19 research outputs found

    Effect of synthesis methods and comparative study of structural properties of micro and nano Ferrites

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    In this study, Mn(x)Zn(1-x)Fe2O4 ferrite samples with x=0.4 and 0.6 were synthesized using a solid-state  method and co-precipitation method. In order to determine the effects of various concentrations (x) on the ferrite's structure, particle size, and crystalline phases, prepared samples were analysed using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The XRD patterns revealed that the synthesized samples display a single-phase cubic spinel structure.FTIR analysis showed for both synthesis method have absorption band in the range 400 to 1000 cm-1.SEM analysis shows extreme homogeneity of all the samples. EDX analysis was used to examine for Mn0.4Zn0.6Fe204,The prepared ferrites powders contain Mn, Zn, and Fe, as shown in both synthesis methods.In this approach, alternative synthesis routes for these ferrites are suggested in this study in order to get around some limitations of the traditional preparation method

    Evaluating Efficacy of Recharge Structures in Augmenting Groundwater Resources in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh

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    Groundwater play a vital role in stabilizing Indian agriculture, but its indiscriminate uses is resulting in fast depletion and degradation of this key natural resource. Sustainable groundwater resource management is, therefore, a priority issue before the country. Enhancing artificial groundwater recharge by adopting suitable technological interventions can be an option. Two cavity-type recharge structures with radial-1 filter were designed-1 and installed with village ponds at Kutba and Nirmana villages, and their impact on groundwater was assessed. Recharge rates varied from 382 m3 .day-1 to 906 m3 .day-1 during three test cycles, each of 8 days duration. As estimated, 27,304 m3 surplus water was recharged through the recharge well at Kutba site during December 2017 to March 2018. Similarly, 0.2 m water table rise was recorded beneath and around the structure at Nirmana during monsoon 2018. Results of field investigations revealed that cavity-type recharge structure in combination with a pond and radial filter can be a good option for recharging surplus canal and rainwater for augmentation of water resources in groundwater depleting areas

    On the vital areas of intrusion detection systems in wireless sensor networks

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    10.1109/SURV.2012.121912.00006IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials1531223-123

    Assessing spatio-temporal variations in groundwater table depth and salinity using geostatistics and its relation with groundwater balance in a salt affected soil

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    In order to study spatio-temporal variation in groundwater table depth and salinity in shallow groundwater table area, a field study was carried out at Nain experimental farm of ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (ICAR-CSSRI) situated in Nain village of Panipat, Haryana. Total 27 observation wells had been installed in such a way that few among them were near to working tubewell for observing groundwater fluctuation due to pumping. 8 observation wells were near to pond and remaining observation wells were distributed in the area confined between the pond and surface drains to observe effect of natural recharge taking place from water bodies on groundwater table fluctuation. Besides continuous groundwater table monitoring, periodic assessment of groundwater salinity (EC ) was also done. Spatio-temporal w behavior of groundwater table and groundwater salinity was studied using Ordinary Kriging (OK) procedure in Arc GIS 9.3 software. The variograms and krigged spatial maps were generated for pre and post monsoon seasons of 2013 and 2015. Different inflow and outflow components of groundwater were characterized using groundwater balance method. Spatial variability maps of groundwater table in pre monsoon season indicate an increase in 36% area of shallow groundwater table (<2 m below ground level-bgl) during 2013 to 2015. Whereas, area under -1 low saline groundwater (0-4 dS m ) was increased and reduction in higher -1 saline groundwater (8-16 dS m ) area was recorded during 2013 to 2015. Analysis of groundwater balance of the experimental farm revealed that this reduction in groundwater salinity and rise in groundwater level might be attributed to intrusion of fresh water from outside cultivated land and seepage from nearby water harvesting structures and drain. Based on the results, it can be concluded that geo statistical analysis provides an understanding of groundwater flow behavior and dynamics of groundwater salinity, which can be used to prioritize the area for implementing the groundwater management plan in salt affected areas.Not Availabl

    An efficient detection model of selective forwarding attacks in wireless mesh networks

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    Wireless communications technologies have seen a great degree of advancements and sophistication in the past decade. Different research works have tried to solve various issues related to different wireless Ad hoc networks, many of which are yet to find standardized solutions. Among different classes of Ad hoc networks, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are becoming a popular choice now-a-days, which offer flexible, fast and inexpensive connectivity for communities, homes, municipalities, and other similar premises. While different research issues are being extensively dealt with for WMN, security flaws and attacks are turning out to be a significant concern as relatively less attention has been dedicated to this topic so far by the research community. Because of the structural formation and mode of operation of WMN, routing security is one of the prime concerns in WMN. An efficient method of detecting selective forwarding attack could largely ensure better and secure routing for which we have taken this as our research motivation. In this paper, we present a model for detecting selective forwarding attacks with a game theory-based approach to analyze the attack model, where the main goal of player 1 is to maximize its throughput and the goal of player 2 is to minimize the throughput of network. In our approach, we also propose a multi-hop acknowledgement based algorithm to analyze and detect the malicious behavior to defend against selective forwarding attacks in WMNs. We present our mathematical model and analyze it in detail to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach

    IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Health Informatics for the Developing World

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    We live in a world with growing disparity in the quality of life available to people in the developed and developing countries. Healthcare in the developing world is fraught with numerous problems such as the lack of health infrastructure, and human resources, which results in very limited health coverage. The field of health informatics has made great strides in recent years towards improving public health systems in the developing world by augmenting them with state-of-the-art information and communication technologies (ICT). Through real-world deployment of these technologies, there is real hope that the health industry in the developing world will progress from its current, largely dysfunctional state to one that is more effective, personalized, and cost effective. Health informatics can usher a new era of personalized health analytics, with the potential to transform healthcare in the developing world. In conjunction with mHealth and eHealth, many other important health informatics trends—such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), big data, crowdsourcing, cloud computing—are also emerging. Exponentially growing heterogeneous data, with the help of big data analytics, has the potential to provide descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive health insights as well as enable new applications such as telemedicine and remote diagnostics and surgery. Such systems could enhance the overall process of monitoring, diagnosis, and prognosis of diseases

    A segmented-mean feature extraction method for glove-based system to enhance physiotherapy for accurate and speedy recuperation of limbs

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    It is always desirable to have an accurate system that allows fast recovery of patients undergoing physiotherapy in terms of integrated health and cost benefits. The caregivers and medical personnel too gain a lot of expertise through the innovations involved in treatment methodology. This system proposed here was developed successfully with a straightforward Segmented-Mean feature construction method that enables its portability to suit smart biomedical devices. In this work, four different exercises were completed by four different subjects in two sessions and the feedback system was generated from every single trial performance via a visual display in a smart phone. The accuracy of the system's output depends on the precise representation of two important things namely, correct gesture and timings. These two parameters have to be captured from the signals that are generated by the hand glove during the manual physiotherapy as guided by the experts during the teaching (i.e. Training) phase. Any deviation from the model should also be captured and reflected in the feedback to align the physio-movements towards perfection to minimise adverse effects. So the feature has to be constructed with complete representation and obviously, as fast as possible. The proposed Segmented-Mean method calculates the mean of data that arrives from the significant electrodes periodically, thus preserving the performance of the subject and is found suitable in estimating the enactment of exercises and required deviations (if any), accurately and as appropriate. The proposed Segmented-Mean method helps the construction of features easily than other conventional methods by reducing the computational complexity and therefore, the response time. Hence, shifting the importance to actual physiotherapy monitoring with an accurate system that works on simple feature construction made feasible