2,977 research outputs found

    Magnetic ordering of Mn sublattice, dense Kondo lattice behavior of Ce in (RPd3)8Mn (R = La, Ce)

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    We have synthesized two new interstitial compounds (RPd3)8Mn (R = La and Ce). The Mn ions present in "dilute" concentration of just 3 molar percent form a sublattice with an unusually large Mn-Mn near neighbor distance of ~ 85 nm. While the existence of (RPd3)8M (where M is a p-block element) is already documented in the literature, the present work reports for the first time the formation of this phase with M being a 3d element. In (LaPd3)8Mn, the Mn sub-lattice orders antiferromagnetically as inferred from the peaks in low-field magnetization at 48 K and 23 K. The latter peak progressively shifts towards lower temperatures in increasing magnetic field and disappears below 1.8 K in a field of ~ 8 kOe. On the other hand in (CePd3)8Mn the Mn sublattice undergoes a ferromagnetic transition around 35 K. The Ce ions form a dense Kondo-lattice and are in a paramagnetic state at least down to 1.5 K. A strongly correlated electronic ground state arising from Kondo effect is inferred from the large extrapolated value of C/T = 275 mJ/Ce-mol K^2 at T = 0 K. In contrast, the interstitial alloys RPd3Mnx (x = 0.03 and 0.06), also synthesized for the first time, have a spin glass ground state due to the random distribution of the Mn ions over the available "1b" sites in the parent RPd3 crystal lattice.Comment: 18 figures and 20 pages of text documen

    A maritime history of the port of Whitby, 1700-1914.

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    This study attempts to contribute to the history of merchant shipping in a manner suggested by Ralph Davis, that 'the writing of substantial histories of the ports' was a neglected, but important, part of the subject of British maritime history. Aspects of the shipping industry of the port of Whitby fall into three broad categories: the ships of Whitby, built there and owned there; the trades in which these vessels were employed; and the port itself, its harbour facilities and maritime community. The origins of Whitby shipbuilding are seen in the context of the rise to prominence of the ports of the North East coast, and an attempt is made to quantify the shipping owned at Whitby before the beginning of statutory registration of vessels in 1786. A consideration of the decline of the building and owning of sailing ships at Whitby is followed by an analysis of the rise of steamshipping at the port. The nature of investment in shipping at Whitby is compared with features of shipowning at other English ports. An introductory survey of the employment of Whitby-owned vessels, both sail and steam, precedes a study of Whitby ships in the coal trade, illustrated with examples of voyage accounts of Whitby colliers. The Northern Whale Fishery offered further opportunities for profit, and may be contrasted with the inshore and off - shore fishery from Whitby itself. A quantification of the importance of Whitby shipping in the Baltic is followed by a study of Whitby ships carrying emigrants to Canada and convicts to Australia. The impact of war, especially in the late eighteenth century, brought unprecedented prosperity to the port, where the continued significance of the local shipping industry was always at odds with its small population and landward isolation

    Factors affecting ethical judgement of South African chartered accountants

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    The start of the twenty-first century was marred by a spate of company collapses that involved fraudulent accounting activity. In many cases, company executives, many of whom belonged to the accounting profession, perpetrated the fraud. As a result, internationally, the accounting profession has suffered an enormous loss of goodwill, and its reputation as a profession with integrity has been severely harmed. Accounting professionals are no longer accorded the high regard they commanded in the past. The consequences for the profession have been far-reaching: accounting now faces a long, uphill battle to restore its reputation and to regain the trust of the international business community. This study replicates two famous international studies in the South African context. The focus of the study was to establish whether factors such as the Code of Professional Conduct of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), the corporate ethical environment and their age influence the ethical judgement of individual accountants. The first such study was conducted in the United States of America (USA), and it was followed by similar research in Turkey. The results of these two studies suggested very different factors that could influence accountants' ethical judgement. The study reported in this article investigated South African chartered accountants; and its results were similar to those obtained in the US study

    Comparative study between AZERTY-type and K- Hermes virtual keyboards dedicated to users with cerebral palsy

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    International audienceThe aim of this paper is to compare two virtual keyboards for people with cerebral palsy; many of these users have difficulty performing actions using their upper limbs due to large numbers of unwanted movements. The first is a classical QWERTY type keyboard, called Clavicom NG. The second is the K-Hermes proposed in this paper. K-Hermes is a reduced and monotape keyboard; its entry principles are inspired by the T9 keyboard. The aim of the experiment is to demonstrate the reduced effort and increased speed of typing with the keyboard suggested for people with Cerebral Palsy

    Use of non-adiabatic geometric phase for quantum computing by nuclear magnetic resonance

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    Geometric phases have stimulated researchers for its potential applications in many areas of science. One of them is fault-tolerant quantum computation. A preliminary requisite of quantum computation is the implementation of controlled logic gates by controlled dynamics of qubits. In controlled dynamics, one qubit undergoes coherent evolution and acquires appropriate phase, depending on the state of other qubits. If the evolution is geometric, then the phase acquired depend only on the geometry of the path executed, and is robust against certain types of errors. This phenomenon leads to an inherently fault-tolerant quantum computation. Here we suggest a technique of using non-adiabatic geometric phase for quantum computation, using selective excitation. In a two-qubit system, we selectively evolve a suitable subsystem where the control qubit is in state |1>, through a closed circuit. By this evolution, the target qubit gains a phase controlled by the state of the control qubit. Using these geometric phase gates we demonstrate implementation of Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm and Grover's search algorithm in a two-qubit system

    Parallaxes and Infrared Photometry of three Y0 dwarfs

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We have followed up the three Y0 dwarfs WISEPA J041022.71+150248.5, WISEPA J173835.53+273258.9 and WISEPC J205628.90+145953.3 using the UKIRT/WFCAM telescope/instruments. We find parallaxes that are more consistent and accurate than previously published values. We estimate absolute magnitudes in photometric pass-bands from YY to W3W3 and find them to be consistent between the three Y0 dwarfs indicating the inherent cosmic absolute magnitude spread of these objects is small. We examine the MKO JJ magnitudes over the four year time line and find small but significant monotonic variations. Finally we estimate physical parameters from a comparison of spectra and parallax to equilibrium and non-equilibrium models finding values consistent with solar metallicity, an effective temperature of 450-475\,K and log~g of 4.0-4.5.Peer reviewe

    A note on the index bundle over the moduli space of monopoles

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    Donaldson has shown that the moduli space of monopoles MkM_k is diffeomorphic to the space \Rat_k of based rational maps from the two-sphere to itself. We use this diffeomorphism to give an explicit description of the bundle on \Rat_k obtained by pushing out the index bundle from MkM_k. This gives an alternative and more explicit proof of some earlier results of Cohen and Jones.Comment: 9 page

    Toric anti-self-dual Einstein metrics via complex geometry

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    Using the twistor correspondence, we give a classification of toric anti-self-dual Einstein metrics: each such metric is essentially determined by an odd holomorphic function. This explains how the Einstein metrics fit into the classification of general toric anti-self-dual metrics given in an earlier paper (math.DG/0602423). The results complement the work of Calderbank-Pedersen (math.DG/0105263), who describe where the Einstein metrics appear amongst the Joyce spaces, leading to a different classification. Taking the twistor transform of our result gives a new proof of their theorem.Comment: v2. Published version. Additional references. 14 page

    Predicting the dispersal of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from the wastewater treatment plant to the coast

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    Viral pathogens including SARS-CoV-2 RNA have been detected in wastewater treatment effluent, and untreated sewage overflows, that pose an exposure hazard to humans. We assessed whether SARS-CoV-2 RNA was likely to have been present in detectable quantities in UK rivers and estuaries during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. We simulated realistic viral concentrations parameterised on the Camel and Conwy catchments (UK) and their populations, showing detectable SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentrations for untreated but not for treated loading, but also being contingent on viral decay, hydrology, catchment type/shape, and location. Under mean or low river flow conditions, viral RNA concentrated within the estuaries allowing for viral build-up and caused a lag by up to several weeks between the peak in community infections and the viral peak in the environment. There was an increased hazard posed by SARS-CoV-2 RNA with a T90 decay rate >24 h, as the estuarine build-up effect increased. High discharge events transported the viral RNA downstream and offshore, increasing the exposure risk to coastal bathing waters and shellfisheries – although dilution in this case reduced viral concentrations well below detectable levels. Our results highlight the sensitivity of exposure to viral pathogens downstream of wastewater treatment, across a range of viral loadings and catchment characteristics – with implications to environmental surveillance

    Sediment Composition Influences Spatial Variation in the Abundance of Human Pathogen Indicator Bacteria within an Estuarine Environment

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    Faecal contamination of estuarine and coastal waters can pose a risk to human health, particularly in areas used for shellfish production or recreation. Routine microbiological water quality testing highlights areas of faecal indicator bacteria (FIB) contamination within the water column, but fails to consider the abundance of FIB in sediments, which under certain hydrodynamic conditions can become resuspended. Sediments can enhance the survival of FIB in estuarine environments, but the influence of sediment composition on the ecology and abundance of FIB is poorly understood. To determine the relationship between sediment composition (grain size and organic matter) and the abundance of pathogen indicator bacteria (PIB), sediments were collected from four transverse transects of the Conwy estuary, UK. The abundance of culturable Escherichia coli, total coliforms, enterococci, Campylobacter, Salmonella and Vibrio spp. in sediments was determined in relation to sediment grain size, organic matter content, salinity, depth and temperature. Sediments that contained higher proportions of silt and/or clay and associated organic matter content showed significant positive correlations with the abundance of PIB. Furthermore, the abundance of each bacterial group was positively correlated with the presence of all other groups enumerated. Campylobacter spp. were not isolated from estuarine sediments. Comparisons of the number of culturable E. coli, total coliforms and Vibrio spp. in sediments and the water column revealed that their abundance was 281, 433 and 58-fold greater in sediments (colony forming units (CFU)/100 g) when compared with the water column (CFU/100 ml), respectively. These data provide important insights into sediment compositions that promote the abundance of PIB in estuarine environments, with important implications for the modelling and prediction of public health risk based on sediment resuspension and transport
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