1,209 research outputs found

    International standardisation of the test of masticating and swallowing solids in children

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    The Test of Masticating and Swallowing Solids (TOMASS) is a validated assessment tool measuring the efficiency of solid bolus intake by four quantitative parameters: discrete bites, masticatory cycles, swallows and time to ingest a single cracker. A normative database for adults (20-80+ years) has previously been established. The objective of this study was to investigate the applicability and reliability of the TOMASS in children and adolescents (TOMASS-C) and to establish the normative database for this younger population. We collected data from 638 participants (male: 311, female: 327) in five age groups (4-18\ua0years) with five different but very similar test crackers in four countries. Significant effects of bolus type (cracker), age group and gender on the TOMASS parameters were identified, requiring stratification of the TOMASS-C database by these variables. Intra-rater reliability was excellent (ICC\ua0>\ua00.94) for all parameters; inter-rater reliability was moderate for "number of swallows" (ICC\ua0=\ua00.54), good for "bites" (ICC\ua0=\ua00.78) and "time" (ICC\ua0=\ua00.82), and excellent for "masticatory cycles" (ICC\ua0=\ua00.96). The "Test of Masticating and Swallowing Solids in Children (TOMASS-C)" was identified to be a reliable diagnostic tool for the comprehensive measurement of discrete oral stage components of solid bolus ingestion, standardised by a large normative database that covers age groups from preschoolers to young adults. While differences between gender groups were less pronounced than in the adult population, previous results relating to changes in masticatory and swallowing as a function of age are confirmed by our data

    Obesity, diabetes, serum glucose, and risk of primary liver cancer by birth cohort, race/ethnicity, and sex: Multiphasic health checkup study

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    Obesity and diabetes have been associated with liver cancer. However, recent US-based studies have suggested a lack of association between obesity and liver cancer among blacks and women

    Differential expression of heme oxygenase-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor in cadaveric and living donor kidneys after ischemia-reperfusion

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    The extent of graft damage after ischemia-reperfusion reflects the balance between deleterious events and protective factors. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) may contribute to cytoprotection by their anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic properties. For investigating whether HO-1 and VEGF play a role in the adaptive response to ischemia-reperfusion injury after renal transplantation, kidney biopsies were analyzed from living (n = 45) and cadaveric (n = 16) donors, obtained at three time points: at the end of cold storage T(-1), after warm ischemia T(0), and after reperfusion T(+1). The mRNA expression levels of HO-1, VEGF(165), Bcl-2, Bax, and hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha were quantified by real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR, and the HO-1 and VEGF proteins were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Cadaveric donor kidneys presented higher mRNA expression levels of hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha. In contrast, mRNA expression levels of HO-1, VEGF(165), and Bcl-2 were significantly lower in kidneys from cadaveric donors. Overall, a significant correlation was observed between mRNA expression of Bcl-2 and VEGF(165), between Bcl-2 and HO-1, and between HO-1 and VEGF(165). Moreover, protein expression of HO-1 and VEGF was detected in the same anatomical kidney compartments (glomerulus, arteries, and distal tubules). Renal function at the first week posttransplantation (analyzed by serum creatinine levels) showed a significant correlation with both HO-1 and VEGF mRNA expression, reinforcing the protective role of both genes in the early events of transplantation. It is concluded that the lower expression of HO-1, VEGF(165), and Bcl-2 in cadaveric donor kidneys can reflect a defective adaptation against ischemia-reperfusion injury that may affect their function in the short term

    Intragraft heme oxygenase-1 and coronary artery disease after heart transplantation

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    Peri-operative tissue injury triggers the development of Transplant Coronary Artery Disease (TCAD). Animal studies have shown that induction of heme oxygenase (HO)-1 protects the donor organ from the development of TCAD. To investigate the role of HO-1 in TCAD after clinical heart transplantation, we measured intragraft mRNA expression of HO-1, HIF-1α, TGF-β, FLIP, and the Bcl-2/Bax balance. Immunohistochemical staining of HO-1 was performed to determine its origin. Myocardial biopsies taken at the end of the transplantation procedure (time 0), at 1 week and at 10 months after transplantation were studied from recipients with or without angiographic signs of accelerated TCAD, diagnosed after 1 year. At time 0, no differences in mRNA expression for any of the measured parameters were found between TCAD positive and negative patients. At 1 week, mRNA expression of HO-1 and TGF-β was higher in grafts that developed accelerated TCAD (p=0.001 and p=0.0002). These higher mRNA levels were accompanied by a pro-apoptotic shift in Bcl-2/Bax (p=0.02), suggesting proneness for apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway. Immunohistochemical staining showed that HO-1 was mainly produced by infiltrating macrophages. At 10 months, again HO-1 and TGF-β levels were high in TCAD positive patients (p=0.02 and p=0.05), but the expression of apoptotic markers was comparable at this time point. Our results suggest that a higher HO-1 by macrophages in our patient population might be an adaptive response to tissue injury and inflammation, reflecting damage due to the transplantation procedure that finally results in TCAD

    Preoperative fasting protects against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in aged and overweight mice

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    Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is inevitable during kidney transplantation leading to oxidative stress and inflammation. We previously reported that preoperative fasting in young-lean male mice protects against IRI. Since patients are generally of older age with morbidities possibly leading to a different response to fasting, we investigated the effects of preoperative fasting on renal IRI in aged-overweight male and female mice. Male and female F1-FVB/C57BL6-hybrid mice, average age 73 weeks weighing 47.2 grams, were randomized to preoperative ad libitum feeding or 3 days fasting, followed by renal IRI. Body weight, kidney function and survival of the animals were monitored until day 28 postoperatively. Kidney histopathology was scored for all animals and gene expression profiles after fasting were analyzed in kidneys of young and aged male mice. Preoperative fasting significantly improved survival after renal IRI in both sexes compared with normal fed mice. Fasted groups had a better kidney function shown by lower serum urea levels after renal IRI. Histopathology showed less acute tubular necrosis and more regeneration in kidneys from fasted mice. A mRNA analysis indicated the involvement of metabolic processes including fatty acid oxidation and retinol metabolism, and the NRF2-mediated stress response. Similar to young-lean, healthy male mice, preoperative fasting protects against renal IRI in aged-overweight mice of both genders. These findings suggest a general protective response of fasting against renal IRI regardless of age, gender, body weight and genetic background. Therefore, fasting could be a non-invasive intervention inducing increased oxidative stress resistance in older and overweight patients as well

    Saving Alberta's Resource Revenues: Role of Intergenerational and Liquidity Funds

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    We use a welfare-based intertemporal stochastic optimization model and historical data to estimate the size of the optimal intergenerational and liquidity funds and the corresponding resource dividend available to the government of the Canadian province Alberta. To first-order of approximation, this dividend should be a constant fraction of total above- and below-ground wealth, complemented by additional precautionary savings at initial times to build up a small liquidity fund to cope with oil price volatility. The ongoing dividend equals approximately 30 per cent of government revenue and requires building assets of approximately 40 per cent of GDP in 2030, 100 per cent of GDP in 2050 and 165 per cent in 2100. Finally, the effect of the recent plunge in oil prices on our estimates is examined. Our recommendations are in stark contrast with historical and current government policy

    A signature of renal stress resistance induced by short-Term dietary restriction, fasting, and protein restriction

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    During kidney transplantation, ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) induces oxidative stress. Short-Term preoperative 30% dietary restriction (DR) and 3-day fasting protect against renal IRI. We investigated the contribution of macronutrients to this protection on both phenotypical and transcriptional levels. Male C57BL/6 mice were fed control food ad libitum, underwent two weeks of 30%DR, 3-day fasting, or received a protein-, carbohydrate-or fat-free diet for various periods of time. After completion of each diet, renal gene expression was investigated using microarrays. After induction of renal IRI by clamping the renal pedicles, animals were monitored seven days postoperatively for signs of IRI. In addition to 3-day fasting and two weeks 30%DR, three days of a protein-free diet protected against renal IRI as well, whereas the other diets did not. Gene expression patterns significantly overlapped between all diets except the fat-free diet. Detailed meta-Analysis showed involvement of nuclear receptor signaling via transcription factors, including FOXO3, HNF4A and HMGA1. In conclusion, three days of a protein-free diet is sufficient to induce protection against renal IRI similar to 3-day fasting and two weeks of 30%DR. The elucidated network of common protective pathways and transcription factors further improves our mechanistic insight into the increased stress resistance induced by short-Term DR

    Caloric restriction is associated with preservation of muscle strength in experimental cancer cachexia

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    Caloric restriction increases lifespan and healthspan, and limits age-associated muscle wasting. In this study, we investigate the impact of 30% caloric restriction (CR) in a murine cancer cachexia model. Forty CD2F1 mice were allocated as C26 tumor-bearing (TB) + ad libitum food intake (dietary reference intake [DRI]), TB CR, non-TB (NTB) CR, or NTB matched intake (MI). TB groups were inoculated subcutaneously with 0.5x106 C26 cells 14 days after initiating CR. Bodyweight, food intake, and grip-strength were recorded periodically. Gastrocnemius (GCM) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were resected and weighed 3 weeks after tumor inoculation. mRNA expression of MuRF1, Atrogin-1, myogenin, and MyoD was determined. At tumor inoculation, the mean body weight of TB CR was 88.6% of initial body weight and remained stable until sacrifice. TB DRI showed wasting befor

    Quercetin supplementation attenuates muscle wasting in cancer-associated cachexia in mice

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    BACKGROUND: Quercetin is a flavonoid with reported antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects, and may limit muscle wasting in cancer cachexia. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of quercetin on muscle wasting in the murine C26 cancer-cachexia model and assess the feasibility of non-invasive micro-CT analysis of skeletal muscle. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Custom CRM(P) diets supplemented with 250 mg/kg quercetin (Q) were obtained. Thirty CD2F1 mice were equally randomized to non-tumor-bearing (NTB), C26 tumor-bearing (TB), TB + Q. All groups started their allocated diet and underwent hindlimb micro-CT. Bodyweight, food intake, and grip-strength were recorded periodically. After 21 days, repeat micro-CT was performed. Gastrocnemius (GCM) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were resected. mRNA expression of MuRF1, Atrogin-1, myogenin, and MyoD was determined