107 research outputs found

    High plasma levels of endothelin-1 enhance the predictive value of preclinical atherosclerosis for future cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events: a 20-year prospective study

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Clinical and experimental evidence suggests that endothelin-1 (Et-1) plays a role in cardiac and vascular disease. In the present study, we investigated the prognostic significance of Et-1 for cerebrovascular and cardiovascular outcome, in a 20-year follow-up. METHODS: We studied 82 originally healthy individuals, referred to our Unit of Cardiovascular Prevention, to evaluate the presence of asymptomatic carotid lesions. We subdivided these individuals into two groups, according to the plasma values of Et-1 (respectively ≤ or >2.7 pg/ml). Traditional cardiovascular risk factors were investigated, and by carotid ultrasound examination, we distinguished between normal individuals and those with intima-media thickening or asymptomatic carotid plaque. RESULTS: Major cardiac and cerebral events (all-cause death, myocardial infarction, revascularization procedures, fatal and nonfatal stroke) were registered in 41 individuals and significantly more in those with high vs. low Et-1 levels (95 vs. 5%; P < 0.0001). Furthermore, by logistic multivariate regression analysis, we found that among all evaluated baseline clinical and laboratory variables, hypertension [odds ratio (OR): 20.4 (3.3-127), P = 0.001], high Et-1 concentrations [OR: 1.4 (1.0-1.8), P = 0.02] and the presence of intima-media thickness or asymptomatic carotid plaque [OR: 3.7 (1.14-12.1), P = 0.02] were independent predictors of future events. Finally, integrating technical and laboratory data, high levels of Et-1 have defined a high risk of major cardiac and cerebral event and stroke at follow-up, which increased in relation to the progression of carotid atherosclerosis (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Et-1 plasmatic levels significantly influence the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk profile, beyond traditional cardiovascular risk factors and preclinical carotid atherosclerosis

    Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Fight (Cyber)Bullying for Human Well-being: The BullyBuster Project

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    Bullying and cyberbullying are phenomena which, due to their growing diffusion, have become a real social emergency. In this context, artificial intelligence can be a powerful weapon to identify episodes of violence and fight bullying both in the virtual and in the real world. Through machine learning, it is possible to detect the language patterns used by bullies and their victims and develop rules to detect cyberbullying content automatically. The BullyBuster project merges the know-how of four interdisciplinary research groups to develop a framework useful for maintaining psycho-physical well-being in educational contexts

    Screening for cervical carcinoma in HIV-infected women: Analysis of main risk factors for cervical cytologic abnormalities

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    AIM: The aim of this study was to identify potential predictive factors for cervical disease in women with HIV and to evaluate adherence during follow-up to cervical cancer screening. METHODS: In order to identify the independent role of factors associated with the presence of a cervical abnormality, all of the variables showing in univariate analyses a potential association with the outcome variable (presence of cervical abnormalities) were entered into a multivariate logistic regression model, along with age at first visit to our center, and age at diagnosis. RESULTS: A total of 540 HIV-positive women who received screening for cervical cancer during the first year after their first visit to our center were included in the analysis; 423 (78.3%) had normal cytology and 117 (21.7%) had cytological abnormalities, classified as follows: 21 atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (17.9%); 51 low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (43.6%); 41 high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (35.0%); and four cervical cancers (3.4%). In our study, women with more than two previous pregnancies were significantly associated with a lower risk of cervical cytological abnormalities compared to the other women. Women with CD4+ levels of 200-499/mm3 had a higher risk of developing cervical cytological abnormalities compared to those with a CD4+ level > 500/ mm3 . CONCLUSION: In summary, management of HIV-positive women must be modeled on HIV-clinical status, CD4+ cell count, drug regimen, and adherence to follow-up, relying on the cooperation of highly qualified professionals. In HIV-positive women, an adequate screening and follow-up allows for a reduced occurrence of advanced cervical disease and prevents recourse to invalidating surgical interventions

    “CANTINA 5.0”—A Novel, Industry 5.0-Based Paradigm Applied to the Winemaking Industry in Italy

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    The concept of Industry 5.0 is novel from many points of view, as it fosters the transition to a sustainable, human-centric, resilient European industry. To reach this ambitious goal, it is necessary to act simultaneously on many fronts, starting from guaranteeing basic human rights (e.g., privacy, independence, and dignity) and paying attention to the circular economy and energy efficiency. Despite being difficult to adopt in its general formulation, this concept can be scaled up to specific fields, thus producing increased value with repercussions to the whole industrial process. The winemaking industry puts Italy at the forefront globally, as it is also among the key components of the whole national agrifood/agritech value chain. However, the Italian winemaking industry is quite fragmented, with a heterogeneous mix of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and with large companies having opposite approaches to the production process, both in terms of involvement of human resources and seasonality of efforts, due to the existing climate differences nationwide. This fact makes the adoption of common practices even harder but makes the benefits of projects promoting this process innovation more tangible. In such a framework, CANTINA 5.0 seeks to fill in this important gap, promoting the Industry 5.0 principles in a selected group of SMEs and large companies from two different Italian areas featuring different climate conditions and different seasonality, hence characterized by different wine harvesting periods and types of wine production. The present article deals with the description of this paradigm in its single parts, including the use of questionnaires and smart tools to detect the health and well-being state of factory workers and winemakers, the use of well-grounded (including gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) and novel (e.g., based on the Internet-of-Things) environmental monitoring tools applied to the cellars/production departments, and the sensory analysis of the end-products, also leveraging the chemical and emotional characteristics of wines produced using the Industry 5.0 approac

    Probing the therapeutic potential of marine phyla by spe extraction

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    The marine environment is potentially a prolific source of small molecules with significant biological activities. In recent years, the development of new chromatographic phases and the progress in cell and molecular techniques have facilitated the search for marine natural products (MNPs) as novel pharmacophores and enhanced the success rate in the selection of new potential drug candidates. However, most of this exploration has so far been driven by anticancer research and has been limited to a reduced number of taxonomic groups. In this article, we report a test study on the screening potential of an in-house library of natural small molecules composed of 285 samples derived from 57 marine organisms that were chosen from among the major eukaryotic phyla so far represented in studies on bioactive MNPs. Both the extracts and SPE fractions of these organisms were simultaneously submitted to three different bioassays—two phenotypic and one enzymatic—for cytotoxic, antidiabetic, and antibacterial activity. On the whole, the screening of the MNP library selected 11 potential hits, but the distribution of the biological results showed that SPE fractionation increased the positive score regardless of the taxonomic group. In many cases, activity could be detected only in the enriched fractions after the elimination of the bulky effect due to salts. On a statistical basis, sponges and molluscs were confirmed to be the most significant source of cytotoxic and antimicrobial products, but other phyla were found to be effective with the other therapeutic target

    A Multi-Center Study Investigating Long COVID-19 in Healthcare Workers from North-Eastern Italy: Prevalence, Risk Factors and the Impact of Pre-Existing Humoral Immunity—ORCHESTRA Project

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    Abstract: Introduction: The impact of long-COVID-19 syndrome is rather variable, since it is influenced by several residual confounders. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of long COVID-19 in healthcare workers (HCWs) from four university hospitals in north-eastern Italy: Trieste, Padua, Verona, and Modena-Reggio Emilia. Methods: During the period June 2022–August 2022, HCWs were surveyed for past COVID-19 infections, medical history, and any acute as well as post-COVID-19 symptoms. The prevalence of long COVID-19 was estimated at 30–60 days or 61+ days following first and second COVID-19 episode. Furthermore, the risk of long COVID-19 since the first negative swab test was investigated by multivariable logistic regression. Results were expressed as the adjusted odds ratio (aOR) with a 95% confidence interval (95%CI). Results: 5432 HCWs returned a usable questionnaire: 2401 were infected with SARS-CoV-2 at least once, and 230 were infected at least twice, and 8 were infected at least three times. The prevalence of long COVID-19 after first COVID-19 infection was 24.0% at 30–60 days versus 16.3% at 61+ days, and 10.5% against 5.5% after the second SARS-CoV-2 event. The most frequent symptoms after a first COVID-19 event were asthenia (30.3%), followed by myalgia (13.7%), cough (12.4%), dyspnea (10.2%), concentration deficit (8.1%), headache (7.3%), and anosmia (6.5%), in decreasing order of prevalence. The risk of long COVID-19 at 30–60 days was significantly higher in HCWs hospitalized for COVID-19 (aOR = 3.34; 95%CI: 1.62; 6.89), those infected with SARS-CoV-2 during the early pandemic waves—namely the Wuhan (aOR = 2.16; 95%CI: 1.14; 4.09) or Alpha (aOR= 2.05; 95%CI: 1.25; 3.38) transmission periods—and progressively increasing with the viral shedding time (VST), especially 15+ days (aOR = 3.20; 95%CI: 2.07; 4.94). The further determinants of long COVID-19 at 30–60 days since first the COVID-19 event were female sex (aOR = 1.91; 95%CI: 1.30; 2.80), age >40 years, abnormal BMI, or administrative services (reference category). In contrast, HCWs vaccinated with two doses before their primary infection (aOR = 0.57; 95%CI: 0.34; 0.94), undergraduate students, or postgraduate medical trainees were less likely to experience long COVID-19 at 30–60 days. Apart from pandemic waves, the main determinants of long COVID-19 at 30–60 days were confirmed at 61+ days. Conclusions: The risk of long COVID-19 following first infection increased with the severity of acute disease and VST, especially during the initial pandemic waves, when more virulent viral strains were circulating, and susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 was higher since most HCWs had not been infected yet, COVID-19 vaccines were still not available, and/or vaccination coverage was still building up. The risk of long COVID-19 therefore decreased inversely with humoral immunity at the individual level. Nevertheless, the prevalence of long COVID-19 was remarkably lower after SARS-CoV-2 reinfections regardless of vaccination status, suggesting that hybrid humoral immunity did not increase protection against the syndrome compared to immunity mounted by either natural infection or vaccination separately. Since the risk of long COVID-19 is currently low with Omicron and patients who developed the syndrome following SARS-CoV-2 infection in the early pandemic waves tend to return to a state of full health with time, a cost-effective approach to screen post-COVID-19 symptoms during the Omicron time could be restricted to vulnerable individuals developing severe disease and/or with prolonged VST

    Upper Limb Changes in DMD Patients Amenable to Skipping Exons 44, 45, 51 and 53: A 24-Month Study

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    Introduction: The Performance of Upper Limb version 2.0 (PUL 2.0) is increasingly used in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) to study longitudinal functional changes of motor upper limb function in ambulant and non-ambulant patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in upper limb functions in patients carrying mutations amenable to skipping exons 44, 45, 51 and 53. Methods: All DMD patients were assessed using the PUL 2.0 for at least 2 years, focusing on 24-month paired visits in those with mutations eligible for skipping exons 44, 45, 51 and 53. Results: 285 paired assessments were available. The mean total PUL 2.0 12-month change was -0.67 (2.80), -1.15 (3.98), -1.46 (3.37) and -1.95 (4.04) in patients carrying mutations amenable to skipping exon 44, 45, 51 and 53, respectively. The mean total PUL 2.0 24-month change was -1.47 (3.73), -2.78 (5.86), -2.95 (4.56) and -4.53 (6.13) in patients amenable to skipping exon 44, 45, 51 and 53, respectively. The difference in PUL 2.0 mean changes among the type of exon skip class for the total score was not significant at 12 months but was significant at 24 months for the total score (p 0.05). Conclusions: Our results expand the information on upper limb function changes detected by the PUL 2.0 in a relatively large group of DMD patients with distinct exon-skipping classes. This information can be of help when designing clinical trials or in the interpretation of the real world data including non-ambulant patients
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