858 research outputs found

    An interleukin-33/ST2 signaling deficiency reduces overt pain-like behaviors in mice

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    Interleukin (IL)-33, the most recent member of the IL family of cytokines, signals through the ST2 receptor. IL-33/ST2 signaling mediates antigen challenge-induced mechanical hyperalgesia in the joints and cutaneous tissues of immunized mice. The present study asked whether IL-33/ST2 signaling is relevant to overt pain-like behaviors in mice. Acetic acid and phenyl-p-benzoquinone induced significant writhing responses in wild-type (WT) mice; this overt nociceptive behavior was reduced in ST2-deficient mice. In an antigen-challenge model, ST2-deficient immunized mice had reduced induced flinch and licking overt pain-like behaviors. In the formalin test, ST2-deficient mice also presented reduced flinch and licking responses, compared with WT mice. Naive WT and ST2-deficient mice presented similar responses in the rota-rod, hot plate, and electronic von Frey tests, indicating no impairment of motor function or alteration in basal nociceptive responses. The results demonstrate that IL-33/ST2 signaling is important in the development of overt pain-like behaviors

    Evaluation of the AR4 CMIP3 and the AR5 CMIP5 model and projections for precipitation in northeast Brazil

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    This article compares the sensitivity of IPCC CMIP3-AR4 and CMIP5-AR5 models used on the latest reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in representing the annual average variations (austral summer and autumn) on three regions in Northeastern Brazil (NNEB) for the periods 1979–2000 using the CMAP (Climatology Merged Analysis of Precipitation) data as reference. The three areas of NNEB chosen for this analysis were the semiarid, eastern, and southern regions. The EOF analysis was performed to investigate how the coupled models resolve the temporal variability of the spatial modes in the Tropical Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST), which drives the interannual variations of the rainfall in the Northeastern Brazil. CMIP3-AR4 and CMIP5-AR5 models presented a good representation of the annual cycle of precipitation. Results from correlation and mean absolute error analysis indicate that both CMIP3 and CMIP5 models produce large errors and barely capture the interannual rainfall variance during austral summer and autumn in Northeast Brazil, this features is closely related to the poor representation of the modes of SST variability in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean. For the summer and autumn rainfall projections (2040–2070) in the semiarid region, there was no convergence between the CMIP3 and CMIP5 models. During the summer and autumn in the eastern sector, both the CMIP3 and CMIP5 models projected rainfall above the mean for the 2040–2070 period

    Bovine tuberculosis in the state of Paraíba: retrospective survey

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a frequência de propriedades positivas (focos) e de animais positivos para a tuberculose bovina no Estado da Paraíba. Foram utilizados dados da Agência de Defesa Agropecuária do Estado, coletados de suas 23 microrregiões, durante o período de janeiro de 2008 a julho de 2009. Durante esse período, foram examinadas 10.963 propriedades e 54.472 bovinos foram submetidos ao teste de tuberculinização. Para o diagnóstico foi utilizada, como prova de triagem, a tuberculinização cervical simples para gado de leite e a tuberculinização na prega caudal para gado de corte; como prova confirmatória foi utilizada a tuberculinização cervical comparativa. Uma propriedade foi considerada foco quando apresentou pelo menos um animal soropositivo. Das propriedades investigadas, 62 (0,57%) apresentaram pelo menos um animal positivo e dos animais analisados, 136 (0,25%) foram positivos. Houve diferença significativa (p<0,001) na proporção de fêmeas (0,32%) e machos (0,04%) positivos. A despeito da baixa freqüência de focos de brucelose e de animais soropositivos, é necessária a condução de medidas que incluem a conscientização dos produtores, fiscalização nas barreiras sanitárias e levantamentos periódicos da situação epidemiológica desta doença, principalmente nas microrregiões com maior frequência da infecção, com o objetivo de evitar, ou pelo menos minimizar, a disseminação do agente.The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of positive herds (foci) and positive animals for bovine tuberculosis in the state of Paraíba, Northeast region of Brazil. Data from the Agency of Agricultural Protection in the state, collected from its 23 microregions, during the January 2008 to July 2009 period, were used. During this period, 10,963 herds were examined and 54,472 cattle were submitted to the tuberculin test. For diagnosis the cervical and caudal-fold tuberculin tests were used as screening tests in dairy and beef cattle, respectively; as confirmatory test, comparative cervical test was used. A herd was considered focus when presented at least one positive animal. Of the herds investigated, 62 (0.57%) had at least one positive animal, and of the animals examined, 136 (0.25%) were positive. There was significant difference (p<0.001) in the proportion of positivity for females (0.32%) and males (0.04%). Despite low frequency of foci of brucellosis and seropositive animals, it is necessary to conduct measures including awareness of producers, surveillance in sanitary barriers and periodic surveys of epidemiological situation of this disease especially in the regions with highest frequency of infection, aiming to avoid, or at least minimize, the spread of the agent

    Ecology and diversity of Solanum trisectum Dunal from Madeira Island: implications for Its conservation

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    Solanum trisectum Dunal is an endemic Solanaceae of Madeira Island (Portugal), considered critically endangered due to its extreme rarity. Since its discovery this species has shown a narrow distributional range mainly on the northern side of the island, with scattered and small populations and large time gaps between sightings. The present work aimed to understand the underlying ecological underpinnings for this species rarity towards an effort to increase the success of conservation actions. Data on historical locations, environmental conditions field surveys, reinforcement in situ and ex situ germination trials were obtained. The species was found to currently occur only in two wild populations and two reinforcement sites, amounting to twenty-four plants in total. Statistical analysis of these data related wild populations and successful reinforcement sites, separating them from other sites where the reinforcement did not succeed. This suggests that the successful reinforcement sites showed conditions more similar to wild population sites compared to non-successful ones. The data obtained supports the hypothesis that S. trisectum distribution and rarity is determined by species specific habitat needs, i.e., abiotic conditions, which have been for the first time assessed during the present work. Further, this study also reinforces the classification of S. trisectum as a top priority species for conservation.Prospecting, Monitoring and Conservation of Normania triphylla in Madeira (Mohamed bin Zayed Species (project number 13255498)) and Madeira PO 14-20, contract CASBIO (ref M1420-01- 0145-FEDER-000011 ).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Formation of emerging disinfection byproducts in water and evaluation of potential genotoxic effects: the case of halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

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    Disinfection byproducts (DBPs) are formed when disinfectants used in water treatment plants (WTPs) react with natural (or anthropogenic) organic matter present in the source water. Many studies have addressed health risks posed by a life-time exposure to DBPs through chlorinated drinking water or through dermal or inhalation exposure routes. Experimental studies have revealed genotoxic and carcinogenic effects of some DBPs and epidemiological studies evidenced potential associations between chlorinated drinking water and bladder or colorectal cancer. In addition, a possible link between chlorinated drinking water and reproductive/developmental effects has been hypothesized. Many DBPs have been identified in chlorinated water, which justifies the growing concern about the potential health effects of emerging unregulated DBPs, some of which appear to be more genotoxic, in some assays, than the regulated DBPs. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are among the most persistent contaminants detected in environmental samples such as river sediments and tap water. A few studies have already proven that water disinfection can lead to the formation of halogenated derivatives of PAHs, such as chlorinated (Cl-PAHs) and brominated PAHs (Br-PAHs). The available toxicological studies have shown that these compounds possess, in general, greater mutagenicity than the corresponding parent PAHs. Our investigation group have also showed that exposure of HepG2 cells to a dose-range of 6-Cl-benzo[a]pyrene (6-Cl-BaP) and BaP resulted in cytotoxicity above 50 µM and that, at the equimolar doses of 100 and 125 µM, 6-Cl-BaP was able to induce a significantly higher level of DNA damage than BaP. The present study had two main objectives: 1) identification of the major chlorinated and brominated derivatives of benzo[a]anthracene (BaA) and pyrene (Pyr) formed as disinfection by-products and 2) evaluation of their potential hazard to humans, through the characterization of their potential cytotoxic and genotoxic effects in a human cell line. To synthesize Cl-PAHs and Br-PAHs the method of Mitchell was developed for BaA and Pyr. 1-Cl-Pyr and 1-Br-Pyr were obtained as the major chlorinated and brominated derivatives of Pyr, and 7-Cl-BaA and 7-Br-BaA as the reaction products of BaA. Cell viability and DNA integrity of those derivatives were assessed by the neutral red uptake (NR) and the comet assay, respectively, allowing the comparison of their genotoxic potential. Although health risks of DBPs are small compared to the health risks of waterborne diseases, the formation of hazardous halogenated-PAHs in chlorinated water water emphasizes the need of development of new and safer water disinfection methods.INS

    Prevalence of leptospirosis in dairy goats in the semiarid region of Paraíba state

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivos determinar a prevalência de propriedades de caprinos leiteiros positivas e de animais soropositivos para leptospirose no semiárido paraibano. A amostragem foi delineada para a determinação da prevalência de propriedades positivas (focos) e de animais soropositivos para a infecção por Leptospira spp. No total, foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 975 animais procedentes de 110 propriedades leiteiras localizadas no Munícipio de Monteiro, microrregião do Cariri Ocidental, Estado da Paraíba. Para o diagnóstico da infecção por Leptospira spp., foi utilizado o teste de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), utilizando como antígenos 24 sorovares. Uma propriedade foi considerada foco quando apresentou pelo menos um animal soropositivo. As prevalências de propriedades positivas e de animais soropositivos foram de 43,6% (IC 95% = 34,2-53,4%) e de 8,7% (IC 95% = 5,7-12,9%), respectivamente. Nos animais, os sorovares mais frequentes foram Autumnalis (1,74%; IC 95% = 0,97-3,09%), Sentot (1,71%; IC 95% = 0,82-3,52%) e Whitcomb (1,39%; IC 95% = 0,65-2,93%), e nas propriedades, os sorovares Autumnalis (10,9%; IC 95% = 5,8-18,3%), Whitcomb (8,2%; IC 95% = 3,8-15,0%) e Sentot e Patoc (7,3%; IC 95% = 3,2-13,8%) foram os mais frequentes. Sugere-se que a infecção está distribuída em caprinos da região, e que há necessidade de implantação de medidas de controle e prevenção, com o intuito de reduzir a ocorrência da infecção e, consequentemente, diminuir perdas econômicas ocasionadas e bloquear a possível transmissão do agente aos seres humanos