was made. MRI revealed transverse vaginal septum in the lower 1/3rd of vagina with a small fenestration without haematocolpos or haematometra. Transverse vaginal septum resection was done. Vagina healed well without stricture formation. Transverse vaginal septum in the lower 1/3rd of vagina (perforating type) is a rare entity and hence it is presented

    Reliable and Automatic Recognition of Leaf Disease Detection using Optimal Monarch Ant Lion Recurrent Learning

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    Around 7.5 billion people worldwide depend on agriculture production for their livelihood, making it an essential component in keeping life alive on the planet. Negative impacts are being caused on the agroecosystem due to the rapid increase in the use of chemicals to combat plant diseases. These chemicals include fungicides, bactericides, and insecticides. Both the quantity and quality of the output are impacted when there is a high-scale prevalence of diseases in crops. Plant diseases provide a significant obstacle for the agricultural industry, which has a negative impact on the growth of plants and the output of crops. The problem of early detection and diagnosis of diseases can be solved for the benefit of the farming community by employing a method that is both quick and reliable regularly. This article proposes a model for the detection and diagnosis of leaf infection called the Automatic Optimal Monarch AntLion Recurrent Learning (MALRL) model, which attains a greater authenticity. The design of a hybrid version of the Monarch Butter Fly optimization algorithm and the AntLion Optimization Algorithm is incorporated into the MALRL technique that has been proposed. In the leaf image, it is used to determine acceptable aspects of impacted regions. After that, the optimal characteristics are used to aid the Long Short Term Neural Network (LSTM) classifier to speed up the process of lung disease categorization. The experiment's findings are analyzed and compared to those of ANN, CNN, and DNN. The proposed method was successful in achieving a high level of accuracy when detecting leaf disease for images of healthy leaves in comparison to other conventional methods


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    Aim & Objective: This study was designed to evaluate the metabolic effects of risperidone in patients with psychiatric illness treated with risperidone. Method: Thirty non-diabetic patients with Psychiatric illness (e.g. schizophrenia, manic phase of bipolor disorder based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition criteria) inducted in this study. These Patients did not receive any drug that would alter the blood sugar levels and also risperidone for at least four weeks prior to the initiation of the study. All the patients who were inducted in this study receive the mean dose of 4mg/day (range 2-8 mg) of risperidone for eight weeks, depending upon the clinical condition. The patients fasting, post prandial blood sugar and weight gain were evaluated at the baseline and then at four weeks and at eight weeks. Results: Thirty patients completed the study. The mean fasting blood sugar level was increased from 87.5mg/dL (baseline) to 101.7 mg/dL at week 8 (P<0.001).The mean post prandial blood sugar was increased from111.68 mg/dl to147.88 mg/dl at week 8 (p<0.001).There was also statistically significant weight gain with a increase in mean weight of59.16 kg to59.96 kg (p=0.001). The 8-week study showed that fasting blood sugar and postprandial blood sugar levels may increase in psychiatric patients receiving risperidone .There was also definite weight gain. No serious adverse events were reported. Conclusion: Measuring and monitoring fasting & postprandial blood sugar before the initiation and during the treatment with risperidone is suggested. Key Words: Metabolic effect, Risperidone , Blood glucose,  psychiatric illness

    Comparative prospective randomized open label trial of synbiotic (bifilac) as an add on therapy with standard treatment in patients with aphthous ulcer

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    Background: To trial the safety, efficacy and rapidity of response to a lozenges containing synbiotic in patients with minor aphthous ulcer.Methods: A total of 60 patients were enrolled for the trial after obtaining IEC approval and randomly allocated into two groups. Control “Group A” was administered with conventional treatment i.e., zytee and B complex for 2 weeks and trial “Group B” was administered with Bifilac along with conventional treatment for 2 weeks. The results of this trial were analyzed both subjectively and objectively.Results: Comparing with control group, where standard treatment was used with analgesics and B-complex, the trial group showed a quick relief of pain and helped in reducing mean size of ulcer.Conclusions: This trial was done with synbiotic lozenges in minor aphthous ulcers and it proved to be better alternative for them. Moreover, synbiotics have no adverse effects

    Comparison of enzyme activities with diagnostic potential in healthy and root (wilt) diseased coconut palms, differing in cultivars and growth stages

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    Activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), succinic dehydrogenase (SucDH), exochitinase (Cht) and 1, 4 β-glucanase (Glucn) were quantified to assess their diagnostic potential for detection of, or their role in imparting tolerance against, root (wilt) disease (RWD). The enzymes were determined in healthy and infected palms of contrasting coconut cultivars - Chowghat Green Dwarf (CGD) and/or Malayan Green Dwarf (MGD) tolerant and West Coast Tall (WCT) - susceptible, in the adult palms and in some at the seedling growth stage. Healthy and RWD plants differed little and that too inconsistently with respect to the activities, specific activities and soluble protein content of all the 4 enzymes, offering no diagnostic potential, in the three cultivars. However, cultivars and growth stage differences for enzyme activities were found to be significant for some enzymes. The RWD tolerant cultivar CGD (10-year old palms) had higher SOD and SucDH activity, higher soluble protein in the SOD and SucDH extract and lesser SOD specific activity than the RWD susceptible cultivar WCT (40-year old palms). The RWD tolerant cultivar MGD had lesser SOD activity than WCT in the seedling stage, lesser SOD specific activity in the adult stage (15-year old palms), higher SucDH activity and specific activity, higher soluble protein in the SOD extract, but lesser soluble protein in the Cht extract than 40-year old WCT adult palms. Seedlings of WCT and MGD had higher SOD activity than their adult plants. Seedlings of WCT and CGD had higher soluble protein in SOD extract than their adult plants. Seedlings of CGD had higher soluble protein in SucDH extract than its adult plants. Metabolic differences in enzyme activities indicated that the cultivars CGD followed by MGD and the seedling stage or younger plants seem to have a better capacity in resisting the effects of root (wilt) disease

    Edible films from Polysaccharides

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    Edible films and coatings have received considerable attention in recent years because of their advantages including use as edible packaging materials over synthetic films. This could contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution. By functioning as barriers, such edible films and coatings can feasibly reduce the complexity and thus improve the recyclability of packaging materials, compared to the more traditional non-environmental friendly packaging materials, and may be able to substitute such synthetic polymer films. New materials have been developed and characterized by scientists, many from abundant natural sources that have traditionally been regarded as waste materials. The objective of this review is to provide a comprehensive introduction to edible coatings and films by providing descriptions of suitable materials, reviewing their properties and describing methods of their applications and potential uses. Keywords: Edible film, coatings, characteristics, environmental friendl