157 research outputs found

    Molecular Aspect of Annelid Neuroendocrine system

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    Hormonal processes along with enzymatic processing similar to that found in vertebrates occur in annelids. Amino acid sequence determination of annelids precursor gene products reveals the presence of the respective peptides that exhibit high sequence identity to their mammalian counterparts. Furthermore, these neuropeptides exert similar physiological function in annelids than the ones found in vertebrates. In this respect, the high conservation in course of evolution of these molecules families reflects their importance. Nevertheless, some specific neuropeptides to annelids or invertebrates have also been in these animals

    Protein Kinase C Activation Drives a Differentiation Program in an Oligodendroglial Precursor Model through the Modulation of Specific Biological Networks

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    Protein kinase C (PKC) activation induces cellular reprogramming and differentiation in various cell models. Although many effectors of PKC physiological actions have been elucidated, the molecular mechanisms regulating oligodendrocyte differentiation after PKC activation are still unclear. Here, we applied a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) approach to provide a comprehensive analysis of the proteome expression changes in the MO3.13 oligodendroglial cell line after PKC activation. Our findings suggest that multiple networks that communicate and coordinate with each other may finally determine the fate of MO3.13 cells, thus identifying a modular and functional biological structure. In this work, we provide a detailed description of these networks and their participating components and interactions. Such assembly allows perturbing each module, thus describing its physiological significance in the differentiation program. We applied this approach by targeting the Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) in PKC-activated cells. Overall, our findings provide a resource for elucidating the PKC-mediated network modules that contribute to a more robust knowledge of the molecular dynamics leading to this cell fate transition

    Alternative proteins are functional regulators in cell reprogramming by PKA activation

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    It has been recently shown that many proteins are lacking from reference databases used in mass spectrometry analysis, due to their translation templated on alternative open reading frames. This questions our current understanding of gene annotation and drastically expands the theoretical proteome complexity. The functions of these alternative proteins (AltProts) still remain largely unknown. We have developed a large-scale and unsupervised approach based on cross-linking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) followed by shotgun proteomics to gather information on the functional role of AltProts by mapping them back into known signalling pathways through the identification of their reference protein (RefProt) interactors. We have identified and profiled AltProts in a cancer cell reprogramming system: NCH82 human glioma cells after 0, 16, 24 and 48 h Forskolin stimulation. Forskolin is a protein kinase A activator inducing cell differentiation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Our data show that AltMAP2, AltTRNAU1AP and AltEPHA5 interactions with tropomyosin 4 are downregulated under Forskolin treatment. In a wider perspective, Gene Ontology and pathway enrichment analysis (STRING) revealed that RefProts associated with AltProts are enriched in cellular mobility and transfer RNA regulation. This study strongly suggests novel roles of AltProts in multiple essential cellular functions and supports the importance of considering them in future biological studies

    Alternative proteins are functional regulators in cell reprogramming by PKA activation

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    Abstract It has been recently shown that many proteins are lacking from reference databases used in mass spectrometry analysis, due to their translation templated on alternative open reading frames. This questions our current understanding of gene annotation and drastically expands the theoretical proteome complexity. The functions of these alternative proteins (AltProts) still remain largely unknown. We have developed a large-scale and unsupervised approach based on cross-linking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) followed by shotgun proteomics to gather information on the functional role of AltProts by mapping them back into known signalling pathways through the identification of their reference protein (RefProt) interactors. We have identified and profiled AltProts in a cancer cell reprogramming system: NCH82 human glioma cells after 0, 16, 24 and 48 h Forskolin stimulation. Forskolin is a protein kinase A activator inducing cell differentiation and epithelial–mesenchymal transition. Our data show that AltMAP2, AltTRNAU1AP and AltEPHA5 interactions with tropomyosin 4 are downregulated under Forskolin treatment. In a wider perspective, Gene Ontology and pathway enrichment analysis (STRING) revealed that RefProts associated with AltProts are enriched in cellular mobility and transfer RNA regulation. This study strongly suggests novel roles of AltProts in multiple essential cellular functions and supports the importance of considering them in future biological studies

    Water-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry for minimally invasive in vivo and real-time surface analysis using SpiderMass

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    Rapid, sensitive, precise and accurate analysis of samples in their native in vivo environment is critical to better decipher physiological and physiopathological mechanisms. SpiderMass is an ambient mass spectrometry (MS) system designed for mobile in vivo and real-time surface analyses of biological tissues. The system uses a fibered laser, which is tuned to excite the most intense vibrational band of water, resulting in a process termed water-assisted laser desorption/ionization (WALDI). The water molecules act as an endogenous matrix in a matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI)-like scenario, leading to the desorption/ionization of biomolecules (lipids, metabolites and proteins). The ejected material is transferred to the mass spectrometer through an atmospheric interface and a transfer line that is several meters long. Here, we formulate a three-stage procedure that includes (i) a laser system setup coupled to a Waters Q-TOF or Thermo Fisher Q Exactive mass analyzer, (ii) analysis of specimens and (iii) data processing. We also describe the optimal setup for the analysis of cell cultures, fresh-frozen tissue sections and in vivo experiments on skin. With proper optimization, the system can be used for a variety of different targets and applications. The entire procedure takes 1–2 d for complex samples

    Localization of Secondary Metabolites in Marine Invertebrates: Contribution of MALDI MSI for the Study of Saponins in Cuvierian Tubules of H. forskali

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    BACKGROUND: Several species of sea cucumbers of the family Holothuriidae possess a particular mechanical defense system called the Cuvierian tubules (Ct). It is also a chemical defense system as triterpene glycosides (saponins) appear to be particularly concentrated in Ct. In the present study, the precise localization of saponins in the Ct of Holothuria forskali is investigated. Classical histochemical labeling using lectin was firstly performed but did not generate any conclusive results. Thus, MALDI mass spectrometry Imaging (MALDI-MSI) was directly applied and completed by statistical multivariate tests. A comparison between the tubules of relaxed and stressed animals was realized. RESULTS: These analyses allowed the detection of three groups of ions, corresponding to the isomeric saponins of the tubules. Saponins detected at m/z 1287 and 1303 were the most abundant and were apparently localized in the connective tissue of the tubules of both relaxed and stressed individuals. Saponins at m/z 1125 and 1141 were detected in lower amount and were present in tissues of relaxed animals. Finally, saponin ions at 1433, 1449, 1463 and 1479 were observed in some Ct of stressed holothuroids in the outer part of the connective tissue. The saponin group m/z 14xx seems therefore to be stress-specific and could originate from modifications of the saponins with m/z of 11xx. CONCLUSIONS: All the results taken together indicate a complex chemical defense mechanism with, for a single organ, different sets of saponins originating from different cell populations and presenting different responses to stress. The present study also reflects that MALDI-MSI is a valuable tool for chemical ecology studies in which specific chemical signalling molecules like allelochemicals or pheromones have to be tracked. This report represents one of the very first studies using these tools to provide a functional and ecological understanding of the role of natural products from marine invertebrates
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