1,705 research outputs found

    The supercharge and superconformal symmetry for N=1 supersymmetric quantum mechanics

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    The superspace Lagrangian formulation of N=1 supersymmetric quantum mechanics is presented. The general Lagrangian constructed out of chiral and antichiral supercoordinates containing up to two derivatives and with a canonically normalized kinetic energy term describes the motion of a nonrelativistic spin 1/2 particle with Land\'e g-factor 2 moving in two spatial dimensions under the influence of a static but spatially dependent magnetic field. Noether's theorem is derived for the general case and is used to construct superspace dependent charges whose lowest components give the superconformal generators. The supercoordinate of charges containing an R symmetry charge, the supersymmetry charges and the Hamiltonian are combined to form a supercharge supercoordinate. Superconformal Ward identities for the quantum effective action are derived from the conservation equations and the source of potential symmetry breaking terms are identified.Comment: 59 pages, LaTe

    Територія і кордон як фактори формування етнічної ідентичності (за матеріалами досліджень прикордонних територій Брянської області)

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    В статье на основе современного исследования, проведённого среди населения Брянской области России, которое проживает на пограничье с Беларусью и Украиной, отражён процесс формирования этнической идентичности у местных подростков (16–18 лет). Также проанализирован ряд идентичных критериев, факторов исторического взаимодействия трёх восточнославянских народов в сфере образования, культуры, языка, конфессиональной принадлежности и т. п.Based on the modern investigation amongst the Russian Briansk Oblast people living on the frontier with Byelorussia and Ukraine there is an elucidation of the ethnical identity formative process amidst the local teenagers (16–18-year-old). Moreover analysed is a number of the identical criteria and factors of the historical interrelations of the three Eastern Slavonic nations in the fields of education, culture, language, confession, etc

    Influences on and patterns in total gaseous mercury (TGM) at Harwell, England

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    Total gaseous mercury (TGM) was monitored during 2013 at the rural monitoring site, Harwell, England using the Tekran 2537A monitoring system. Average TGM for the year was 1.45 ± 0.24 ng m−3. This is comparable to other northern hemisphere studies, but on average 0.5 ng m−3 higher than at its sister monitoring station at Auchencorth Moss, Scotland, but 14% lower than that found in a similar study at the same location of 1.68 ng m−3 in 1995/6. Using wind sector analysis we show the important influence of local emissions, with our data showing that the largest influence on TGM observed is that of the adjacent Science & Innovation campus, making the site more a ‘suburban background’. By using co-located measurements of black carbon and sulphur dioxide as tracers, we present an initial investigation into the impact of the closure of Didcot A coal fired power station, which ceased operating in March 2013. Further analysis using air mass back trajectories shows the long-range contribution to TGM from continental Europe, and that the lowest levels are associated with marine air masses from the west

    Non-topological Domain Walls in a Model with Broken Supersymmetry

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    We study non-topological, charged planar walls (Q-walls) in the context of a particle physics model with supersymmetry broken by low-energy gauge mediation. Analytical properties are derived within the flat-potential approximation for the flat-direction raising potential, while a numerical study is performed using the full two-loop supersymmetric potential. We analyze the energetics of finite-size Q-walls and compare them to Q-balls, non-topological solitons possessing spherical symmetry and arising in the same supersymmetric model. This allow us to draw a phase diagram in the charge-transverse length plane, which shows a region where Q-wall solutions are more stable than Q-balls.Comment: Some discussion about the phase diagram added. To appear on the journal "Communications in Theoretical Physics

    The Effective Action For Brane Localized Gauge Fields

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    The low energy effective action including gauge field degrees of freedom on a non-BPS p=2 brane embedded in a N=1, D=4 target superspace is obtained through the method of nonlinear realizations of the associated super-Poincare symmetries. The invariant interactions of the gauge fields and the brane excitation modes corresponding to the Nambu-Goldstone degrees of freedom resulting from the broken space translational symmetry and the target space supersymmetries are determined. Brane localized matter field interactions with the gauge fields are obtained through the construction of the combined gauge and super-Poincare covariant derivatives for the matter fields.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Random Exchange Disorder in the Spin-1/2 XXZ Chain

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    The one-dimensional XXZ model is studied in the presence of disorder in the Heisenberg Exchange Integral. Recent predictions obtained from renormalization group calculations are investigated numerically using a Lanczos algorithm on chains of up to 18 sites. It is found that in the presence of strong X-Y-symmetric random exchange couplings, a ``random singlet'' phase with quasi-long-range order in the spin-spin correlations persists. As the planar anisotropy is varied, the full zero-temperature phase diagram is obtained and compared with predictions of Doty and Fisher [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 45 }, 2167 (1992)].Comment: 9 pages + 8 plots appended, RevTex, FSU-SCRI-93-98 and ORNL/CCIP/93/1

    Application of information entropy to nuclei

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    Shannon's information entropies in position- and momentum- space and their sum SS are calculated for various ss-pp and ss-dd shell nuclei using a correlated one-body density matrix depending on the harmonic oscillator size b0b_0 and the short range correlation parameter yy which originates from a Jastrow correlation function. It is found that the information entropy sum for a nucleus depends only on the correlation parameter yy through the simple relation S=s0A+s1AyλsAS= s_{0A} + s_{1A} y^{-\lambda_{sA}}, where s0As_{0A}, s1As_{1A} and λsA\lambda_{sA} depend on the mass number AA. A similar approximate expression is also valid for the root mean square radius of the nucleus as function of yy leading to an approximate expression which connects SS with the root mean square radius. Finally, we propose a method to determine the correlation parameter from the above property of SS as well as the linear dependence of SS on the logarithm of the number of nucleons.Comment: 10 pages, 10 EPS figures, RevTeX, Phys.Rev.C accepted for publicatio

    STM characterization of the Si-P heterodimer

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    We use scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and Auger electron spectroscopy to study the behavior of adsorbed phosphine (PH3_{3}) on Si(001), as a function of annealing temperature, paying particular attention to the formation of the Si-P heterodimer. Dosing the Si(001) surface with {\sim}0.002 Langmuirs of PH3_{3} results in the adsorption of PHx_{x} (x=2,3) onto the surface and some etching of Si to form individual Si ad-dimers. Annealing to 350^{\circ}C results in the incorporation of P into the surface layer to form Si-P heterodimers and the formation of short 1-dimensional Si dimer chains and monohydrides. In filled state STM images, isolated Si-P heterodimers appear as zig-zag features on the surface due to the static dimer buckling induced by the heterodimer. In the presence of a moderate coverage of monohydrides this static buckling is lifted, rending the Si-P heterodimers invisible in filled state images. However, we find that we can image the heterodimer at all H coverages using empty state imaging. The ability to identify single P atoms incorporated into Si(001) will be invaluable in the development of nanoscale electronic devices based on controlled atomic-scale doping of Si.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures (only 72dpi

    Effective spin model for interband transport in a Wannier-Stark lattice system

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    We show that the interband dynamics in a tilted two-band Bose-Hubbard model can be reduced to an analytically accessible spin model in the case of resonant interband oscillations. This allows us to predict the revival time of these oscillations which decay and revive due to inter-particle interactions. The presented mapping onto the spin model and the so achieved reduction of complexity has interesting perspectives for future studies of many-body systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic polarization in pentacene crystals and thin films

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    Electronic polarization is evaluated in pentacene crystals and in thin films on a metallic substrate using a self-consistent method for computing charge redistribution in non-overlapping molecules. The optical dielectric constant and its principal axes are reported for a neutral crystal. The polarization energies P+ and P- of a cation and anion at infinite separation are found for both molecules in the crystal's unit cell in the bulk, at the surface, and at the organic-metal interface of a film of N molecular layers. We find that a single pentacene layer with herring-bone packing provides a screening environment approaching the bulk. The polarization contribution to the transport gap P=(P+)+(P-), which is 2.01 eV in the bulk, decreases and increases by only ~ 10% at surfaces and interfaces, respectively. We also compute the polarization energy of charge-transfer (CT) states with fixed separation between anion and cation, and compare to electroabsorption data and to submolecular calculations. Electronic polarization of ~ 1 eV per charge has a major role for transport in organic molecular systems with limited overlap.Comment: 10 revtex pages, 6 PS figures embedde