8 research outputs found

    Tendinopathy of the anterior compartment of the ankle

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    OBJETIVO: Análise retrospectiva da etiopatogenia, diagnóstico e opções de tratamento nos casos de tendinopatias do compartimento anterior do tornozelo (TCAT). MÉTODO: No período de setembro de 1998 a fevereiro de 2009, 13 pacientes foram operados por tendinopatia do compartimento anterior do tornozelo. A casuística constou de 10 pacientes do sexo masculino e três do feminino. O lado direito foi acometido em 12 pés e um do esquerdo. A média de idade foi de 35 anos (15-67). A etiologia foi traumática em oito pacientes e em cinco, degenerativa (atraumática). O tempo médio do diagnóstico ao tratamento foi de 19 meses (1-60) e o seguimento foi de 34 meses (4-127). O diagnóstico foi feito através da história e exame clínico. A ressonância magnética foi realizada em nove pacientes para estadiamento e planejamento. O tratamento cirúrgico foi personalizado para cada caso (sinovectomia, ressecção de ventre muscular, solidarização com o tendão adjacente e enxerto livre de tendão semitendíneo). Para a avaliação dos resultados foram utilizadas as escalas: 1) graduação subjetiva de satisfação, 2) AOFAS e 3) Maryland. RESULTADO: Em relação à escala de graduação subjetiva de satisfação, 12 pacientes satisfeitos e um paciente insatisfeito. A média da escala AOFAS foi de 80 pontos, a média da escala Maryland foi de 86 pontos. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento cirúrgico é eficaz para recuperação funcional. As técnicas cirúrgicas devem ser personalizadas. A opção do enxerto livre de tendão semitendíneo é eficiente nas falhas maiores que cinco centímetros.OBJECTIVE: To carry out a retrospective analysis of the etiopathogeny, diagnosis and therapeutic options in cases of tendinopathies of the anterior compartment of the ankle. METHOD: 13 patients underwent surgery between September 1998 and February 2009; ten men and three women. The right side was involved in twelve patients and the left in one. The averaging age was 35 years of age (15-67). The etiology was traumatic in eight patients and degenerative (non-traumatic) in five. The average time to diagnosis was 19 months (1 - 60) and the average follow-up time was 34 months (4 - 127). The diagnosis was made by anamnesis and clinical findings. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed in nine patients, for staging and planning. The surgical treatment was personalized in each case (debridement, resection of the muscle, grafting with the adjacent tendon, and free graft of the semitendinosus tendon). The following scales were used for the evaluation: 1) subjunctive satisfaction scale, 2) AOFAS and 3) Maryland. RESULTS: In relation to the subjective satisfaction scale, 12 patients were satisfied and one was dissatisfied. The average AOFAS scale was 80 points, and the average Maryland scale was 86 points. CONCLUSION: Surgical treatment is effective for restoring function. The surgical techniques must also be personalized. The free graft of the semitendinosus tendon option is effective for gaps larger than five centimeters

    Distrofia simpático reflexa no pé e tornozelo

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    The etiology of the reflex sympathetic distrophy (RSD) is unknown but the most acceptable theory is that it is a sympathetic nervous system dysfunction. The clinicai findings are characterized by neuropathic pain, vasomotor and sudomotor disturbances and trophic skin changes that are increased in the latter stages. Diagnoses is made by clinicai history, physical examination, x-ray, bone scan, thermography. The treatment is based on physical agents, such as hidrotheraphy and therapeutic exercises. When necessary medications which interferes in the pain modulating system, as tricyclic antidepressant and neuroleptics are used. The aim of this study.i~ to show the results of the treatment of 13 pqtie[1ts with RSD that underwent to physical agents and drug therapy when necessary.A etiologia da distrofia simpático reflexa (DSR) é desconhecida, porém a teoria mais aceita é a de uma disfunção do Sistema Nervoso Simpático. Os achados clínicos caracterizam-se por dor neuropática, distúrbios nasomotores e sudomotores e alterações tróficas da pele que aumentam em estágios mais avançados. O diagnóstico é feito através da história clínica, exame físico, radiografias, cintilografia óssea e termografia. O tratamento baseia-se em meios físicos, como hidroterapia e exercícios terapêuticos. Quando há necessidade são utilizados medicamentos que interferem no sistema modulador da dor como os antidepressivos tricíclicos e os neurolépticos. O objetivo deste estudo é o de apresentar os resultados do tratamento de 13 pacientes com DSR que foram submetidos a meios físicos e terapia medicamentosa quando necessário

    Tendinopathy of the anterior compartment of the ankle

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    Análise retrospectiva da etiopatogenia, diagnóstico e opções de tratamento nos casos de tendinopatias do compartimento anterior do tornozelo (TCAT). No período de setembro de 1998 a fevereiro de 2009, 13 pacientes foram operados por tendinopatia do compartimento anterior do tornozelo. A casuística constou de 10 pacientes do sexo masculino e três do feminino. O lado direito foi acometido em 12 pés e um do esquerdo. A média de idade foi de 35 anos (15-67). A etiologia foi traumática em oito pacientes e em cinco, degenerativa (atraumática). O tempo médio do diagnóstico ao tratamento foi de 19 meses (1-60) e o seguimento foi de 34 meses (4-127). O diagnóstico foi feito através da história e exame clínico. A ressonância magnética foi realizada em nove pacientes para estadiamento e planejamento. O tratamento cirúrgico foi personalizado para cada caso (sinovectomia, ressecção de ventre muscular, solidarização com o tendão adjacente e enxerto livre de tendão semitendíneo). Para a avaliação dos resultados foram utilizadas as escalas: 1) graduação subjetiva de satisfação, 2) AOFAS e 3) Maryland. Em relação à escala de graduação subjetiva de satisfação, 12 pacientes satisfeitos e um paciente insatisfeito. A média da escala AOFAS foi de 80 pontos, a média da escala Maryland foi de 86 pontos. O tratamento cirúrgico é eficaz para recuperação funcional. As técnicas cirúrgicas devem ser personalizadas. A opção do enxerto livre de tendão semitendíneo é eficiente nas falhas maiores que cinco centímetros452141147To carry out a retrospective analysis of the etiopathogeny, diagnosis and therapeutic options in cases of tendinopathies of the anterior compartment of the ankle. 13 patients underwent surgery between September 1998 and February 2009; ten men and three women. The right side was involved in twelve patients and the left in one. The averaging age was 35 years of age (15-67). The etiology was traumatic in eight patients and degenerative (non-traumatic) in five. The average time to diagnosis was 19 months (1 - 60) and the average follow-up time was 34 months (4 - 127). The diagnosis was made by anamnesis and clinical findings. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed in nine patients, for staging and planning. The surgical treatment was personalized in each case (debridement, resection of the muscle, grafting with the adjacent tendon, and free graft of the semitendinosus tendon). The following scales were used for the evaluation: 1) subjunctive satisfaction scale, 2) AOFAS and 3) Maryland. In relation to the subjective satisfaction scale, 12 patients were satisfied and one was dissatisfied. The average AOFAS scale was 80 points, and the average Maryland scale was 86 points. Surgical treatment is effective for restoring function. The surgical techniques must also be personalized. The free graft of the semitendinosus tendon option is effective for gaps larger than five centimeter

    Densidade linear do sistema de fibras elásticicas dos ligamentos patelar, cruzado anterior e cruzado posterior Linear density of the elastic fibers system in patellar and cruciate ligaments

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    Com o objetivo de comparar os ligamentos cruzados da articulação do joelho com o ligamento patelar, os autores realizaram análise da quantidade de fibras elásticas entre esses ligamentos por meio de amostras obtidas de sete cadáveres. O estudo histomorfométrico do sistema de fibras elásticas revelado por métodos seletivos de coloração mostrou não haver diferença na densidade linear de todo o sistema de fibras elásticas. Não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante na quantidade de fibras elásticas maduras entre os três ligamentos estudados. Entretanto, a quantidade de fibras elásticas maduras e elaunínicas, fibras responsáveis pela elasticidade, foi maior no ligamento cruzado anterior. Dessa forma podemos inferir que o ligamento cruzado posterior e o ligamento patelar têm mais fibras oxitalânicas, que são responsáveis pela resistência tecidual. Os autores concluiram que o ligamento cruzado posterior e o ligamento patelar têm estrutura semelhante e parecem mais relacionados à transmissão de força, enquanto o ligamento cruzado anterior está relacionado à elasticidade da articulação de joelho.In order to verify the improvement to choose the better ligament that may be used in knee surgical repair, we performed a comparative analysis of the amount of the elastic fibers system between the patellar and cruciates ligaments. Samples of these ligaments obtained from seven human corpses were studied. Histomorphometric study of the elastic fibers, stained by selective methods didn't show differences in the total amount of all types of elastic fibers, in all three ligaments studied. No difference either was found in the amount of mature elastic fibers. However, the amount of mature and elaunin elastic fibers was significantly different. The anterior cruciate ligament had a greater amount of mature and elaunin elastic fibers, responsible for elasticity. So, the posterior cruciate and the patellar ligaments have more oxytalan elastic fibers, responsible for resistance. We concluded that the posterior cruciate and the patellar ligaments have similar structure and seem more related to transmittance of force, whereas the anterior cruciate ligament is related to elasticity of the knee joint

    Podometry: a critical evaluation of its use in Hansen's disease

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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of podometry to measure the pressure developed over the feet and the value of these findings to help in the prevention of the plantar neuropathic ulcer in patients bearing Hansen's disease. We evaluated 13 patients with impaired plantar pain and touch sensations and 17 normal patients. All the patients were submitted to static evaluation using the podometer. The system employed was the "Midcapteur" commercial podometer composed of a platform for acquisition of analogic data capable of registering the segmental pressures applied to the feet. These data are read by a 386 IBM/PC compatible computer that registers the graphic patterns obtained from the pressures developed and also calculates the modes of pressure distribution in the four quadrants of the foot. These data obtained by means of static podometry were compared to the clinical evaluation of pain and touch sensation of the feet in hansenian patients. The results demonstrate that podometery is an efficient method for evaluating the pressure in impaired feet in Hansen's disease and is a progression of neuropathic ulcer; it is sensitive in the identification of the spots of increased pressure in anesthetic and anomalous areas, asymmetries and in correlating the presence of ulcers with increased pressure

    Use of the semitendinosus tendon for foot and ankle tendon reconstructions,

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    Objective:To demonstrate the results obtained from foot and ankle tendon reconstructions using the tendon of the semitendinosus muscle. The clinical results, the patient's degree of satisfaction and complications in the graft donor and recipient areas were evaluated.Methods:This was a retrospective study in which the medical files of 38 patients who underwent this surgical procedure between 2006 and 2010 were surveyed. The functional results from this technique, the complications in the donor and recipient areas and the patients' degree of satisfaction were evaluated.Results:Three patients presented complications in the recipient area (skin necrosis); one patient showed complications in the donor area (pain and insensitivity); and all patients had satisfactory functional results, with complete range of motion.Conclusion:The semitendinosus muscle is a good option for treatments for foot and ankle tendon injuries