5 research outputs found

    Commisive Speech Act in the Second Us Presidential Debate

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    Keywords: Speech Acts, Commisive Speect Acts Verbs, Direct Speech acts, Indirect Speech, Second US Presidential Debate.Communicating is one of the fundamental requirements for someone to be able to understand each other. In this study, the writer examined the commissive speech act inherent in the debate between President Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney in Second U.S. Presidential Debate edition. There are three problems in this study: (1a) what types of commisive speech act (1b) what are the classifications of commisive speech acts (2) what are the direct and indirect commisive speech act.This study used a qualitative approach. Research design was text analysis which was applied to analyze the data. The data were the sentences produced by Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in the Second U.S. Presidential Debate. The writer also put the results of the analysis in the table to make it easier to read the results of the analysis.The results showed there are kinds of commissive acts in the debate. Researchers found 23 conversations that indicate illocutionary acts of commissive. Of these 23, 2 were respectively offers, in which the President or governor speech aim to provide a quote form designs in revolution to the American nation. There were also 4 promises where the debater aimed to give a promise to perform his obligations as a good president for the country. After that, there are 6 refusings in which the speaker tried to give the refusal or denial of the statement that is not true. In addition, there are 6 vowing acts aimed to give oaths so that the listeners can be more confident and believe any major changes which are made to countries such as the U.S. increased the country\u27s economy. Last is 5 volunteering acts which have a goal to not give immediate relief from the president who made volunteering acts without any specific purpose. All these results indicate that the debate contains move indirect sentences that have implied meaning and purposes.The writer suggests to the next reaserchers conduct a study on speech act focusing on two-way communication among other public figures because there will be more various types of illocutionary act in two-way communication

    Pola Pelaksanaan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Untuk Mengoptimalkan Kemampuan Anak Autis Di Sekolah Dasar

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    Anak dengan spektrum autis memiliki masalah perkembangan yang cukup berat. Namun mereka memiliki hak yang sama dalam pendidikan, sehingga tidak jarang kita temui mereka di sekolah-sekolah, baik di sekolah luar biasa maupun sekolah umum (inklusi). Anak autis membutuhkan dukungan dari berbagai pihak dalam mengoptimakan kemampuannya. Perkembangan anak autis tidak seperti anak pada umumnya, mereka sering membentuk pola tertentu dan membutuhkan konsistensi yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu sekolah melalui bimbingan konseling memerlukan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak terutama keluarga yang memiliki intensitas interaksi sangat tinggi bersama anak. Dengan adanya kerjasama sekolah dan keluarga melalui bimbingan dan konseling, juga akan memudahkan dan membantu keluarga terutama orangtua dalam membangun hubungan serta melakukan intervensi yang tepat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kajian literatur dari berbagai sumber mutakhir yang sesuai. Kajian ini menghasilkan sebuah pola pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling secara umum yang melibatkan keluarga terutama orangtua guna mengoptimalkan kemampuan anak. Di dalam pola terdapat tiga proses yaitu (1) identifikasi merupakan pelaksanaan asesmen untuk mengetahui kondisi anak autis, baik masalah maupun potensi yang dimilikinya; (2) Solusi atau rancangan program bimbingan dan konseling berdasarkan hasil asesmen agar memberikan fokus yang jelas terhadap kemampuan anak yang akan di optimalkan.; dan (3) pelaksanaan. Pada proses yang terakhir yaitu pelaksanaan terjadi kerjasama antara (1) konselor dan anak, (2) konselor dan orangtua, serta (3) konselor terhadap hubungan orangtua dan anak. Dengan adanya pola pelaksanaan umum ini maka akan memudahkan sekolah dalam membantu siswa autis untuk mengoptimalkan kemampuannya. Sekolah dasar dipilih karena pada usia-usia inilah sekolah melalui bimbingan dan konseling mengenal anak secara utuh dari berbagai aspek serta mulai membangunnya menjadi pribadi dan perilaku serta perkembangan yang lebih optimal

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penilaian, hambatan, upaya, dan dampak pembelajaran tematik terpadu di SDN Purwoasri 2 dan SDN Mranggen. Penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian (1) perencanaan, guru membuat RPP sesuai komponen Kurikulum 2013, (2) pelaksanaan, guru memadukan KD pada mata pelajaran (tematik) melalui pendekatan saintifik, (3) penilaian, mencakup pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan, (4) hambatan, alokasi waktu membuat RPP, variasi belajar, kegiatan menanya, sarana prasarana dan penilaian masih kurang, (5) upaya, guru menyusun RPP, variasi belajar, menggunakan media dan lingkungan sekitar, mengikuti KKG tentang penilaian, (6) dampak pengetahuan lebih rendah dibandingkan keterampilan dan sikap siswa

    Maternal age, autistic-like traits and mentalizing as predictors of child autistic-like traits in a population-based cohort

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    Abstract Background Many empirical studies suggest that higher maternal age increases the likelihood of having an autistic child. However, little is known about factors that may explain this relationship or if higher maternal age is related to the number of autistic-like traits in offspring. One possibility is that mothers who have a higher number of autistic-like traits, including greater challenges performing mentalizing skills, are delayed in finding a partner. The goal of our study is to assess the relationship between maternal age, mentalizing skills and autistic-like traits as independent predictors of the number of autistic-like traits in offspring. Methods In a population-based study in the Netherlands, information on maternal age was collected during pre- and perinatal enrolment. Maternal mentalizing skills and autistic-like traits were assessed using the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test and the Autism Spectrum Quotient, respectively. Autistic-like traits in children were assessed with the Social Responsiveness Scale. A total of 5718 mother/child dyads had complete data (Magechild = 13.5 years; 50.2% girls). Results The relationship between maternal age and autistic-like traits in offspring best fits a U-shaped curve. Furthermore, higher levels of autistic features in mothers are linked to higher levels of autistic-like traits in their children. Lower mentalizing performance in mothers is linked to higher levels of autistic-like traits in their children. Limitations We were able to collect data on both autistic-like traits and the mentalizing skills test in a large population of mothers, but we did not collect these data in a large number of the fathers. Conclusions The relationships between older and younger mothers may have comparable underlying mechanisms, but it is also possible that the tails of the U-shaped curve are influenced by disparate mechanisms

    Maternal age, autistic-like traits and mentalizing as predictors of child autistic-like traits in a population-based cohort

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    Abstract Background Many empirical studies suggest that higher maternal age increases the likelihood of having an autistic child. However, little is known about factors that may explain this relationship or if higher maternal age is related to the number of autistic-like traits in offspring. One possibility is that mothers who have a higher number of autistic-like traits, including greater challenges performing mentalizing skills, are delayed in finding a partner. The goal of our study is to assess the relationship between maternal age, mentalizing skills and autistic-like traits as independent predictors of the number of autistic-like traits in offspring. Methods In a population-based study in the Netherlands, information on maternal age was collected during pre- and perinatal enrolment. Maternal mentalizing skills and autistic-like traits were assessed using the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test and the Autism Spectrum Quotient, respectively. Autistic-like traits in children were assessed with the Social Responsiveness Scale. A total of 5718 mother/child dyads had complete data (Magechild = 13.5 years; 50.2% girls). Results The relationship between maternal age and autistic-like traits in offspring best fits a U-shaped curve. Furthermore, higher levels of autistic features in mothers are linked to higher levels of autistic-like traits in their children. Lower mentalizing performance in mothers is linked to higher levels of autistic-like traits in their children. Limitations We were able to collect data on both autistic-like traits and the mentalizing skills test in a large population of mothers, but we did not collect these data in a large number of the fathers. Conclusions The relationships between older and younger mothers may have comparable underlying mechanisms, but it is also possible that the tails of the U-shaped curve are influenced by disparate mechanisms