32,609 research outputs found

    A Flexible Implementation of a Matrix Laurent Series-Based 16-Point Fast Fourier and Hartley Transforms

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    This paper describes a flexible architecture for implementing a new fast computation of the discrete Fourier and Hartley transforms, which is based on a matrix Laurent series. The device calculates the transforms based on a single bit selection operator. The hardware structure and synthesis are presented, which handled a 16-point fast transform in 65 nsec, with a Xilinx SPARTAN 3E device.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. IEEE VI Southern Programmable Logic Conference 201

    Avaliação da composição de acessos de mandioca para carotenoides totais e compostos cianogênicos.

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    A mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) é uma das mais importantes culturas de reserva contra a fome nos trópicos e subtrópicos, sendo alimento para mais de 800 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. Além de rica em carboidratos, a mandioca é uma excelente fonte de betacaroteno (precursor da vitamina A) nas raízes de coloração amarela

    The Overlooked Potential of Generalized Linear Models in Astronomy-III: Bayesian Negative Binomial Regression and Globular Cluster Populations

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    In this paper, the third in a series illustrating the power of generalized linear models (GLMs) for the astronomical community, we elucidate the potential of the class of GLMs which handles count data. The size of a galaxy's globular cluster population NGCN_{\rm GC} is a prolonged puzzle in the astronomical literature. It falls in the category of count data analysis, yet it is usually modelled as if it were a continuous response variable. We have developed a Bayesian negative binomial regression model to study the connection between NGCN_{\rm GC} and the following galaxy properties: central black hole mass, dynamical bulge mass, bulge velocity dispersion, and absolute visual magnitude. The methodology introduced herein naturally accounts for heteroscedasticity, intrinsic scatter, errors in measurements in both axes (either discrete or continuous), and allows modelling the population of globular clusters on their natural scale as a non-negative integer variable. Prediction intervals of 99% around the trend for expected NGCN_{\rm GC}comfortably envelope the data, notably including the Milky Way, which has hitherto been considered a problematic outlier. Finally, we demonstrate how random intercept models can incorporate information of each particular galaxy morphological type. Bayesian variable selection methodology allows for automatically identifying galaxy types with different productions of GCs, suggesting that on average S0 galaxies have a GC population 35% smaller than other types with similar brightness.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Coherent State Path Integrals in the Weyl Representation

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    We construct a representation of the coherent state path integral using the Weyl symbol of the Hamiltonian operator. This representation is very different from the usual path integral forms suggested by Klauder and Skagerstan in \cite{Klau85}, which involve the normal or the antinormal ordering of the Hamiltonian. These different representations, although equivalent quantum mechanically, lead to different semiclassical limits. We show that the semiclassical limit of the coherent state propagator in Weyl representation is involves classical trajectories that are independent on the coherent states width. This propagator is also free from the phase corrections found in \cite{Bar01} for the two Klauder forms and provides an explicit connection between the Wigner and the Husimi representations of the evolution operator.Comment: 23 page

    Organização da diversidade de acessos de mandioca com alta similaridade genética com base em marcadores SNPs e microssatélites.

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    O fato de a mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) ser uma planta nativa do Brasil e a ampla gama de locais de cultivo no país amplificam a diversidade fenotípica observada nos acessos de germoplasma desta espécie. Por outro lado, muitos nomes são dados a um mesmo genótipo e ao mesmo tempo diferentes acessos possuem um mesmo nome

    On the Uq[sl(2)]{\cal{U}}_{q}[sl(2)] Temperley-Lieb reflection matrices

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    This work concerns the boundary integrability of the spin-s Uq[sl(2)]{\cal{U}}_{q}[sl(2)] Temperley-Lieb model. A systematic computation method is used to constructed the solutions of the boundary Yang-Baxter equations. For ss half-integer, a general 2s(s+1)+3/22s(s+1)+3/2 free parameter solution is presented. It turns that for ss integer, the general solution has 2s(s+1)+12s(s+1)+1 free parameters. Moreover, some particular solutions are discussed.Comment: LaTex 17 page

    Modeling the spectrum of gravitational waves in the primordial Universe

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    Recent observations from type Ia Supernovae and from cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies have revealed that most of the matter of the Universe interacts in a repulsive manner, composing the so-called dark energy constituent of the Universe. The analysis of cosmic gravitational waves (GW) represents, besides the CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies, an additional approach in the determination of parameters that may constrain the dark energy models and their consistence. In recent work, a generalized Chaplygin gas model was considered in a flat universe and the corresponding spectrum of gravitational waves was obtained. The present work adds a massless gas component to that model and the new spectrum is compared to the previous one. The Chaplygin gas is also used to simulate a Λ\Lambda-CDM model by means of a particular combination of parameters so that the Chaplygin gas and the Λ\Lambda-CDM models can be easily distinguished in the theoretical scenarios here established. The lack of direct observational data is partialy solved when the signature of the GW on the CMB spectra is determined.Comment: Proc. of the Conference on Magnetic Fields in the Universe: from laboratories and stars to primordial structures, AIP(NY), eds. E. M. de Gouveia Dal Pino, G. Lugones & A. Lazarian (2005), in press. (8 pages, 11 figures

    Switching of Magnetic Moments of Nanoparticles by Surface Acoustic Waves

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    We report evidence of the magnetization reversal in nanoparticles by surface acoustic waves (SAWs). The experimental system consists of isolated magnetite nanoparticles dispersed on a piezoelectric substrate. Magnetic relaxation from a saturated state becomes significantly enhanced in the presence of the SAW at a constant temperature of the substrate. The dependence of the relaxation on SAW power and frequency has been investigated. The effect is explained by the effective ac magnetic field generated by the SAW in the nanoparticles.Comment: Accepted in Europhysics Letter