6,804 research outputs found

    Multivariate time series classification with temporal abstractions

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    The increase in the number of complex temporal datasets collected today has prompted the development of methods that extend classical machine learning and data mining methods to time-series data. This work focuses on methods for multivariate time-series classification. Time series classification is a challenging problem mostly because the number of temporal features that describe the data and are potentially useful for classification is enormous. We study and develop a temporal abstraction framework for generating multivariate time series features suitable for classification tasks. We propose the STF-Mine algorithm that automatically mines discriminative temporal abstraction patterns from the time series data and uses them to learn a classification model. Our experimental evaluations, carried out on both synthetic and real world medical data, demonstrate the benefit of our approach in learning accurate classifiers for time-series datasets. Copyright © 2009, Assocation for the Advancement of ArtdicaI Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved

    Italian translation and cross cultural comparison with the Childhood Attachment and Relational Trauma Screen (CARTS)

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    Background: The Childhood Attachment and Relational Trauma Screen (CARTS) is a computer-administered survey designed to assess retrospectively the socio-ecological context in which instances of child abuse may have occurred. To date, studies supporting the validity of the CARTS have only been undertaken in English-speaking North American populations. Validation projects in other countries and cross-cultural comparisons are therefore warranted. Objective: Develop and preliminarily evaluate the psychometric properties of an Italian version of the CARTS on college students and compare such observations to data acquired from Canadian students. Method: Seventy-nine undergraduate students from the University of Padua (Italy) completed an Italian translation of the CARTS as well as measures of childhood experiences, mental health and attachment, responses to which were compared to those obtained in 288 Canadian students who completed the CARTS in English. Results: Internal consistency and convergent validity with the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire and Parental Bonding Instrument were found to be acceptable for the Italian translation. Within the Italian sample, correlation analyses suggested that CARTS Mother ratings referring to attachment and abuse were associated with romantic attachment, whereas CARTS Father ratings were significantly correlated to PTSD symptoms and other symptoms of psychopathology-distress. Significant differences between Italian and Canadian students across the relationship types for the CARTS abuse and attachment scales were found, indicating that Italian students rated their mothers and fathers as simultaneously less abusive, but also less as a source of secure attachment. Conclusions: The results of this preliminary study seem to suggest convergent validity of the Italian CARTS and the association between childhood attachment-related experiences and romantic attachment. Cultural variations were identified between Canadian and Italian students in both attachment and abuse scales. Future studies to investigate cross-cultural variations in the relational context of childhood abuse and in order to boost Italian CARTS psychometric features are warranted

    Improving information/disturbance and estimation/distortion trade-offs with non universal protocols

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    We analyze in details a conditional measurement scheme based on linear optical components, feed-forward loop and homodyne detection. The scheme may be used to achieve two different tasks. On the one hand it allows the extraction of information with minimum disturbance about a set of coherent states. On the other hand, it represents a nondemolitive measurement scheme for the annihilation operator, i.e. an indirect measurement of the Q-function. We investigate the information/disturbance trade-off for state inference and introduce the estimation/distortion trade-off to assess estimation of the Q-function. For coherent states chosen from a Gaussian set we evaluate both information/disturbance and estimation/distortion trade-offs and found that non universal protocols may be optimized in order to achieve better performances than universal ones. For Fock number states we prove that universal protocols do not exist and evaluate the estimation/distortion trade-off for a thermal distribution.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; published versio

    A genetic algorithm-assisted semi-adaptive MMSE multi-user detection for MC-CDMA mobile communication systems

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    In this work, a novel Minimum-Mean Squared-Error (MMSE) multi-user detector is proposed for MC-CDMA transmission systems working over mobile radio channels characterized by time-varying multipath fading. The proposed MUD algorithm is based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA)-assisted per-carrier MMSE criterion. The GA block works in two successive steps: a training-aided step aimed at computing the optimal receiver weights using a very short training sequence, and a decision-directed step aimed at dynamically updating the weights vector during a channel coherence period. Numerical results evidenced BER performances almost coincident with ones yielded by ideal MMSE-MUD based on the perfect knowledge of channel impulse response. The proposed GA-assisted MMSE-MUD clearly outperforms state-of-the-art adaptive MMSE receivers based on deterministic gradient algorithms, especially for high number of transmitting users

    X-ray method to study temperature-dependent stripe domains in MnAs/GaAs(001)

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    MnAs films grown on GaAs (001) exhibit a progressive transition between hexagonal (ferromagnetic) and orthorhombic (paramagnetic) phases at wide temperature range instead of abrupt transition during the first-order phase transition. The coexistence of two phases is favored by the anisotropic strain arising from the constraint on the MnAs films imposed by the substrate. This phase coexistence occurs in ordered arrangement alternating periodic terrace steps. We present here a method to study the surface morphology throughout this transition by means of specular and diffuse scattering of soft x-rays, tuning the photon energy at the Mn 2p resonance. The results show the long-range arrangement of the periodic stripe-like structure during the phase coexistence and its period remains constant, in agreement with previous results using other techniques.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Photometric and proper motion study of neglected open cluster NGC 2215

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    Optical UBVRI photometric measurements using the Faulkes Telescope North were taken in early 2011 and combined with 2MASS JHKs_s and WISE infrared photometry as well as UCAC4 proper motion data in order to estimate the main parameters of the galactic open cluster NGC 2215 of which large uncertainty exists in the current literature. Fitting a King model we estimate a core radius of 1.12′±'\pm0.04′' (0.24±\pm0.01pc) and a limiting radius of 4.3′±4.3'\pm0.5′' (0.94±\pm0.11pc) for the cluster. The results of isochrone fits indicates an age of log(t)=8.85±0.10log(t)=8.85\pm0.10 with a distance of d=790±90d=790\pm90pc, a metallicity of [Fe/H]=−0.40±0.10[Fe/H]=-0.40\pm0.10 dex and a reddening of E(B−V)=0.26±0.04E(B-V)=0.26\pm0.04. A proportion of the work in this study was undertaken by Australian and Canadian upper secondary school students involved in the Space to Grow astronomy education project, and is the first scientific publication to have utilized our star cluster photometry curriculum materials.Comment: 10 pages, 9 Figures, 3 Table

    Evidence for the interaction of d-amino acid oxidase with pLG72 in a glial cell line.

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    Accumulating genetic evidence indicates that the primate-specific gene locus G72/G30 is related to schizophrenia: it encodes for the protein pLG72, whose function is still the subject of controversy. We recently demonstrated that pLG72 negatively affects the activity of human d-amino acid oxidase (hDAAO, also related to schizophrenia susceptibility), which in neurons and (predominantly) in glia is expected to catabolize the neuromodulator d-serine. The d-serine regulation mechanism relying on hDAAO-pLG72 interaction does not match with the subcellular localizations proposed for hDAAO (peroxisomes) and pLG72 (mitochondria). By using glioblastoma U87 cells transfected with plasmids encoding for hDAAO and/or pLG72 we provide convergent lines of evidence that newly synthesized hDAAO, transitorily present in cytosol before being delivered to the peroxisomes, colocalizes and interacts with pLG72 which we propose to be exposed on the external membrane of mitochondria. We also report that newly synthesized cytosolic hDAAO is catalytically active, and therefore pLG72 binding-and ensuing hDAAO inactivation-plays a protective role against d-serine depletion

    Information-Disturbance Tradeoff in Quantum State Discrimination

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    When discriminating between two pure quantum states, there exists a quantitative tradeoff between the information retrieved by the measurement and the disturbance caused on the unknown state. We derive the optimal tradeoff and provide the corresponding quantum measurement. Such an optimal measurement smoothly interpolates between the two limiting cases of maximal information extraction and no measurement at all.Comment: 5 pages, 2 (low-quality) figures. Eq. (20) corrected. Final published versio
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