24 research outputs found

    Numerical study of breathers in a bent chain of oscillators with long-range interaction

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    Most of the studies of breathers in networks of oscillators are limited to nextneighbour interaction. However, long-range interaction becomes critical when the geometry of the chain is taken into account, as the distance between oscillators and, therefore, the coupling, depends on the shape of the system. In this paper we analyse the existence and stability of breathers, i.e. localized oscillations in a simple model for a bent chain of oscillators with long-range interaction.European Union HPRN–CT–1999–0016

    Breathers in a system with helicity and dipole interaction

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    Recent papers that have studied variants of the Peyrard-Bishop model for DNA, have taken into account the long range interaction due to the dipole moments of the hydrogen bonds between base pairs. In these models the helicity of the double strand is not considered. In this particular paper we have performed an analysis of the influence of the helicity on the properties of static and moving breathers in a Klein--Gordon chain with dipole-dipole interaction. It has been found that the helicity enlarges the range of existence and stability of static breathers, although this effect is small for a typical helical structure of DNA. However the effect of the orientation of the dipole moments is considerably higher with transcendental consequences for the existence of mobile breathers.Comment: 4pages, 5 eps figure

    Improvement of characterization accuracy of the nonlinear photonic crystals using finite elements-iterative method

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    We investigate nonlinear one- and two-dimensional photonic crystals by applying a finite element-iterative method.Numerical results show the essential influence of nonlinear elements embedded into a quarter-wave stack and the sharp photonic crystal waveguide bend on the spectral characteristics of these structures. We compare our results with those obtained in [21] from the discrete equation method for the case of a sharp waveguide bend. The comparison shows that neglecting the nonuniform field distribution inside the embedded nonlinear elements leads to overestimation of the waveguide bend transmissivity.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figure

    Instabilities and Bifurcations of Nonlinear Impurity Modes

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    We study the structure and stability of nonlinear impurity modes in the discrete nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation with a single on-site nonlinear impurity emphasizing the effects of interplay between discreteness, nonlinearity and disorder. We show how the interaction of a nonlinear localized mode (a discrete soliton or discrete breather) with a repulsive impurity generates a family of stationary states near the impurity site, as well as examine both theoretical and numerical criteria for the transition between different localized states via a cascade of bifurcations.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Phys. Rev. E in pres

    Kinks in the discrete sine-Gordon model with Kac-Baker long-range interactions

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    We study effects of Kac-Baker long-range dispersive interaction (LRI) between particles on kink properties in the discrete sine-Gordon model. We show that the kink width increases indefinitely as the range of LRI grows only in the case of strong interparticle coupling. On the contrary, the kink becomes intrinsically localized if the coupling is under some critical value. Correspondingly, the Peierls-Nabarro barrier vanishes as the range of LRI increases for supercritical values of the coupling but remains finite for subcritical values. We demonstrate that LRI essentially transforms the internal dynamics of the kinks, specifically creating their internal localized and quasilocalized modes. We also show that moving kinks radiate plane waves due to break of the Lorentz invariance by LRI.Comment: 11 pages (LaTeX) and 14 figures (Postscript); submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Kink propagation in a two-dimensional curved Josephson junction

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    We consider the propagation of sine-Gordon kinks in a planar curved strip as a model of nonlinear wave propagation in curved wave guides. The homogeneous Neumann transverse boundary conditions, in the curvilinear coordinates, allow to assume a homogeneous kink solution. Using a simple collective variable approach based on the kink coordinate, we show that curved regions act as potential barriers for the wave and determine the threshold velocity for the kink to cross. The analysis is confirmed by numerical solution of the 2D sine-Gordon equation.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures (2 in color

    Energy funneling in a bent chain of Morse oscillators with long-range coupling

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    A bent chain of coupled Morse oscillators with long-range dispersive interaction is considered. Moving localized excitations may be trapped in the bending region. Thus chain geometry acts like an impurity. An energy funneling effect is observed in the case of random initial conditions.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to Physical Review E, Oct. 13, 200

    Discrete kink dynamics in hydrogen-bonded chains I: The one-component model

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    We study topological solitary waves (kinks and antikinks) in a nonlinear one-dimensional Klein-Gordon chain with the on-site potential of a double-Morse type. This chain is used to describe the collective proton dynamics in quasi-one-dimensional networks of hydrogen bonds, where the on-site potential plays role of the proton potential in the hydrogen bond. The system supports a rich variety of stationary kink solutions with different symmetry properties. We study the stability and bifurcation structure of all these stationary kink states. An exactly solvable model with a piecewise ``parabola-constant'' approximation of the double-Morse potential is suggested and studied analytically. The dependence of the Peierls-Nabarro potential on the system parameters is studied. Discrete travelling-wave solutions of a narrow permanent profile are shown to exist, depending on the anharmonicity of the Morse potential and the cooperativity of the hydrogen bond (the coupling constant of the interaction between nearest-neighbor protons).Comment: 12 pages, 20 figure

    Energy Relaxation in Nonlinear One-Dimensional Lattices

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    We study energy relaxation in thermalized one-dimensional nonlinear arrays of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam type. The ends of the thermalized systems are placed in contact with a zero-temperature reservoir via damping forces. Harmonic arrays relax by sequential phonon decay into the cold reservoir, the lower frequency modes relaxing first. The relaxation pathway for purely anharmonic arrays involves the degradation of higher-energy nonlinear modes into lower energy ones. The lowest energy modes are absorbed by the cold reservoir, but a small amount of energy is persistently left behind in the array in the form of almost stationary low-frequency localized modes. Arrays with interactions that contain both a harmonic and an anharmonic contribution exhibit behavior that involves the interplay of phonon modes and breather modes. At long times relaxation is extremely slow due to the spontaneous appearance and persistence of energetic high-frequency stationary breathers. Breather behavior is further ascertained by explicitly injecting a localized excitation into the thermalized array and observing the relaxation behavior