18 research outputs found

    Persepsi Remaja Nonperokok terhadap Pictorial Health Warnings di Kota Gorontalo

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    The 13-15 year old male smoker increased from 23.4% in 2007 to 29.3% in 2013. Meanwhile, the age of the initial smoker begin to shift from 15-24 years to 10-14 years. To anticipate the rate of increase in the number of smokers, especially in the younger generation, the Indonesian Government has obliged tobacco companies to include Pictorial Health Warnings (PHW) on the cigarette packaging they produce. PHW is an image contained in cigarette packaging that contains about smoking can causes cancer of the mouth, throat, lungs/bronchitis chronic; death, and endanger small children. This study aims to identify characteristics, knowledge, and perception of non-smoker teenagers to PHW and the relationship between variables. The study design was cross-sectional with non-smoking male teen research population of 2,473 people. As for the sample of 219 people selected by stratified random sampling. The research variables are characteristic, knowledge, and perception toward PHW. Data analysis used Chi-squared for bivariate and logistic regression for multivariate. The results showed 86.8% respondents had good knowledge and 71.7% had very good perception about PHW although 69.9% of their parents were smokers. There is a significant relationship between knowledge and perception of PHW in non-smoker teenagers

    Knowledge, Attitude, and Implementation of Cold Chain Management in Boalemo District, Gorontalo, Indonesia

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    Background: Children's health is a priority in health development with the goal of reducing child mortality. So far, high immunization coverage does not guarantee the emergence of diseases that can be prevented by immunization (PD3I). Cold Chain Management is a system used to store vaccines in good condition which refers to the vaccine supply chain for the immunization procurement chain. The purpose of this study was to examine the relation­ship of knowledge, attitude, and implementation of cold chain management.Subjects and Method: This was a cross sec­tional study conducted at 11 health centers in Boa­­lemo District, Gorontalo, Indonesia, in Sep­tem­ber 2018. A sample of 34 health officers was selected purposively. The dependent variable was cold chain management. The independent variables were knowledge and attitude. The data were collected by questionnaire and observation sheets. The data were analyzed by Chi square.Results: High knowledge increased positive atti­tude toward implementation of cold chain mana­ge­ment (OR= 5.87; p= 0.061). High knowledge (OR= 2.17; p= 0.448) and positive attitude (OR= 2.69; p= 0.405) increased implementation of cold chain management, but they were statistically non-significant.Conclusion: High knowledge and positive atti­tude increase implementation of cold chain managementKeywords: cold chain management, vaccine, knowledge, attitudeCorrespondence: Zulfiayu Sapiun. Department of Pharmacy, Health Polytechnics, Ministry of Health Gorontalo.Jl. Taman Pendidikan 36, Gorontalo 96123, Indonesia. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: 081244521639Journal of Health Policy and Management (2020), 05(02): 139-145https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpm.2020.05.02.0


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    Tujuan Kegiatan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap siswa/siswi sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan dilaksanakan dan memastikan bahwa jajanan di sekitar sekolah aman dari cemaran kimia. Kegiatan ini adalah quasi eksperiment. Alat ukur adalah kuesioner berisi pernyataan pengetahuan dan sikap. Pengetahuan dan sikap dinyatakan baik bila nilai ?75. Data dianalis dengan univariat dan perubahan diuji dengan wilcoxon. Kegiatan berupa penyuluhan keamanan pangan dan pengujian sampel makanan jajanan di sekitar sekolah. Pengetahuan siswa tentang jajanan aman adalah sebelum penyuluhan adalah 3,79 dan setelah sebesar 4,65. Sikap siswa tentang jajanan aman adalah sebelum penyuluhan adalah 4,90 dan setelah sebesar 5,75. Tingkat pengetahuan siswa MIN 1 Kota Gorontalo 35% kurang baik dan 65% baik. Sedangkan setelah kegiatan menjadi 10% kurang baik dan 95% baik. Sikap siswa MIN 1 Kota Gorontalo sebelum kegiatan adalah 37% kurang baik dan 63% baik, sedangkan setelah kegiatan 5% kurang baik dan 95% baik. Hasil pengujian Wilcoxon menunjukkan bahwa penyuluhan tentang jajanan aman telah mampu mengubah pengetahuan secara signifikan dengan nilai P=0,000, dimana P0,05. Hasil pengujian Wilcoxon menunjukkan bahwa penyuluhan tentang jajanan aman telah mampu mengubah sikap secara signifikan dengan nilai P=0,000. dimana P0,05. Hasil pengujian jajanan didapatkan 10 sampel uji negatif mengandung metanil yellow, rhodamin B, borax, dan formalin


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    Objective: Nanoparticle preparation can increase the bioavailability of anchovy protein. This study aims to optimize and characterize anchovy protein concentrate nanoparticle based on volume comparison of chitosan-TPP (Tripolyphosphate) matrix in forming the size of anchovy protein concentrate nanoparticle with ionic gelation method. Methods: Fresh anchovy was extracted by an acid-base method using solvents of NaOH and HCl to get protein concentrate. After that, it was conducted by formulating anchovy protein concentrate into a mixture of chitosan-TPP matrix with volume ratio which was divided into 5 series of variations, namely F1 without matrix, F2 1:1, F3 1:3, F4 1:5 and F5 1:7 ratio of chitosan to TPP, then formed matrix was determined the value of the encapsulation efficiency and characterized using a particle size analysis tool. Results: The results showed that the optimum volume comparison of the chitosan-TPP matrix in forming nanoparticle of anchovy protein concentrate was ratio 1:7 because this has a matrix encapsulation efficiency value of 99.11%, a small particle concentrate size of 687.26 nm, a good polydispersity index value of 0.406 and a value of zeta potential of+12.9 mV. Conclusion: The optimum formula of the chitosan-TPP matrix volume ratio in forming anchovy protein concentrate nanoparticle is F5 with the ratio of chitosan-TPP matrix mixture 1:7


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    Pangan fungsional dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif dalam mencegah stunting pada balita. Tempe dan bayam merupakan bahan lokal yang mudah diperoleh, ekonomis, nilai gizinya tinggi dan mutu cernanya tinggi dalam tubuh sehingga berpotensi dijadikan pangan fungsional. Kebaruan dalam penelitian ini meneliti potensi Biskuit “TYam”(biskuit dengan substitusi tepung tempe dan serbuk bayam) sebagai alternatif pencegahan stunting pada balita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasi biskuit yang disubtitusi tepung tempe dan serbuk bayam (Biskuit “TYam”) dan menganalisis pengaruh subtitusi tersebut terhadap organoleptik dan nilai gizi biscuit.Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimen laboratorium. Biskuit “TYam” diformulasi dengan mensubtitusi tepung terigu dengan tepung tempe dan serbuk bayam, masing-masing 0g (P0), 15g (P1), 30g (P2) dan 45g (P3). Keempat formula Biskuit “TYam” diuji organoleptik (warna, aroma, rasa dan kerenyahan) oleh 25 panelis menggunakan skala hedonik dengan teknik skoring. Analisis data uji organoleptik meliputi uji normalitas, uji Friedman dan uji lanjutan yakni uji Wilcoxon. Sedangkan nilai gizi biskuit “TYam” dihitung menggunakan Nutrisurvey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara organolpetik formula biscuit “TYam” P2 (15g) paling disukai dari segi warna, aroma, rasa dan kerenyahan. Sedangkan nilai gizi Biskuit “TYam” yang meningkat adalah Protein, PUFA, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Total asam folat, Kalium, Magnesium, Fosfor, Ferro dan Zink. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah semakin banyak tepung tempe dan serbuk bayam yang disubtitusi pada Biskuit “TYam”. maka nilai gizi semakin meningkat dan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap organoleptiknya.Kata Kunci: Bayam; Biskuit; Pangan fungsional; Stunting; Tempe. AbstractFunctional foods can be used as an alternative to prevent growth retardation in young children. Tempe and spinach are local ingredients that are easy to procure, economical, nutritious, digestible in the body, and have the potential to be used as functional foods. Novelty in research to examine the potential of "TYam" Biscuits (biscuits with substitution of tempeh flour and spinach powder) as an alternative to stunting prevention in toddlers. The purpose of this study is to formulate biscuits (“TYam” biscuits) replaced with tempe and spinach powder and analyze their effects on the sensual and nutritional value of biscuits. This research method is a laboratory experiment. "TYam" biscuits were formulated by replacing wheat flour with tempe flour and spinach powder, 0g (P0), 15g (P1), 30g (P2) and 45g (P3), respectively. "TYam" biscuit formulas were sensually tested by 25 panelists using a hedonic scale using t-scoring technology (color, aroma, flavor, crispness). Analysis of sensory test data included a normality test, a Friedman test, and another test, the Wilcoxon test. On the other hand, the nutritional value of "TYam" biscuits was calculated using Nutrisurvey. The results showed that the sensually "TYam" P2 (15 g) biscuit formulation was the most preferred in terms of color, aroma, flavor, and crispness. The nutritional value of the increased "TYam" biscuits was protein, PUFA, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6, total folic acid, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. The conclusion of the study was that the "TYam" cookie as an alternative functional food in preventing stunting in toddlers.

    Teh Temujahecang Sebagai Produk Inovatif Untuk Meningkatkan Kesehatan Masyarakat

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    “Temujahecang tea” is a drink that warms the body and the ingredients are from aromatic plants such as salvia leaves, temulawak, ginger, secang, cardamom, lemongrass leaves, cinnamon and mint leaves as flavorings in the drink. This tea has nutritious ingredients that have been proven to be beneficial for health, and herbal ingredients are now starting to be sought after by many people to restore health, especially in disease prevention. The results of several studies / studies show that the ingredients in this drink can prevent and reduce / minimize the occurrence of chronic diseases commonly experienced by the elderly / degenerative diseases, namely antioxidants, lowering cholesterol, preventing osteoporosis, anti-diarrhea, anti-cancer, so that people who drink this tea can improve health. Therefore we need an innovation to overcome this problem, namely making "Temujahecang Tea" with natural ingredients (herbal ingredients). The targets in this community service activity are partners in the Graha Matahari Permai Housing Block E Bontoala Village, Pallangga District, Gowa Regency. This activity is in the form of training in making tea from herbal ingredients. The purpose of this activity is to optimally empower natural resources so that it can encourage the community's economy by pioneering the temujahecang tea beverage home industry. The outputs of this activity are articles, products, modules, videos and IPR.Keywords : Temujahecang, Herbal Tea, Training“ Teh Temujahecang” adalah minuman penghangat/menghangatkan badan  dan bahannya berasal dari tanaman yang beraroma seperti daun salvia, temulawak, jahe, secang, kapulaga, daun sereh, kayu manis dan daun mint sebagai perasa dalam minuman tersebut. Teh ini memiliki bahan-bahan berkhasiat telah terbukti bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, dan bahan-bahan herbal saat ini mulai banyak dicari orang untuk memulihkan kesehatan terutama dalam preventiv/pencegahan penyakit. Hasil dari beberapa riset/penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan dalam minuman ini dapat  mencegah  dan mengurangi/ meminimalkan  terjadinya  penyakit  kronis yang biasa dialami lansia/penyakit degeneratif yaitu antioksidan, menurunkan kolesterol, mencegah osteoporosis, anti diare, anti kanker, sehingga masyarakat yang minum teh ini dapat meningkatkan kesehatan. Oleh karena itu perlu suatu inovasi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut yaitu membuat ”Teh Temujahecang” dengan bahan alam (bahan herbal). Sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyrakat ini adalah mitra  di  Perumahan Graha Matahari Permai Blok E Desa Bontoala Kecamatan Pallangga Kabupaten Gowa.  Kegiatan  ini  berupa pelatihan pembuatan teh dari bahan herbal. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberdayakan sumber daya alam secara optimal sehingga dapat mendorong perekonomian masyarakat dengan jalan perintisan home industry minuman teh temujahecang. Luaran yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan ini adalah artikel, produk, modul, video dan HKI.Kata Kunci : Temujahecang, Teh Herbal, Pelatiha


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    Covid-19 adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2). Munculnya pandemi ini memberikan perhatian khusus terhadap penjagaan kelayakan mutu dari suatu vaksin. Untuk penyimpanan suatu vaksin diperlukan peralatan rantai dingin vaksin (Cold chain) untuk suhu vaksin tetap dikondisi suhu yang ideal. Vaksin vial monitor (VVM) adalah sebuah etiket atau label bergambar yang dilekatkan pada botol vaksin sebagai pemantau kelayakan mutu vaksin. Namun, masih ditemukan kesalahan dan keraguan tenaga kesehatan dalam membaca VVM. Kebaruan penelitian ini karena meneliti tentang aplikasi S-VVM (Software Vaccine Vial Monitor) sebagai inovasi teknologi pemastian mutu vaksin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keakuratan dalam monitoring kelayakan suatu vaksin dan membuat inovasi bangun ruang aplikasi yang dapat mengurangi kesalahan tenaga kesehatan dalam monitoring kelayakan mutu vaksin secara otomatis, efisien dan dapat digunakan dalam kondisi apapun dan kapanpun. Metode penelitian berupa konsep, desain, asembly, dan testing. Aplikasi ini dirancang secara sistematik dalam program software Android/iOS.  Rancangan menggunakan metode pencocokan label, yaitu backend menggunakan phyton. Pengujian pada sampel dengan cara memindai menggunakan kamera android/iOS untuk melihat perbandingan gambar pada vaksin yang akan mengidentifikasi apakah vaksin tersebut aman digunakan atau sudah tidak layak digunakan. Hasil peneltiian adalah telah terciptanya rancangan aplikasi S-VVM yang telah melalui proses evaluasi yang rigid dengan melakukan pengujian langsung yang dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan. Kesimpulan aplikasi dapat menguji kelaikan vaksin dengan metodi pencocokan label.Kata Kunci: Rantai dingin; S-VVM; Vaksin; Phyton, Pencocokan label AbstractCovid-19 is a disease caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) virus. The emergence of this pandemic pays special attention to maintaining the quality feasibility of a vaccine. For storage of a vaccine, cold chain equipment is needed for the vaccine temperature to remain at the ideal temperature condition. A vaccine vial monitor (VVM) is an illustrated etiquette or label attached to a vial to monitor vaccine quality eligibility. However, health workers still need help with reading VVM. The novelty of this research is that it examines the application of S-VVM (Software Vaccine Vial Monitor) as an innovation in vaccine quality assurance technology. This study aims to improve accuracy in monitoring the feasibility of a vaccine and make innovations in building an application space that can reduce the error of health workers in monitoring the feasibility of vaccine quality automatically and efficiently and can be used in any condition and at any time. Research methods are in the form of concepts, designs, assembly, and testing. This application is a systematic design in Android/iOS software programs. The design uses the label-matching method. That is, the backend uses python. The result of the research is that the design of the S-VVM application has been created, which has undergone a rigid evaluation process by conducting direct testing by health workers. It tests the sample by scanning using an android/iOS camera to see a comparison of images on the vaccine that will identify whether the vaccine is safe or no longer suitable for use. The app's conclusion can test the vaccine's airworthiness with a label-matching method.Keywords: Cold chain; S-VVM; Vaccine; Python, Label matching