315 research outputs found

    Graph topology and gap topology for unstable plants

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    This paper provides a refonnulation of the graph topology and the gap topology in a very general setting in the frequency domain. Many essential properties and their comparison are clearly presented in the refonnulation. It is shown that the gap topology is suitable for the general systems rather than square systems with unit feedback, which is the situation studied in [2,3,9]. It is also revealed that, whenever an unstable plant can be stabilized by a feedback, it is a closed operator, mapping input space to output space. Hence the gap topology can always be applied whenever the unstable plants can be stabilized. The graph topology and the gap topology are suitable for different unstable subsets, and have many similar characteristics. If one confines them to the same subset, they will be identical Finally, the definitions of the graph metric and the gap metric are discussed. Keywords: graph topology, gap topology, unstable plants, feedback system

    Robustness of feedback stabilization : a topological approach

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    Some remarks on the gap metric

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    Sufficient conditions for BIBO robust stabilization : given by the gap metric

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    A relation between coprlme fractions and the gap metric is presented. Using this result we provide some sufficient conditions for BIBO robust stabilization for a very wide class of systems. These conditions allow the plant and compensator to be disturbed simultaneously. Keywords: Robust stabllization; Gap metric; Coprime fraction

    Chirality in odd-AA nucleus 135^{135}Nd in particle rotor model

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    A particle rotor model is developed which couples several valence protons and neutrons to a rigid triaxial rotor core. It is applied to investigating the chirality in odd-AA nucleus 135^{135}Nd with πh11/22νh11/21\pi h_{11/2}^2\otimes\nu h^{-1}_{11/2} configuration for the first time in a fully quantal approach. For the two chiral sister bands, the observed energies and the B(M1)B(M1) and B(E2)B(E2) values for the in-band as well as interband transitions are reproduced excellently. Root mean square values of the angular momentum components and their probability distributions are used for discussing in detail the chiral geometry of the aplanar rotation and its evolution with angular momentum. Chirality is found to change from a soft chiral vibration to nearly static chirality at spin I=39/2I=39/2 and back to another type of chiral vibration at higher spin.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Effect of the SiC Particle Orientation Anisotropy on the Tensile Properties of a Spray-Formed SiCp/Al-Si Composite

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    The effects of the SiC particle orientation anisotropy on the tensile properties of spray-formed SiCp/Al-Si composites was investigated and compared with that of the unreinforced matrix alloy. The addition of SiC particles increased the elastic modulus but decreased ultimate tensile strength and elongation of an Al–Si alloy under peak-aged conditions. Microstructure disolayed a preferred orientation of the reinforcement particles, which were inclined to align parallel to the extrusion axis. Meanwhile, the degree of orientation anisotropy turned to be higher with larger reinforcement sizes particle. The elastic modulus, tensile strength and elongation in the longitudinal orientation (parallel to the extrusion axis) were higher than those in the transverse orientation (perpendicular to the extrusion axis). The fracture mechanism in a composite with 4.5 m particles was attributed to interfacial debonding between SiC and matrix in the two orientations. However, in case of aluminum reinforced wild 20 m particles, both cracking of SiC particles in the longitudinal orientation and the interfacial debonding in the transverse orientation played an important role in fracture.Исследовано влияние анизотропии, определяемой ориентацией SiC частиц, на механические свойства при растяжении SiCp/Al-Si композита, полученного методом напыления. Результаты исследования SiCp/Al-Si композита сопоставлены с таковыми сплава с неупрочненной матрицей. При растяжении Аl-Si сплава в условиях максимального старения благодаря введению SiC частиц модуль упругости увеличивается, а предел прочности и удлинение уменьшаются. При определении характеристик микроструктуры было установлено, что упрочняющие частицы преимущественно ориентированы в направлении, параллельном оси экструзии. При значительном упрочнении степень анизотропии, определяемой ориентацией частиц, более высокая. Значения модуля упругости, предела прочности и удлинения при растяжении в продольном направлении (параллельно оси экструзии) оказываются выше, чем в поперечном (перпендикулярно оси экструзии). Признаком механизма разрушения композита с частицами размером 4,5 мкм полагают граничное разделение между SiC частицами и матрицей в двух направлениях. В случае упрочненного алюминия с частицами размером 20 мкм растрескивание SiC частиц в продольном направлении и граничное разделение в поперечном направлении играют важную роль в процессе разрушения.Досліджено вплив анізотропії, що визначається орієнтацією SiC частинок, на механічні властивості при розтязі SiCp/Al-Si композита, отриманого методом напилення. Результати дослідження SiCp/Al-Si композита зіставляли з такими сплава, що має незміцнювану матрицю. При розтязі Al-Si сплаву в умовах максимального старіння завдяки введенно SiC частинок модуль пружності збільшується, а границя міцності і подовження зменшуються. Визначення характеристик мікроструктури показало, що зміцнювані частинки переважно орієнтовані у напрямку, паралельному осі екструзії. При значному зміцненні ступінь анізотропії, що визначається орієнтацією частинок, значно вища. Значення модуля пружності, границі міцності і подовження при розтязі в поздовжньому напрямку (паралельно осі екструзії) більші, аніж у поперечному (перпендикулярно до осі екструзії). Ознакою механізму руйнування композита з частинками розміром 4,5 мкм вважають граничний розподіл між SiC частинками і матрицею у двох напрямках. У випадку зміцненого алюмінію з частинками розміром 20 мкм розтріскування SiC частинок у поздовжньому напрямку і граничний розподіл у поперечному напрямку відіграють важливу роль у процесі руйнування

    Wigner Crystals Phases in Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems

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    (This is a substantially shortened version of the original abstract:) The Wigner crystal phase diagram of the bilayer systems have been studied using variational methods. Five crystal phases are obtained. As the layer spacing increases, the system will undergo a sequence of phase transitions. A common feature of most bilayer Wigner crystals is that they have mixed (pseudo-spin) ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic order.Comment: 19 figures. Figures will be provided upon request. Submitted in PRB in Nov 94

    Electron-electron interactions and two-dimensional - two-dimensional tunneling

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    We derive and evaluate expressions for the dc tunneling conductance between interacting two-dimensional electron systems at non-zero temperature. The possibility of using the dependence of the tunneling conductance on voltage and temperature to determine the temperature-dependent electron-electron scattering rate at the Fermi energy is discussed. The finite electronic lifetime produced by electron-electron interactions is calculated as a function of temperature for quasiparticles near the Fermi circle. Vertex corrections to the random phase approximation substantially increase the electronic scattering rate. Our results are in an excellent quantitative agreement with experiment.Comment: Revtex style, 21 pages and 8 postscript figures in a separate file; Phys. Rev. B (in press

    Anomaly analysis of Hawking radiation from Kaluza-Klein black hole with squashed horizon

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    Considering gravitational and gauge anomalies at the horizon, a new method that to derive Hawking radiations from black holes has been developed by Wilczek et al. In this paper, we apply this method to non-rotating and rotating Kaluza-Klein black holes with squashed horizon, respectively. For the rotating case, we found that, after the dimensional reduction, an effective U(1) gauge field is generated by an angular isometry. The results show that the gauge current and energy-momentum tensor fluxes are exactly equivalent to Hawking radiation from the event horizon.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, the improved version, accepted by Eur. Phys. J.