1,753 research outputs found


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    Bank credit agreement is a preliminary agreement on the delivery of money. Bank credit agreement generally use the standart contract form, in pratice agreement from has been provided by the bank as creditors while the debtor is only in a posistion to accept or reject without any possibility for negotiation or bargaining, which in turn gave brith to a treaty that is not very favorable to one party. In such agreements, the second party (the debtor) is simply not able to propose or input and objections to the format of agreements and clauses in it. This study uses empirical juridical descriptive analytical. By using the primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques using literature study and interview method. By using the method of data analysis qualitative analysis. Based on the result of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the clause contained in the credit agreement No. 969/XXII/06/SR/2014 dated June 3, 2014 there are some clauses that ulltimately “not too favorble” to the debtor. In accordance with the provisions of article 18 of custommer protection act so that the debtor deserve legal protection. Clauses contained in the loan agreement No. 969/XXII/06/SR/2014 dated June 3, 2014 which has been in accordance with the provision of article 18 paragraph (1) letter a and g. Keyword: Credit agreement, Legal Protection For Debtor, Confornity Clause Credit Agreement With Customer Protection Act

    Hybridization in bottlenose dolphins—A case study of Tursiops aduncus × T. truncatus hybrids and successful backcross hybridization events

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    The bottlenose dolphin, genus Tursiops is one of the best studied of all the Cetacea with a minimum of two species widely recognised. Common bottlenose dolphins (T. truncatus), are the cetacean species most frequently held in captivity and are known to hybridize with species from at least 6 different genera. In this study, we document several intra-generic hybridization events between T. truncatus and T. aduncus held in captivity. We demonstrate that the F1 hybrids are fertile and can backcross producing apparently healthy offspring, thereby showing introgressive inter-specific hybridization within the genus. We document that female F1 hybrids can reach sexual maturity at 4 yr and 3 mo of age, and can become pregnant and give birth before being fully weaned. The information presented has implications for understanding hybrid reticulation among cetacean species and practical implications for captive facilities housing either Tursiops species or hybrids thereof

    Pertanggungjawaban Pelaksanaan Kewenangan Menembak Yang Dimiliki Oleh Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia

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    Metode yang digunakan penulis dalam melakukan penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif yakni menjelaskan tentang prosedur kewenangan menembak dan bentuk pertanggungjawabannya baik secara yuridis maupun empirisnya. Aparat kepolisian dalam melakukan penembakan terhadap tersangka sering dilihat sebelah mata oleh masyarakat. Banyak orang beranggapan bahwa aparat kepolisian sengaja memberikan tembakan kepada tersangka sebagai suatu hukuman untuk memberikan efek jera kepada para tersangka. Polisi diberi kewenangan oleh peraturan perundang-undangan untuk melakukan tindakan kekerasan menurut penilaiannya secara individu yang sering disebut dengan diskresi. Menembak seorang tersangka pada dasarnya dilakukan dalam keadaan yang sangat mendesak dan terpaksa. Aparat kepolisian melakukan penembakan pada dasarnya dilakukan hanya kebagian-bagian tubuh yang tidak mematikan, tetapi apabila situasi dan kondisi yang sangat membahayakan aparat kepolisian diperbolehkan menembak pada bagian-bagian yang mematikan hal tersebut dilakukan agar tidak menimbulkan korban jiwa baik dari aparat kepolisiannya sendiri maupun masyarakat sekitar. Setelah melakukan penembakan aparat kepolisian dituntut untuk dapat bertanggungjawab secara individu. Bentuk pertanggungjawaban ini dapat berupa laporan secara tertulis kepada atasan yang bertanggung jawab langsung ataupun dapat berupa sanksi disiplin, kode etik bahkan sanksi pidana apabila terbukti adanya pelanggaran. Besarnya sanksi hukuman yang diberikan berdasarkan besarnya kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh aparat kepolisian itu sendiri

    Strangeness Production and Ultrarelativistic Cascades

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    A two phase cascade, LUCIFER II, developed for the treatment of ultra high energy ion-ion collisions is applied to the production of strangeness at SPS energies s=17−20\sqrt{s}=17-20. This simulation is able to simultaneously describe both hard processes such as Drell-Yan and slower, soft processes such as the production of light mesons, including strange mesons, by separating the dynamics into two steps, a fast cascade involving only nucleons in the original colliding relativistic ions followed, after an appropriate delay, by multiscattering of the resulting excited baryons and mesons produced virtually in the first step. No energy loss can take place in the short time interval over which the first cascade takes place. The chief result is a reconciliation of the important Drell-Yan measurements with the apparent success of standard cascades to describe the nucleon stopping and meson production in heavy ion experiments at the CERN SPS. A byproduct, obtained here in preliminary calculations, is a description of strangeness production in the collision of massive ions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Neutrino oscillations in the early universe: How large lepton asymmetry can be generated?

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    The lepton asymmetry that could be generated in the early universe through oscillations of active to sterile neutrinos is calculated (almost) analytically for small mixing angles, sin 2\theta < 10^{-2}. It is shown that for a mass squared difference, \delta m^2=-1 eV^2 it may rise at most by 6 orders of magnitude from the initial ``normal'' value of 10^{-10}, since the back-reaction from the refraction index terminates this rise while the asymmetry is still small. Only for very large mass differences, \delta m^2 about 10^9 eV^2, the lepton asymmetry could reach a significant magnitude exceeding 0.1.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX (5 graphs

    Doping Dependence of the Magnetic Resonance Peak in YBa_2 Cu_3 O_{6+x}

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    We report inelastic neutron scattering experiments on the doping dependence of the energy and spectral weight of the sharp magnetic resonance peak in YBa_2 Cu_3 O_{6+x}. These measurements also shed light on the relationship between the magnetic excitations in the normal and superconducting states.Comment: (mostly corrections to figures and minor change to caption in Fig.5) 5 figures. It will be published in the proceedings of M2S-HTSC-V. It needs the elsevier style file (not included) to convert to postscrip

    Mucin gene expression during differentiation of human airway epithelia in vitro MUC4 and MUC5b are strongly induced

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    Mucus hypersecretion is characteristic of chronic airway diseases. However, regulatory mechanisms are poorly understood. Human airway epithelial cells grown on permeable supports at the air-liquid interface (ALI) develop a mucociliary morphology resembling that found in vivo. Such cultures provide a model for studying secretory cell lineage, differentiation, and function, and may provide insight regarding events leading to mucus hypersecretion. The mucin gene expression profile of well-differentiated human airway epithelial cells in culture has not yet been established. We compared expression of all the currently described mucin genes in poorly differentiated (conventional cultures on plastic) and well-differentiated (ALI) human nasal and bronchial epithelial cells. Differentiation-dependent upregulation of MUC3, MUC5AC, MUC5B, and MUC6 messenger RNA (mRNA) was demonstrated using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Northern blot analysis showed a similar increase for MUC4 and demonstrated that induction of MUC4 and MUC5B expression depended on retinoic acid. MUC1, MUC2, MUC7, and MUC8 mRNAs were also detected by RT-PCR, but these genes did not appear to be strongly regulated as a function of differentiation. Mucin gene expression was similar in bronchial and nasal cells. Thus, mucociliary differentiation of human airway epithelia in vitro entails upregulation of several mucin genes

    Excess Spin and the Dynamics of Antiferromagnetic Ferritin

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    Temperature-dependent magnetization measurements on a series of synthetic ferritin proteins containing from 100 to 3000 Fe(III) ions are used to determine the uncompensated moment of these antiferromagnetic particles. The results are compared with recent theories of macroscopic quantum coherence which explicitly include the effect of this excess moment. The scaling of the excess moment with protein size is consistent with a simple model of finite size effects and sublattice noncompensation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postsript figures, 1 table. Submitted to PR

    Covariance of Antiproton Yield and Source Size in Nuclear Collisions

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    We confront for the first time the widely-held belief that combined event-by-event information from quark gluon plasma signals can reduce the ambiguity of the individual signals. We illustrate specifically how the measured antiproton yield combined with the information from pion-pion HBT correlations can be used to identify novel event classes.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, improved title, references and readability; results unchange

    Higgs-Boson Production Induced by Bottom Quarks

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    Bottom quark-induced processes are responsible for a large fraction of the LHC discovery potential, in particular for supersymmetric Higgs bosons. Recently, the discrepancy between exclusive and inclusive Higgs boson production rates has been linked to the choice of an appropriate bottom factorization scale. We investigate the process kinematics at hadron colliders and show that it leads to a considerable decrease in the bottom factorization scale. This effect is the missing piece needed to understand the corresponding higher order results. Our results hold generally for charged and for neutral Higgs boson production at the LHC as well as at the Tevatron. The situation is different for single top quark production, where we find no sizeable suppression of the factorization scale. Turning the argument around, we can specify how large the collinear logarithms are, which can be resummed using the bottom parton picture.Comment: 18 page
