56 research outputs found

    A zero-mode mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking in a turbulent von K\'arm\'an flow

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    We suggest that the dynamical spontaneous symmetry breaking reported in a turbulent swirling flow at Re=40 000Re=40~000 by Cortet et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 214501 (2010) can be described through a continuous one parameter family transformation (amounting to a phase shift) of steady states and could be the analogue of the Goldstone mode of the vertical translational symmetry in an ideal system. We investigate a possible mechanism of emergence of such spontaneous symmetry breaking in a toy model of our out-equilibrium system, derived from its equilibrium counterpart. We show that the stationary states are solution of a linear differential equation. For a specific value of the Reynolds number, they are subject to a spontaneous symmetry breaking through a zero-mode mechanism. These zero-modes obey a Beltrami property and their spontaneous fluctuations can be seen as the "phonon of turbulence".Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted to New. J. Phy

    Boundary-induced inhomogeneity of particle layers in the solidification of suspensions

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    When a suspension freezes, a compacted particle layer builds up at the solidification front with noticeable implications on the freezing process. In a directional solidification experiment of monodispersed suspensions in thin samples, we evidence a link between the thickness of this layer and the sample depth. We attribute it to an inhomogeneity of particle density induced by the sample plates. A mechanical model enables us to relate it to the layer thickness with a dependency on the sample depth and to select the distribution of particle density that yields the best fit to our data. This distribution involves an influence length of sample plates of about nine particle diameters. These results clarify the implications of boundaries on suspension freezing. They may be useful to model polydispersed suspensions since large particles could play the role of smooth boundaries with respect to small ones.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Local Oscillatory Rheology from Echography

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    Local Oscillatory Rheology from Echography (LORE) consists in a traditional rheology experiment synchronized with high-frequency ultrasonic imaging which gives access to the local material response to oscillatory shear. Besides classical global rheological quantities, this method provides quantitative time-resolved information on the local displacement across the entire gap of the rheometer. From the local displacement response, we compute and decompose the local strain in its Fourier components and measure the spatially-resolved viscoelastic moduli. After benchmarking our method on homogeneous Newtonian fluids and soft solids, we demonstrate that this technique is well suited to characterize spatially heterogeneous samples, wall slip, and the emergence of nonlinearity under large amplitude oscillatory stress in soft materials.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Applie

    Evidence for Forcing-Dependent Steady States in a Turbulent Swirling Flow

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    We study the influence on steady turbulent states of the forcing in a von Karman flow, at constant impeller speed, or at constant torque. We find that the different forcing conditions change the nature of the stability of the steady states and reveal dynamical regimes that bear similarities to low-dimensional systems. We suggest that this forcing dependence may be applicable to other turbulent systems

    A statistical mechanics framework for the large-scale structure of turbulent von K{\'a}rm{\'a}n flows

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    In the present paper, recent experimental results on large scale coherent steady states observed in experimental von K{\'a}rm{\'a}n flows are revisited from a statistical mechanics perspective. The latter is rooted on two levels of description. We first argue that the coherent steady states may be described as the equilibrium states of well-chosen lattice models, that can be used to define global properties of von K{\'a}rm{\'a}n flows, such as their temperatures. The equilibrium description is then enlarged, in order to reinterpret a series of results about the stability of those steady states, their susceptibility to symmetry breaking, in the light of a deep analogy with the statistical theory of Ferromagnetism. We call this analogy "Ferro-Turbulence

    Imagerie ultrasonore de suspensions de particules non-browniennes

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    Nous présentons un système nouveau d'étude du comportement de fluides complexes, s'appuyant sur des mesures rhéologiques globales ainsi que des mesures ultrasonores à deux dimensions résolues en temps. Ces mesures permettent de récupérer une composante du champ de vitesses, mais également la concentration en particules. Nous détaillons ses avantages et ses limitations lors d'expériences effectuées avec des suspensions de particules non-Browniennes

    Uncovering instabilities in the spatiotemporal dynamics of a shear-thickening cornstarch suspension

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    Recent theories predict that discontinuous shear-thickening (DST) involves an instability, the nature of which remains elusive. Here, we explore unsteady dynamics in a dense cornstarch suspension by coupling long rheological measurements under constant shear stresses to ultrasound imaging. We demonstrate that unsteadiness in DST results from localized bands that travel along the vorticity direction with a specific signature on the global shear rate response. These propagating events coexist with quiescent phases for stresses slightly above DST onset, resulting in intermittent, turbulent-like dynamics. Deeper into DST, events proliferate, leading to simpler, Gaussian dynamics. We interpret our results in terms of unstable vorticity bands as inferred from recent model and numerical simulations

    A statistical mechanics framework for the large-scale structure of turbulent von Kármán flows

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    In the present paper, recent experimental results on large scale coherent steady states observed in experimental von Kármán flows are revisited from a statistical mechanics perspective. The latter is rooted on two levels of description. We first argue that the coherent steady states may be described as the equilibrium states of well-chosen lattice models, that can be used to define global properties of von Kármán flows, such as their temperatures. The equilibrium description is then enlarged, in order to reinterpret a series of results about the stability of those steady states, their susceptibility to symmetry breaking, in the light of a deep analogy with the statistical theory of Ferromagnetism. We call this analogy ''Ferro-Turbulence'
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