15 research outputs found

    Neutron-induced fission cross-section of U-233 in the energy range 0.5 <E-n <20 MeV

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    Copyright The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.comThe neutron-induced fission cross-section of U-233 has been measured at the CERN n_TOF facility relative to the standard fission cross-section of U-235 between 0.5 and 20MeV. The experiment was performed with a fast ionization chamber for the detection of the fission fragments and to discriminate against alpha-particles from the natural radioactivity of the samples. The high instantaneous flux and the low background of the n_TOF facility result in data with uncertainties of approximate to 3%, which were found in good agreement with previous experiments. The high quality of the present results allows to improve the evaluation of the U-233(n, f) cross-section and, consequently, the design of energy systems based on the Th/U cycle.Peer reviewe

    Variações florística e estrutural e relações fitogeográficas de um fragmento de floresta decídua no Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil Floristic and structural variations, and the phytogeographical relationships of a deciduous forest fragment in Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil

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    O trabalho foi realizado num fragmento de floresta decídua com cerca de 270ha centrado em 5°53'S e 35°23'W e que se estende por dois ambientes edáficos distintos (Moda 1 e Moda 2). Os objetivos do trabalho foram caracterizar florística e estruturalmente o componente arbóreo nos dois ambientes, compará-los entre si e avaliar suas relações fitogeográficas. Todos os indivíduos vivos e mortos em pé com perímetro à altura do peito >10cm foram considerados como árvore e amostrados pelo método dos quadrantes. Para Moda 1 e Moda 2 foram estimados, respectivamente: densidade total de 1.587 e de 1.924 indivíduos.ha-1, área basal total de 15,88 e de 15,86m².ha-¹, freqüências modais das alturas entre 5 e 5,9m e entre 6 e 6,9m e dos diâmetros de caule entre 5,0 e 9,9cm e entre 3,2 e 4,9cm, índice de diversidade de Shannon de 3,19 e de 3,26 e índice de eqüabilidade de Pielou de 0,79 e de 0,86. Os estratos arbóreos nos dois ambientes foram considerados estruturalmente semelhantes. Foram observadas no total 66 espécies de árvores, sendo 56 em Moda 1 e 45 em Moda 2. Piptadenia moniliformis Benth. é a espécie com maior valor de importância nas duas áreas, seguidas por Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart. ex DC.) Standl. em Moda 1 e por Chamaecrista ensiformis (Vell.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby em Moda 2. As áreas apresentam grande similaridade florística (S S = 0,69 e S C = 0,53), sendo que as espécies características de matas decíduas são mais abundantes em ou exclusivas de Moda 1, e as espécies características das Caatingas, em Moda 2. As pequenas diferenças florística e estrutural entre os dois setores da mata podem ser atribuídas às condições edáficas. Em termos florísticos, fisionômicos e ambientais, a mata foi classificada como um tipo de vegetação de transição entre as províncias fitogeográficas Atlântica e das Caatingas, com a presença destacada de espécies com ampla distribuição nas matas secas neotropicais e nos Cerrados.<br>This work was undertaken in a deciduous forest fragment (~270 ha, centered on 5°53'S and 35°23'W) spanning two distinct edaphic environments (Areas 1and 2), and sought to floristically and structurally characterize the tree layers in both environments, as well as to assess their phytogeographical relationships. All living and standing dead trees with CBH >10 cm were sampled using the point-centered quarter method. The results for areas 1and 2 were, respectively: total density, 1.587 and 1.924 individual.ha-1; total basal area, 15.88 and 15.86m².ha-1; most frequent height classes of living trees, 5-5.9m and 6-6.9m; most frequent stem diameters of living trees, 5.09.9cm and 3.2-4.9cm; Shannon diversity index 3.19 and 3.26; and Pielou evenness index, 0.79 and 0.86. The tree layers in both areas 1 and 2 were considered structurally similar. A total of 66 tree species were observed (56 in area 1 and 45 in area 2). Piptadenia moniliformis Benth. showed the greatest importance value in both areas, followed by Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart. ex DC.) Standl. in area 1, and Chamaecrista ensiformis (Vell.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby in area 2. Both edaphic environments showed a high floristic similarity (S S = 0.69 and S C = 0.53).Species typical of deciduous forests were more abundant in, or exclusive to, area 1. Species more typical of Caatingas environments were more abundant in, or exclusive to, area 2. The small floristic and structural differences noted between the two areas are apparently attributable to soil conditions. This forest fragment contains many species showing wide distributions in both Neotropical dry forests and Cerrados, and was considered a transitional vegetation type between the Atlantic and Caatingas phytogeographical provinces, in terms of species composition and physiognomy, as well as local environment conditions

    Oldest camarasauromorph sauropod (Dinosauria) discovered in the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) of the Khadir Island, Kachchh, western India

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    Metabolic Diseases

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