8 research outputs found

    Family farming in Brazil: evolution between the 1996 and 2006 agricultural censuses

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    This article compares the main findings of Brazilian agricultural census data of 1996 with the same of 2006 by applying the methodology known as FAO/INCRA' (Food Agriculture Organization/Instituto Nacional de ColonizacAo e Reforma Agraria) which allows the characterization of family farms in relation to the total universe of farms. In this comparison several variables are shown, including the share of family farming in the total value of production, in the total number of farms, utilization of modern technology and partial factor productivity. Census data shows that family farming has changed from 37.91 percent of total production value to 36.11 percent during a decade of strong expansion of agriculture as a whole, demonstrating the economic relevance of this segment which, besides producing food, is integrated in the most important productive agricultural chains of the Brazilian agribusiness. Family farming is a heterogeneous segment, with different sub-segments. During the studied period of ten years the most rich of these sub-segments (A) has increased participation in total production, while the poorer sub-segments (C and D) have only grown in absolute terms without a corresponding increase in production.40581784

    Concentration and foreign ownership of land in Brazil in the context of global land grabbing

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    This article analyses land concentration in Brazil and the changing patterns of land acquisitions predominantly through foreign investments. First we compare census data from 1996 and 2006 and identify an acceleration of land concentration. We then show the limitations of the official registry data for capturing the phenomenon of foreignisation, and complement this with an analysis of data from the Central Bank, which provide for some general conclusions. Our research into journalistic and business literature confirms and complements these findings. We discuss the historical context of land concentration in Brazil, highlighting its progressive institutionalisation through juridical and regulatory control of foreign access to land. The transformations underway are driven by changes in the market dynamics of key agricultural and forestry commodities, for the analysis of which we develop a typology of capital.334SI41743

    Código Florestal, função socioambiental da terra e soberania alimentar

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir alterações do Código Florestal, especialmente aspropostas de mudanças nas noções de Reserva Legal e Área de Preservação Permanente (APP), em processo de rediscussão no Congresso, após sanção presidencial com vetos no texto aprovado na Câmara em 25 de abril de 2012. Para suprir lacunas da nova Lei, o Executivo Federal editou a Medida Provisória (MP) 571/2012, que retoma a discussão da matéria. Tanto dispositivos da nova Lei como alterações propostas ao texto da MP geram insegurança alimentar e visam a eliminar a função socioambiental da terra. A motivação das mudanças não está relacionada à sustentabilidade ambiental ou às mudanças climáticas, temas fundamentais na agenda mundial, mas parte do princípio de que a natureza é um empecilho ao desenvolvimento. Este artigo resgata as principais alterações no Código Florestal relacionadas à Reserva Legal e às APPs, estabelecendo relações (impactos negativos) com a função socioambiental da terra e a soberania alimentar