231 research outputs found

    Vertical distribution of stars and gas in a galactic disk

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    We study the vertical density distribution of stars and gas (HI and H_2) in a galactic disk which is embedded in a dark matter halo. The new feature of this work is the inclusion of gas, and the gravitational coupling between stars and gas, which has led to a more realistic treatment of a multi-component galactic disk. The gas gravity is shown to be crucially important despite the low gas mass fraction. This approach physically explains the observed scaleheight distribution of all the three disk components, including the long-standing puzzle (Oort 1962) of a constant HI scaleheight observed in the inner Galaxy. The above model is applied to two external galaxies: NGC 891 and NGC 4565, and the stellar disk is shown to be not strictly flat as was long believed but rather it shows a moderate flaring of a factor of about 2 within the optical radius.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; to appear in the Proceedings of "Island Universes: Structure and evolution of disk galaxies" (Terschelling, The Netherlands, July 2005), ed. R. de Jon

    HI in the Outskirts of Nearby Galaxies

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    The HI in disk galaxies frequently extends beyond the optical image, and can trace the dark matter there. I briefly highlight the history of high spatial resolution HI imaging, the contribution it made to the dark matter problem, and the current tension between several dynamical methods to break the disk-halo degeneracy. I then turn to the flaring problem, which could in principle probe the shape of the dark halo. Instead, however, a lot of attention is now devoted to understanding the role of gas accretion via galactic fountains. The current Λ\rm \Lambda cold dark matter theory has problems on galactic scales, such as the core-cusp problem, which can be addressed with HI observations of dwarf galaxies. For a similar range in rotation velocities, galaxies of type Sd have thin disks, while those of type Im are much thicker. After a few comments on modified Newtonian dynamics and on irregular galaxies, I close with statistics on the HI extent of galaxies.Comment: 38 pages, 17 figures, invited review, book chapter in "Outskirts of Galaxies", Eds. J. H. Knapen, J. C. Lee and A. Gil de Paz, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Springer, in pres

    Morphologies of AGN host galaxies using HST/ACS in the CDFS-GOODS field

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    Using HST/ACS images in four bands F435W, F606W, F775W and F850LP, we identify optical counterparts to the X-ray sources in the Chandra Deep Field South in the GOODS South field. A detailed study has been made of these sources to study their morphological types. We use methods like decomposition of galaxy luminosity profiles, color maps and visual inspection of 192 galaxies which are identified as possible optical counterparts of Chandra X-ray sources in the CDFS-GOODS field. We find that most moderate luminosity AGN hosts are bulge dominated in the redshift range (z \approx 0.4-1.3), but not merging/interacting galaxies. This implies probable fueling of the moderate luminosity AGN by mechanisms other than those merger driven.Comment: pdflatex, accepted in ApSS. revisions in tex

    Micro-Hall Magnetometry Studies of Thermally Assisted and Pure Quantum Tunneling in Single Molecule Magnet Mn12-Acetate

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    We have studied the crossover between thermally assisted and pure quantum tunneling in single crystals of high spin (S=10) uniaxial single molecule magnet Mn12-acetate using micro-Hall effect magnetometry. Magnetic hysteresis experiments have been used toinvestigate the energy levels that determine the magnetization reversal as a function of magnetic field and temperature. These experiments demonstrate that the crossover occurs in a narrow (~0.1 K) or broad (~1 K) temperature interval depending on the magnitude and direction of the applied field. For low external fields applied parallel to the easy axis, the energy levels that dominate the tunneling shift abruptly with temperature. In the presence of a transverse field and/or large longitudinal field these energy levels change with temperature more gradually. A comparison of our experimental results with model calculations of this crossover suggest that there are additional mechanisms that enhance the tunneling rate of low lying energy levels and broaden the crossover for small transverse fields.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Thermal treatment for radioactive waste minimisation

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    Safe management of radioactive waste is challenging to waste producers and waste management organisations. Deployment of thermal treatment technologies can provide significant improvements: volume reduction, waste passivation, organics destruction, safety demonstration facilitation, etc. The EC-funded THERAMIN project enables an EU-wide strategic review and assessment of the value of thermal treatment technologies applicable to Low and Intermediate Level waste streams (ion exchange media, soft operational waste, sludges, organic waste, and liquids). THERAMIN compiles an EU-wide database of wastes, which could be treated by thermal technologies and documents available thermal technologies. Applicability and benefits of technologies to the identified waste streams will be evaluated through full-scale demonstration tests by project partners. Safety case implications will also be assessed through the study of the disposability of thermally treated waste products. This paper will communicate the strategic aims of the ongoing project and highlight some key findings and results achieved to date

    Anisotropic distribution functions for spherical galaxies

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    A method is presented for finding anisotropic distribution functions for stellar systems with known, spherically symmetric, densities, which depends only on the two classical integrals of the energy and the magnitude of the angular momentum. It requires the density to be expressed as a sum of products of functions of the potential and of the radial coordinate. The solution corresponding to this type of density is in turn a sum of products of functions of the energy and of the magnitude of the angular momentum. The products of the density and its radial and transverse velocity dispersions can be also expressed as a sum of products of functions of the potential and of the radial coordinate. Several examples are given, including some of new anisotropic distribution functions. This device can be extended further to the related problem of finding two-integral distribution functions for axisymmetric galaxies.Comment: 5 figure

    Quantum Communication in Rindler Spacetime

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    A state that an inertial observer in Minkowski space perceives to be the vacuum will appear to an accelerating observer to be a thermal bath of radiation. We study the impact of this Davies-Fulling-Unruh noise on communication, particularly quantum communication from an inertial sender to an accelerating observer and private communication between two inertial observers in the presence of an accelerating eavesdropper. In both cases, we establish compact, tractable formulas for the associated communication capacities assuming encodings that allow a single excitation in one of a fixed number of modes per use of the communications channel. Our contributions include a rigorous presentation of the general theory of the private quantum capacity as well as a detailed analysis of the structure of these channels, including their group-theoretic properties and a proof that they are conjugate degradable. Connections between the Unruh channel and optical amplifiers are also discussed.Comment: v3: 44 pages, accepted in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Generalized Einstein Theory on Solar and Galactic Scales

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    We study a generalized Einstein theory with the following two criteria:{\it i}) on the solar scale, it must be consistent with the classical tests of general relativity, {\it ii}) on the galactic scale, the gravitational potential is a sum of Newtonian and Yukawa potentials so that it may explain the flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies. Under these criteria, we find that such a generalized Einstein action must include at least one scalar field and one vector field as well as the quadratic term of the scalar curvature.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, SLAC-PUB-596

    The 3-Band Hubbard-Model versus the 1-Band Model for the high-Tc Cuprates: Pairing Dynamics, Superconductivity and the Ground-State Phase Diagram

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    One central challenge in high-TcT_c superconductivity (SC) is to derive a detailed understanding for the specific role of the CuCu-dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} and OO-px,yp_{x,y} orbital degrees of freedom. In most theoretical studies an effective one-band Hubbard (1BH) or t-J model has been used. Here, the physics is that of doping into a Mott-insulator, whereas the actual high-TcT_c cuprates are doped charge-transfer insulators. To shed light on the related question, where the material-dependent physics enters, we compare the competing magnetic and superconducting phases in the ground state, the single- and two-particle excitations and, in particular, the pairing interaction and its dynamics in the three-band Hubbard (3BH) and 1BH-models. Using a cluster embedding scheme, i.e. the variational cluster approach (VCA), we find which frequencies are relevant for pairing in the two models as a function of interaction strength and doping: in the 3BH-models the interaction in the low- to optimal-doping regime is dominated by retarded pairing due to low-energy spin fluctuations with surprisingly little influence of inter-band (p-d charge) fluctuations. On the other hand, in the 1BH-model, in addition a part comes from "high-energy" excited states (Hubbard band), which may be identified with a non-retarded contribution. We find these differences between a charge-transfer and a Mott insulator to be renormalized away for the ground-state phase diagram of the 3BH- and 1BH-models, which are in close overall agreement, i.e. are "universal". On the other hand, we expect the differences - and thus, the material dependence to show up in the "non-universal" finite-T phase diagram (TcT_c-values).Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure