3,421 research outputs found

    CS2000 Module 10 - Environmental Change Network Link. Final report

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    The SU(N) Matrix Model at Two Loops

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    Multi-loop calculations of the effective action for the matrix model are important for carrying out tests of the conjectured relationship of the matrix model to the low energy description of M-theory. In particular, comparison with N-graviton scattering amplitudes in eleven-dimensional supergravity requires the calculation of the effective action for the matrix model with gauge group SU(N). A framework for carrying out such calculations at two loops is established in this paper. The two-loop effective action is explicitly computed for a background corresponding to the scattering of a single D0-brane from a stack of N-1 D0-branes, and the results are shown to agree with known results in the case N=2.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure; v2 - typos corrected, references update

    Review of potential fisheries and marine management impacts on the south-western Australian white shark population

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    Following five fatal incidents involving white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) off the lower west coast of Western Australia between September 2011 and July 2012, as well as other highly-publicised non-fatal encounters with this species, in 2012 the State Government funded several new initiatives to better understand white sharks in Western Australia and the likely effectiveness of any community safety interventions in Western Australian waters

    Time of Suckling Implant Influences onWeaning Weight, Post-weaning Performance, and Carcass Traits in Steer Calves

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    The effect of time of suckling calf implant (SCI) use on weaning weight (WW), post-weaning performance and subsequent carcass traits was compared in steer calves produced on one ranch in western SD. Calves were born in March and April of each year and were reared on native range prior to weaning. The SCI strategies used included: non implanted controls (NI) or implanted with Synovex C either in May (MAY), or August (AUG). Age groups of dams (≥4 years) were managed separately through the breeding seasons. At weaning (late October) all calves were weaned and relocated to the SDSU Ruminant Nutrition Center feedlot. Steers were individually weighed, vaccinated, and treated for parasites and the processing body weight recorded was considered the WW. Steers were sorted into feedlot pens by SCI treatment (8 or 9 steers/pen; 8 pens/treatment; 24 pens/yr). Steers were backgrounded and finished using diets and management typical for this region and included the use of implants uniformly across SCI treatments. Both the MAY and AUG implant treatments increased WW over non-implanted calves. The magnitude of this was response interacted with the age of the dams. Steers nursing mature cows and implanted in May had the greatest increase in WW over NI (40 lb). The WW advantage for steers nursing mature cows and implanted in August was reduced to 17 lb. Timing of implant administration had the opposite effect in young cows and was more beneficial when steers were implanted in August. The weight advantage due to suckling implants persisted through to carcass weight. The SCI treatments did not affect the post-weaning ADG or feed efficiency of the steers and had no adverse effects on Quality Grade of the carcasses produced. There was a substantial benefit to the cow calf producer to match the time of implant administration with the age of the dam with no adverse impact on overall beef production

    Domain walls between gauge theories

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    Noncommutative U(N) gauge theories at different N may be often thought of as different sectors of a single theory: the U(1) theory possesses a sequence of vacua labeled by an integer parameter N, and the theory in the vicinity of the N-th vacuum coincides with the U(N) noncommutative gauge theory. We construct noncommutative domain walls on fuzzy cylinder, separating vacua with different gauge theories. These domain walls are solutions of BPS equations in gauge theory with an extra term stabilizing the radius of the cylinder. We study properties of the domain walls using adjoint scalar and fundamental fermion fields as probes. We show that the regions on different sides of the wall are not disjoint even in the low energy regime -- there are modes penetrating from one region to the other. We find that the wall supports a chiral fermion zero mode. Also, we study non-BPS solution representing a wall and an antiwall, and show that this solution is unstable. We suggest that the domain walls emerge as solutions of matrix model in large class of pp-wave backgrounds with inhomogeneous field strength. In the M-theory language, the domain walls have an interpretation of a stack of branes of fingerstall shape inserted into a stack of cylindrical branes.Comment: Final version; minor corrections; to appear in Nucl.Phys.

    Drifting sub-pulses in two newly discovered pulsars

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    We have detected the rare phenomenon of stable, drifting sub-pulse behaviour in two pulsars discovered in the recent Swinburne intermediate latitude pulsar survey. The pulsars; PSR J1231-47 and PSR J1919+0134, have approximate periods (P) of 1.873 and 1.6039 seconds respectively. Both pulsars have multi-component profiles, and distinct drifting is observed across them. We have identified a single drift mode in both pulsars: the drift rate for PSR J1231-47 being 5.4(1) ms P^{-1} and 5.8(2) ms P^{-1} for PSR 1919+0134. The drifting is linear across the profile with no departure from linearity at the edges within the sensitivity of our observations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Gravitomagnetic Effects in the Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Variable Gravitational Fields of Arbitrary-Moving and Spinning Bodies

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    Propagation of light in the gravitational field of self-gravitating spinning bodies moving with arbitrary velocities is discussed. The gravitational field is assumed to be "weak" everywhere. Equations of motion of a light ray are solved in the first post-Minkowskian approximation that is linear with respect to the universal gravitational constant GG. We do not restrict ourselves with the approximation of gravitational lens so that the solution of light geodesics is applicable for arbitrary locations of source of light and observer. This formalism is applied for studying corrections to the Shapiro time delay in binary pulsars caused by the rotation of pulsar and its companion. We also derive the correction to the light deflection angle caused by rotation of gravitating bodies in the solar system (Sun, planets) or a gravitational lens. The gravitational shift of frequency due to the combined translational and rotational motions of light-ray-deflecting bodies is analyzed as well. We give a general derivation of the formula describing the relativistic rotation of the plane of polarization of electromagnetic waves (Skrotskii effect). This formula is valid for arbitrary translational and rotational motion of gravitating bodies and greatly extends the results of previous researchers. Finally, we discuss the Skrotskii effect for gravitational waves emitted by localized sources such as a binary system. The theoretical results of this paper can be applied for studying various relativistic effects in microarcsecond space astrometry and developing corresponding algorithms for data processing in space astrometric missions such as FAME, SIM, and GAIA.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Imputation of missing count data of recreational boat retrievals from remote camera surveys in the Perth Metropolitan region, Western Australia

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    In Western Australia (WA), remote cameras have been used to monitor boating activity at boat ramps since 2006 to assist in ongoing recreational fishing surveys. These monitoring schemes are useful tools to validate boating activity (defined here as the number of retrievals) and to corroborate estimates of recreational fishing effort obtained from other surveys. This is because remote cameras (also referred to as digital cameras) can provide complete coverage (i.e. 24 hours, 365 days) of boating activities

    Cylinders: A Data Structure Concept Based on Rings

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryJoint Services Electronics Program / DAAB 07-67-C-0199OE C-1-7-071213-455

    A survey of boat-based recreational fishing in inner Shark Bay 2016/17

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    Monitoring the temporal and spatial variability in recreational fishing provides necessary information for assessing resource sustainability, monitoring resource allocation and informing fisheries management. This is particularly important in inner Shark Bay because recreational fishing occurs in a World Heritage Area and Marine Park. The majority of boat-based recreational fishers in inner Shark Bay target Pink Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) and three genetically distinct stocks of this species occur in the Denham Sound, Eastern Gulf and Freycinet Estuary Management Zones
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