55 research outputs found

    Inelastic Channels in the Electroweak Symmetry-Breaking Sector

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    It has been argued that if light Higgs bosons do not exist then the self--interactions of WW's become strong in the TeV region and can be observed in longitudinal WWWW scattering. We present a model with many inelastic channels in the WWWW scattering process, corresponding to the creation of heavy fermion pairs. The presence of these heavy fermions affects the elastic scattering of WW's by propagating in loops, greatly reducing the amplitudes in some charge channels. Consequently, the symmetry--breaking sector cannot be fully explored by using, for example, the W+W+W^+W^+ mode alone; all WWWWWW \rightarrow WW scattering modes must be measured.}Comment: 10 pages, phyzzx, JHU-TIPAC-92001

    Can the Electroweak Symmetry-breaking Sector Be Hidden?

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    In a recent paper, Chivukula and Golden claimed that the electroweak symmetry--breaking sector could be hidden if there were many inelastic channels in the longitudinal WWWW scattering process. They presented a model in which the WW's couple to pseudo--Goldstone bosons, which may be difficult to detect experimentally. Because of these inelastic channels, the WWWW interactions do not become strong in the TeV region. We demonstrate that, despite the reduced WWWW elastic amplitudes in this model, the total event rate (5000\sim 5000 extra longitudinal W+WW^+W^- pairs produced in one standard SSC year) does not decrease with an increasing number of inelastic channels, and is roughly the same as in a model with a broad high--energy resonance and no inelastic channels.Comment: 10 pages, phyzzx, JHU-TIPAC-92001

    Phases and geometry of the N=1 A_2 quiver gauge theory and matrix models

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    We study the phases and geometry of the N=1 A_2 quiver gauge theory using matrix models and a generalized Konishi anomaly. We consider the theory both in the Coulomb and Higgs phases. Solving the anomaly equations, we find that a meromorphic one-form sigma(z)dz is naturally defined on the curve Sigma associated to the theory. Using the Dijkgraaf-Vafa conjecture, we evaluate the effective low-energy superpotential and demonstrate that its equations of motion can be translated into a geometric property of Sigma: sigma(z)dz has integer periods around all compact cycles. This ensures that there exists on Sigma a meromorphic function whose logarithm sigma(z)dz is the differential. We argue that the surface determined by this function is the N=2 Seiberg-Witten curve of the theory.Comment: 41 pages, 2 figures, JHEP style. v2: references adde

    More on N=1 Matrix Model Curve for Arbitrary N

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    Using both the matrix model prescription and the strong-coupling approach, we describe the intersections of n=0 and n=1 non-degenerated branches for quartic (polynomial of adjoint matter) tree-level superpotential in N=1 supersymmetric SO(N)/USp(2N) gauge theories with massless flavors. We also apply the method to the degenerated branch. The general matrix model curve on the two cases we obtain is valid for arbitrary N and extends the previous work from strong-coupling approach. For SO(N) gauge theory with equal massive flavors, we also obtain the matrix model curve on the degenerated branch for arbitrary N. Finally we discuss on the intersections of n=0 and n=1 non-degenerated branches for equal massive flavors.Comment: 36pp; to appear in JHE

    Improved matrix-model calculation of the N=2 prepotential

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    We present a matrix-model expression for the sum of instanton contributions to the prepotential of an N=2 supersymmetric U(N) gauge theory, with matter in various representations. This expression is derived by combining the renormalization-group approach to the gauge theory prepotential with matrix-model methods. This result can be evaluated order-by-order in matrix-model perturbation theory to obtain the instanton corrections to the prepotential. We also show, using this expression, that the one-instanton prepotential assumes a universal form.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    Perturbative Computation of Glueball Superpotentials for SO(N) and USp(N)

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    We use the superspace method of hep-th/0211017 to prove the matrix model conjecture for N=1 USp(N) and SO(N) gauge theories in four dimensions. We derive the prescription to relate the matrix model to the field theory computations. We perform an explicit calculation of glueball superpotentials. The result is consistent with field theory expectations.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    The Proof of the Dijkgraaf-Vafa Conjecture and application to the mass gap and confinement problems

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    Using generalized Konishi anomaly equations, it is known that one can express, in a large class of supersymmetric gauge theories, all the chiral operators expectation values in terms of a finite number of a priori arbitrary constants. We show that these constants are fully determined by the requirement of gauge invariance and an additional anomaly equation. The constraints so obtained turn out to be equivalent to the extremization of the Dijkgraaf-Vafa quantum glueball superpotential, with all terms (including the Veneziano-Yankielowicz part) unambiguously fixed. As an application, we fill non-trivial gaps in existing derivations of the mass gap and confinement properties in super Yang-Mills theories.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure; v2: typos corrected; references, a note on Kovner-Shifman vacua (section 4.3) and a few clarifying comments in Section 3 added; v3: cosmetic changes, JHEP versio

    (Anti)symmetric matter and superpotentials from IIB orientifolds

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    We study the IIB engineering of N=1 gauge theories with unitary gauge group and matter in the adjoint and (anti)symmetric representations. We show that such theories can be obtained as Z2 orientifolds of Calabi-Yau A2 fibrations, and discuss the explicit T-duality transformation to an orientifolded Hanany-Witten construction. The low energy dynamics is described by a geometric transition of the orientifolded background. Unlike previously studied cases, we show that the orientifold 5-`plane' survives the transition, thus bringing a nontrivial contribution to the effective superpotential. We extract this contribution by using matrix model results and compare with geometric data. A Higgs branch of our models recovers the engineering of SO/Sp theories with adjoint matter through an O5-`plane' T-dual to an O6-plane. We show that the superpotential agrees with that produced by engineering through an O5-`plane' dual to an O4-plane, even though the orientifold of this second construction is replaced by fluxes after the transition.Comment: 40 page

    Adding Fundamental Matter to ``Chiral Rings and Anomalies in Supersymmetric Gauge Theory''

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    We consider a supersymmetric U(N) gauge theory with matter fields in the adjoint, fundamental and anti-fundamental representations. As in the framework which was put forward by Dijkgraaf and Vafa, this theory can be described by a matrix model. We analyze this theory along the lines of [F. Cachazo, M. Douglas, N.S. and E. Witten, ``Chiral Rings and Anomalies in Supersymmetric Gauge Theory'' hep-th/0211170] and show the equivalence of the gauge theory and the matrix model. In particular, the anomaly equations in the gauge theory is identified with the loop equations in the matrix model.Comment: 14 page

    On the Geometry of Matrix Models for N=1*

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    We investigate the geometry of the matrix model associated with an N=1 super Yang-Mills theory with three adjoint fields, which is a massive deformation of N=4. We study in particular the Riemann surface underlying solutions with arbitrary number of cuts. We show that an interesting geometrical structure emerges where the Riemann surface is related on-shell to the Donagi-Witten spectral curve. We explicitly identify the quantum field theory resolvents in terms of geometrical data on the surface.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. v2: reference adde