123 research outputs found

    An alternative methodology for collection of local vehicle start information for use in MOBILE6

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    Where would I be today without the endless concern and support from my loving family and sincere friends? Through many years of school, these people have given to me more time and energy than I could ever quantify. I wish to first and foremost thank them all for always listening to me, caring about my welfare and progress, and offering me the support and insight that I needed to be as successful as I am today.At the University, I am grateful and fortunate to have been placed under the direction of Jerry Everett, who trusted me with the space and flexibility to accomplish my responsibilities as a Graduate Research Assistant, as well as a student attending class and in pursuit of completing a thesis. Certain wording from him is reprinted in this thesis with his permission. His availability was only matched by that of Dr. FrederickWegmann, professor and advisor, who enthusiastically guided me along the path to successful completion of the graduate program and my thesis. He signed me up lastAugust, and with hope, in a few weeks, he will sign me out.The challenge of data collection was substantially made easier by the assistance ofLoma Wren, Carine Penne, Scott Kiser, and Phil Montgomery. Sandra Rodriguez atNuStats was helpful in sending us daily updates of study participants. Mike Newmanwas patient and energetically involved in helping me assimilate and analyze the data.David Brzezinski was a valuable inside source for information from the EPA.Also, I would like to thank Dr. Arun Chatteijee for his care and guidance, and Dr.Bruce Torn from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, for his interest and support in my interdepartmental studies.MOBILE is the regulatory mobile source emission factor model that the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires all states except California to use in developing emission inventories and for performing conformity analyses. EPA currently plans to release MOB1LE6, the latest version of the model, in 2001. MOBILE6 will be dramatically different from previous versions of the model and will allow users the option of providing local input data for several new and revised variables.EPA has decided to include a mechanism for producing separate start emission rates in MOB1LE6 by hour of the day and vehicle class. The default data included in the model are based primarily on start data collected from a series of instrumented vehicle studies in two metropolitan areas. However, EPA explicitly warns of the limitations such national averages have on effectively representing individual metropolitan areas.Moreover, the resources utilized in the methodology to acquire the default data may not be readily available or economically feasible for many metropolitan planning organizations to implement. This paper outlines a recently implemented alternative procedure for collecting vehicle start profile data, and offers a preliminary comparison of these profiles to the default values proposed for M0B1LE6.Data were collected and profiles representing vehicle start characteristics inKnoxville, Tennessee were developed. The methodology of the data collection process varied considerably from EPA\u27s practices yet produced comparable results. The profiles developed were compared against the EPA default data to determine any significant differences. Preliminary analysis of the data show that the Knoxville profiles forAverage Starts per Day per Vehicle were somewhat lower than the default national average values included in MOBILE6. While the profiles for Daily Distribution ofVehicle Starts, Soak Distribution, and Hot Soak Activity followed the general pattern ofM0BILE6 default data, some differences were found that support the importance of data collection for individual MPO\u27s

    Jaume Mercadé : 34 reproduccions d'orfebreria /

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    Forma part del projecte: Biblioteca Digital d'Història de l'Art Hispànic (UAB)Localització de l'original: Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaMonografia sobre l'orfebre Jaume Mercadé escrita per Joan Sacs i publicada l'any 1926 a Barcelona. Conté 34 reproduccions d'orfebreria de l'artista.Monograph on the goldsmith Jaume Mercadé written by Joan Sacs and published in 1926 in Barcelona. It contains 34 reproductions of the artist's jewelry.Monografía sobre el orfebre Jaume Mercadé escrita por Joan Sacs y publicada en 1926 en Barcelona. Contiene 34 reproducciones de orfebrería del artista

    A carbonate-banded iron formation transition in the Early Protorezoicum of South Africa

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    Seven new and two resurveyed stratigraphic sections through the important carbonate-BIF transition in Griqualand West are presented and compared with six published sections. Lateral correlation within this zone is attempted but the variability was found to be too great for meaningful subdivision. Substantial lithological irregularity is the only unifying character of this zone, for which the new name Finsch Member (Formation) is proposed. Vertical and lateral lithological variations as well as chemical changes across this zone are discussed with reference to environmental aspects. Local and regional considerations lead to the conclusion that fresh water-sea water mixing occurred in a shallowing basin

    Joan Brull : evocació d'un pintor barceloní del temps del modernisme /

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    Forma part del projecte: Biblioteca Digital d'Història de l'Art Hispànic (UAB)Localització de l'original: Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaOpuscle sobre el pintor Joan Brull escrit per Joan Sacs i publicat a Barcelona l'any 1924.Opúsculo sobre el pintor Joan Brull escrito por Joan Sacs y publicado en Barcelona en 1924.Opuscle about the painter Joan Brull written by Joan Sacs and published in Barcelona in 1924

    Tidal flat deposits of the Lower Proterozoic Campbell Group along the southwestern margin of the Kaapvaal Craton, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

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    Lower Proterozoic stromatolites and associated clastic carbonate deposits of the Campbell Group, from the southern margin (Prieska area) of the Kaapvaal Craton, northern Cape Province, are described. Contrary to previous interpretations (Beukes, 1978; 1980a) shallow subtidal to supratidal facies are recognised and discussed in regional context. An alternative model for the facies development of the Campbell Group is proposed

    A. Puig Gairalt : 31 reproduccions d'edificis i projectes /

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    Forma part del projecte: Biblioteca Digital d'Història de l'Art Hispànic (UAB)Localització de l'original: Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaMonografia sobre l'arquitecte Antoni Puig Gairalt escrita per Joan Sacs i publicada l'any 1926 a Barcelona. Conté reproduccions d'edificis i projectes de l'arquitecte.Monograph on the architect Antoni Puig Gairalt written by Joan Sacs and published in 1926 in Barcelona. Contains reproductions of buildings and architect's projects.Monografía sobre el arquitecto Antoni Puig Gairalt escrita por Joan Sacs y publicada en 1926 en Barcelona. Contiene reproducciones de edificios y proyectos del arquitecto

    Xavier Nogués /

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    Avant-títol: La nostra gentForma part del projecte: Biblioteca Digital d'Història de l'Art Hispànic (UAB)Localització de l'original: Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaBiografia de Xavier Nogués escrita per Joan Sacs i publicada dins la col·lecció La nostra gent dels Quaderns blaus. Il·lustrada amb reproduccions d'obres de l'artista.Biography of Xavier Nogués written by Joan Sacs and published in the collection La nostra gent de los Quaderns blaus. Illustrated with reproductions of works by the artist.Biografía de Xavier Nogués escrita por Joan Sacs y publicada dentro de la colección La nostra gent dels Quaderns blaus. Ilustrada con reproducciones de obras del artista

    El mueble de la China

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    La Llibrería catalonia edita en Barcelona desde 1928 hasta la actualidadDatos del editor: A Llibrería catalonia edita en Barcelona dende 1928 á actualidad