275 research outputs found

    Enhanced audiovisual integration with aging in speech perception: a heightened McGurk effect in older adults

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    Two experiments compared young and older adults in order to examine whether aging leads to a larger dependence on visual articulatory movements in auditory-visual speech perception. These experiments examined accuracy and response time in syllable identification for auditory-visual (AV) congruent and incongruent stimuli. There were also auditory-only (AO) and visual-only (VO) presentation modes. Data were analyzed only for participants with normal hearing. It was found that the older adults were more strongly influenced by visual speech than the younger ones for acoustically identical signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of auditory speech (Experiment 1). This was also confirmed when the SNRs of auditory speech were calibrated for the equivalent AO accuracy between the two age groups (Experiment 2). There were no aging-related differences in VO lipreading accuracy. Combined with response time data, this enhanced visual influence for the older adults was likely to be associated with an aging-related delay in auditory processing

    ヒタイショウ カイテンシ ニヨル テイエネルギー チュウセイシ サンラン ビブン ダンメンセキ ノ ケイサン

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    非対称回転子による低エネルギー中性子の微分断面積に対するVolkinの式の改良を試みようとしている.我々は非対称の回転子の波動関数を対称回転子の波動関数で展開する前に, 回転の対称性を満足するように, 対称回転子の波動関数を変換させて, 得られた波動関数で展開し, 回転エネルギーと展開係数を計算する

    サイガイジ ノ ショクジ ニカンスル ケントウ : ヤサイ クダモノ セシュ オヨビ ビタミンC ノ カクホ ニオケル シンクウ チョウリ ノ ユウコウセイ トコンダテ エノ オウヨウ

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    As one method of preventing unbalanced diet and vitamin deficiency caused by not eating enough fruits and vegetables in temporary shelters at the time of disaster, the effectiveness of vacuum cooking method was studied. Since preparing food on site under sanitary environment is difficult with limited water and food resources, food preparation procedure in emergency was also re-examined and effectiveness of adding food cooked by vacuum cooking method was discussed.It was observed that, in food cooked under vacuum cooking method, no bacteria propagated for 15 days and the loss of vitamin C was controlled. This suggested that food cooked under vacuum cooking method could be preserved for a longer period of time and thus transported to the disaster site where lifeline is destroyed. In addition, almost all panels who participated in the sensory test preferred the vacuum-packed cabbages and apples due to maintaining their original texture.The result suggested that, in the disaster-stricken area where lifeline is destroyed, the use of vacuum cooking method was effective in preventing unbalanced diet and lack of intaking vegetables, fruits and vitamin C


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    The objective of this study was to determine long-term outcomes after stent placement for subclavian artery (SA) obstructive lesions assisted by intraoperative intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). The study included 25 lesions in 24 patients who underwent stent placement assisted by intraoperative IVUS for subclavian artery stenosis or obstruction at our hospital between January 2003 and August 2010. Outcome was evaluated based on the results within 30 postoperative days (technical success rate, improvement in upper extremity ischemia, steal syndrome, left-right blood pressure difference, and perioperative complications) and the results after 30 postoperative days (incidence of vertebrobasilar artery territory infarction and restenosis). Stent placement and vessel dilatation were successful in all patients, without perioperative complications. Upper extremity ischemia, steal syndrome, and left-right blood pressure difference disappeared in all cases. During follow-up observation (6-96 months; median 51 months), no restenosis occurred at the stent placement site in any patient. In one case, four years after initial treatment, stenosis was noted proximal to the stent placement site. Satisfactory long-term as well as short-term outcomes were achieved after stent placement for SA obstructive lesions assisted by intraoperative IVUS evaluation.博士(医学)・乙第1362号・平成27年5月28日Copyright © 2014 by SAGE Publications. The definitive version is available at " http://dx.doi.org/10.15274/NRJ-2014-10023

    Application of susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) for evaluation of draining veins of arteriovenous malformation: utility of magnitude images.

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    INTRODUCTION: The current study evaluated the signal characteristics of susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) of arteriovenous malformation (AVM), especially for draining veins. For this purpose, we identified the draining veins of the AVM on angiography and evaluated the signal on magnitude image for SWI (SWI-mag) and minimum intensity projection image (SWI-minIP). METHODS: Subjects were 14 cases with angiographically proven AVM. SWI-mag, SWI-minIP, and time-of-flight (TOF) magnetic resonance angiography were acquired. For the draining veins of the AVM identified on angiography, we analyzed signal intensity on the images listed above, and classified it into hyperintensity (hyper), mixed intensity (mixed), hypointensity (hypo), and no visualization. RESULTS: On the analysis of 27 angiographically proven draining veins, 19 draining veins were classified as hyper, 3 as mixed, 0 as hypo, and 6 as no visualization on SWI-mag. On TOF images, 21 draining veins were classified as hyper, 2 as mixed, 0 as hypo, and 4 as no visualization, while 6 draining veins did not show hyperintensity on TOF, and SWI-mag visualized 3 of these 6 veins as hyper. CONCLUSION: SWI-mag depicted most draining veins of AVM as hyperintensity. We speculate that this is mainly due to the higher concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) and inflow effect of the draining vein. SWI-mag seems to be useful in the analysis and follow-up for AVM as the signal on the image may reflect physiological status.博士(医学)・乙第1316号・平成25年7月22